Liberion Fuso Manouver


      On the deck of the Shokaku, a fuso witch named Shindou mie was getting ready to fly into the night sky on patrol. Adjusting her white uniform, she finished the final checks on her type Zero striker, got into it and activated her familiar. Shindou proceded to look forth and wait for the signal from the air boss.

"shindou mie! Clear for take off!"

Upon the clearance, she Sped up her unit and flew off into the sky, gripping her Type-99-2 Kai. She does one of many checks on her flight path, a simple 10 mile route around the Carrier group, Putting it away she sighed and continued her way into what seemed to be a normal night.

Meanwhile somewhere around 2 to 4 miles from her location, Cecilia was busy flying on her patrol shift. The Liberion witch was rather bored about the mundane task as she looked down towards the calm deep blue sea and then up at the clear night sky.

"Report... The same sky and the same ocean" she muttered under her breath, now daydreaming a little. She thought about being in the teaching staff after the war, thinking about how she would potentially get in.

However within a few minutes the engines started to sputter and caused the poor witch to snap out of her thoughts, forcing her to call the Enterprise, she had no idea why her striker's unit was starting to suddenly lose power.


Her mind raced through the few options on hand, she could try reaching the Enterprise and attempt an emergency landing but the sound of the striker giving out made her decide to commit a water landing instead. Cecilia quickly braced as she descended towards the cold waters of the Atlantic.

Activating her shield for a moment to soften the landing, she closed her eyes as she splashed into the water, Briefly disappearing into the waves. A second later, Cecilia emerged coughing out salt water and staying afloat.

The Enterprise now called for any nearby witches or aircraft to assist the downed witch. Shindou mie was busy looking into her flight plan in her right hand with a compass in the left when her earpiece transmitted the Radio call, causing her to nearly drop the items in her hands. Mie put her things back and listened in to the Air boss.

Upon hearing Cecilia's current predicament, She flew quickly to look for the Liberion at her last location among the vast ocean. She quickly found her by tracking down her earpiece and within moments she flew towards the soaked Liberion.

Cecilia was just fatigued as hell when Shindou picked her out of the water, However She was barely able to carry her.

"Dammit! I've got to get rid of something! .." Shindou told herself as she combed through items she could drop. She looked at Cecilia, now taking off her unit and dropping her gun, letting them sink into the deep.

"H-Harris?! Did y-you just..." Shindou stuttered for a moment.

"They're only slowing us down, Airboss can yell at us later" remarked the shivering witch.

Shindou grabbed Cecilia out of the water and held onto her as she began the journey back.

"Ok... tell me what happened to your engines.." Shindou asked, holding Cecilia tightly like someone would hold a wet cat.

"I....I'm not sure.. I swear I didn't skip any of the checks,.." Cecilia insisted to the Fuso, Mie didn't believe her "Yeah.. I'm sure you didn't Harris.. .. except for the drive shaft"

Cecilia just gave in, "... Fine, you caught me- ACHOO", The Liberion witch sneezed right in the Fuso's face causing Mie to recoil a little in disgust. It became clear that Harris was starting to feel unwell mostly because of the cold weather, Shindou started to think of a way to keep Cecilia warm, Looking at her own clothes, she got an idea.

"Harris! hold on!" She said, turning over into a position where she can hover with Harris holding on. Mie looked right into her eyes and told her simply.

"Take off your wet clothes, you can have my jacket"

The Liberion looked confused as she stuttered "I-Isn't your clothes a little wet now too?!"

"Just trust me" Shindou said as she took off her jacket which is a pretty hard task with her carrying her Gun in one hand and Cecilia hanging on with her arm around her neck.

After a complicated act of coordination and clothes swapping, Cecilia now wore the white uniform with her old clothes in her right hand while Shindou simply had her blue one piece swimsuit on. Cecilia blushed at the sight of the Fuso as she held onto her body, Shindou was pretty okay with it.

They would continue heading for the Enterprise, when the grey ghost came into sight, Cecilia felt it was time to confess something rather personal.

"S-say... d-don't tell the others ok.. but, ya know" Cecilia muttered under her breath in a rather soft tone.

"what? Are you ok? don't want everyone knowing you crashed again?" Shindou said jokingly, Cecilia however starts to continue, a little more seriously.

"Ever since.... I've been in the 508th.. You kept saving my ass, And I've been your wingman sometimes... we've gotten close right?", Shindou now completely understood what the Liberion was trying to convey

"Harris.... are you saying" Before Mie could finish, Cecilia quickly said the words.

"I LOVE YOU SHINDOU!", A brief silence between the two followed with the ocean and Zero striker being the only sounds. Shindou Mie's reserved and calm manner gave away to a blushing red mess as Cecilia was silently questioning her decision.

"W-Well.. that.... that's cute" Shindou said trying to brush it off in a little bit of denial "Your not talking about confessing a sort of love.. R-right?"

Cecilia told her with more confidence "I do mean, I LOVE you, I have a crush on you". Shindou simply looked at her trying to process the very idea.

"S-Since when?" She asked, Cecilia simply said "Since the time I saved you when you crash landed". Shindou was speechless, With Cecilia now just feeling overwhelmed "I-"

The Liberon didn't even manage to say a single word before the Fuso hugged her tighter and looked into her eyes. Shindou gave a simple smile, still blushing hard as she slowly moves her left hand to bring Cecilia's face closer to hers.

As the moon shines on them, their lips tremble a little. But very soon they just give in and kiss each other, the world seemingly unimportant as they held each other tightly.

slowly releasing from their little kiss, the two looked right each other. Shindou stroked Harris's brown soft hair as she put the Liberion's forehead up against hers.

They enjoyed their bliss for a little longer right until they heard shouting from the enterprise's deck crew. Looking straight ahead, They realize they were about to slam into the Command tower of the Enterprise. Shindou immediately manoeuvres her strikers to slow down and just barely avoids crashing.

"S-sorry about that.... say Harris... after dropping some things off, do you want me to stay on the Enterprise to take care of you?" Asked Shindou. Cecilia smiled and nodded as the pair descended onto the deck.

The next day, after Mie filled a report and Cecilia was yelled at by the enterprise's air boss..

Shindou lands onto the enterprise's deck having gotten the permission to stay by Cecilia, in her right hand is a box with a sandwich inside that she made. Heading down to the medical bay and walking past mostly empty beds, she arrived at Cecilia's bed. The Liberion was laying down with the blanket up to her eyes, the poor girl was shivering a little as she sniffled.

"ah.. S-shindou... I.. hey.." She said in a nasally tone, happy to see her new lover. Shindou patted her as she laid down the box, "Here.. You want a sandwich?" She asked, Cecilia nodded as she sat up and took a look.

She opens the lunchbox and looked at a fresh ham sandwich, presumably made by one of the other members. Cecilia smiled as she takes it and starts to eat it causing her to let out a few satisfied noises as she finishes up the sandwich.

"So, Harris, How mad was the airboss?" asked Shindou, Cecilia immediately groaned and responded "H-He was pissed as usual, Got a t-tongue lashing for losing the striker and the gun".

Shindou chuckled a little and put her hand onto Cecilia's head to feel the fever. "Huh, warm.. just rest and. I'll just say... Last night really.. nice".

Cecilia immediately blushed bright red again as she laid down and pulled the blanket to hide her face, "S-shut up.. N-Not while the guys and the nurses can hear us!". Shindou simply just laid next to her, causing the Liberion even more embarrassment as everyone else around them looked on in amusement.

The two would lay next to each other for a little while longer for they have become a couple.