Chapter 14: Prison Break

Galactic Empire Journal Entry 29 – Location: The Death Star


"Once it was finally finished, the Death Star was the Emperor's favourite toy. It was also the most boring assignment in the galaxy for a stormtrooper. Tedious inspection drills, endless hours of guarding impregnable force field generators. Things got so bad that when a prison break erupted in the cell block, we were almost happy to have someone shooting at us again. If only we had known what an embarrassing snipe storm we were about to wade into, we probably would have jettisoned the whole detention block into space."


A month has passed since the Kamino uprising. Ever since the 501st legion had killed their own creators and their army of genetically altered cousins; things have started to quiet down in the galaxy.


Because of this, there was nothing left to interfere with the construction of the Death Star. Now it is complete and fully operational. No planet would dare even think about starting another rebellion. They’ve all seen what the 501st legion and its fearless force sensitive leader could do both during the Clone Wars and even now.


And now that the Death Star is complete, it stands as the greatest power in the whole universe. Nothing could ever hope to combat a space station with the power to destroy an entire planet. The Empire is truly unstoppable. Nothing can ever stop them now.


The Death Star is currently where Ghost and his men are stationed. When they got word that they were to be given positions abord the new space station, they were actually honoured…at first.


The first few days on board the Death Star have been the most boring of their lives. Now that the conflicts over and every government has been put in their place, there was nothing left for them to do. They instead spent most of their times doing inspection drills, guarding the Death Stars vital systems. And perhaps the worst of them all. Training the new recruits in the Empire.


Ghost and his brothers finally found out what Palpatine planned with Project SEC. He had his own personal team of scientist start a new cloning project in secret. A team led by one of Kamino’s head scientist, Nala-Se.


Turns out she survived the Kamino uprising, and was escorted to an Imperial facility on the planet Weyland. He used her cloning expertise to create a new generation of clones for the Empire. But these clones were not Jango Fett clones like they are. These ones are clones of many hosts Palpatine himself handpicked for his army.


As for the force sensitive clones. Palpatine was able to find a way to perfect it. He now has a couple clones with the power of the force serving under him. These clones however served as his own personal royal guards. Particularly the rare Shadow Guards, created not only to guard the Emperor, but also hunt down and slaughter surviving Jedi alongside the Purge Troopers.


Ghost turned down the offer to be the Purge Troopers leader so that he could be with the 501st. Ironic that perfected clones of him have now replaced him.


Ghost was currently separated from his brothers in one of the Death Stars many observation rooms. He was watching one of the Shadow Guards train with the other Purge Troopers. The shadow guards looked just like their original red counterparts, apart from the fact that their robes are black and the vizor in their helmets is red (the reverse of what the original guards colours are) And instead of spears, the wielded lightsaber pikes.


Ghost then watches as the shadow guard picks up one of the Purge Troopers with the force and throws him at the other three. Looks like Palpatine made Project SEC a complete success.


Ghost then looked away from the window and over to a barrel in the corner of the room. He looked at it for a moment, and then looked down at his hands. He already knew what would happen, but thought to himself “What’s the harm in at least trying?”


He reaches out towards the barrel and concentrates on it really hard. He remembers what his profile said about his abilities. But for some reason he wants to believe that maybe there was more to it than that. Maybe he wasn’t another failed attempt. He can already fight as well as a Jedi, mastering all the lightsaber forms of combat. If he could wield the force like Vader and Palpatine, then maybe he could truly put himself out onto the field, and never again live in fear of seeing any more of his and Fangs men die.


Unfortunately though, nothing happened. Looks like he was wrong. In the end he was still only partially force sensitive, and incapable of pulling of the skills the Shadow Guards could do. He looks back to the window once again, and notices that the Shadow Guard is now using force lightning on a couple targets on the wall. Ghost can’t help but feel like he’s a joke compared to him.


“Hey you!”


Ghost snapped out of his train of thought and looked over to where that voice came from. He then notices two of the new human recruit Storm Troopers looking down on one of his own men from the 501st.


“Look where you’re going, old man!” The other recruit shouted.


“Me? It was you two who were too busy talking you weren’t paying attention to where you’re going!” The 501st clone shouted back.


“Or what? You gonna go tell your commander on us!” The recruit said back sarcastically.


Ghost would not stand for this any longer. Nobody messes with one of his men and gets away with it. He decides to step in and break up the fight. “That’s enough!” He called out, drawing their attention away from the clones and towards him.


The rookie clones arrogant expressions were soon replaced with fear, for one of them anyway. The other recruit decided instead to speak out to him instead. “Oh look, another old clone. Yet another relic from the Clone Wars the Empire doesn’t need-


The recruit on the right then elbows the other in the chest to shut him up. “Have you lost your mind?!” He said to him. “Do you have any idea who this guy is? He’s the leader of Vader’s Fist!”


“At least one of you has done their homework. This old clone you pushed down is one of my brothers, he has tackled many threats that you two will probably never live to experience. You got a problem with any of my men you come to me, understand?”


“Yes sir. We apologise.” The recruit said in response. He then grabs his partner by the arm and drags him away. Once they were both gone, Ghost helped his fellow clone up.


“Thanks sir.”


“Always happy to help a brother out.” Ghost replied.


“The nerve of those guys!” The clone started to complain. “Ever since all these non-clone recruits joined the ranks of the Imperial Army, they’ve been making life hell for us clones. Constantly saying that one day we’ll all die out, and the Empire will just be them. Even the new clones they made look down on us like insects. It pisses me off!”


“I feel you. But there’s nothing we can do about it.” Ghost explained. “The Emperor wants to show the galaxy that the ways of the old Republic is over. We clones are from an era that no longer exists. It was because of Lord Vader that the 501st continues to thrive among the Imperial Army. We’re still the best of the Empire, and there’s nothing any of these new recruits can do about it.”


“You know what. You’re right sir. These clowns will never know what it’s like to be a true soldier. After all we’ve been through, they’ve got nothing on us. Thanks again commander.” The clones said happily as he took his leave.



A while later, Ghost reunites with his team mates in one of the Death Stars bars. At long last they have time to themselves, and they use it sparingly.


The Death Stars bar was pretty dull compared to the clone bars they used to go to on Coruscant. There were no Twi’lek dancers, or loud music. Instead it was more of a quiet atmosphere.


The only entertainment available was a TV showing various sports channels and the pod race on Malastare. Ghost remembers Anakin telling him once that when he was a child he won a pod race on his home planet Tatooine. He’s changed so much since then. Sometimes he thinks to himself, how would young Anakin react if he saw what he’d become in the future?


“Hey Ghost, you ok?”


Ghost snapped back into reality upon hearing Boomstick’s voice. He shakes his head clearing away any more thoughts so that he could pay attention to what his brothers had to say.


“Sorry Boom, what were you saying?” He asked.


“I was just telling the guys how I’ve started to hate the new Storm Trooper recruits in the Empire. I was tasked with training them in heavy artillery, and then they had the nerve to call me an old man!” Boomstick complained.


“I hate this!” Thunder continued. “None of these recruits even knew about what we accomplished in the Clone Wars.”


“Oh they do know; they just don’t care.” Apex added. “After all we’ve done for this galaxy, this is the thanks we get? What a bunch of ungrateful little brats!”


“Even our ranks don’t mean anything. To them we’re just a bunch of old clones from an era long gone. Out with the old and in with the new kind of crap!” Boomstick complained further.


Ghost, Daxter, and X-Ray sat in silence as they listened to their brothers complaints about the new human recruits in the Empire. Daxter then turns his attention away from the others and looks over at the bar counter. He couldn’t help but notice one Imperial at the counter with a couple empty bottles next to him. Judging from his uniform and helmet, he appeared to be one of the Death Stars heavy gunnery team.


He can’t help but feel a bit worried for the guy as he’s on his fifth bottle of what he assumes is an alcoholic drink. “Who’s that guy over there?”


“Who?” X-Ray asked as he and the others all looked in the direction Daxter was pointing in.


“Oh I know who that is.” Ghost spoke up. “That’s Ten Graneet. He’s part of the Death Star’s super laser control team. I’ve seen him come in here every day, drowning his sorrows in alcohol.”


“Why?” Daxter asked confused by his constant drinking.


“Because that man is responsible for firing the super laser and destroying the planet Despayre and the city of Jedha.” Ghost told them.


The others were shocked by this. Now it makes sense why this depressed man is drowning himself at the bar. They remember that Jedha was the very first time the Death Star’s super laser had been tested upon completion. Destroyed with only a small percentage of its power.


As for Despayre, it was a slave planet that helped build the Death Star. Upon completion they were no longer needed, which resulted in the Death Star being fired at the world, not once, not twice, but three times! No wonder Ten is consumed with immense guilt. Anyone would be had they been put in his position.


Fortunately the senate on Coruscant know nothing about the Death Star’s destructive super weapon. Palpatine had informed them that Jedha was destroyed on a mining disaster. And as for Despayre. It was ripped apart by a violent asteroid collision. All the Senate needed to know is that the Death Star was a symbol for the Empire, and not a weapon of mass destruction.


“Oh man, that poor guy. How does he even sleep at night knowing the many lives he took?” Boomstick asked.


“He probably doesn’t sleep at all.” Apex stated.


“We can somewhat understand what he’s going through.” Ghost spoke up. “With all the Jedi, the queen of Naboo, even our own brothers. Even all those unborn embryos were slaughtered by me. Nobody knows true guilt like we do.”


“If he didn’t wanna do this, then why’d he join the Empire in the first place?” X-Ray asked.


“When I first met him he told me that he was a man who was fascinated about firing massive weapons.” Ghost started explaining. “He always dreamed of being assigned to the largest gun possible. He told me that he once served as a gunner during the Clone Wars, and then joined the Imperial Navy afterwards. When the Death Star was nearing completion, he was among the few picked gunners to be transferred here to join the super laser gunnery crew. At first he was excited to finally achieve his dream of manning the most powerful weapon in the universe…Until he went through the simulator that demonstrated the full power of this battle station.”


Ghost didn’t need to finish his story for the others to know what happened next. It was obvious that Ten Graneet suffered PTSD from being the one who pulled the lever, firing the Death Stars super laser. They among many others questioned of it was wise for one man to wield such destructive power.


Being full supporters of the Empire, Orion Squad dismissed their initial concerns by convincing themselves that the Empire would never use this super weapon on a populated planet. And that it’s true purpose was to strike fear into the chaotic regions of the galaxy. Preventing other rebellions such as Naboo, the Droids, or evil Clones ever again. The super weapon would only be tested on barren dead moons as a means of demonstrating its massively destructive power.


Though the 501st have claimed thousands of lives during their years of fighting, Ten Graneet has claimed the lives of billions. Probably labelling him as the biggest mass murderer in the whole galaxy. It’s a wonder he hasn’t quit his position… or quitted life as a whole.


“I’m surprised the poor guy hasn’t killed himself over this.” Apex spoke up, breaking the silence.


“He can’t afford to.” Ghost added. “He also can’t quit the Empire either, because the first thing they’d do is get someone else to take his place. If I were in his position, I would never put the burden of committing genocide on someone else. He has no choice but to carry out his job, to save others from doing it for him. He may be a non-clone recruit, but that man has claimed more lives than the entirety of the 501st, or even the whole Imperial Army has in a week than we have in twenty years.”


The rest of Orion Squad all look towards Ten who was now passed out drunk on the bar counter. He’s now had up to eight bottles, which caused them to start worrying. X-Ray quickly got up from his chair and examined him. He let out a sigh of relief upon detecting a pulse.


“He’s ok, just unconscious.”


“Thank goodness. You better get him to the med bay in case somethings wrong. We’ll meet up with you later.” Ghost told him.


As Orion Squad were about to leave though they suddenly hear a man shout out to them, stopping them dead in their tracks.


“Hey! Who’s going to pay for his drinks?” He demanded.


The members of Orion Squad all look amongst each other, hoping one of them will step up so they won’t have to.


“I’ll do it.” Daxter spoke up and rose his hand. “You guys go on ahead to your next assignments, I’ve still got another hour until I’m needed in the engine room.


Daxter then looks behind him and was annoyed to see that they’d all left already. Not even bothering to thank him for stepping up. Even X-Ray bailed on him while carrying a passed out Ten on his back.


Daxter went up to the counter and pulled out his credit card. The bar tender then gave him a long bill to which Daxter was horrified by the sight of.


“HOW MUCH?!” Daxter shouted. He’s gonna be broke by the time this was over.



A few hours later, all of Orion Squad were now at their new assigned tasks. They were all stationed in one of the Death Stars many hanger bays control room. Their task was to monitor every ship the enters and exits the space station, just in case of Rebel spies.


For the most part it was just Ghost, Thunder, Apex and Boomstick. X-Ray was in the med bay tending to Ten, while Daxter was in the engine room. Once again boredom has taken over them as all they had to do was just stand there and watch ships fly in and out.


“This is soooo boring!” Boomstick muttered.


“I know right.” Thunder added. “When are we gonna get some real action? I wanna go on missions again like we used to.”

“Now that the Death Stars completed, no planet would dare try to rise up against us. They all know their place.” Apex told them.


“Yeah I know. But still, I wish we had something to shoot again. Something, anything!” Boomstick complained again.


The silence and complaints of boredom were soon shattered as the members of Orion Squad were startled by the sound of an alarm going off all over the station.


“Wish granted.” Thunder replied sarcastically.


“What’s going on now?” Ghost wondered to himself. It was too soon for the next fire drill. Something must be wrong.


“Alert, prison riot in progress. All Imperials report to the detention block immediately.” A computer voice spoke out over an intercom.


“A prison riot. Seriously!” Apex muttered to himself. This is probably the first that any form of riot occurred on the Death Star.


Ever since the rise of the Empire, the many rebels that attempted to fight back have either been killed or taken prisoner. Over the years the Empire has imprisoned hundreds of rebels, and not once has any of them attempted to a break out… until now.


Ghost and his brothers soon receive a call from Sigan. Which surprised them as he was not on the Death Star. He was still aboard the Conqueror, keeping watch over it while the 501st were aboard the Death Star.


“Come in, Commander.” Sigan ordered. Ghost was the first to answer his call.


“This is Ghost, reading you loud and clear.”


“What’s going on over there?”


“There is a prison riot in progress. My troops and I are currently stationed in Hanger 84G. You should warn the other Star Destroyers about this, just in case the prisoners attempt to escape in one of our shuttles.”


“Very well. For the moment, you and your men are on your own. If any of the rebel prisoners attempt to enter the hanger your stationed in, kill them! Prisoners only get one chance.” With that said, Sigan hung up.


“Let’s get down there and join up with the rest of the squad boys.” Ghost instructed his brothers.


“But what about Dax and X-Ray?” Thunder asked.


“They’ll be fine. The med bay and engine rooms are nowhere near the detention block. The prisoners will most likely make a break for this hanger as its closest. We’ll hold the line here and shoot on sight.”


Ghost and his three brothers make their way downstairs and join the rest of a small  contingent of the 501st in the hanger area. They all pointed their blasters at the only entrance, ready for any rebels that come their way.


“Orders Commander?” A random Stormtrooper asked Ghost.


“The Rebels are converging on our location; we must not allow any of them to escape. Defend the hanger at all costs!”


The clones waited for about a few minutes until they could hear the sounds of a dozen footsteps behind the blast door. They’re here.


As soon as the doors open, a couple of smoke grenades fly through it landing in front of them.


“GRENADE!” One of the clones warned just before they went off. The smoke completely covers the whole area, blinding the storm troopers. Luckily for Orion Squad, their armours came equipped with thermal vision.


“All troops switch to thermal vison!” Ghost ordered.


The clones were soon met by the sight of many body heat signatures in front of them, followed by blaster fire. The clones all return fire and blast away the rebels.


The Rebel prisoners came in many species. Most of them were human, but there were a couple other species thrown into the mix such as Twi’leks, Togruta’s, Zabrak’s and even Wookiee’s.


Some of the clones were worried about the Wookiees. They all saw first-hand what they could do to Battle Droids. They’d hate to see what they’ll do to them, especially after the Empire enslaved them after conquering Kashyyyk.


The smoke finally clears and the clones now have a clear shot at the rebels. Apex snipes some of the rebels in the back of the hallway from a distance, preventing any more from getting in.


Boomstick uses his pistol for a change instead of his rocket launcher. He didn’t wanna risk damaging the Death Star, not after how long it took to complete it.


Thunder decided to attack from above. Firing his ARC Caster at the rebels as they came in. The lightning from his blaster was so powerful it chained several rebels together, completely frying them. Was it overkill, maybe? But he will do whatever it takes to defend the Death Star.


“Hey, take it easy Orion Squad. You’re making the rest of us look bad!” One of the storm troopers called out to them. He understands that they’re the best of the 501st, but they could at least give them a chance to kill some Rebel scum.


Being severely outmatched by the 501st legion, the rebel prisoners decided to retreat and find some other way off this space station. The men of the 501st cheered as the rebels fled.


“Well done men.” Ghost congratulated them. “Hanger 84G is secure.”


“What do we do now, sir?” Another Storm Trooper asked his commanding officer.


“The riot originated in Cell Block 2180. The Rebels will have most likely turned it into their temporary base. We most get over there and secure that cell block. Kill who you have to, but make sure any other prisoners don’t escape!”


“SIR, YES SIR!” The clones all shouted in unison. They all soon march out of the hanger to the detention area. Ghost however calls back to Lieutenant Shadow and some of his best men. “Shadow, you and your men stand guard here. They might try and take the hanger again.”


“Yes sir.” Shadow replied.


Ghost and the rest of his men leave Hanger 84G and make their way over to the detention area.



Ghost and his squad of 501st troopers arrive at Cell Block 2180 and were quite surprised at what they see. As he anticipated, the prisoners have indeed taken over the entire cell block. They most likely got all their weapons from the vault. Though they are still unclear on how the rebels managed to escape in the first place.


But that didn’t matter right now. Their main priority was to eliminate the prisoners before they cause some serious damage to the Death Star.


Upon entering the cell block they were already met with blaster fire by the many prisoners inside. Ghost and his men seek shelter from behind the entrance walls.


“They’ve taken over the whole detention block!” Thunder pointed out.


“Boomstick, toss a smoke grenade in there. We’ll use the same strategy they did on us. Everyone switch to thermal vision again.” Ghost instructed.


As they all did so, Boomstick went ahead and chucked a couple smoke grenades in there, blinding the rebels. Now that was karma.


Taking out the other prisoners was easier now that they can’t see them coming in. But Ghost couldn’t help but notice something was off about the way the prisoners are fighting compared to earlier. They were acting more like a distraction then a fighting force. Just what are they distracting them from though.


“Hurry, take it and go, NOW!” He heard one of the rebels shout to another. He then notices that one of the rebels was running away from the battle. At an inhuman speed too.


Ghost quickly made short work of the remaining rebel prisoners with his rifle as the smoke clears. He needs to know why that one rebel was in a hurry to get away. He quickly searched through the cell blocks computer files, trying to find something that was out of place.


“Ghost what are you doing? The prisoners are getting away!” Apex pointed out.


“These Rebels are up to something, and I’m gonna find out-


The visor on his helmet suddenly changed back from red to blue, implying he saw something shocking. As he looked through the computer files, he happened to notice that some valuable information is missing. He now understands fully why that one rebel left in such a hurry.


“What’s wrong, Ghost?” Boomstick asked.


“The rebel prisoners… have stolen the plans for the Death Star!”


Now it was time for the rest of them to begin to worry. The rebels somehow managed to steal the technical scymatics for the very battle station they’re in. If they escape with those plans, they might exploit any form of weakness the Death Star might have.


Ghost then begins making a run for the hallway that one rebel ran down, in an attempt to track him down and retake the plans.


“All of you take care of the remaining prisoners. My squad and I will track down that rebel with the plans.” Ghost instructed.


The troops obey and stand guard, while they ran after the rebel with the plans.



In the fire control room of the Death Star (the room where the core of the super laser was) Daxter was making modifications to one of the super laser generators. He was already aware of the prison riot going on, but he didn’t let that get in the way of his duties. Plus, his brothers could handle them easily.


Daxter looks up at the core of the super laser, admiring the crystals inside. The very same questions he and his brothers obtained on Mygeeto during the final months of the Clone Wars. A power source that once sustained an entire planet, is now being used to destroy them.


It’s strange to think about that the Death Star probably would’ve never existed had he and his brothers failed the missions relating to it during the Clone Wars. Or if they died.


He then suddenly hears the sounds of blaster fire and Imperials dying behind him. He quickly hides underneath the stairs leading up from the generators. He notices a bunch of prisoners entering the Fire Control Room.


“Secure the area!” He heard one of them shout out. Probably the leader of this band of rebels and possibly the one responsible for the break out in the first place. “Set the charges all around that thing. Without its powerful super laser, this station will no longer be feared. For the Rebellion!”


“FOR THE REBELION!” The other rebels shouted in unison. Most of them then make a break for the exit, while their leader and a few others began setting explosive charges around the super lasers generators.


“That voice.” Daxter thought to himself as he looked up at the rebel leader. He couldn’t identify him as he was wearing a long black robe and had his face covered by a hood. “I’ve heard that voice somewhere before. A long time ago. Why can’t I remember who it belongs to?!”


Daxter then discreetly messages the rest of his team, warning them of what’ happening. “Ghost, I need help. The prisoners have captured the fire control room. You must not allow them to damage the main cannon. Please hurry and bring back up!”


He then quickly hangs up as one of the Rebels was about to set a charge at the generator he was working on. He notices Daxter out the corner of his eye but wasn’t quick enough to react as he got blasted by his shotgun.


He then quickly targets the other rebels planting charges and kills them all, stopping them from planting and activating them. He then rushes up the stairs to target the mysterious rebel leader. The cloaked figure however doesn’t move, and instead reaches out with his hand.


Daxter didn’t have enough time to question what he was doing until he was suddenly sent flying backwards into the wall so hard it cracked. Daxter was seriously winded from the impact that he didn’t even react to his body falling down and hitting the ground. He was lucky he didn’t break anything, but now he has severe back pains.


The cloaked figure walks over to him and looks down on him. “You look different to the other Storm Troopers my men and I have killed.”


Daxter didn’t give him the satisfaction of answering him. Instead he chose to through a statement back at him. “You’re a Jedi, aren’t you?”


“There are no more Jedi. You and your superiors made sure of that. No, I am no longer naive enough to be a Jedi.” The cloaked figure replied.


He then parts his robe and reveals his lightsaber to him. He ignites the blade which was yellow in colouration - just like Ghosts - and prepared to end the clone engineers life for good.


Luckily for Daxter, he was saved by his brothers and the reinforcements. The mysterious Jedi blocks their blaster bolts with his lightsaber and does multiple backflips to escape the Fire Control Room.


“After him!” Ghost ordered his men. The clones obeyed and followed the rogue Jedi.


Ghost then rushed over to Daxter and helped him up the floor. As Daxter slowly got up, he suddenly succumbed to an painful sensation in his back. It appears the Jedi did more damage to him then he assumed.


“Ahhhhh! My back! I think it might be broken!” Daxter shouted in pain.


“Damn that Jedi!” Boomstick said in annoyance. “How in the hell did the Empire capture a Jedi, and none of us even knew about it?


Ghost should’ve known a Jedi was behind the whole riot from the start. What he couldn’t understand however was why did he choose now of all times to stage a prison break. What was he waiting for?


“No doubt this Jedi is the one who stole the Death Star plans.” Thunder pointed out.


“All the more reason why we should follow him.” Ghost stated. He then turns to Apex. “Apex, get Daxter to the medical bay where X-Ray’s stationed. The rest of us are going after the rebel prisoners, and their mysterious Jedi leader.”


“Gotcha.” Apex replied. He then carefully picks up Daxter, trying his best not to harm him any more than he is now.


Ghost, Thunder and Boomstick raced for the exit the Jedi went, following him and the remaining rebel prisoners.



Ghost and his brothers ran through the Death Stars many hallways, trying to locate the last of the escaped rebel prisoners. Now that their plans to destroy the Death Star Super Laser has failed, their only option now is to escape.


Hanger 84G is secure and well-guarded by Shadow and his best men, but there was another hanger close by that still had a shuttle in it. They need to get to those rebels before they escape in that ship.


“Ghost, do you even know where we’re going?” Boomstick asked.


“With their plans foiled, the rebels will try to escape again. They most likely won’t try and make a second attempt to take over Hanger 84G, so that leaves them only one option. They’re gonna try and take over Hanger 85G instead.”


“Oh, because it’s the closest one to the Fire Control Room.” Thunder pointed out.


“Preciously.” Ghost corrected him. “We’ve got to intercept them and destroy that shuttle before it takes off.”


“Wait, destroy the shuttle? Is that really necessary?” Thunder asked.


“Would you rather risk letting the prisoners escape?” Ghost rhetorically asked him. There was no reply from either of them, which was exactly what Ghost anticipated. “Exactly. Better to be safe than sorry. I’m sure Lord Vader will understand once we terminate the prisoners and their Jedi leader.”

Ghost and the others then started to hear the sounds of blaster fire being exchanged in the distance. They’re getting closer to the hanger. They pick up the pace and hurry over there to join their men in battle.


As soon as they arrive in Hanger 85G, they immediately see the carnage that’s unfolding before their eyes. When it comes to numbers, the 501st have them beat. But these prisoners have a Jedi among them, and he is hacking away at the Storm Troopers, viciously slicing them up with his lightsaber.


Ghost’s visor turned red upon seeing this. No matter how many times he sees his men die, it always angers him. Because every time he sees a clone die, a part of him dies with them. This Jedi has to die before he takes any more men from him.


“Boomstick.” He called out without even looking at him. “You take out the shuttle. Thunder, you help finish off the rest of the prisoners. The Jedi is mine!”


Boomstick and Thunder both nod and join in on the battle. Boomstick readies his rocket launcher and targets the shuttle, while Thunder ignites his jetpack and hovers over the rebels.


Boomstick fires his standard rockets at the shuttle, blasting it to pieces. “Let that be a lesson to you Rebels. No one escapes the Death Star!” He boasted to them, even though none of the prisoners even heard him, being too busy fighting the Storm Troopers.


Thunder uses his ARC Caster to electrocute the rebels, making things easier for the rest of the 501st. However he was soon knocked out of the sky by the Jedi who force pulled him back down to the ground.


The Jedi leaps up and was about to bring his lightsaber down on him. But Ghost steps in just in time and counters him with his own lightsaber.


“A Purge Trooper? I’ve heard a lot about your kind.” The Jedi vividly spoke.


Ghost broke the contact and kicked the Jedi backwards. “Troopers! This Jedi is the source of this rebellion. We must destroy this man, now!” He warned his men.


The Storm Troopers all open fire on the Jedi after wiping out the last of the prisoners, but he deflected all of their blasts with his lightsaber.


“Surrender Jedi, your outnumbered.” Ghost ordered him.


The Jedi responded by unleashing a huge 360 force blast (known as the Force Repulse) Sending all the clones flying backwards in all directions. “ I will not be slaughtered by any of you Imperial dogs!” The Jedi shouted before leaping over to the exit that Ghost and his brothers came from.


There was something oddly familiar with the way that Jedi threatened them just now. Like Daxter, Ghost can’t help but wonder if he’s met this Jedi before. Maybe he was an old general he served with in the Clone Wars who survived Order 66.


Whoever he was doesn’t matter. He was a Jedi and that alone makes him a threat to the galaxy. He needs to be stopped at all costs. Ghost then leaps up to the exit and chases after him, leaving the others behind.


Thunder then gets another call from Sigan, to which he answers at once. “Come in Commander.”


“Ghost’s not available at the moment, Admiral. He’s gone after the Jedi leading the prison riot.”


“Listen to me, we have a serious problem.” Sigan warned him in a worried tone.



The Jedi was making his way back towards Hanger 84G. With the shuttle in 85G destroyed, it was his only other way off this station. He may’ve lost his fellow rebel allies, but their sacrifice will give him this one chance to escape and join the upcoming Rebellion he mentioned earlier.


But he was soon being shot at by rapid blue blaster fire. One of which actually managing to graze his shoulder. He turns around to see that it was Ghost who was shooting at him.


The Jedi then makes his way out into a big open area with a giant bottomless pit in front of him. The door to Hanger 84G was on the opposite end of the small walkway bridge across the pit.


Ghost however locks down the whole area, preventing him from escaping any further. He was now trapped on a walkway over a bottomless pit with a highly skilled Purge Trooper. He has no choice but to fight his way out.


“There’s nowhere left to run, Jedi. You’re going to join your fellow prisoners in death!” Ghost threatened.


The Jedi stopped and carefully examined Ghost. Though all clones look and sound the same, he can’t help but feel a sense of familiarity from him. Could it be that he’s met this clone somewhere before… Suddenly, the pieces came together as he found out the identity of this particular clone.


“It’s you, isn’t it?” He spoke up, stopping Ghost from getting any closer to the walkway. “I mean all you clones sound alike but. It IS you right? The leader of Orion Squad.”


Ghost was not surprised this Jedi has heard of him. Orion Squad had the most kills in terms of Jedi during the purge. A lot of them probably live in fear of them, if there were any more Jedi still alive.


“Affirmative.” Ghost confirmed. “And who are you?”


“You really don’t remember me? I always knew you clones were unfit for duty. Why else do you think I was only Jedi who was smart enough to have my own militia during the war.” He waited for a moment, hoping Ghost could piece the clues together. But there was no luck, so he continued. “Still no idea? Maybe this will clear things up.”


The Jedi then removes his black cloak and tosses it over railing, letting it fall down the bottomless pit. Ghost was horrified to finally learn the identity of the Jedi leading the prison riot. He was definitely someone he’s crossed paths with before.


“It- It can’t be!” Ghost said in shock. “Yo- Your dead! I saw you die!” He shouted at him. “it can’t be you… Quinlan Vos!”


The true identity of the mysterious Jedi was none other than the fallen Jedi warrior, Quinlan Vos. Somehow he survived the events of Order 66. But how? They all saw him fall to his death.


“I’m surprised you’ve forgotten me so easily, after I killed your commander and you slaughtered all my Jedi comrades!” Vos said angrily.


“It is you!” ghost replied. “How did you survive? I saw you die.”


“No.” Vos corrected him. “You saw me fall. I landed in a garbage ship, and was sent all the way to the junk world of Raxus Prime.”



During the events of the Jedi Purge, Quinlan Vos was sent to the junk planet of Raxus Prime, where he was forced to live in exile for days. He was currently taking shelter under an old rusted up Separatist Cruiser, staying out of the planets acid rain storm. He was using his lightsaber to cook a dead womp rat for him to eat.


I was trapped on that disgusting trash heap for what felt like months. I had to hunt and eat womp rats just to keep myself from starving to death!”


Quinlan was soon found by a silhouetted female figure, who offered him her hand and helped him get aboard her ship. Quinlan was mostly passed out during the flight off world. But he was soon woken up by the female figure.


“The days on Raxus Prime all blended together. There was never any change in the skies as it was always grey, I thought for sure that I was going insane. But then, I was saved by someone I never would’ve expected to see on the side of the Jedi.


The figure then got closer to him, revealing that she was actually Count Dooku’s former apprentice and Sith Assassin, Assaj Ventress. Her appearance has drastically changed since the Clone Wars. She was no longer bald, and instead grew out her hair which was white. She also dressed up in what looked like Bounty Hunter armour, covered by a white cloak. She took Vos’s hand and the two of them stared at each other, determined on what they plan to do next.


“The one who rescued me was Assaj Ventress, Count Dooku’s apprentice. She sensed my immense anger on the planet, and offered me something I couldn’t pass up. Revenge on you clones, and the Empire!”


Years pass since then, and the two of them fight the Empire, stacking their many bases on various planets, freeing the people they’ve enslaved in the process.


As they fought the Empire, Vos and Ventress start to develop feelings for each other. The two of them then share their first kiss in front of the full moon on the planet Malastare.


“Ventress and I took out our anger on the Empire. One by one we’ve attacked their outposts, killed every single one of them. You never showed us any mercy, so why should we? Vos told him off. “Ventress and I started to develop feelings for one another. I never agreed to the rule of Jedi not forming emotional attachments, fearing it would make us weaker. But our love made us even stronger. Stronger than any Jedi or Sith in the whole galaxy!”


Ventress then begins to teach Quinlan Vos in the ways of the dark side of the force. Vos channels into his hatred for the clones, the Empire and Emperor Palpatine, into a blast of force lightning. The blast was powerful enough to obliterate a massive boulder in front of him, smashing it into little pieces.


Vos has never felt like this before. Is this what it truly feels like to wield the dark side of the force? It felt like such a rush, like he was high on death sticks. He never wants to give up this feeling. And with the Jedi Order gone, there was no one left to punish him for using such power.


“Ventress trained me in the ways of the Dark Side, the same way Dooku trained her. The Empire was controlled by the Sith, so in order to defeat them, I had to become a Sith myself.”


Quinlan and Ventress however should’ve realised that sooner or later, word of their attacks would get out, and they would soon be hunted down by Vader. Which was exactly what they were hoping for. Vos wanted a chance to take on the dark lord of the Sith himself, using the new abilities he’s learned to defeat him.


Unfortunately for them, Vader wasn’t available. Instead, they were face to face with one of the Empire’s Inquisitors. He was a male Pau’an (the natives of Utapau) Wearing a black suit that all Inquisitors wear. His face had red markings on his forehead and under his eyes. This Inquisitor was the leader of the Inquisitors. The Grand Inquisitor


He was wielding the same kind of lightsaber that all Inquisitors had. The rotating double bladed red lightsaber. As he got closer to the pair, he ignited it and took a stance.


“You Jedi have been very naughty.” He mocked them.


“Well for one, we’re not Jedi. And for another, don’t think you can escape this fight by helicoptering away with your lightsaber.” Vos mocked back.


The Grand Inquisitor laughed in response to Vos’s taunt. “That’s not how our lightsabers work. What do you think this is? Some kind of child’s play?”


Instead of letting him answer, the Grand Inquisitor instead charges towards them, his lightsaber spinning rapidly. Vos and Ventress ignite their lightsaber and counter him. Ventress now wielding a yellow lightsaber as he dual red lightsabers were stolen by Barriss Offee.


“Our goal was to cause enough destruction to lure our Vader. But instead, he sent one of his lackey’s to fight us instead. Skywalker always was a coward.”


As Vos and Ventress fought the Grand Inquisitor. They let their arrogance get to them, believing that he was weak compared to Vader. A grave mistake that will soon cost them victory.


The Grand Inquisitor then lashes out with the force and pushes Vos backwards into the mountain side. He then focusses his attention on Ventress, easily managing to overpower her with his rapid spinning lightsaber. Ventress loses her lightsaber, leaving her defenceless.


As Vos recovered, he watches as the Grand Inquisitor takes the life of the woman he loved, impaling her in the chest with his lightsaber.


Vos was consumed with loss and despair, which both acted as fuel for the dark side that was burning bright within him. In a fit of rage, Quinlan Vos lashed out with force lightning. But the Grand Inquisitor blocked it with his lightsaber.


Vos then force punched the ground hard, causing the mountain side their standing on to collapse under them. The ground cracked as rocks thundered down the mountain peak. Vos grabbed hold of Ventress and clung to her as they were buried alive by rocks.


The Grand Inquisitor managed to survive the rockfall and escaped to his ship. He leaves the planet, assuming the two of them are dead and buried.


“This Grand Inquisitor was much stronger than we anticipated. This was before either of us knew that he was a former Jedi Sentinel Guard… I had to watch as he took the life of the woman I loved. The woman who saved my life! My anger took control of me, and I unleashed it on him. But instead, I ended up burying Ventress and myself alive, and he got to escape with his life still intact.”


Vos however was able to break free of the rocks, by channelling the dark side to blast them all away with the Force Repulse. Once the rocks were cleared, he continued to hold Assaj Ventress in his arms. But unfortunately for him, she was already dead.


Vos cried tears as he hugged her body close to his. But those tears were soon replaced by even more anger. He opens his eyes which are now a burning orange, showing that he is now fully under the influence of the dark side.


He reaches out with the force to seize his lovers lightsaber, clutching it tightly in his grip. This isn’t over. He will not let the death of a loved one, steer him away from his goal. He will fight the empire… He WILL take revenge!



Ghost stood in silence as he listened to Quinlan Vos’s story. He still plans on killing him, whether he knows the story on how he survived or not. A part of him did feel a little sorry for him at first. But then he remembered that he was the one who killed Fang, and he suddenly forgot any sympathy he had towards him.


“After I left Malastare, I joined up with a group of Rebels led by a man named Saw Gerrera. It was nice for a while. Until this very station destroyed Jedha, killing Saw and crippling our Rebel Alliance. I and the survivors of our little group were then captured by Imperial Forces and brough here to rot. Had they known I was a former Jedi, I would’ve been killed on the spot. Had to take my Lightsabers apart just to properly hide them. And that’s how I survived Order 66 and ended up here. You got all that, clone?”


Ghost Was somewhat paying attention to what he just said. But one thing that he keeps questioning is how and where did Vos hide the pieces of his lightsaber. Something deep inside him tells him he doesn’t wanna know.


“Why did you wait?”


Vos looked up at Ghost, clarifying on what he had just said.


“You’ve been captured and brought here years ago. Why did you wait until now to break out and lead these Rebel Prisoners to attack the Death Stars Super Laser?”


“Oh that’s simple. I was waiting for you and your Orion Squad to be transferred here. I wanted the pleasure of killing you all myself. It’s because of you that I survived, but it’s also because of you that I lost everything. If I kill you, then the Empire will lose its strongest link in the chain.” Vos explained.


“You may come to regret that decision, Vos. Your plan to destroy the Death Stars Super Laser was a failure, just as your escape attempt was.” Ghost taunted him.


“The Empire that you serve is controlled by the Sith, and this space station we’re in is the very core of the Dark Side! I may not be the one who destroys it, but I know one day it will be destroyed. Many planets may live in fear of this battle station. But there are just as many that are joining forces to fight against it. A new greater Rebellion has formed, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it!” Vos threatened back at him.


Ghost then decided that the time for talking was over. He steps onto thew walk way and ignites his double bladed lightsaber.


“You stole a lightsaber from the Sentinel Guard?!” Vos said surprisingly, he wasn’t expecting that at all. “I really am gonna enjoy killing you, clone!”


Vos then pulls out two lightsabers. One was his green lightsaber, and the other was the yellow lightsaber that belonged to Ventress. He ignites both blades and takes a stance on the opposite end of the walkway.


“This yellow lightsaber belonged to my beloved Ventress. I carry it with me as a reminder of the good times we have before she was taken from me.” Vos explained. “But that is not all I carry with me that I got from her.”


Vos’s eyes then begin to glow orange as the dark side energy begins to swarm him, causing the whole room to shake. Ghost however was unaffected by this and continued to stand his ground. The two of them stare down at each other for a moment before beginning their battle. There are both hoping for the same thing. To win this conflict once and for all, and finally avenge the ones they’ve lost at the hands of the other. For better or worse, only one of them was gonna walk out of here alive.


The two of them charge towards each other down the walkway, their lightsabers clashing on impact once they reached the middle.


Quinlan Vos was not like the other Jedi. He was physically stronger than most, and he is known to be a deadly lightsaber dualist. But now his strength feels even greater than their previous fight on Coruscant. He’s also gotten more violent in swinging his lightsaber, desperately trying to lay a strike on him.


Ghost barely manages to knock him backwards, cancelling the saber lock. Vos however was still standing, and starts to spin his body around, turning into a deadly cyclone of yellow and green.


Instead of trying to block it, Ghost instead puts up his forcefield, repelling the spinning blades. Vos stopped his attack and stared at him with a disappointed look on his face.


“You clones were always cowards when it came to Jedi. No wonder the Jedi Order fell. They were too stupid to realise how flawed you creatures were!”


Ghost was not intimidated by Vos’s words. He knew what he was trying to do, and it was not working. He was trying to rile him up, make him create an opening for him to exploit. Well two can play at that game.


“And what about you?” Ghost started taunting him back behind his forcefield. “I heard the other Jedi talk about you. That you’re too unstable to ever be granted a seat on the Jedi Council. Even Obi Wan Kenobi hated being around you when you both tracked down Zero the Hutt.”


Vos then started slamming his lightsabers against the forcefield, trying to break through it. Unfortunately for him, Ghost’s forcefield didn’t have the same flaws as the Droideka’s force fields. He couldn’t just slowly thrust his lightsaber inside and impale him.


“Not to mention that you allowed yourself to be consumed by the Dark Side. It takes great strength to resist the Dark Side. Only the weak embrace it!” He continued.


“It is more powerful than you know.” Vos replied.


“And those who oppose it are more powerful then you’ll ever be.” Ghost said.


“Keep talking little clone!” Vos threatened. “Sooner or later I will kill you, your pathetic brothers and avenge Ventress!”


“Revenge is not the Jedi way.” Ghost replied.


“I am no longer a Jedi!”


Vos then attempts to slam both his lightsabers down again. But instead, Ghost shuts off the shield causing Vos to stumble forwards, almost knocking him off balance. Ghost then uses this opening to knee him in the face and send him backwards.


Vos held his lightsabers tightly, fearing he might accidently drop them into the pit bellow if he wasn’t careful. He gets back up again and reignites his lightsabers.


“I know you can fight better than that! Or do you really need your teammates to make you stronger?” Vos asked/mocked.

Ghost leaped up and brought his lightsaber down on him, to which Vos blocked with both his lightsabers. Ghost then leaped backwards upon impact before Vos could get a hit on him.


Vos recognised that lightsaber technique anywhere. Ghost just performed Form 4 Ataru. But he is a clone, how is he able to use lightsaber forms. He may be skilled with a lightsaber. But one cannot master any of the seven lightsaber forms without assistance from the force.


Form 4 Ataru is a speedy, acrobatic, and aggressive lightsaber combat style that placed greater emphasis on using the Force to enhance movements in all areas of combat and required great room to attack from all directions. Due to its nature, it was considered a demanding fighting style both physically and through the Force.


“Your probably wondering how I was able to master one of the seven lightsaber forms, right?” Ghost asked. Before Vos could have a chance to answer him, he continued his explanation anyway. “My brothers and I recently learned that we are actually force sensitive clones, created as part of an experiment called Project SEC. I am the last and most successful of that project. I may not wield the force like you Jedi can, but I can channel it threw my body, allowing me to fight in ways only a Jedi could. It also didn’t take me long to master all seven lightsaber forms. Why do you think I was given the rank of Purge Trooper? Because I’m the most skilled clone when it comes to killing Jedi.”


Ghost was expecting Vos to get angry or annoyed over his words, considering how much he hates clones. But to Ghost’s surprise, Vos started to laugh. It grew from a light chuckle, to a full on maniacal laugh. What did he find so amusing about this? Has he lost it?


“And yet…you weren’t skilled enough to stop me from killing your commander.”


Now it was Ghost who was starting to get angry. He had the nerve to remind him of that tragic day. The day the Jedi Order fell and the Empire rose, was also the day they’d lost Commander Fang, their greatest leader and brother.


“You have no idea how satisfying it was for me to run my lightsaber through his torso. I’ve heard you clones scream many times, but it never got old for me. Nobody would’ve cared if one or two clones died, we could’ve always made more.”


“Shut up!” Ghost raised his voice to him.


Vos however ignored him and kept talking. “Too bad you destroyed your own home planet. Now it’s only a matter of time until your kind die out. And without you, the Empire will soon crumble.”


“Shut up!” Ghost repeated himself. His voice even angrier than before.


“You’re supposed to be the 501st new leader? What a joke you are. You can’t even keep a few prisoners under control. Your commander would’ve been disappointed in you.”


“I SAID SHUT UP!” Ghost shouted in anger. He will not listen to another word of this any longer.


In a fit of rage Ghost readies his lightsaber and charges towards Vos. This however was what Vos wanted him to do, as he began charging force lightning in his fingertips. “That’s it, come and get me, clone!” Vos muttered.


As soon as Ghost got closer, Vos unleashed a huge blast of force lightning at him. Blasting Ghost off the ground and sending him over the railing and into the bottomless pit. At last he had avenged the Jedi. He has won.



Or has he? Vos then gets blasted by a bolt of lightning also. That wasn’t his lightning, he mastered it to the point he wouldn’t experience anymore backlashes.


He then looks up and sees that the blast came from Thunder who just swooped in just in time to rescue Ghost. Vos readied his green lightsaber to throw it at him. But it ends up getting shot out of his hand by Apex, who snipped him from a distance. His lightsaber ended up falling into the pit beyond his reach forever.


As soon as Thunder put Ghost down on the edge of the platform, he joined in on the battle. Vos used his now only yellow lightsaber to block any more incoming shots from Apex.


This gave Thunder an opening to fly in close and fire his grapple gun at his lightsaber arm, pulling it back. Apex fired another shot in his now exposed chest, injuring him.


Vos however refused to go down, taking those shots like they were nothing more then bug bites. Channelling the power of the dark side throughout his whole body, he pulled on the cable with all his strength, bringing Thunder towards him.


Once he got close enough, Vos threw a force powered punch to Thunders helmet with enough force that it cracked his visor. Thunder ended up flying across the pit and crashed straight into the wall where Apex was.


Ghost quickly took action and fired his rifle at him. Vos of course blocked them with his lightsaber now that his arm was free.


“Try blocking this!”


Vos turned to his right and noticed Boomstick stationed on the opposite end of the balcony. He fires a rocket at Vos who reaches out with the force and stops the rocket in mid-air. He then rotates it around, preparing to send it back at him.


“That all you’ve got, Orion Squad!” He taunted them.


“No.” Ghost cried out to him. “This is!”


Ghost then fires his rifle at the rocket Vos was holding with the force, causing it to explode in his face. A huge fiery explosion almost covered the whole area, forcing Ghost and the others to get behind cover in case they get caught up in it.


As soon as the fire and smoke cleared, The four members of Orion Squad got out of cover and regrouped on the walkway. They all readied their weapons in the direction of where Quinlan Vos was, in case he survived and planned to attack again.


As they got closer and the smoke cleared away fully. They were shocked to see what the resulting blast did to the former Jedi. All his limbs have been blown off, his body and most of his face have been badly burned. Half his face was gone, showing parts of his skull underneath. The other half of his face was still intact, and for some reason, so were his long dreadlocks. There was no way in hell he could’ve survived that. But he did survive death once, so probably best they don’t get their hopes up just yet.


Vos then starts to make struggling gasps for air, as well as cough up a lot of blood. His breathing has become very rigid, making him sound like a dying animal.


“Did I…lose? I can’t… feel anything.” It took a lot of strength just for him to utter out those words.


The members of Orion Squad were both impressed and terrified that he was still alive after taking a rocket blast to the face. He really was a tough Jedi, No, this guy was a monster! Almost as much a monster as Darth Vader…almost.


“You’re still alive.” Ghost spoke up, saying what they were all currently thinking. “You really are strong, for real.”


“I should’ve known… not to underestimate you.” Vos attempted to speak again. “Like all Jedi… You obliterated me… At least now, I can be one with the force with them.”


“You know, Vos.” Ghost spoke up again. “I was planning on killing you myself to avenge Fang. But I think this is much better. You and your little Rebel friends have failed to overthrow the Empire, just like everybody else.”


“You think stopping three Rebellions changes anything?” Vos started again, gaining all of the clones attention. “Many other worlds are rising up against the Empire, forming a Rebel Alliance. Not even this Death Star will scare them into submission… They will not stop until it is destroyed-


He begins coughing up even more blood then before. The force has been keeping him alive up to this point, but he can’t rely on it for much longer. “My goal wasn’t to kill you… That was just something personal I volunteered for… No, my true goal was to distract you guys long enough…so that my surviving Rebel allies could escape the Death Star… With the plans I gave to them.”


The members of Orion Squad were shocked by this turn of events. No wonder this fight felt like it was dragging on for them. Vos was nothing more then bait to lure away the best of the 501st legion, allowing the remaining rebel prisoners to escape with the Death Star plans.


“Your lying!” Boomstick spoke up. “We destroyed the shuttle and eliminated the prisoners. They couldn’t have escaped.”


“He’s not lying.” Thunder interrupted him. The clones all turned their attention to him. “After you left Ghost, I got a call from Admiral Sigan. He told me that one of the prisoners sabotaged the tractor beam, wiped out Shadow’s men in Hanger 84G and took off in the shuttle. They jumped into hyperspace before the Star Destroyers had a chance to blast them.”


Ghost was shocked even more by this. If they were able to take the shuttle in Hanger 84G, then that means they killed Shadow and his men.


“This isn’t the end. We’ll track them down and recover the Death Star plans ourselves, even if we have to search one planet at a time!” Ghost told them, while at the same time hoping this doesn’t turn into a massive womp rat chase.


“Chase after them all you want; Even if you find them, it won’t change anything.” He started speaking for the last time. “I have foreseen the future. The Empire will fall, and all of you clones will be dead… So enjoy what time you have left together…Soon you, your men, the Empire, and everything else your fighting for…will burn!”


Those served to be his final words as he closed his one remaining eye and let out his last breath of life. The clones felt nothing for him, not after everything he’s done. When it came to the many jedi they killed during Order 66, it wasn’t personal. Even the Jedi they killed on Naboo did nothing wrong, they just needed to die as a part of Palatines new law. But when it came to Quinlan Vos, they enjoyed watching the light go out of his eyes – or eye – as well as see his body in pieces.


Ghost then picked up the yellow lightsaber that belonged to Assaj Ventress and looked it over. A reminder of the day they finally avenged Fang. Now he can rest peacefully knowing that they killed his killer.


Ghost then starts making his way over to the other end of the walkway, making his way over to Hanger 84G.

“Wait Ghost.” Apex called out to him. “What do we do with Vos’s corpse?


Ghost stopped in his tracks and looked back at Vos’s dead body. He approached the body, examined it for one last time, then to the others surprise, he kicked it off the walkway and watched it fall into the bottomless pit. This is now the second time he watched him fall. Only this time, he is dead for real.


With that done, Ghost continued to make his way over to the hanger. His teammates were left speechless as a result of his action.



After the prison riot ended and things have quieted down. Ghost and all his teammates watched as Shadow and the selected clones bodies were placed in metal coffins, ready to be shipped off to the morgue.


Shadow may not have been a part of Orion Squad, but he was still a soldier of the 501st legion. He helped lead them whenever Orion Squad was engaged with Jedi or other tougher targets. He never would’ve anticipated him or his men to be killed by a bunch of Rebel prisoners. Whatever these Rebels were, they were proving to be a bigger threat than the Battle Droids they fought in the Clone Wars.


Ghost suddenly clings to his head in mental pain. For some reason, seeing Shadows body lying there reminded him of Shiny. A rookie clone who gave up his life to ensure the Wookiee’s had a chance of saving their world from the CIS. Fat lot of good that did in the end. The CIS may’ve been thwarted, but they themselves ended up conquering the planet themselves during the rise of the Empire.


Ghost often wonders to himself what would’ve happened if Shiny, Fang and the many other clones that dies throughout the Clone Wars would say if they’d seen the things they did for the Empire. Would they be against it? Would they be forced to join them like they did? Or would they embrace the change and show true loyalty to this new cause?


He then overhears Sigan speaking over their helmets after Thunder finished filling him in on what has happened. “The Rebel leader Quinlan Vos has been destroyed sir.” He told him.

“Well done Orion Squad.” Sigan replied. “Our reinforcements can take it from here. The uprising has been crushed. Well done troopers. Lord Vader will be most pleased by your performance.” With that said he hung up.


Pleased is hardly the word Ghost would assume Vader would be feeling once he informs him that the rebels that escaped managed to get their hands on the Death Star plans. He’d hate to see what he would do to Admiral Sigan once he told him what happened. He’s seen what became of those who failed him many times in the past. In the past he wouldn’t have cared if Sigan ended up getting force choked by him. But now that he knows the truth about him, he couldn’t bare the though of his kids back on Mandalore growing up without their father.


“Commander Ghost.” A random Stormtrooper called out to Ghost, snaping him out of his daze.


“Lord Vader wishes to speak with you in his chambers.” He informed him.


Ghost froze up for a moment, fearing what Vader had to say to him regarding their failure to stop some of the prisoners from escaping with the plans. But he said himself that he was too valuable to the Empire to die. Then again, now that they’ve mastered Project SEC, they are now capable of making force sensitive clones. Meaning Vader could have him replaced if he so wished it.


He shook it off and took a deep breath before giving the Stormtrooper an answer. “I’ll go see him at once.”



Ghost’s body couldn’t stop shaking as he got closer to the entrance to Vader’s quarters. He may’ve saved his life once, and he may  have regarded him as a friend once as Anakin Skywalker. But Anakin is not Vader, and he has to face whatever punishment he may face.


Upon entering Vader’s quarters, he notices that Vader was currently sitting in his meditation chamber. The only place he can safely be without his mask or helmet, which he hated wearing. He always despised the suit he was living in, comparing it to a mobile coffin. He heard rumours that Vader spent most of his free time using the force to heal his body, particularly his lungs. That way he could ditch the mask and breath, eat, drink and sleep normally, rather then rely on his suits life support systems. Though judging by the fact he still wears the mask, he was never able to fully achieve this.


He was a man of great power within the Empire, meaning he rarely had any time for himself. He also heard rumours that Vader had many palaces spread across the galaxy. One on Mustafar that was recently completed after he and his men wiped out the Droid Factory. Probably to serve as a reminder of his failure to kill Obi Wan and the scars and burns he received that day.


Another palace he owned was on Coruscant. It was the second tallest building on the palace, only shorter then Emperor Palpatine’s Imperial Palace – which was only a walking distance away – but unlike Emperor Palpatine’s palace that was decorated with expensive treasures and artefacts. Vader’s palace was pretty dull in comparison, only containing items that were necessary for his survival. But on the plus side, he did have a workshop in his place that he used to repair and modify his advanced TIE Fighter. One of the few things he actually enjoyed doing in his free time. Proving to Ghost that a part of his younger self still lives within him. His palace was also located near the only visible body of water left on the planet, known as the Great Western Sea. Kinda making it look like a beach resort.


Ghost then notices that Vader had his back turned to him and his mask was off. He’d been too distracted thinking about Vader’s palaces that he forgot the number 1 thing that you should ever do. Never look upon Vader without his mask. He quickly turned away, showing his respect to the dark lord.


Vader took notice of this and decided not to kill him. He only briefly saw the back of his scarred head, so he’ll let it slide. But only because he brought him here to hear a full report from him for a change, rather than constantly using Sigan as a relay messenger. As soon as his mask was back on he addressed Ghost directly.


“The Jedi Quinlan Vos is dead?” He asked him.


“Yes.” Ghost replied with a nod.


“His lightsaber.” He demanded from him.


Ghost took out the lightsaber and kneeled before him, holding it out in his hand. Vader pulled the lightsaber to him with the force, examining its hilt thoroughly. He then ignites the yellow blade and begins waving it around a little bit. Ghost had noticed that Darth Vader had a knack for keeping the lightsabers of any Jedi who died at his hands. It would seem he developed an obsession with starting a lightsaber collection, kinda like a certain four armed Kaleesh cyborg he once knew and fought.


Once he sheaths the blade he once again turns his attention to Ghost again.


“You killed the Jedi behind the prison riot. Yet I sense there’s something more to your report.” Vader stated to him.


“Forgive me my lord. But some of the remaining prisoners managed to kill my men stationed in Hanger 84G, commandeered one of the shuttles, and escaped with the Death Star plans. It was all part of an elaborate plan Quinlan Vos issued, making sure my squad and I were preoccupied with him to notice.” He paused briefly to allow Vader to process all this information. “I am willing to accept whatever punishment you wish to unleash on me. I will also accept death for my actions. I just request that you spare my squad mates as they had nothing to do with it.”


“That will be unnecessary, Commander.” Vader spoke up.


Ghost didn’t see that coming. He was expecting the dark lord of the Sith to cut off his air supply and lift him off the floor by now. But instead, he’s choosing not to dish out any form of punishment. Maybe he wasn’t as disposable to Vader as he initially thought.


“Had you allowed the Jedi to escape with the Rebels, I would’ve killed you without hesitation. As a reward for ridding the Death Star of him, I will allow you to maintain command over the 501st.” Vader spoke in the exact same monotone voice he always speaks in. He doesn’t sound angry, but he doesn’t sound pleased either. It always sounded neutral. Sometimes Ghost can’t tell how he’s really thinking because of the delivery of his sentences.


“I will give you this one chance to make amends for your mistake, by tracking down these Rebels and taking back those plans. You cannot allow them to fall into enemy hands.” Vader informed him.


“Lord Vader.” Ghost interrupted him. He didn’t want to, but he needed to tell him this now before he forgets. “When my squad and I fought Quinlan Vos, he said he was part of a massive allegiance of Rebel forces that are uniting to fight us. The Rebel Alliance they called themselves. If he speaks the truth, then I fear that we may have another galactic civil war upon us.” He warned him.


Darth Vader was silent for a while upon hearing this. Ghost can’t tell what he’s thinking right now as his helmet hides any facial features he has right now. The galaxy already went through so much hell during the two years of the Clone Wars. They probably won’t have the sanity to go through another war.


“All the more reason why I am allowing you and the 501st legion to be the ones to go after them. To find those plans and destroy these Rebels before they could start another war… Have your men ready to leave immediately, every second you waste here give the Rebels more time to form a plan of attack.”


“Yes Lord Vader.” Ghost replied with a drop of his head in supplication. He then stood up and took his leave.



Once again the men of the 501st legion were forced back into action. They’ve all left the Death Star and have boarded the Conqueror once again, ready to head out on their next big mission.


Ghost had already filled Sigan, his squad and his men of their next mission. So there was no reason for the Conqueror to remain stationed around the Death Star any longer.


“Welcome back Orion Squad.” Sigan spoke up, happy to be reunited with his clone comrades. “How was your stay on the Death Star, minus the whole prison break?”


“Boring.” They all said in unison, which for once actually surprised them.


“Well, if you thought that was boring, then your not gonna like all this traveling we’ll be doing.” Sigan stated. The Rebels have deactivated the shuttles tracking system, which means we only have their last known coordinates.” He pauses for a moment to bring up a hologram of a planet on the holotable. “Which is here on the planet Lothal. It’s unlikely they’re still there now, but right now it is the only lead we’ve got.”


“It’s a good start as any.” Ghost reassured him. “Let’s go track these Rebels down, wipe em out, and recover the stolen plans.”


“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Commander.” Sigan replied with a smile. “You heard him pilot, prepare to jump to lightspeed. Set course for Lothal!” He instructed.


The Conqueror turned it’s back on the Death Star and made some distance from the rest of the Imperial fleet before jumping. Once it was clear enough, its engines powered up and in a flash, the Star Destroyer was gone. The men of the 501st weren’t sure if they’ll find these Rebels or not. But if they don’t retrieve those plans soon, they could be dragged into yet another Galactic Civil War.


Galactic Empire Journal Entry 30 – Location: The Death Star


"After the embarrassment of the prison break, Lord Vader removed us from our comfortable billet, and began dragging the 501st across the galaxy, in a dangerous hunt for the now missing Death Star plans. Ironically, our punishment eventually proved to be our salvation. The poor souls who took our place in the detention area were completely wiped out when the Death Star was destroyed."

To Be Continued