Art by Unknown

Art by VTLS



Real Name:  Alex Laytham

Age: 18

Height: 5’5

Weight: 66.9 kg

Race: Human

Birthday: 19th June 1997

Occupation: Superhero

Theme Song: Hero – Skillet

Appearance: As Alex Laytham he has dark brown hair that is similar to Kirito's hair style from Sword Art Online, his eyes are brown. He likes to wear comfy slim fitting clothes. He wears a black T-shirt with a dragon skull logo on it, and a dark blue jacket over it. He wears dark purple Joggers and white trainers with green stripes. He is also slim in muscle.

As Chaos Man his dark brown hair turns into a lighter shade of brown. His hair is also slightly spiked up and has green streaks in it. His eyes change from brown to emerald green. He wears a multi coloured superhero suit that’s made from the chaos energy he absorbed; it can be seen flowing through his suit. He has a dark blue mask that covers all of his face except his mouth, eyes and hair. The upper torso of his suit is red with a green emerald symbol on his chest with 4 white crossed lightning bolts that run along over his shoulders and down across his waist and reconnect on his back forming an X. His arms are light blue and have a white lightning bolt running down to the back of the hand. He wears a gold and silver belt on his waist with 7 slots in it the slots are for the 7 chaos emeralds that he stores in his belt they also act as a seal for the emerald’s powers. His legs are purple with white lightning bolts down the sides, and he has yellow boots.

Powers/Abilities: He can fly, has superhuman strength, superhuman speed, his top speed is the speed of light, Chaos Spear a blast of chaos energy that he shoots out of his hands there are 2 ways he can fire them either as 1 or multiple balls of energy or as a giant energy beam. Chaos Blast a huge blast of destructive chaos energy that basically decimates everything within a 20-yard radius (but the force and radius can increase to 10 times this amount when Chaos Man is in Chaos Rage) Chaos Control the most powerful of all his powers it allows him to manipulate space and time, he can teleport, slow down time and even travel through time (but in order to travel through time he needs at least one Chaos Emerald) this technique can be used in many offensive manoeuvres. Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Reflexes, regeneration, Chaos Slash a wave of chaos energy that can only be unleashed when Chaos Man wields a Chaos Blade.

Weapons: The Chaos Blade, a mystical sword that his first Chaos Emerald takes the form of whenever he’

Backstory: Alex was found by Jackson Hills, a man who ran an orphanage called Hillside House. He doesn’t know much about his parents or where he came from before he was found, but he never lets the question control his life. Alex spent the majority his childhood in the orphanage. He was 5 years old when the Monster War started and he along with all the other children in the orphanage were evacuated to the safe zone. After the war ended, he met Jason and Michael and became friends with them. After Michael left the orphanage, he came across the Master Emerald and absorbs its powers. And that is where his journey as Chaos Man begins.


Aliases: Asriel Blackwing

Age: 18

Birthday: February 3rd, 1997

Race: Human

Height: 5’5

Weight: 66.95 kg

Theme Song: Let it roll – Divide the Day

Appearance: He has black hair with traces of red in it. Dark brown eyes, dark red shirt, light brown jeans with a black belt and the buckle of the belt is silver, black shoes, square glasses the outline of it is black. He wears a long black coat over his shirt, has two holsters for his handguns at his hips, he also wears grey fingerless gloves.

Powers/Abilities: As an Aura Wielder he can harness his aura energy to use it as a weapon against his enemies. He can only use it when he’s wielding Frost Fang, All Aura Wielders share an attack named Crescent Symphony which is an energy attack that unleashes a wave of coloured aura energy when the user swings the sword.

Crescent Symphony Entandre Duble: is a smaller version of the regular Crescent Symphony except there are multiple versions of it that hang in the air until sent at the enemy and it causes even more damage.

Crimson Crescendo: Is the most powerful form of aura attack it’s similar to Ichigo’s black getsuga tensho except its dark red and it’s a bigger and much more powerful than the Crescent Symphony and it explodes on impact. 

Ice Powers: Frost Fang also has ice powers that allow Michael to freeze his enemies, he can create ice pillars, ice projectiles and he can freeze enemies by having his blade touch them and extend Frost Fang by coating it in ice.

Weapons: Frost Fang, Duty and Sacrifice dual handguns.

Backstory: Michael was born in London 3 years before the Monster War. His Dad was the general of Aegis. He lived with his mother for 3 years until the Monster War began. During the war his mother was killed and only Michael and his father Chase survived. Chase then had Michael sent to Jackson’s orphanage where he would be safe. Michael spent the rest of his childhood in the orphanage growing up with his friends Alex Laytham and Jason Dark. When he was 15 years old Chase returned to take him home. Chase then tells him about Aegis and how his mother died. Michael swore vengeance against the monsters and was trained by Chase and his lieutenant Alice Magna to be a soldier. When Chaos Man first emerged Michael left Aegis to find his own destiny.


Art by VTLS


Art by VTLS


Real Name: Jason Dark

Age: 18

Birthday: 21st October

Race: Human/Shadow Demon

Height: 5’5

Weight: 62’ 85 kg

Theme Song: Welcome to Chaos – Son of Rust

Appearance: As Jason Dark he is slender and has white hair, his eyes are silver, he has pale white skin, he wears a white t-shirt a blue jacket over it, blue trousers and no shoes (except for when he goes out)

As Wilfre his entire body is completely black, covered in shadow, except his eyes and mouth which are completely white. He has a dark purple aura around him, long, sharp slender claws, and long black hair tied back in a ponytail.

Powers and abilities: Shadow manipulation, dark lightning, he can breathe black and purple fire, he can create portals, summon shadow demons, he can shapeshift and turn his arms into bladed weapons, he can morph his body anyway he wants, he can also take on the form of other people too, regeneration. He also has a Dark Angel form and a dragon form.

Dark Angel Form: in his dark angel form he is even stronger than his normal form, he has four arms with blade like claws, he has horns on his head, he grows giant dragon wings, he can manipulate all forms of darkness including the darkness of someone’s aura, he can also create creatures of darkness form that aura.

Dragon Form: in his dragon form he is a lot bigger roughly the same size as an actual dragon, he is still completely black except for his underbelly which is purple scales, the umbra ruby is imbedded in his forehead, he possesses the same abilities but they are even more powerful (especially his flame breath) he only uses this form twice in the whole of Chaos Man once against Chaos Man as a werewolf during their final battle in hell in the Rise of Darkness arc. And he used it in the final battle against Ladon alongside Chaos Man and Michael Mercer in the Wrath of the Repterra arc.

Weapons: the Scepter of Darkness, shadow blades, his claws, he can morph his arms into any kind of bladed weaponry

Backstory: He was born in London before the monster war. He had abusive parents who always neglected him. When his father left the family, his Mother started blaming Jason for it and punished him by locking him in a cage. When the Monster War started his mother left him locked in his cage as the house burned down around him. After days of being alone, Jason was rescued by Aegis soldiers. He was then revived and saved by Aegis’s medic Jackson Hills who later became the owner of the orphanage.

After the Monster War: When the war ended Jason spent the rest of his childhood in the orphanage. He didn’t have any friends until he met Alex Laytham who was the only kid who was kind to him. Eventually Jason and Alex became friends for a few months until Michael Mercer arrived. He saves him and Alex from the bullies and befriends them both and they all grow up being the best of friends. But as the years would go on, Jason’s path would grow darker and darker until he finally breaks and becomes Chaos Man’s very first villain.


Age: 45

Race: Human

Birthday: 11th December

Height: 5’9

Weight: 149 – 183 Ibs

Occupation: General of Aegis, soldier, father

Theme Song: Soldiers – Otherwise

Appearance: He has short black hair with white lightning bolt streaks on both his sides. He has one brown eye and wears an eye patch on his right eye. He wears a long grey coat. He also wears armour on his arms and legs and heavy boots, he has a knife in his left boot. He also has a utility belt with all kinds of stuff such as extra ammo, a radio, grenades, first aid kit, etc.

Weapons: His main weapon is his semi auto rifle which also has a shotgun setting for monsters. He also carries a pistol in his holster and keeps a knife in his left boot.

Backstory: Chase Mercer is the current general of Aegis, a military force that was formed to protect the world from huge world ending threats. He was married to a woman named Jade Skyshatter, and he also had a son named Michael.

The three of them lived together in London for several years, until the Monster War began. His wife was murdered in front of him by one of the monsters. Chase manages to save his son from their burning house, but wasn’t fast enough to save his wife.

Wrecked with guilt over letting his wife die, Chase sends Michael to the Hillside House orphanage where Michael would be safe, and he would have a normal life.

Years later, Chase reunites with his son and takes him home to his newly built mansion. He later reveals the secret underground Aegis base underneath the mansion and tells Michael the truth about why he gave him up. He later agreed to training Michael to become a soldier so that he could avenge his mothers death by wiping out the remaining monsters on Earth. This serves as the beginning of his journey throughout the series.