Chapter 10: Preventive Measures

Galactic Empire Journal Entry 21 – Location: The Conqueror/Mustafar Orbit


"Although the Clone Wars were over, some people never seemed to get the message. The worst case of denial was Gizor Dellso, a Geonosian Separatist who'd somehow escaped Lord Vader's efforts to wipe out the remnants of the CIS. Lord Vader tracked him to Mustafar, and brought us in to finish the job. It seemed like a simple enough mission, but when we saw the fleet of droid ships, hovering over the planet, we suddenly realized that Dellso's denial mechanisms were a little more dangerous than we'd imagined."


After the events of Naboo, many planets worldwide decided to accept the Empires rule. Not out of desire, but out of fear.


Any planet that would dare attempt to fight back, would face the fury of Vader’s Fist. The new nickname given to the clones of the 501st Legion. They’ve conquered many planets that resisted and paid the price for it.


During the Clone Wars, the greatest threat the galaxy had endured was the CIS. But thanks to Darth Vader’s efforts, they’ve all been terminated. Order had finally come to the galaxy…Or so they thought.


Turns out Vader didn’t completely finish the task he was given. Gizor Dellso, a Geonosion fugitive from the Clone Wars, has survived Vader’s massacre and reactivated an abandoned Droid Factory on Mustafar. He fired it up again after being shut down for years, and created his own army of Battle Droids.


This has been going on for several years now, to the point that the army has grown large enough to be a real threat agianst the Empire.


Vader has ordered the 501st legion to finish what they started at the beginning of the Clone Wars. Their mission was simple. Infiltrate the droid factory on Mustafar, find and kill Dellso, and destroy the factory, thereby putting an end to the Separatist threat forever.


The members of Orion Squad were all on the bridge waiting for Admiral Sigan to arrive after finishing his mission briefing from Vader. Their Star Destroyer, the Conqueror was currently hovering over Mustafar. In front of them was a single Trade Federation Cruiser.


There were many other droid cruisers surrounding the entire planet, each one is engaged with its own Star Destroyer. Whilst the majority of the Imperial Army focused on destroying these ships, preventing them from jumping into hyperspace. Their job was to go down to the planet’s surface, locate the factory and destroy it, as well as Dellso and any droid that stands in their way.


“I can’t believe this is happening all over again.” He heard a random clone speak to another next to him.


“Yeah, it kinda feels like the Clones Wars is still going on.” The other clone replied.


“How the hell is it even possible for this Dellso guy to get a proper working army of droids together, let alone this many of them?” Another clone asked.


“Yeah, I thought all Droids were completely shut down after the deactivation signal went out.”


Ghost then decided to answer all their questions while they wait for Sigan. “That’s because Dellso was one of the many engineers involved in the creation of the droids. He also designed the special control chips the droids have that force them to shut down once they receive a signal. But these Droids don’t have those chips. He’s been creating newer versions of the Battle Droids ever since the Empire first appeared. And in those years, he was able to produce an entire fleet of droid ships. This is why we’re here, to prevent any of those ships from leaving the planet, and putting a stop to this Droid rebellion once and for all.”


“Well explained, Commander.”


The clones all look behind them to see and knew immediately that it was Admiral Sigan who said that. After all, his is the only voice that stands out from the entire crew of the Conqueror (apart from some minor Imperial Officers). He walks up to the bridge and stands next to Ghost to continue the briefing.


“I just spoke with Lord Vader on the situation. The news on his failure to wipe out all the members of the CIS have left the Emperor most…displeased. He has sent all clone Imperials to help us dispatch the droid fleet, believing that you clones years of experience fighting these Droids is better than sending any non-clone recruits. I will be providing the tasks needed to accomplish this mission, while you men focus on carrying them out. And once we-“


The briefing was then interrupted by a Imperial clone pilot running to the bridge. He stops and takes a couple deep breathes before finally uttering what it was he came to say.


“Sir! The Droids have landed on our ships!” This gained the attention of everyone in the room instantly. “ One of their dropships landed in our hanger and has dispatched a Droid dispenser. It’s dispatching more and more Droids even as we speak!”


Upon hearing this, Ghost couldn’t help but feel an unbearable amount of karma weighing down on him. During the Clone Wars, he and his brother have infiltrated the Droids ship twice before, in an attempt to rip it apart from the inside. And now, the Droids were planning on doing the same thing to them.


“Calm down pilot.” Sigan reassured the clone.  “This certainly was unexpected. Commander, you and your men stop the invading Droids and destroy their dropship, otherwise it’ll keep producing more and more Droids. Use any means necessary to clear the hanger.”


“Yes sir! Come on men, let’s move it! Let’s give these Clankers one last fight, just like the good old days.” Ghost shouted as he and his men charge out of the bridge.



Ghost leads the 501st to the ships hanger area. In the middle of it was a big HMP Droid Gunship. Underneath it was a big hexagonal shaped device that was dispensing droids into the hanger. Without a doubt, it was a Droid Dispenser unit.


Ghost hardly saw them in the later years of the Clone Wars as they had a tendency to malfunction if too many Droids were produced at once. That doesn’t seem to be the case this time though, as the dispenser was spitting out dozens of droids without making so much as a clicking sound, indicating stress on its gears.


“That’s a Droid dispenser alright.” Thunder addressed the situation. “Dellso must’ve invented a newer more advanced version then the inferior versions we came across during the Clone Wars.”


“If we don’t destroy that gunship it’ll keep producing more and more droids until they overwhelm our Star Destroyer.” Daxter added.


“All front line troops focus on the Droids, don’t let any of them exit the hanger. All heavy troops concentrate your fire on their gunship!” Ghost ordered.


The Clones waste no time blasting the Droids in the hanger. Most of them focused on the Droids themselves while Orion Squad and a squad of Imperial Marines attempt to destroy the gunship and the droid dispenser.


“I gotta admit, I kinda missed fighting these Clankers. Very nostalgic.” Boomstick commented.


“Let’s just hope this fight with them will be the last.” X-Ray added as he blasted away at a B1 Droid Marine.


Ghost and Daxter grabbed a couple detpacks and throw them onto the gunship, sticking to the ship’s hull instead of falling off. The old versions of the detpacks had to be carefully placed before detonation. But thanks to the Empires advanced technology, Daxter was able to create throwable ones in case of situations like this.


The droid dispenser then spits out a couple of Commando Droids, which automatically targets them instead of the big groups of clones.


“Ghost, Dax, behind you!” Apex warned.


The two clones turn around just in time. Ghost dodges the fast swinging of the droids vibro swords, while Daxter simply put up his forcefield, causing the droids sword to break on impact.


Daxter then pulls out his shotgun and blasts the droids head off, remembering that the Commando Droids weak spot is its head, as the rest of its body is highly armoured.


Ghost continued to dodge the Commando Droids fast movements. Until he decides to take out his lightsaber and slices the droid in half with ease. He has definitely gotten stronger since his debut as a Clone Trooper. The last time he fought a Commando Droid, he barely made it out of that fight. And against the Super Tactical Droid Kraken, he was even worse for wear.


But now he was strong enough to quickly react to the droids fast movements and strike back just as fast. But instead of questioning it like he had these past few months, he accepted it and moved on.


He and Daxter soon got clear of the gunship as Daxter hit the button on his detonator. The Clones took cover as the gunship exploded. Most of the Droids didn’t get clear in time and got caught up in the blast. But there were still plenty of them remining. Until the hanger was cleared, they can’t launch their TIE Fighters.


Speaking of which. To the Clones surprise, the remaining Droids stopped attacking them, and instead began targeting the cranes holding the TIE Fighters on the ceiling.


“What are they doing targeting our fighters?” Boomstick asked.


“Wait a second. Are they purposely targeting our fighters so we can’t fly out of our Star Destroyer?” Thunder spoke up.


“Somethings wrong.” Daxter began. “The Clankers are usually too stupid to think up strategies like that, that’s why they have Tactical Droids leading them.”


“These are no ordinary Clankers.” Ghost started, drawing all attention to him. “The Droids we fought in the past were purposely made to be flawed so they wouldn’t have an advantage over us. As part of Emperor Palpatine’s plan to manipulate both sides of the war. Dellso must’ve removed all those functions and made them into actual intelligent killing machines, each one with their own tactical mind.”

The other clones were slightly shocked by this turn of events. Throughout the Clone Wars they treated the Droids like some kind of joke. Nothing but a waste of spare parts… But now they’re all vastly intelligent (As all Droids should be) They’re gonna have to completely rethink their way of fighting the Droids this time around, because for once in their lives…They might actually pose a serious threat to the whole Galaxy.


Orion Squad quickly took out the remaining Droids before they were able to take out the support cranes for the TIE Fighters.



Once the Droids were dealt with and all their bits and pieces were cleaned up. Ghost ordered all his men to mobilise and get to their fighters. It was time to take the fight to the Droids.


“All Droids have been successfully removed, Commander!” A random Stormtrooper reported to Ghost.


“Alright men, now get into your fighters and give those Clankers all you’ve got. We need to severely deplete their numbers enough for us to go down to Mustafar and launch our attack on the factory itself. We’ll start off by taking out their fighters and bombers. Watch out for the asteroids, men. They’re easy to destroy, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous.” He warned its men.


Mustafar may not have any rings like some planets do. But with all the artificial gravity the droid and Imperial cruisers are producing has caused many asteroids to be drawn to the planet itself. They’ll need to do some fancy flying if they’re gonna take out the Droids and avoid crashing into asteroids at the same time.


“X-Ray.” Ghost called his brother before all of Orion Squad were about to enter their fighters. “Remain here and man the med bay, you never know when some of us might come back wounded.” He then turns to Apex. “Apex, you man the turrets and use put your sharpshooting skills to good use. The rest of us will take our fighters out and deal with the Droids.”


“Understood sir!” Both Apex and X-Ray saluted at the same time.


As they both headed back inside, the rest of Orion Squad waited as the cranes brought down the TIE Fighters. As well as the faster and more agile TIE Interceptors, and the heavily armoured TIE Bombers.


Their ships stood out amongst the other TIE Fighters in the hanger. The TIE Fighter, Interceptor and Bomber had the Loth Wolf Symbol painted on their wings in honour of their fallen comrade, Fang.


Boomstick and Daxter both take their TIE Bomber as it’s the only two seater ship. Thunder takes his TIE Interceptor, and Ghost takes his TIE Fighter. Without wasting any time they all boot up their ships engines and blasted off out the hanger and into space.


Flying a TIE Fighter was way different to flying a 170 Republic Starfighter. During the beginning years of the Empire, the clones of Orion Squad were forced to completely change their way of fighting for their new cause. That also included mastering the light simulator all over again. But it didn’t take them as long to master the TIE Fighter controls as it did to master a Republic Starfighter.


Back then they were still rookies. But now they are hardened veterans, still armed with the knowledge of how to successfully survive a space dogfight. They demonstrate that they haven’t lost their touch by blasting away at the Droid fighters all around them.


“Alright boys, let’s show these Clankers what our new ships can really do!” Ghost ordered over the radio.


Thunder decides to go first by targeting a bunch of Vulture Droids at once. He fires his ships rapid fire blasters at the incoming Droids, taking a few of them out in the process.


The Vulture Droids circle round and make another attempt to blast him into orbit. Thunder however smirks under his helmet and activates his fighters missile launchers. Firing several missiles at once, they all lock onto the remaining Droids and blows them up.


“Man I love our new modified TIE Fighters.” Thunder exclaimed.


“Can’t argue with that, Brother.” Boomstick replied through radio. “Now it’s our turn. “Watch this!”


He then demonstrates his and Daxters TIE Bombers capabilities. Underneath the Bomber, a massive gatling gun appeared. Daxter who was sitting in the second cockpit mans the gun.


“Let’s give em hell, Dax!” Boomstick shouted proudly to his brother.


“Way ahead of ya.” He replied. He then opened fire on the approaching Droid fighters, turning them into shredded cheese.


“See, nothing to- Boomstick watch out!” Daxter warned.


Boomstick who was flying the ship quickly notices a huge asteroid heading towards them. He quickly pulls some evasive manoeuvres to avoid it, he barrel rolls over the asteroid and then immediately takes aim once he got out of the way of its path. He then fires two of the bombers – well bombs – at the asteroid, destroying it.


“That was a close one. You were right, Ghost. They are easy to destroy.” Boomstick joked to his commander.


Ghost however was not amused by Boomstick’s attempt at humour. He just continues to blast the Droids with his TIE Fighters blaster. His ship didn’t have any fancy weapons compared to his brothers. The only thing that made his fighter stand out from eh others was Fangs symbol painted on the wings.


He didn’t need fancy weapons to destroy a couple fighters, all he needed was his training and a good handling on the fighter.



As Orion Squad was attacking the Droid fighters, Admiral Sigan contacted them directly with new instructions.


“Good job on clearing out the majority of the Droid Fighters, now we must target the nearest cruiser directly. But before we can do any proper damage, we must disable their shields. Have any troops using Bombers to deliver the maximum damage.” Sigan instructed.


“You guys getting a sense of Deja-vu?” Thunder asked. “This feels very similar to how we handled things during the battle over Coruscant, that one time the Seps kidnapped the Chancel- Uh I mean the Emperor.”


“Well now that you mention it. All these space battles we’ve had with the Droids are all starting to blend together.” Boomstick pointed out


“Then let’s make sure this one will be the last.” Ghost interrupted. “You heard the Admiral, Boomstick. Start firing bombs at the shields!”


“Yeah, right away.” Boomstick complied.


As Boomstick begun making his bombing run, firing the TIE Bombers barrage of bombs at the cruiser to weaken its shields. Daxter couldn’t help but worry about Ghost. He’s been acting more serious ever since what happened on Naboo a few weeks ago. He can kinda understand as now that he’s in command of the 501st, he’s had a lot of responsibilities to deal with. But even Fang could juggle being a leader with being a brother. Ghost however was more focused on the leader part of him.


Then again, the peaceful and beloved Republic was gone, replaced with an Empire that many worlds have grown to hate. It’s as if their ruthlessness has rubbed off on him… He hopes for the sake of the 501st that that’s not the case.


The bombing run was going quite smoothly for Boomstick as he was pushing the droid ships shields to its limits.


“Uh oh”


Or at least he was, until the bomber had run out of bombs. And the shields were still up.


“We’re out of bombs!” Boomstick exclaimed.


“Leave the rest to me.” Thunder spoke up as he flied his TIE Interceptor towards the cruiser. He then fires many more of his ships missiles at the cruiser, weakening its shields even more.


Finally. The ships shields are down. Now they can target the cruisers vital systems and destroy it like they did before, many times.

The 501st then suddenly get another call from Admiral Sigan with new instructions.


“Attention troops. Lord Vader has just issued a new order. He wants someone to land in the enemies hanger, steal one of their Strike Bombers, and return it to our hanger. Get moving pilots.” Sigan instructed over the radio.


“Lord Vader wants us to steal one of their bombers? Why?” Ghost asked.


“Does it matter? When Lord Vader gives you a direct order, you DO it, understand?” Sigan practically raised his voice at Ghost.


“You’re right. My apologies, Admiral… You may tell Lord Vader that I’ll retrieve the bomber for him myself.”


“Good. But you better not fail.” He replied before signing off.


Ghost then contacts the others. “Cover me while I fly into the Droid Cruiser.” He ordered his men.


With that said, Ghost made his way towards the Droid Cruiser, whilst the others continued to fight the droid fighters above Mustafar.



The moment Ghost got inside the Droid Cruisers hanger bay; he was surprised to see that there was a welcoming committee waiting for him. A massive gathering of Battle Droids, Both Regular and Super were present, as well as a couple Droideka’s.


Ghost was about to blast them all with his fighters guns, but if it hadn’t been for the strike bomber sitting in the area with the other droid ships in the background, he could’ve made this mission a whole lot easier. But he can’t risk blowing up the very ship he came here for in the first place.


He instead just lands it gently and waited as he thought about how he was gonna do this. He could either fight the droids with his arsenal of advanced weapons, including his lightsaber. Or he could just make a break for the bomber and steal it immediately. Either way was risky. If he stayed then the droids overwhelming numbers would overpower and kill him, and not even his shield generator could protect him forever. Plus these Droids were more intelligent than their Clone Wars counterparts. Who’s to say they wouldn’t come up with some strategy to easily overpower him.


Damnit. Even I can’t take on the many Droids alone. I’m gonna have to make a break for the bomber.” He thought to himself.


Whatever he decides he has to do it fast, as the Droids were closing in on his TIE Fighter and already opening fire upon it.


“Screw it! I’ll use both options!” He thought to himself as he activates his forcefield bracelet that was built into his new armour.


He then takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, preparing himself physically and mentally for what he was about to do.


He opens the top hatch of his fighter and throws out a couple EMP grenades. They explode on impact, taking out a lot of the Droids in the process.


He then leaps out of his ship with his rifle equipped. Blasting away at any surviving Droids while he was flying through the air. As soon as he nails the landing, he makes a run for the strike bomber at the other end of the hanger bay.


The Droids all blast him, but his forcefield protected him from their blaster bolts. Some Super Battle Droids fire their wrist rockets at him, which causes major damage to the forcefield.


Like how a Droideka’s forcefield works, or the cruisers shields. If it takes too much damage, the generator will overheat and then eventually shut down. If that happens to Ghost though, his armour will start to overheat and cook him alive.


I hope one day Daxter finally comes up with a permanent solution to this overheating problem.” He mentally thought again. “Guess I have no choice but to turn it off for now. These weren’t designed to take this amount of punishment for this long.”


Before deactivating his forcefield, he equips his lightsaber and turns it on. He can use that to deflect any incoming blaster bolts as he closes in on the bomber.

Taking another deep breath, he deactivates his forcefield and activates his lightsaber. He spins it around to deflect any incoming blaster bolts back at the Droids. So far so good.


At last, he has reached the droids strike bomber. It was a Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighter. The same kind of ship that Grievous’s Magna Guards used during the Clone Wars. On closer inspection he can understand why Vader would ask for one of these. During the war, these ships packed a hell of a lot of fire power. Maybe the plan is to use some CIS technology to advance the Empire even further in case of future rebellions.


Why it was parked on the opposite end of the hanger though, he’ll never know. It was as if karma was punishing him for the many bad things he’d done on the Empires behalf.


But that didn’t matter anymore as he got inside the ships cockpit and started its engines. The droids were still firing at the ship, attempting to blow it up and him with it.


“Ok let’s see. Which of these is to fire the ships blasters?” He told himself trying to figure out the ships controls. He then presses one of the ships many buttons hoping it would be the one. But instead he ends up firing several bombs inside the hanger, blowing it and the droids to bits.


“Not what I wanted, but it’ll do.”


That however caused some more problems, as the hanger area started to blaze into a fiery inferno. “Ok, time to abandon ship!” he said as he took off in the bomber.



Daxter, Boomstick and Thunder were still fighting the Droid fighters over Mustafar, waiting for their fearless leader to emerge with the stollen bomber.


“I just had a thought.” Boomstick spoke up. “There’s several Droid Bombers out here. How will we know which one is Ghosts?” He asked.


That was a fair question on his part. What if they target and destroy the bomber that had him in it? The last thing they need on their conscience is the guilt of accidently killing their own brother. Friendly fire is something that cannot be forgiven amongst the Clones. Clone Trooper Slick learned that the hard way.


Thunder then sees one bomber flying out of the Droid cruiser and heading towards them. But they chose not to shoot just in case it was Ghost. Fortunately for them, the bomber hasn’t opened fire on them, implying that it is indeed Ghost.


“That must be Ghost. Come on, let’s follow him back to the Conqueror” Thunder stated.


“Great. Now that’s got the ship, we can blow that cruiser to smithereens!” Boomstick announced proudly.


“Negative, Death Trooper 4156. You and the rest of your squad are to return to the ship at once.” Sigan instructed over the radio.


“What? But sir, the droid ship is the what’s keeping us from heading down to Mustafar.” Daxter pointer out.


“The Conqueror will attack the droid ship directly. We no longer need men to infiltrate enemy ships and take out their internal systems. This isn’t the Clone Wars anymore, get that through your heads.” Sigan stated before cutting transmission before any of them had a chance to reply.


Boomstick and Daxter comply and turn their ships around, heading back to their star destroyer. While Ghost was slightly annoyed by what Sigan said. He was commander of the 501st now, he shouldn’t be ordered about like this by some non-clone Imperial Officer.


But Darth Vader put him in charge of their ship for a reason, and he was forced to comply with the order.



They ease up on the throttle as they gently enter the hanger and land their fighters. Upon landing they see that Sigan, Apex and X-Ray were waiting for them. They exit their ships and meet up with them.


“Excellent job, troopers. Lord Vader will be most pleased.” Sigan congratulated them.

“Well I got you that bomber you wanted, now what?” Ghost asked in an annoyed tone.


Sigan noticed it straight away. But there were bigger things happening here then his feelings towards Clones. “I will explain to you what our next objective is. But first…” He then contacts the ships crew members in the star destroyers weapons room. “Fire all cannons at the Droid cruiser in front of us.” He ordered.


The clones comply and begin pressing many buttons in the weapons room. All the ships cannons target the now vulnerable droid cruiser. The clones were honestly a bit surprised by this. They’ve never actually seen the full power of the Conqueror, or any Star Destroyer for that matter.


The ships cannons ripped through the droid cruiser, tearing it to pieces and the Droids inside along with it until there was nothing left but a field of space junk. More debris to add to the asteroid field.


The Star Destroyers were definitely more powerful than the old Republic Cruisers they used to serve on. Their fire power could only do little damage to a Droid Cruiser, taking quite a while to fully destroy. But their Star Destroyer only too like a few seconds.


Even with all that power, it was nowhere near as powerful as the Death Star’s laser. Ghost and his brothers have never actually seen the Death Stars laser being used before. But with the way it is now, it can only be used at a small percentage of power. He heard rumours on how it was tested out on some remote planet in the outer rim. The first shot destroyed an entire city populated by millions of life forms. The second cracked the planet, causing it to splinter all over. And the third shot destroyed it for good.


As long as the Death Star is still under construction, there will always be rebellions attempting to rise up agianst the Empire. First Naboo, now the remnants of the CIS. Who else will oppose them after this? Once the Death Star was finally completed, the whole galaxy will tremble with fear before its true power.


After the droid cruiser was destroyed, Sigan gathered all of the Clones attention by showing them a hologram of the Droid Factory on Mustafar with his portable holographic projector.

“My spies have sent me intel on the Droid Factory of Mustafar. It is hidden deep within a dormant volcano in one of the many mining facility’s still standing after Lord Vader’s battle with the Jedi Master, Obi Wan Kenobi.”


Ghost had heard about that battle. Figuring out that his defeat is what led to all his cybernetics and that mask he wears with the haunting breathing sound it makes. He would not dare openly talk about Vader’s scars to anyone though, not if he values his own life.


As Sigan continued to explain the situation, the hologram changes to what appears to be scymatics for a new type of Battle Droid. But the data was glitched out, indicating that it was encrypted, preventing them from getting a good look at the new Battle Droid.


“Gizor Dellso has built prototypes of a new Battle Droid in hopes of resurrecting the CIS army. This was all my spies could obtain until they were killed. We have no idea what this new Battle Droid is or if it has any weaknesses. All we know is what it is capable. And just one of these Droids alone has enough firepower to take out a whole army of Imperials. We can’t allow Dellso to create more of these Droids. You must get down to the planet’s surface, infiltrate the mining facility, and destroy the plans for these prototypes, as well as any reactivated Battle Droids in the mining facility. Needless to say, Dellso must also be found and terminated. Do I make myself clear.” He asked the Clones.


“Crystal sir.” Ghost spoke up and saluted. “This is our mess, and we will be the ones who will clean it up.”


Sigan nodded in respect to Ghost’s dedication to put an end to the Separatist threat forever. These Clones started the Clone Wars, it only seems appropriate they’re also the ones that finish it.


After the briefing was concluded. The 501st legion begin to board the Imperial Shuttle in the hanger. Now that the droid ship was out of the way, and the rest of the Imperial fleet was busy distracting the rest of the Droid Cruisers, there was nothing stopping them from heading down to the lava planet.


As the shuttle took of and started heading down to Mustafar. The clones all couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the sense of nostalgia consuming them. They’ve been fighting the Droids for two years during the Clone Wars. And now this was going to be their last ever battle against the Clankers. So they better get their act together for this last battle. It would be embarrassing for them if they were all suddenly killed by them, and on Mustafar of all places too. They all know what happened to Darth Vader down there at the end of the Clone Wars.


“What do you guys think we’ll find down there once we arrive?” Apex asked his brothers.


“Probably a lot of Clankers. Smart ones too, so this’ll make our last fight with them a memorable one.” Thunder added.


“I’m more worried on what this new Battle Droid could be.” X-Ray spoke up worriedly. “If Dellso succeeds in making a whole army of these new Droids, then the whole Empire will fall.”


“That’s not gonna happen.” Daxter added. “We’ll destroy them all before they even had a chance to boot up their servos.” Daxter attempted to reassure him.


“Whatever we find down there, we’ll face them together. I think I speak for all of us that I’ve had more then my fill of these Clankers. And I would soon rather take my own life then have to go to war with them a second time.” Ghost stated.


All the other clones didn’t hesitate to agree with him there. They’re all tired of fighting Droids. The sooner they end this nightmare from the Clone Wars, the sooner they can finally look to the future…Rather then stay trapped in the past.


Galactic Empire Journal Entry 22 – Location: Mustafar Orbit


"The slight whiff of nostalgia the 501st had enjoyed fighting the droid fleet over Mustafar had already grown sour by the time we'd established orbital positions. Now it was time to find out what this was all about."

To Be Continued