Chapter 12: Return to Kamino

Galactic Empire Journal Entry 25 – Location: Kamino Orbit

"Officially, there never was a clone rebellion on Kamino. Unofficially, approximately twenty years after we were created, a special detachment of the Imperial 501st Legion was dispatched to Kamino, with orders to eradicate an army of clones that had been bred to take arms against the Empire. Our mission commander, an expert on the inner workings of Kamino, was a young bounty hunter named Boba Fett."

It has been weeks since the attack on Mustafar. Ever since then, the men of the 501st caught their breath and finally took some time to relax, knowing that the CIS are well and truly dead and buried.

With the information gathered at the droid factory on Mustafar, Lord Vader sent imperial fleets to the locations of every hidden droid factory across the galaxy. Which led to their destruction, as well as every Battle Droid within.

As for the remaining B3 Ultra Droids, most of them had been ceased by the Empire, rather than destroying them. Grand Moff Tarken suggested the idea, claiming that such powerful war machines shouldn’t go to waste. So, they decided to keep them as either a heavy support unit, or assist in training new recruits to join the Imperial Army.

The members of Orion Squad (Apart from Ghost and X-Ray) were all currently hanging out in the bar and lounge area of the Conqueror. The majority of the ship’s crew were drinking, playing games, and watching TV to pass the time. Now that things have quieted down there was no need to man the ships controls 24/7.

Daxter and the others couldn’t help but look out the window and look upon the almost completed Death Star. Only the top right part of the station was still under construction. Surrounding the Death Star were many Star Destroyers, including their own. They begin to wonder if the Empire is growing exponentially, or was it just them?

Apex then decided to break the silence by saying what was currently on his mind. “How do you guys think Ghost’s holding up?”

“Don’t know.” Thunder answered. “X-Ray’s still working on him in the med bay. It’s been four weeks now, and he’s still bathing in that bacta tank.”

“We all saw the severe burns he endured from that Ultra Droid. Had Lord Vader not have shown up, he probably would’ve been dead.” Daxter spoke up.

“Why would Lord Vader even care if he survives or not?” Boomstick questioned, causing all eyes to focus on him. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m really glad Ghost survived his injuries. It’s just that… I always thought Vader viewed everyone around him as nothing but disposable pawns. And I’m not just talking about us Clones, even some of the new Imperial Officers are nothing to him.” He pointed out.

“Not all of us are disposable to Vader.” Daxter spoke up. Once he gained their attention he continued. “We all served with him during the Clone Wars. The 501st is his personal battalion, hence why we were nicknamed “Vader’s Fist”. And Ghost has proven to the Empire that he’s a great Commander. Vader can’t afford to lose someone of great value like that, especially the same he suffered at the hands of Obi Wan Kenobi.”

They will admit that Daxter did have a good point there. There are very few Purge Troopers within the Empire, and Ghost was the only one among them that was highly skilled with a lightsaber, whilst the others used Electro Staffs and the like.

“How long until X-Ray finally releases him?” Apex asked.

“I don’t know… Even if he’s fully recovered by now, it’ll probably be a while until he’s fully combat ready again.” Daxter stated.

They all continue to sit and chat about the future and the wellbeing of their brother.

In the Star Destroyers medical bay, Ghost was sitting inside a bacta tank. His clothes have been removed in order to properly treat his burns (Apart from his crotch of course) He wore a gas mask to keep him breathing while being submerged in the blue healing liquid, and his body had tubes attached to it, keeping him firmly in place.

He slowly opens his eyes, his vision starts off foggy and bright after being asleep for so long, but it starts to become clearer and the bright lights dimmer as his eyes adjusted.

“Where…Am…I?” Ghost weakly muttered through his mask.

“Ah, you’re awake, Commander.”

Ghost looked up in the direction of the voice, and saw that Cornelius Sigan was sitting on one of many beds in the room. Judging by how he was staring directly at the bacta tank, Ghost can assume that he’s been waiting for him to wake up for quite some time.

“Admiral?” Ghost uttered, not expecting is to be the first face he’d see upon waking up. “Where’s X-Ray?”

“He told me of your remarkable recovery. I wanted to take the time to talk with you alone, so I asked him to give us the room.” Sigan told him.

He then stood up from the bed and walked over to the bacta tank Ghost was in and placed his hand on the glass.

“What happened on Mustafar. It was very brave of you…But also very foolish.” Ghost widened his eyes upon hearing this. Sigan continued upon seeing his predictable reaction. “Granted, it is honourable for a leader to protect his men, but honestly, what were the chances you’d survive battling an Ultra Battle Droid alone? You barely even survived your injuries, had Lord Vader not have saved you… I bring this up because I think it would be a major problem for the Empire if its strongest squad lost its leader. This isn’t the Clone Wars; we can’t just make another clone to replace you. You are far too valuable to put your own life at risk like that.”

Ghost took a moment to let the Admirals words sink in. Although he couldn’t properly express himself with the mask covering most of his face, he had a look of anger in his eyes upon hearing those words.

“How dare you.”

Sigan who had his back turned to him, suddenly looked back at Ghost. It would seem that he’d struck a nerve. Curious to see where Ghost was going with this, he faced him and listened to his attempt at criticism.

“Who do you think you are? Coming in here and telling me how to lead my men! You may be in charge of the Conqueror and its crew, but you are NOT in charge of my squad. The only one who can do that is Lord Vader. He only placed you here because he needed someone to report back to him since he can’t stay attached to one Storm Trooper battalion. You have no right to tell me how to lead my men, when you yourself have never been in a life or death situation. You don’t know what it’s like to put your men, your brothers, before yourself!” Ghost shouted through the bacta tanks comm.

Sigan took a moment to process Ghost’s criticism. He truly understood what he was getting at. After all, he and his brothers had to grow up fast on Kamino, forced to learn everything they need to know in order to fight in the Clone Wars. He knew very little of what the Clones have gone through in those two years of war. But he can tell from Ghost’s expression that he and his squad have been through hell. Quite literally too recently with the events on Mustafar.

Sigan hesitated to look Ghost in the eye after hearing that. Instead he decided to surprise him by removing his eyepatch. Ghost was surprised to see what lies underneath. Though he still had his left eye, it was completely cloudy, indicating that he’s blind in that eye. Around his eye were a couple of burnt scars, one of which looked like something slashed him diagonally across the face.

“You’re right Commander. I have no right to tell you how to lead your troops. But, you’re not the only one who’s been through hell here.” He paused for a moment, allowing Ghost to properly listen. “This happened during the siege on Mandalore, at the end of the Clone Wars. It almost feels like a hundred years ago now.”

Ten years earlier during the final days of the Clone Wars. The planet Mandalore was under siege as the royal guards still loyal to Satine, the Death Watch Mandalorians that chose not to join Darth Maul led by Bo Katan, and the battalion of clones led by Ashoka Tano fought to free the planet from Mauls control.

“I was on the front lines during the siege of Mandalore. As one of Satine’s royal guards, it was my duty to avenge her death and free my home planet from the Shadow Collective.” Sigan explained to Ghost. “Though my duty was to protect the throne, not whoever sits upon it, I couldn’t allow that horned devil to rule over Mandalore. So I chose to fight alongside you Clones in order to defeat this Darth Maul.”

Sigan was among the many soldiers fighting to free Mandalore. He was much younger then how he was in the present, and he obviously had both his eyes at the time. He and a couple other soldiers were being held captive in the palace thrown room. Darth Maul was sitting on the throne with the leaders of the united criminal syndicates standing beside him, such as Black Sun and the Pikes.

Behind him and the other soldiers were dozens of Mandalorians wearing red and black armour, showing their loyalty to Maul. Their commander had horns on top of his helmet similar to Mauls, and had a bright orange vizor.

“Unfortunately my men and I were captured by the Death Watch Mandalorians after getting caught sneaking into the palace through the catacombs. We were brought before Maul himself. When I heard rumours that Death Watch was under the command of a demon, I knew immediately that it was no exaggeration.”

Maul got up from the throne and slowly approached him and the other captured soldiers. “You are all fools for remaining loyal to your Duchess. A Duchess that is no longer here.” Maul spoke in a menacing but soothing voice.

“Because you killed her!” One of the soldiers shouted out, not at all intimidated by the former Dathomirian Sith Apprentice.

Darth Maul approached the soldier and looked him in the eyes. The soldier responded by spitting in his face. The former Sith responded by lifting him off the ground with a force choke. Sigan was forced to watch as he choked him for some time before snapping his neck with the force.

As Maul lets go, the soldiers body hits the floor with a deafening thud. Most of the other soldiers were terrified of Mauls power, while Sigan himself kept his nerve.

“I was forced to watch that demon use the power of a Jedi to literally squeeze the life out of my comrade… I knew that if I resisted I would’ve been next. So I had to keep quiet, hoping that somebody, anybody, would rescue us.”

Darth Maul then began looking over Sigan and the other two guards currently looking up at him with fear. Sigan was the only one who wasn’t afraid of him, and instead looked up at him in anger. Maul took notice of this and approached him.

“You are different compared to your cowardly allies. Do you not fear me?” Maul asked him.

Sigan continued to stare at him, not even bothering to answer his question. One of the Death Watch Mandalorians standing behind him smacks the back of his head with the butt end of his rifle. “Answer our leader, soldier scum!”

Maul raised his hand, signalling the Mandalorian to back off. As the Mandalorian does as instructed, Maul pulls out what appears to be a strange looking lightsaber hilt. He then ignites it and Sigan was shocked at what he was seeing. The blade of the lightsaber was unlike any other lightsaber he’d ever seen. The blade was black with little white lines along it, looking like bolts of lightning. The blade was also shorter than a regular lightsaber, and it was shaped to look more like a traditional sword. The sound emitted by its blade was also higher pitched than other lightsabers.

Sigan knew what it was. It was the Darksaber. An Ancient lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order, during the days of the Old Republic. Sigan now understands why the Mandalorians were so loyal to him. Whosoever controls the Darksaber, controls Mandalore itself.

“Judging from by the look of your face, you know what this is, don’t you?” Maul asked. But rather than let him answer, he continued on. “I claimed the Darksaber once I defeated it’s previous user, Pre Vizsla in combat. As I told him, only the strongest shall rule Mandalore.” He then points the Darksaber at Sigan’s face. “You can live to serve the strong, or die protecting the weak. Your choice.”

It was then that Sigan finally spoke up as he looked up at Maul again, not intimidated by the fact that the Darksaber was just inches away from his left eye. “Long live Satine!”

Maul closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. It would seem that these soldiers are all too blinded by loyalty to their now dead Duchess to see the path that lies ahead for Mandalore.

“So be it.”

Maul doesn’t hesitate to raise the Darksaber to the side. One by one he slices off the heads of the other guards. Sigan once again was forced to watch as the number of comrades he served with were being beheaded one by one. Until only he remained.

“Instead of killing me. Maul instead killed my comrades and forced me to watch. He wanted me to suffer first before putting me down… But despite that, my loyalty to Satine never faded. As a member of her royal guard, I was willing to continue defending her honour till the day I die.”

“How many more of your friends and allies need to die before your people can finally see what I see? I am trying to build an empire that will destroy both the Republic and the Separatists at once. I desire peace. Surely you do too, am I wrong?” Maul asked Sigan.

“What you desire is not peace. You only seek control. That’s all you Jedi are. You claim to be keepers of peace, when in reality you create destruction.”

The whole time Sigan was on his knees, he’d been showing Maul no fear or signs of loyalty to his cause. Despite these, Maul kept his nerve the whole time. But those words just now. Him being called a Jedi was what finally caused him to snap, as he angrily swings the Darksaber across Sigan’s face. He didn’t kill him, but the end of the blade scarred his face, blinding his left eye in the process.

Sigan placed his hands over his face and screamed in agonising pain as his whole face felt like it was burning even though there were no flames.

“I am NOT a Jedi!” Maul angrily shouted down at Sigan. “I am a Sith Lord! Or at least I will be once again, as soon as I kill Count Dooku who replaced me, as well as my former master, Darth Sidious. I will create a new era. An era-

Mauls monologue was suddenly cut off by the sounds of Clones and Bo Katan’s Mandalorians breaking into the palace and open firing on them. Mauls Mandalorians returned fire, while Maul himself deflected their blaster fire with the Darksaber.

Sigan uses this moment of distraction to make a run for the exit. Luckily for him, Maul and the others were too focussed on taking out the intruders to even notice his disappearance.

“I may’ve lost an eye that day, but I managed to get out of there with my life still intact. It was an act of cowardice. But I would’ve brought great dishonour to my family if I died there and then. I needed to live in order to find a way to stop them.

After telling his story to Ghost, Sigan looked down at his eyepatch sitting in his left hand. Ghost just floated in the tank, taking in every word he said. Maybe he’d misjudged him. Despite being a non-clone, Ghost will admit that he and Sigan had something in common.

“Why did you join the Empire?”

Sigan looked up and over to Ghost in the bacta tank. He was expecting that question to come up once he told him his story. Better late than never.

“When the Empire was first coming together after the Clone Wars ended. Many soldiers from various planets had been gathered to the senate building on Coruscant. Every single one of them was human, as a part of this new law the Emperor created, as he believed Humans to be the most fit to serving the Empire…Though he did make an exception for Grand Admiral Thrawn.”

“Thrawn? Yes, I’ve heard about him. How he’s the Empires greatest strategist. I always wondered why he was the only non-human within the Imperial ranks.” Ghost spoke up through the bacta tanks speakers.

“That’s not important right now.” Sigan interrupted, getting back on topic. “I joined the Empire because I have a plan to save Mandalore. My goal is to rise up through the ranks in hopes of becoming Grand Moff one day. Once I reach that position, I can assume command of the planet, and hopefully change it back into the society it used to be when Duchess Satine ruled it. Make life better for my family waiting for me.”

Ghost did not see this coming. He had a feeling that Sigan was the type who wanted to reach the top. But his reasons for it were to help his people and his family. He like Darth Vader believed that most of the Imperial Officers were nothing by selfish cowards that cared nothing for what they were fighting for, just as long as they get their next big fat stack of credits.

Ghost can now understand why Vader placed him under control of the Conqueror. Had it been anyone else, he probably would’ve lost his mind.

“You never mentioned having a family.” Ghost spoke up again. “You mind telling me about them?

“Not at all.” Sigan replied. He then pulls out his portable hologram projector, and shows Ghost a hologram of him, his wife and two young children, a boy, and a girl. “This is my wife, Selena. And these are our two beautiful children, Albus and Serafall… Ever since the siege of Mandalore, they’ve been forced to live on the streets as our home was destroyed during the attack. We were poor and barely had enough food to put on the table. I joined the Empire for them, to ensure they got more food and a roof over their heads once again. The only downside being that I no longer get to see them. But as long as they get to live happily… That’s a price worth paying.”

Ghost can’t help but feel touched by Sigan’s words. And he could tell that he wasn’t making this up just to better himself. He really was a beloved family man, and he can respect him for that.

Still, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to actually have a family of his own. Being a Clone, it was forbidden for him to desert the Republic and start a family. Those rules still apply within the Empire too. He probably will never get a chance to experience being a husband and father though, as he has a duty to protect his men. Right now, they were all the family he needed.

“You have a good looking family, Admiral.” He spoke up once again, bringing Sigan’s attention to him. “I was wrong about you. I can see now why Lord Vader put you in command. Thank you for sharing this with me. And thank you for telling Lord Vader to come rescue me.”

Sigan paused for a moment so that he could put his hologram projector away and put his eyepatch back on. He stood up and faced Ghost once again. “You’re welcome, Ghost… I’ll have your medic get back to work on you now. We need you back in tip top shape as soon as possible. Take care of yourself.” Sigan replied.

He then turned around and took his leave. Ghost continued to float in the bacta tank. But he wasn’t alone for long as X-Ray re-entered the room.

“What did the Admiral want?” He asked him.

“Nothing important. He just wanted to wish me a speedy recovery.” Ghost replied.

“Then I better get back to work then.” X-Ray stated as he manned the console controlling the bacta tank.

Ghost chose not to share Sigan’s story with his brothers, as it would’ve been disrespectful. Sigan might not want the whole 501st legion to know his backstory. When the time comes, he can tell them himself. But for now, he is still their Admiral, and should continue to treat him as such.

It has been five days now since Ghost had been severely burned by the Ultra Droid. The men of the 501st legion were starting to worry for their commander. Especially the members of Orion Squad. Some of them can’t help but wonder if Ghost will even survive his injuries.

They were all currently in their barracks, with their armours off, impatiently waiting on their beds for X-Ray to come back and deliver his report. The sooner they learn on Ghost’s recovery the better.

“Ugh! It’s been five days. When is Ghost gonna get better?!” Boomstick asked, frustrated over this whole thing.

“X-Ray can’t afford to rush this Boomstick, you know that.” Daxter told him. His whole body was burnt, not to mention he got shot in the leg by the Ultra Droid also… We need to make sure that he’s 100% healed before we can even think about having him lead us on another mission.”

“Luckily for us nothing majors come up yet?” Apex spoke up. “The Queen of Naboo and Gizor Dellso were the only ones who actually had the guts to challenge the Empire with their own armies.”

“And both of them faced the wrath of Vader’s Fist!” Thunder added. “But in case we do get another rebellion rising up, we need Ghost to lead us. We can’t succeed without him.”

The others all nod in agreement. After the death of Fang, Ghost was their only hope that the men of the 501st would have to finally know what retirement feels like. Dying in a bacta tank does not befit a great Clone Trooper such as him. They don’t even know who among them would be a suitable replacement for Ghost if he dies.

Hopefully that won’t be the case, as they hear the sounds of their barrack doors opening. They all look towards the entrance and see that it was X-Ray who was coming in to greet them.

“How is he?” Daxter asked, getting straight to the point.

“He’ll live.” X-Ray replied. Hearing those two words brought joy to the Clones faces. But X-Ray had more to say. “His wounds have healed, and his burnt scars have been repaired. However, he won’t be fully combat ready for the next 10 hours. I’m afraid he’ll have to rest in the Med bay until then.”

“That’s it? That’s the only bad news?” Thunder asked. He then let out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank the maker that’s all there is to it.”

“Wait.” Boomstick spoke up, interrupting them. “With Ghost out of commission for 10 hours, who’s gonna lead Orion Squad?”

The others looked amongst themselves upon realising this. Boomstick made a good point. Somebody’s gonna have to step up and make some tough decisions on Ghost’s behalf. But who?

“Did Ghost say who he wanted to assume command while he’s recovering?” Apex asked X-Ray?

“Yeah he did. But you’re not gonna like who he chose.”

“Don’t tell me he picked Boomstick.” Thunder complained, causing Boomstick to look over at him with an annoyed look.

“No, It’s none of us.” X-Ray stated.

Now the clones interests have been piqued as they all looked back at X-Ray. If none of them were gonna be leading Orion Squad in his absence. Then who is?

The members of Orion Squad suddenly wished they’d never asked. When X-Ray said that Ghost had already chosen someone to lead the team in his absence, this was not what they had in mind.

Standing before them was someone that they hadn’t seen in years. Someone who they met briefly during their training on Kamino. Someone who’s reputation for killing Jedi was equally as famous as their own. Someone they’d honestly thought was dead a long time ago.

That someone was the galaxy’s current number 1 Bounty Hunter, and the son of their original host. It was Boba Fett.

Like his father before him, Boba was wearing a full set of Mandalorian armour that he inherited from Jango. He repainted it green and red, probably to show the galaxy that he is Jango’s son carrying on his legacy as a Mandalorian Warrior, and not the first clone of him trying to imitate him. His left shoulder also had a miniature cape, though they were unsure why he would have that to begin with?

Boba approached the members of Orion Squad and looked them all over one by one. “Hmm, you’ve all grown a lot since we first met on Kamino. Looks like my father was right all along about you Clones. You have grown superior to your common brethren. The rookie Orion Squad is now known throughout the galaxy as Vader’s Fist. What are the odds?” He spoke up for the first time since his arrival on the Conqueror.

The members of Orion Squad were still at a loss for words that he was back. “Damn, that little squirt Boba grew up faster than we did!” Boomstick said to himself.

It’s been twenty years since they were created on Kamino. They thought back on the day they all tried out for the battle simulator. How could they forget, it was the very first time they all worked together as a team.

Boba was still a kid at that time. Now he’s grown up to be the next greatest Mandalorian Bounty Hunter, and Vader’s right hand man when it comes to hunting bounty’s.

At first they were afraid that Sigan was going to assume command, or maybe Lieutenant Shadow. Boba Fett was the last one they suspected would lead them. 

Sigan then entered the bridge and approached Boba. He extends his hand to him, welcoming him aboard his ship. Boba however just stared back at him through his helmet, still clutching his rifle.

“Welcome Boba Fett. Your reputation proceeds you. It’s a pleasure to have you aboard my ship.”

Again Boba said nothing and continued to stare at him. He was only here to carry out another task he’s getting paid for. Though this particular mission he was hired for is also kinda personal to him as well.

In order to avoid awkward silence, Sigan began his next mission briefing to Orion Squad and the rest of the 501st clones.

“Listen up troops, this next mission involves yet another attempt at rebellion by a group of traitors who also refuse to accept our Emperors rule. But unlike the Queen of Naboo or Gizor Dellso’s attempt at a second Droid rebellion, this one may prove to be…difficult for you Clones. As the next planet that chose to oppose us.” He stops briefly to bring up a hologram of the next planet they will be attacking. The clones were all shocked at what they’re all seeing. “Is your home planet, Kamino.” Sigan finished.

He paused himself for a moment to allow this revelation to sink in. He may not be a clone, but he can understand how they must be feeling right now. Even Boba sympathised with them. Vader had already informed him of what the mission is, and even now he still can’t fully believe it.

“I’m sorry to tell you this. But your creators, the Kaminoans have turned against the Empire. They’ve been secretly breeding an army of Clones to take arms against the Empire. They’ve already killed all the personal we’ve sent to monitor them, and they are now planning on sending an old Republic Cruiser to intercept and destroy us, by targeting the Death Star.” Sigan explained.

He then pointed over to Boba Fett who takes a step forward. “With your commander still recovering after his brave stand off against the Ultra Droid, Lord Vader has sent Boba Fett to lead you in this difficult battle. As the first clone ever produced, he has unique knowledge of the cloning chambers that will be invaluable during the siege.”

Boba then interrupts Sigan and give the clones his own words of wisdom. “Listen up all of you. You are all the best of the millions of clones of my father. You are the embodiment of his strength, determination and will, just like me. These Kaminoans you all once called your creators, are traitors to the Empire, and they disrespected you all by manipulating a new batch of Clones to act as your executioners. I promise you all on in my father’s honour. We will make them all pay for their actions!”

The Clones couldn’t help but feel inspired by Boba’s words. This mission to stop the Kaminoans was just as personal to him as it was for them. The way Boba spoke to them, he almost sounded like Fang, and not because they have the same voice. But rather the way he spoke to the troops sounded like he saw them all as equal.

The members of Orion Squad took note of this. When they first met Boba on Kamino, he was an arrogant little brat. But now he’s grown into a fine warrior, one fit to lead them into what they were about to do.

The Conqueror soon comes out of hyperspace and establishes orbital position above Kamino. The clones suddenly all feel a sense of homesickness. It had been so long since they last been to Kamino. Unfortunately this mission will probably be their last visit.

“Kamino… Our home.” Daxter thought to himself. “I never thought I’d see the day where we’d be conquering our own planet, and killing the Kaminoans that have created and raised us since we were babies. Maybe it’s a good thing Ghost isn’t here. This would probably break his heart.”

“Sir, we’ve got company!” One of the Conquerors bridge pilots cried out.

Sigan, Boba and the clones all look out the bridges windows and were shocked to see a Republic Cruiser in front of them, surrounded by several support ships.

“It can’t be. That’s Impossible!”

Everyone turned to Daxter, quite taken aback by his sudden outburst.

“I don’t understand why your surprised, Engineer Trooper Daxter.” Sigan spoke up first. “It’s perfectly logical that the Kaminoans would have anticipated our arrival.”

“No, that’s not it, Admiral. It’s the Cruiser itself.”

“What about it?” Apex asked him.

“Don’t you see guys. That cruiser is the Liberator!” Daxter pointed out.

The clones were all shocked by this realisation. They all look at the cruiser again. They then notice that on the side of it was Fangs Loth Wolf symbol. There was no doubt in their minds. That ship definably is the Liberator.

“But how can that be?” Thunder asked. “The Liberator was stripped for parts, and what’s left of it was remade into this Star Destroyer.”

“Obviously the Kaminoans must’ve stole it back. They’re using our own ship against us!” Daxter stated.

“How do you know it’s even the same ship?” Sigan asked him. “Anybody can paint that symbol on the side.”

“I’d recognise her anywhere. I helped build her internal systems.” He then points over to the bride of the liberator. “Look, the bridge even has those same scorch marks it received during the battle over Coruscant. I am telling you that this ship is the Liberator, our home during the Clone Wars”

“Calm down trooper.” Boba Fett spoke up, interrupting him. “whether that ship is yours or not, it doesn’t matter anymore. It is an obstacle that is between us and Kamino. We have to destroy it before we can get down there and attack the facility.” He pointed out.

Some of the Clones were slightly horrified by what he just said. They have to destroy the Liberator just to get to Kamino’s surface? That’s easier said than done. How could they destroy the very ship that served as their refuge throughout the Clone Wars? Sigan was right. This is probably the most difficult mission they’ve ever tackled. Not in terms of it being a challenge, but because they have to destroy their own home, and kill their own brothers.

Yeah, it was definitely a good thing that Ghost wasn’t involved in this mission. Daxter wouldn’t blame some of the Clones if they developed PTSD as a result of this.

The 501st now led by Boba Fett enter the hanger area, preparing to launch their TIE Fighters into space. The members of Orion Squad notice Boba’s ship in the far right of the hanger. It was a Firespray 31 class patrol and attack craft, stolen from the Republic military by Jango and made his own. The Slave 1 he called it. It may have a ruthless ring to it, but it fits Boba’s personality.

“Huh, looks like your armours not the only thing that got a new coat of paint.” Boomstick commented out loud.

Boba ignored him and begun making his way towards his ship. The members of Orion Squad were about to head to their TIE Fighters, but they were stopped by Boba who called them out.

“Not you four.” Daxter, Boomstick, Apex and Thunder all turn and face him. X-Ray was back in the medical area, keeping an eye on Ghost. So once again it was just them. “You lot are with me in the Slave 1.”

That was all that needed to be said, he didn’t have time to answer the question why. They had a mission to complete. So without question, Orion Squad followed Boba to his ship.

Once they got inside they were surprised at how big it was. It was big enough to carry an entire squad of soldiers. Which makes sense given it was bult to be a military warship.

“Why do we have sit around in here? Wouldn’t we be more useful out there, blasting away at enemy fighters like usual?” Thunder asked.

Boba turned around and faced Thunder. “I’m doing Ghost a favour by keeping you all here. He says he wished to see you all unharmed once he recovers. You can only put your lives at risk once he’s leading you again. His words, not mine.” Boba explained.

And with that said and done, he climbed up the ladder to the ships cockpit. He strapped himself in and booted up the ships systems.

“You all might want to buckle up.” He warned the Clones, knowing what’ll happen next.

The members of Orion Squad all did as instructed and fastened their seatbelts. The Slave 1 takes off and hovers out of the hanger exits. Once it was clear of the Star Destroyer, the ship began to rotate upwards, causing the clones to hold on tight.

“Whoa! What’s happening?!” Apex asked.

“The Slave 1 is rotating.” Daxter explained. “ Whenever it lands it has to lie on its back, but when in flight mode it rotates back upwards. Don’t worry, these type of ships have a gyro system, so the interior will return to normal right about-

As Daxter was trying to explain the physics behind the Slave 1, the interior did -as he was about to perfectly time it – rotate the back to ground level, despite it being right side up.

“Now.” Daxter finished his sentence, approved by the convenience of that timing.

As the Slave 1 flew in the direction of the Liberator, it was followed by a squadron of TIE Fighters, Interceptors and Bombers.

The Liberator also sent out Clone 170 starfighters and Y-Wings out to intercept them. All the fighters opened fire at each other in a desperate attempt to wipe them all out as quickly as possible.

The Imperial Clones couldn’t help but feel a little disturbed by it all. They’re blowing up ships that they themselves once piloted, killing Clones who only exist to fight the Empire. It was if they were fighting their own past selves.

The Members of Orion Squad couldn’t see much of the fighting from where they were, but they could still hear it. No matter what side lost the most ships, it didn’t change the fact that Clones were killing other Clones, which really made them uncomfortable.

“I Think I understand why Boba didn’t want us involved in the battle now.” Thunder spoke up.

“Yeah, me too.” Boomstick added. “I can’t help but feel a little sick from all this.”

“We all feel this, Boomstick. All the better that Ghost is still in recovery. I don’t know how he’d feel about this. And I can’t even imagine how Fang would’ve felt had he seen this.”

The others all nodded to Daxters statement. Fang cared more for his men than any of them ever could. Seeing his own brothers fighting against them would’ve broken him.

They were then interrupted by the sound of the of Sigan’s voice calling out to them through their helmets. “Listen up troops. The Kaminoans are attempting to send transports to sympathetic planets in the hope of building a rebel coalition. This will not be tolerated. You must destroy those transports before they make the jump to hyperspace.”

“Yes sir, it will be done.” Daxter told the Admiral before hanging up. “You get all that, Fett?

“Every word.” Boba then radios all the TIE Fighters. “All Fighters target those transport ships, don’t let any of them escape.” He ordered.

The Fighters all spread out and begun attacking the transports around the Liberator. There were five in total, and they needed to take them out fast before they jump to hyperspace in different parts of the galaxy.

The TIE Fighters and Interceptors kept the Republic fighters distracted while the Slave 1 and the Bombers targeted the transport ships.

The Bombers were able to deal some damage to some of the transports, but not enough to destroy them completely.

The Slave 1 then swooped in and decided to show them what it was capable of. The Slave 1 fires a couple missiles at the transports. The missiles fly around the back of the ships, and target their engines. Three of the transport ships all blow up in unison, taking out some of the fighters that got caught in the explosion.

The members of Orion Squad were shocked at how much fire power the Slave 1 possessed. It just took out three of the transport ships with only a few missiles. A feat like that usually takes a couple bombing runs from a few TIE Bombers. The Slave 1 definitely lived up to its reputation as a warship.

“Nice shot, Boba. Though there’s still two more transports.” Apex pointed out.

“And judging by the brightness of their engines, their engines. I’d say their ready to jump into hyperspace.” Thunder added.

“I’ve got something special for those ships. Though you might want to cover your ears.” Boba warned. He then once again radios the TIE Fighters. “All troopers move your fighters away from the remaining transports!”

Once all the fighters were cleared, Boba readied the Slave 1’s seismic charges once he was in range of the last two transports. He then drops on right in the middle of the two transports and quickly flew away before it detonated.

What followed as the charge went off was one second worth of complete silence. Which was then followed by a massive blue blast of soundwaves, unleashing a loud ear shattering sound. The sound waves ripped through the transports, tearing them to pieces in the process.

The Clones sure were glad that they covered their ears. That loud bang would’ve shattered their eardrums had they took in the whole thing.

Once their ears had stopped ringing, Daxter and the others received another call from Sigan.

“Well done troops. With the transports destroyed, they won’t be recruiting other planets to their resistance anytime soon…Are you feeling alright?”

“Yes sir. Our ears were ringing from the seismic charge Fett unleashed on the transports.” Boomstick stated.

“I see. Well I hope you’ve pulled yourselves together because there’s more work to be done. The Liberator is being protected by two Republic Defence Frigates. Show them no mercy.”

The Slave 1 performs a quick 180 and begins targeting the Frigates. Fortunately for Boba, one of them was already damaged from the seismic charge he fired earlier, so all he had to do was finish it off.

Instead of wasting more missiles, the Slave 1 unleashed its rapid fire blasters at the vulnerable parts of the damaged frigate, crippling it even more until it exploded in a fiery inferno.

Now it was onto the second frigate. Though this one was more of a challenge compared to the first. Recognising the Slave 1 as the most powerful and dangerous ship in this battle. The Liberator and its frigate all targeted it instead of focusing on the fighters.

Boba was too focused on avoiding the barrage of heavy green lasers to get a clear shot on the other frigate.

However, with the frigate more focused on the Slave 1, it was unable to stop the incoming attacks from a TIE Bomber. It blasted the frigates turrets, leaving it defenceless.

Something was different about that one Bomber. Whoever was piloting it was more skilled in flying then most troopers. Barrel rolling around blaster fire, doing a quick loop-de-loop to make another bombing run across the ships bridge. The members of Orion’s Squad recognised those flying skills all too well.

“That Bomber. Do you guys think it’s- 

Apex was interrupted by Daxter who immediately answered what he was about to say. “It’s Ghost. It has to be.”

“What!? But it’s only been 2 hours. He’s supposed to be recovering.” Boomstick stated, hoping that it wasn’t Ghost out there. He really shouldn’t be pushing himself when he’s not fully healed yet.

“Hold on guys. Maybe it’s not him, it could easily be someone else.” Apex suggested, hoping to calm everyone’s nerves.

“Nobody but Ghost and Lord Vader can fly like that. And Vader’s gone back to his Super Star destroyer, the Executor.” Thunder pointed out.

Boba then interrupts their little argument from above in the cockpit. “Whoever it is doesn’t matter. They just destroyed the second frigate. The Liberator is now open to attack.”

“He’s right troopers.” Sigan then interrupted once again. “The Liberator is now vulnerable. But before we can attack it directly, you need to take out its shields and communications array. Then target their engines in case they try to escape by jumping into hyperspace. We can’t let the Kaminoans escape!”

“That all we need to do? Hmph, piece of cake.” Boba muttered to himself.

All the ships begin to target the Liberator directly. The TIE Fighters focused on weakening the shields by attacking any part of the ship continuously. Once the shields were down the Bombers would attack the communications array, to prevent them from calling for reinforcements. Then the Slave 1 would attack the engines, preventing it from retreating.

So far so good. The shields were down in no time, and their communications array had been destroyed. Things were going really well for them.

But things started to take a turn for the dangerous as the Liberator decided to blast its engines at full power, and begin flying towards the Conqueror. Some of the TIE Fighters end up crashing into it as they couldn’t move out of the way in time.

“The Kaminoans have gone mad!” Boomstick said in a shocked manner.

“Are they seriously gonna ram the Liberator into our Star Destroyer?!” Apex asked rhetorically. “I know they’re desperate, but I didn’t think they’d go so far as to sacrifice themselves just to get rid of us.”

“We can’t let them reach the Conqueror!” Daxter stated. He then calls out to Boba who was flying towards the Liberator. “Hurry Fett, hurry!”

Boba didn’t respond to Daxters impatience. Instead he fired his ships missiles at the Liberators engines, destroying the, all one by one.

The Liberator started to slow down with each engine getting blown up, until it finally stopped dead in its tracks as it was so close to hitting the Conqueror. Everyone aboard the Conqueror must be letting out a huge sigh of relief by now, just barely surviving having their old cruiser ramming into their new one.

The members of Orion Squad also caught their breath, relieved that their Star Destroyer is completely unharmed.

“Kamino’s orbital defences are disabled.” Boba radioed Sigan.

“Excellent job, Bounty Hunter. Have everyone return to the Conqueror at once, we will soon begin the bombardment.”

Boba complied with the order and flew the Slave 1 back to the Conqueror, with the remaining TIE Fighters following behind.

As soon as the TIE fighters landed, the pilots all exited their ships and left the hanger area. The members of Orion Squad waited patiently for the bomber that took out the frigate to land, so that they could find out once and for all if that was indeed Ghost that piloted it.

They then see the TIE Bombers enter and land in the hanger. Time for the moment of truth.

“Good job out there boys.”

They were suddenly caught off guard by a familiar voice calling out to them from behind.

They all turn around and were shocked to see that it was Ghost standing behind them. He was back in his Purge Trooper armour with his helmet tucked under his left arm. They were not expecting him to come out of the hospital so soon. And on top of that, his injuries were completely healed. Not one burn could be seen anywhere on his face. Even his hair had grown back. Bacta sure does wonders for the wounded.

“Ghost…You’re better?” Thunder was the first to point out the obvious.

“I knew it was you.” Daxter spoke up afterwards. “Nobody but you could pull of fancy flying like that. While we’re thankful for your help with the frigate, you shouldn’t be pushing yourself so hard like that. You don’t need to prove anything to us. We’re still your brothers, and the 501st will always follow you no matter what.”

Ghost normally would be flattered with words like that. But not this time around. This time he wore a look of confusion, which in turn confused his brothers as well.

“Uhhh, I didn’t destroy any frigate. I only just now got out of the hospital.”

The members of Orion Squad then went from confused to surprised. If Ghost wasn’t the one that destroyed the frigate, then who did?

“It was me actually.”

They all turned around once again and were surprised to see that the identity of the fancy flier was their medic, X-Ray all along.

The whole time they’ve fought together during space battles during and after the Clone Wars, not once have they ever seen X-Ray pilot a star fighter. As a medic, he spent most of his time in the ships medical centre, tending to wounded clones. They never even thought that X-Ray was capable of flying a ship, not in the way Ghost can at least. During their simulation training, he got decent scores like the rest of them. So how the hell was he able to fly a TIE Bomber so well?

“X-Ray!” They all said in unison.

“Since when could you fly a TIE Bomber like a pro?” Boomstick asked him.

“For a while now actually. I just never had a chance to fight in a space battle until now. I figured you boys needed some back up since Ghost was sleeping. I wanted to do my part for the team in battle for once, rather than just stay behind in the med bay… I wanted to prove to you all that I could fight just as well as I can treat wounds.” X-Ray explained.

“X-Ray, you didn’t need to prove anything to us.” Daxter reassured him.

“Yes I do Daxter!” He raised his voice a little bit, not wanting to hear his pity. “Look, lately I’ve been feeling like I’ve not done much for the team apart from healing Clones. Don’t get me wrong, I like my position in Orion Squad. It’s just that.” He paused for a moment, struggling to get his true feelings out. “To put it bluntly, I don’t wanna be known as the weakest member of the team.”

The members of Orion Squad didn’t see that coming one bit. X-Ray has always been the good hearted one among them. Ghost was the underdog turned fearless leader. Daxter was the smart creative one. Boomstick was the strong cocky one. Thunder was the fearless one. And Apex, well he was more the brooding bad boy type… But X-Ray, he was the voice of reason. That’s all they expected from him. But apparently that’s not what he wants to be known as anymore.

“X-Ray.” Ghost started as he placed his hand on his shoulder. “What gave you the impression that you were the weakest of us? There are no strong or weak Clones among us. As Orion Squad we each a part of a single person, fighting as one. We are all equal. Surely you would’ve known that after all these years of fighting by our side.”

“I’ve heard some of the Imperial higher ups talk about us. They always talk about how you and the others are the best of the Empires troops. But they said that I was just some regular Storm Trooper who’s only skill is healing people. I know I shouldn’t let things like that get to me, especially from guys like them. But I cannot deny that there is some truth in what they say… I hoped that by proving myself that I can fight just as well as you lot, I can be more than just the medic Trooper.”

The members of Orion Squad listened carefully to what their brother needed to say. They were slightly surprised to hear that Imperial Officers calling him weak was what motivated all this. They were all a bunch lazy cowards, what did they know about what makes someone strong or weak.

“Listen to me, X-Ray.” Ghost spoke up with seriousness in his voice. “If you really were weak as they said you were, do you really think Fang would’ve made you a part of 501st legion?” Before X-Ray could answer, Ghost continued. “The 501st legion is the strongest Clone Battalion within the Republic. And we still are the strongest of the Imperial Army within the Empire. Lord Vader views every single one of us as the best of the best, and that includes you too. Medic are just as important to the 501st than soldiers, engineers and even Purge Troopers like me. You have a great strength when it comes to saving lives, as well as restore them to full strength so that they could fight again. Look at me. You said it would take 10 hours for me to fully recover, and I was able to recover in only 2. No ordinary Imperial Medic could’ve accomplished something like that… You are just as strong as we are. And if the Imperial Officers can’t see that, then they’re the true weak ones.”

X-Ray was moved by Ghosts words. He was right. Why should he care what non-clones think of him. They were nothing to Vader. The 501st however is essential to him and the Empire. As a part of it, he should’ve known better then to assume that he was weak.

X-Ray lowered his head, ashamed of how he let their words get to him like that. He risked his own life out there for nothing in the end. He could’ve died out there, and his brothers never would’ve known it.

“I’m sorry guys. I let you all down.”

“Don’t talk like that.” Apex spoke up. “You just made a mistake. It happens to every one of us.”

“He’s right.” Thunder continued. “Everyone makes mistakes. But instead of regretting it, we learn from them so we could better ourselves.”

“Take what this as a lesson, and improve yourself as a soldier and a healer.” Daxter added.

X-Ray raised his head again and looked at each of his brothers. A smile starts to form on his face. He’s very lucky to have brothers like them. And he is proud to call himself a member of Orion Squad.

In the distance Boba Fett was eavesdropping on their conversation. He’ll admit he was impressed with how far these clones have come since their training on Kamino. But the mission wasn’t over yet. They still need to go down to Kamino and infiltrate the same cloning facility they were created it and kill their creators. He’ll let them have this moment for a bit longer. They need all the motivation they need if they’re gonna pull this off.

On the bridge of the Conqueror, Sigan watched as the Conqueror got into position above the Liberator, preparing for the bombardment.

“Admiral, the cannons are locked and ready to fire on your command.”

“In a moment pilot. The 501st should bear witness to what we’re about to do.”

“Are you sure that’s wise?”

Sigan turned around to see that Boba Fett was the first to arrive on the bridge.

“I’ve seen how some of them are. They’ve been holding onto the past for too long. In order to bring out the best in them, they need to look to the future and let the past die.” Sigan explained to him.

The members of Orion Squad soon join Boba on the bridge.

“Ah Ghost, I’m happy to see you back on your feet again. I must say your recovery has proceeded far quicker than I expected.” Sigan said.

“It’s thanks to our medic, X-Ray. I am pleased to say that I am fighting fit once again, and am combat ready.”

“Good to hear that, Commander.” Sigan started. He paused for a moment, slightly hesitant to tell Ghost about what will be happening next.

Ghost however interrupts him before he could continue. “I know all about the Kaminoans rising up against us. Boba Fett told me all about their plan to create an army of clones to fight the Empire… I also know that the ship your about to destroy is the Liberator.”

Sigan was quite taken aback by this. He expected Ghost to be upset about this. But he’s taking this remarkably well. Ghost however had more to say on the topic.

“As much as it turns my stomach knowing what our creators have done, making our brothers fight us like this. My duty to Lord Vader and the Empire comes first. On behalf of the 501st legion, we will make our creators pay dearly for this intolerable betrayal. Even if it means…the end of us clones.”

Daxter and the others felt the same feelings as Ghost right now. The Kaminoans were the closest things they had to family apart from each other, as they made them into the troopers they are now. Why they decided to turn against them they didn’t know. But what they do know is if they don’t stop them, the Empire will fall.

“We will begin the bombardment. Your free to leave if you must, you don’t need to watch this.” Sigan told them. After sharing his story with Ghost, he can understand how it would feel to lose your home, considering he lost his on Mandalore.

“I’m staying.” Ghost spoke up. “Like you said, we can’t live in the past anymore. We need to look to the future. It’s what Fang would’ve wanted us to do.”

One by one the members of Orion Squad stepped forward, implying that they too are not afraid to watch their old cruiser get blown to pieces.

“We’re staying too.” Daxter said. “We face everything together, as a team.”

They all stand by Ghosts side. No matter what they come across, no matter how horrible it may be, they will face them together.

Ghost looks over to his brothers and smiles at them. He then looks over to Boba Fett who nods at him in appreciation. He then looks over at Sigan, giving him the all clear to go ahead with what he needed to do.

Sigan nodded back at him and turned around to the bridges window, looking down at the Liberator.

“Commence bombardment.” He ordered the ships pilots.

The Conqueror aims all of its cannons at the Liberator and unleashes all of its fire power on it.

The members of Orion Squad held their nerve as they watched the old Republic Cruiser that was once their home get consumed by blaster fire. They’ve seen a lot of ships get blown up in their time, but nothing compared to this. After all, it’s hard not to feel a little heartbroken when your forced to destroy your own home.

While Ghost and his brothers were slightly torn from the destruction going on in front of them, they mustered all of their will to keep it together. They need to let the past die, or else they’ll never improve their future. Like it or not, this is the first true step for them into being true Imperials, and not Republic soldiers.

As the Liberator was exploding, some of the Conquerors pilots spotted a Republic Gunship flying away from the destruction and heading down to Kamino.

“Admiral, a Republic Gunship has escaped the bombardment and are heading down to the planet. Should we take them out?”

“No. Let them go. We’re gonna be heading down to kill them anyway. Let them warn their creators. It won’t do them any good in the end, they have nowhere else to go.” Sigan pointed out.

It was done. The Liberator, the ship that served the as the 501st legions home and mode of transportation has become a pile of metal debris, floating away through deep space. The members of Orion Squad took a moment of silence to mourn the loss of their old ship. It may’ve been a ship to some, but to them it was everything.

Now that the Liberator was destroyed, Kamino was completely vulnerable to attack. It was time to put an end to the Kaminoans treachery.

The men of the 501st all boarded two Imperial Shuttles, while the members of Orion Squad went with Boba in the Slave 1. The Slave 1 was the first to take off and exit the hanger, followed by the two shuttles.

The three ships slowly made their way down to Kamino’s atmosphere and descended continuously.

Ghost was still feeling conflicted by this whole mess. Despite his actions during Order 66, what he and his men were about to do here was by far going to be the most ruthless thing they’ll ever do.

How will their psyche handle all this betrayal and devastation they’re about to inflict on their own creators? Destroying the Liberator was hard enough, but killing their own creators as well as their army of evil clone brothers will probably break them.

“Is this our punishment?” Ghost thought to himself. “Is this happening because of the things we’ve done for the Empire? Is this why our own creators are rising against us? Because we killed many Jedi. Because we killed men, women, and children? Maybe this is it… Maybe this is where we meet our end.”

Galactic Empire Journal Entry 26 – Location: Kamino Orbit

“After we’d broken through the Kaminoan blockade hovering over our home planet, Boba Fett led us down to the planet surface to finish off what remained of our creator and their army of evil brothers. We didn’t know what to expect down there, but one things for sure… The men of the 501st will never be the same again after this.”

To Be Continued