Chapter 22: My Last Thoughts

Galactic Empire Journal Entry 45 – Location: Bakura

“Now I was all alone. My brothers are all gone. The 501st has been completely demolished. I now have no purpose in this galaxy. Branded an outlaw by the Rebels New Republic, I was forced to spend what remaining years I have left of my life on the run. That was not a life I wanted to live; it was time I retired. But first, there was one last thing I needed to do. I need to fulfil a promise I’ve made to my family who gave their lives to ensure me this chance… I have to end this once and for all.”

Lightyears away from Endor, the TIE Demolisher travelled far and fast through hyperspace, getting as much distance from the Rebels and any of their many controlled planets. For the first time in Ghost’s life he had nowhere to go. He had no plan, no friends to rely on, no nothing. All he had left was this little side goal he and his brothers had been talking about since the battle of Geonosis.

They would constantly go over their retirement plan. Choosing which planet would be perfect for them to live on. He remembered Apex suggesting they stay on the same planet as the Clone deserter Cut, but Ghost denied it claiming he didn’t wanna put him and his family at risk by being there.

Boomstick suggested going back to Kamino, but that plan was instantly tossed aside since they destroyed Tipoca City. And Daxter suggested Tatooine, but Ghost hated that idea as Tatooine was pretty much everyone’s go to planet to live for some strange reason.

In the end they all agreed on living the rest of their lives on the planet Bakura. Bakura, which orbited the star Bakura, was the third of eight planets in the Bakura system, which was itself part of the Bakura sector of the Wild Space region of the galaxy

Bakura, a terrestrial world with a diameter of 21,400 kilometres, possessed two moons, a moderate hydrosphere, and gravity 1.05 times standard, and was the only world in its system with a breathable atmosphere. Its climate was temperate and tended to be mild, with abundant cloud cover and high levels of rainfall.


Bakura's terrain included forest, plains, mountains, and some urban centres. The planet's three major continents were BraadPrytis, and Kishh'daar; in the western hemisphere, Prytis and Braad both featured namana plantations, and Prytis also boasted an abundance of arable land, extensive agricultural regions, and mountain ranges with mines and quarries. Kishh'daar was in the eastern hemisphere.


It was the perfect planet for the clones to retire. Unfortunately, Ghost is now the only one left who will get to see its beautiful landscapes, feel its wind blowing through his hair, its suns warmth on his skin. He would give anything in the universe to have his brothers here with him right now.


As the TIE Demolisher continued traveling to Bakura, Ghost spent most of his time sitting in his chair contemplating on his actions and the decisions he’s made. All while staring down at the very journal he’d been carrying around with him ever since he became a Clone Trooper on Kamino.


He was using all the free time he had to write down various entries, telling his story of his journey from Republic ARC Trooper to Imperial Purge Trooper, to the last member of the 501st legion.


He would also write about his brothers, not just Orion Squad but every single clone he’s gotten to know and fight beside. He wrote about the rookie Shiny, who gave his life to ensure the Wookiees had a fighting chance against the CIS. He wrote about Shadow, his lieutenant who would always assume command whenever Orion Squad had to contend with Jedi or tougher targets.


He even wrote about the many clones he served with who weren’t part of the 501st. Like Commander Cody of the 212th. Commander Bly of the 327th, And the Clone Commando’s of Delta Squad whom he only met once, but had grown to respect for all they’ve accomplished. Their squads teamwork always reminded him of his own within Orion Squad.


So many of those clones never joined the Empire and ended up decommissioned as a result. Some clones chose not to go down without a fight and ended up joining the same Rebel Alliance he and his men had been fighting against.


Back then Ghost thought that they were all either traitors or cowards. But now he can understand why they did what they did. Only reason his men joined the Empire was because he thought it was the best decision to keep them all safe.


Thinking about this causes Ghost to start breaking out into tears again. Some of them managing to make contact with his opened journal, dampening the page slightly. He closes his journal and places it on the co-pilot seat next to him.


“Why did they all have to die?” He asked himself. “Why couldn’t I save them?”


He starts to look out into the swirling hyperspace vortex his ship was traveling through as he continued to talk to himself.


“Is this my punishment for joining the Empire? I only did what I thought was best for my men. I just wanted to protect all of them, is that too much to ask!?”


He then takes a look around the room and reminded himself that there was nobody else here. He was all alone. He then rests his head into his palms as he continues to weep over his despair.


Suddenly the ship came to an immediate stop, causing Ghost to look up from his hand and out the window. The Demolisher had come out of hyperspace and has finally reached its destination.


Beyond the glass stood the planet Bakura in all its beauty. Appearance wise it looked very similar to Naboo, with clear blue oceans and continents of green. This was the very first time Ghost had ever laid eyes on the planet in person, rather then through a book. Though he hopes it looks just as beautiful down there as it looked on the surface.


The TIE Demolisher began its descent towards Bakura and slowly entered its atmosphere. There was only a thin layer of clouds obscuring his vision. But once he broke through the whole planets oceans and landscapes become visible to him.


Ghost was in awe at the beauty of it all. The way the sun shines on the ocean makes it sparkle like diamonds. The large fields of green carried herds of creatures he’d never seen before. Even the civilised villages and towns were easy on the eyes.


Ghost knows very little of the people living there, both human and alien. But he does know that Bakura was a planet where everyone down there were seen as equals, and they never judge anyone who happens to visit.


This planet was untouched by the both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. Neither sides had any interest in claiming it. The Empire was only interested in planets that were of value to them. For example Kashyyyk was valued by its Wookiees, Illum was valued for its Kyber crystals, and the list goes on.


Bakura was just a regular backwater planet with small communities. So Ghost had nothing to fear when he arrives. Though he would have to hide his true identity as an ex-Purge Trooper. These people may be kind to all visitors, but he refused to believe they’d feel the same to any Imperials.



After a couple days rest on Bakura, Ghost had set off once again into space. As much as he just wanted to settle down and truly rest, he still had a promise to keep.


The TIE Demolisher once again came out of hyperspace and had arrived at the planet Mandalore. Ghost knows quite a lot about the planet, it being the homeworld of the Mandalorians, and also the planet that Cornelius Sigan was born and raised on.


During the Empires reign, they attempted to conquer it and have its citizens live under Imperial rule. But Mandalore was one of the few planets that refused to go down without a fight. Because of their refusal to back down, the Empire ended up decimating the capital city, killing a huge majority of its citizens.


Despite this fact, Sigan refused to believe that his family was dead, and he made a vow that he would be with them again. If not, he would at least learn the truth of what happened to them.


And now it was Ghosts final duty to his friend to carry out that promise on his behalf. He was determined to find Sigans family and tell them what happened to their mission husband and father.


Upon entering the planets atmosphere, the Demolisher scours the whole area for the largest gathering of human lifeforms. All of which point to one place. The last known settlement for Mandalore’s people.


He lands the TIE Demolisher in the new city’s space port and wastes no time exploring the town for any leads that can lead him to the whereabouts of Sigan’s family.


His first stop on this search was the closest local cantina. If Sigans family was still alive, then someone must know about it. Unfortunate he didn’t have any pictures of Sigans Family, only a name and a holographic image of Admiral Sigan before his death.


Upon entering the cantina he was immediately the centre of attention as all its inhabitants glared at him. They all noticed the Imperial symbol displayed on his left shoulder pad and they were not happy about it.


Ghost ignored them and made his way to the counter. He raised his hand to get the bartenders attention. The bartender walked up to him and gave him the same anger induced glare his other customers have been giving him.


“We don’t serve your kind here. Get out of my bar now if you know what’s good for you.” The bartender threatened him as he was reaching under the bar counter for what Ghost would assume is a blaster of some kind.


“I’m not looking for trouble, and I’m not interested in a drink. I’m looking for someone.” Ghost calmly replied. He really didn’t want to cause a ruckus and risk getting banned from the city.


“What’s wrong? The Empire stopped paying you once they were destroyed, so you become a Bounty Hunter?” The bartender mocked him.


“I’m not a Bounty Hunter, and I left the Empire behind me. I only came here on behalf of a promise I made to a friend. He was once a royal guard to Duchess Satine. His name was Cornelius Sigan. I came here to find his family and tell them what happened to him. Tell me if you seen them and I’ll be on my way.”

Some of the bar patrons started to get up off their seats and begin to crowd around him.


“Yeah we know who Sigan is. We also know that he betrayed his people to join an Empire that annihilated out capital city. If his family really was still around, they either dead or in hiding. Anyone who’s a friend of that traitor is an enemy of Mandalore.” One of the bar patrons spoke up from behind.


“That’s not good enough. I’ll only believe they’re dead when I see their tombstones… Clearly I’m wasting my time here, so I’ll be on my way.”


Ghost got up from his chair to leave, but the angry bar patrons block the exit, forcing Ghost to look back at the bartender.


“Would you kindly ask your boys to get out of my way?” Ghost asked calmly.


“What happens if I don’t? You gonna kill us, you Imperial scum!”


Ghost briefly remembers all the times he’s been calling the Rebels scum. Hearing others call him that was a welcome change. He won’t deny that these people had every right to be angry for everything the Empire had done to their planet. But he wasn’t gonna let their anger interfere with his mission.


“I’m not a killer anymore. I left that life behind me, as well as my life as an Imperial trooper. I plan on facing justice for my crimes one day, but for now I have to finish my last mission. So I will ask again, can you please ask your men to step aside. Once I find what I’m looking for I’ll leave this city forever. You’ll never see me again… Please don’t cause a scene just to satisfy your anger for a few moments. Trust me, it’s not worth it.”


The bartender was conflicted on how he should respond now. He hated to admit it, but Ghost did have a point. Killing him won’t change what happened, and it won’t fix the mess the Empire had caused. He signals the other patrons to stand down, allowing Ghost to finally leave his bar.


“Don’t ever show your face around here again.” The bartender called out to him just as he was about to leave.


Ghost looks back at him slightly. “Don’t worry, I won’t.” He then takes his leave.

Ghost continued to wander the streets searching for Sigans missing family. He asks various people if they knew them, and shows just as many Sigans hologram image.


This went on for what felt like hours, until at last he came across an old woman who was running a stall that sold melons. He proceeds to show the woman the image of Sigan and asks her if she knows him and seen his family.


“Ah yes, I know this young man. That’s the guard that saved me from the Pike Syndicates thugs. I remember visiting his home to give him and his family some of my melons free of charge as a thank you.”


“Do you know where his family is now?” Ghost asked.


“Their old home was in the capital city that was destroyed. But I do remember seeing his daughter three weeks ago when she came by my stall.” The old woman then starts rummaging through her little hip pouch and pulls out a small piece of paper. “I think I still have their new address.”


She hands it to Ghost who immediately typed the address into his gauntlet. The holomap on his gauntlet then points out a route to their address which to Ghosts surprise, was a tall apartment building right around the corner.


“Thank you for all your help.” Ghost then reaches into his satchel and pulls out a small bag of credits. He tosses it over to the old woman who was in shock over how much he’d given her. “For your troubles.”


“No I can’t take this, that’s way too much. Plus you haven’t bought anything.” The woman stated.


“The information you’ve given me was well worth it.” Was all Ghost said in response before departing, leaving a very confused old woman counting the credits.



Once Ghost had reached the apartment building, he took the elevator to one of the floors near the top and arrived at the apartment number listed on the paper the woman gave him. He knocked on the door and waited a moment until it was opened by a young adult girl. The young girl looked up at the old girl and was unable to move as her body shook with fear.

Ghost instantly recognised the girl from the old photo Sigan had showed him when he was recovering in the bacta tank. She was way older then how she was in the photo, but that’s to be expected when its been over twenty years.


“Don’t be afraid, Serafall.” Ghost spoke calmly.


“How do you know my name?” Serafall asked in a panicky tone.


“I was a friend of your fathers within the Empire. I just want to talk.”


Serafall was soon joined by a young adult man who Ghost instantly recognised as Sigans oldest child, Albus. The moment he sees the Imperial symbol on Ghosts shoulder, he immediately stepped in front of his sister, protecting her.


“You’re an Imperial!” Albus spoke up to him in a threatening tone. “What do you want with us?”


“As I was telling your sister just now, I’m here to talk to you… Is your mother here?” Ghost asked after noticing that she was nowhere to be seen.


“We have nothing to say to a mass murderer like you. Now get lost or else I’ll-


“Albus, Serafall, what’s all that noise?!” A sudden voice called out from another room, interrupting Albus’s attempt at a threat.


The two siblings turn around to greet their mother, Selena. Who Ghost was shocked to see was sitting in a hover chair. Ghost assumed that she ended up paralysed in an accident at some point after her husband left.


“It’s nothing, mother. I was just telling this stranger to leave.” Albus told her.


“He knows our names. He says he knew our father.” Serafall spoke up suddenly.


Selena was shocked upon hearing this and signals her kids to step aside so she could get a better look at the stranger. She recognised his face immediately, as it was a face she had seen thousands of times.


“You’re a clone.” Selena started as she moved her chair closer to him. “Is it true? Did you know my husband?

Ghost nodded in response. “He was the Admiral of the Star Destroyer my men and I were stationed on… May I come in?”


Selena nodded and moved aside to allow the ex- Purge Trooper to invite himself in. Albus did not like this at all, but Serafall like her mother was curious on what he had to say about her father.


Ghost spent almost an hour explaining everything he knew about Sigan. He talked about how he at first acted as a messenger to Darth Vader, but then started actually putting his life on the line alongside him and his men during the war against the Rebel Alliance.


He told them about his dream goal of restoring Mandalore to what it once was when he was promoted to Grand Moff. He also told them about the strong bond he’s formed with him over the years and how he grew to see him more then his superior, but also as a friend.


Selena and her grown up kids listened carefully to Ghost story. They were shocked at most of the stuff he’d mentioned throughout his journey as an Imperial. But when it came to the part of how he died, his family started to break down into tears over the tragic death of their beloved husband and father.


“Sigan was one of the only good people within the Imperial higher ups. When he was denied a promotion to be Admiral of the Executor, he accepted it and continued to hold his head high. He never saw clones like me as old and inferior. He actually viewed me and my brothers as our own people, never a copy of someone else.” Ghost explained to them as he looked down at his own hands. “He saved me and my brothers from almost being swarmed by Rebels on Hoth. Not many non-clone Imperials would think twice about doing that… I truly am sorry for your loss, but I made a promise to him that I would find you and tell you what happened to him, so you wouldn’t have to stay awake every night wondering if he’ll ever come back.”


“You say that.” Albus interrupted. “But if your as skilled as you said you are, then why didn’t you save him?!” He asked angrily. Still not being able to process the story he was told.


“I was on Endor when it happened. My mission at he time was to stop the Rebels from destroying the Shield generator protecting the Death Star. Had I been better at my job maybe I could’ve saved him… I’m not asking you to forgive me, I just want you to understand.”


Ghost then reaches into his satchel and pulls out Sigans old badge that showed his status as an Admiral. After the battle of Yavin, he ended up losing it during the fight with the Wookiees. Ghost secretly found it and kept it with him since. He would’ve given it back but Sigan already had a spare at the ready just in case he did lose it, so he had no reason to.


He places the badge on the table across from his family. Serafall was the first one to pick it up. She slowly looks over it and tears started to form in her eyes upon reading her father name on it.


“This was all I could recover of him. I know it’s not much but-


“It’s ok really.” Selena interrupted him as she and Albus began looking it over. “Thank you. For looking out for my husband, and making him the best man he could’ve been.”


“I never did any of that. It was all your husband.” Ghost assured her.


After a moment of silence, Ghost decided to leave as he didn’t wanna overstay his welcome. He did what he was promised to do, he had no reason to stay.


“Wait, where are you going?” Serafall called out to him, causing the old clone to stop in his tracks.


“I promised Sigan I’d find his family and let them know what happened, and that’s what I did. It’s time for me to move on.”


“You don’t have to leave yet.” Selena tells him in her sooth calming voice. “You’ve been through so much, the least we can do is repay your kindness by letting you stay for dinner.”


Ghost didn’t know how to respond to that. He held nothing back in his explanation about his and Sigans role in the Empire. They know about the worlds they’ve conquered, the people they’ve killed. So why is she being so nice to him. It was downright unnatural.


“Believe me Selena I am far from a kind person. I don’t deserve nice things from anybody.”


Before Selena could object, Ghost cut her off and continued. “It’s true that I was only following my orders. But that doesn’t mean I had to. I could’ve refused the ones I deemed unnecessary at any time, but I didn’t… Ever since I joined the Empire, I have killed many people. Some were deserving of it, but I also killed as many who were not.” Ghost then turned around to properly face them one last time. “When it came to killing Rebels, I actually enjoyed it. The Rebels had killed so many of my men, and I let my obsession with revenge consume me. That obsession is what got my men killed… It’s what got your husband killed. Albus is right. Your husband was killed because of me. I don’t deserve anyone’s kindness.”


Selena, Albus and Serafall were shocked by Ghosts words. None of them had the strength to form any words in response. Ghost took this shocked silence as a sign that he should leave. As soon as he opens the door, he take sone last glance back at the Sigan family.


“Take care of yourselves. Live long and happy lives.” With hat said, Ghost walked out of the door and out of their lives forever.



Five years later, Ghost had finally managed to settle down on Bakura. He ended up living in a house in a town located in Prytis. He was no longer wearing his Purge Trooper armour. Instead he was dressed as a common townsman. Wearing old worn out trousers, boots and shirt. And over his shirt he wore a long brown coat. His hair has grown longer and he now has a full beard instead of the goatee he used to have in his younger years.


He managed to get himself a job in the towns mining crew. Everyday he would venture into space and land on one of Bakura’s two moons and mine raw materials and minerals from its surface.


The pay was decent too as he was able to save up enough to make repairs to his house, which was in ruins when he bought it. As for his TIE Demolisher, he kept it stashed away at the towns space parking lot. Many townspeople would often asked him where he acquired an Imperial starfighter, and Ghost story would always be the same. He would tell them that he salvaged it from one of the Empires bases, fixed it up and made it his own.


Most of the townsfolk believed him. But there were also some who knew who he was. While they didn’t know his actual name, they did know he was a Clone Trooper. But they only bring up the Clone Wars with him, sometimes even thanking him for all he’d done. None of them had any idea he was among the many clones that served the Empire, and that suited Ghost just fine.


After completing his shift for the day, he collected his payment and made his way home. His house was located on the outskirts of the town, surrounded by massive fields of grass and trees, completely isolated from the rest of the citizens.


Next to his house was a massive garage that contained his TIE Demolisher. He keeps it well hidden from the town in fear of the New Republic discovering his connection to the Empire.


Ever since the Rebellion had defeated the Empire and freed the galaxy, their leaders reformed the galactic senate on Coruscant and agreed to never again give all emergency powers to one individual, allowing them to become Emperor like Palpatine. This democracy soon created a New Republic to replace the old one that became the Empire. They have made it clear that any surviving Imperials as well as all who served them are immediately branded as war criminals, and will face harsh punishments for their actions.


Ghost was inside his bedroom reading through his journal from start to finish. He wanted to make sure that everything he had written was historically accurate before closing it up for good.


He takes a deep breath and gently places the journal on the side table. Beside the journal was a note with specific instructions to give the journal to a mysterious party, though it did not say who.


“I can’t believe its been five years now.” Ghost muttered to himself as he looked out his window, looking at Bakura’s sun setting behind the mountains.


“I’ve been here too long for my own good. I should’ve heard from them by now… What if they’re dead?!” He instantly stood up once that though came to mind. But he quickly shook his head in denial. “No. If they’re anything like my brothers and I, then there’s no way they’ll go down so easily. I’ll just have to wait a little longer.”

Quickly realising what time it was, Ghost quickly rushed to his closet and opened it. Inside the closet was his old Purge Trooper armour and rifle. Ghost ended up staring at it for a while, the memories of his past flooding back to him.


He shook it off and grabbed what he came for, which was his old rifle. He then closed the closet before he could bare to look at his armour again. He then picked up his satchel and placed its strap over his shoulder. Now that he got everything he needed, he decided to head out.


Ghost locked up his house and began his long walk out into the fields. He walked a couple of miles north of his house for about half an hour until he finally reached his destination.


He was standing at the edge of a mountainside cliff. Below the edge was a long drop down to the ocean, an ocean that looked like it went on forever should one look out to it. At the edge of the cliff stood a lone tree with beautiful blue flowers growing out of its branches. Carved onto the centre of the tree were the names of his fallen brothers. Daxter, Thunder, Boomstick, Apex, X-Ray, and Commander Fang.


Ghost knelt down in front of the tree and placed his rifle next to him on the ground. He then out a small box from his satchel and gently placed it under the tree. He opened the box and revealed his and his brothers old graduation medals from Kamino. One by one he places the medals onto the tree underneath the names of their respected owners.


“Happy Birthday, my brothers.” He spoke to the tree. Turns out he’d been waiting for the anniversary of his and his brothers creation on Kamino to be the day he properly paid his respects to his fallen brothers. Each petal of the blue flowers representing every single clone that was part of the 501st legion.


Tears once again began to form in Ghosts eyes as he continued to pay his respects. “If only I could’ve saved all of you.”


Ghost placed his hand on the tree and lowered his head as despair once again overwhelmed him, causing him to cry again. His tears trickling down the tree, the sunlight causing them to sparkle a bit.


He continued to sit in silence with the souls of his departed brothers. Until out of nowhere, a silhouette of a man shrouded over him. Ghost looked up noticing how it suddenly got dark and was slowly beginning to reach for his rifle.


“Don’t be afraid. I’m a friend.”


Ghost was shocked upon hearing that. It wasn’t the words spoken that threw him off, but the sound of the voice itself. He knows that voice all too well… It was his voice.


Ghost slowly turned around. His eyes being temporarily blinded by the setting sun. Once his vision recovered he was able to properly make out the appearance of the figure in front of him.


He was shocked to learn that it was another clone. But this guy was no ordinary clone. He had black clone armour with red patches on it. His helmet under his left arm was a different kind compared to the standard clone trooper helmet. He had long brown hair and wore a headband over his forehead. Half of his face was tattooed to look like a skull. Yes, Ghost knew this clone all too well.


“You finally picked up on my signal. Took you long enough.” Ghost said jokingly.


“This planet was well beyond the outer rim. The other side of it to be precise. It’s not my fault your signal wasn’t strong enough to stretch that far.” The mystery clone responded in annoyance.


“I needed to make sure I was well out of reach of the New Republic. You of all clones should know how it feels to constantly be on the run. That’s why I contacted you all those years ago… I’d just wish you’d come here sooner.”


“Well what matters is that I’m here now. I kept my word.” The clone then looks over at the memorial tree Ghost had set up. He couldn’t help but feel touched by the display. “I don’t know many clones who would go through so much to honour the deaths of an entire battalion. Especially Regs.”


“The men of the 501st were more then just Regs. They were my brothers.” Ghost picked himself off of the ground and before approached the mysterious clone.


“I assume your whole squads with you?” Ghost asked.


“Most of them.” The clone regrettably responded. “Care to finally let me in on this plan of yours, Ghost?”


“Of course. But first, I want to spend a bit more time with my brothers. Todays the anniversary of our creation. Come sit with me.” Ghost offered as he sat down next to the clone. The two of them begin to stare at the tree together.


“Thank you for doing this, Hunter.” Ghost address the mystery clone without looking away from his brothers tree.



Once night had fallen, Ghost and Hunter made their way back to the cabin. When they arrived, the rest of Clone Force 99 were there waiting for them. Ghost was happy to see them again after so very long.


He briefly remembers the day he and his brother first met them as kids back on Kamino. Like them, Clone Force 99 was made differently then others. Before Orion Squad came alone, they were the first ever clones made within Project SEC.


Ghost couldn’t help but notice that like himself, all of Clone Force 99 has grown much older. But despite their age, he could identify each of them easily. Wrecker being the big muscly one, Tech being the only one with glasses. Echo who originally was part of the 501st Legion, until he was captured by the CIS and experimented on, giving him cybernetic augments. Since then he felt like he no longer fit in with the 501st and joined the Bad Batch.


Ghost then noticed that the only one missing was Crosshair. He whispers to Hunter, asking him what happened to him.


“Like you, Crosshair chose to join the Empire… We never saw him again after that.”


“I had no idea. I’ve never seen him.” Ghost replied. He knew that other clones apart from the 501st Legion had joined the Empire, but he had no idea that Crosshair was among them.


Given that the Empire no longer exists, Ghost and the Bad Batch assumed that Crosshair was killed during one of the two Death Star explosions.


“Hunter, your back!”


Ghost looked up in response to that voice. It defiantly wasn’t a clone voice. That was a voice that belonged to a young teenage girl. Could it be?


Ghosts questions were answered when he saw a young girl – roughly in her mid-twenties – come out from behind Wrecker. She had short blond hair and wore her own set of customised clone armour. It didn’t take Ghost long to deduce the identity of the girl.


“Ah right.” Hunter spoke up before clearing his throat. “Ghost, I’d like you to meet-


“Omega.” Ghost interrupted him.


“You know me?” Omega asked, slightly taken aback by the call out.


“My brothers and I have learned a lot about you when we returned to Kamino. I am indebted to you. Because you are the reason my brother and I were created.”


Omega was both surprised and confused by Ghosts words. How can she be responsible for his creation if she’d never met him before until now?


“Lets all head inside, I’ll explain everything that’s happened over the last twenty years.” Ghost reassured them as he let them all into his home.


Once inside, Ghost began telling his story to Omega and the Bad Batch. Omega decided to read through his journal for a deeper understanding of what the 501st had been through.


The explanation went on for almost an hour and a half. Ghost had been planning his next and final move for a long time now, he wanted to make sure everything was going according to plan. He needed the Bad Batch to do their part perfectly, so he had to make sure they hear every single detail.


After hearing his story, as well as thoroughly read through his journal. The Bad Batch – most of all Omega – Were all shaken up by some of the things they have heard. One of the worst ones had to be the Kamino mission, when Ghost and his men were forced to murder genetically altered clone cousins, bred by their creators to fight the Empire.


“I can’t believe the Kaminoans would do something so horrible.” Omega was finally able to speak up after processing the story properly.


“How could they have done that to us?! Wrecker yelled.


“None of us wanted to kill our own brothers, or our creators. But it had to be done.” Ghost replied with regret.


“Not that.” Wrecker corrected him. “I mean how could they have turned all those innocent infants into a bunch of freaks?!”


“Hunter predicted something like this could happen. But neither of us had any idea they’d be capable of such evil.” Tech continued.


“None of that matters anymore.” Ghost changed the subject before any of them could delve deeper into this. “I already explained my plan to you, but you never gave me an answer on whether you’d do it or not.”


“Of course we’ll do it.” Hunter reassured him.


Ghost smiled in response to this. At last his years of waiting had paid off. There was only one thing left to do. He picked up his journal and handed it over to Omega.


“Look after this for me. That book is the only memoir of me and my brothers lives as soldiers. Promise me that you’ll share this story with those you trust. Let the galaxy know how we helped create history.”


“We will, I swear on it.” Omega then raised her hand as if she was swearing an oath.


That little gesture made Ghost smile. He then took hold of Omega’s hands and pulled her into a warm embrace, to which they young female clone returned in kind.


Ghost let out one last tear from his eyes. This time they were tears of joy. This was the first time in forever that he actually felt pure joy and happiness. There was no small part of him that had any doubts of Omega denying this request of his. He had complete trust in her. If anyone was worthy of telling the story of Orion Squad, it was her.


Hunter soon motions his hands towards himself, telling Omega that it was time to leave. Omega nodded and was the last one to exit the house.


As they were leaving, Ghost called out to them one last time. There was one more thing he needed to mention to her before leaving.


“One last thing Omega… I want you to go to Tatooine first. There’s someone else who needs to hear my story. Someone who’ll be very happy to finally meet you.


“Really? Who?” She asked confused.



Ghost then reminisces on the past one last time. Going back to a few days after he left Mandalore. Instead of heading straight for Bakura, he instead decided to head to Tatooine.


He recently heard rumours of Jabba’s palace being taken over by his old servant Bib Fortuna. But his rule was short lived, a he was killed by a man who was described to him as built like a Bantha, wore a full set of Mandalorian armour, and was a former Bounty Hunter.


It was Boba Fett, it had to be. Ghost honestly didn’t think he was still alive, after hearing how he ended up falling into the Sarlacc Pit. Somehow he escaped and managed to take over Jabba’s palace. This he had to see.


When he finally arrived at Jabba’s palace, he couldn’t help but notice the Slave 1 being parked inside its hanger. Looks like the rumours are true.


Two Gamorrean guards block his path, asking him what his business was.

“I’m here to see your new boss. Tell him his old friend Ghost is here to see him.” He told the guards.


One of the guards did as asked while the other kept an eye on Ghost. After waiting a couple minutes, the other guard returns, telling him that Lord Fett will see him now.


The guards escort Ghost into Jabba’s throne room. Upon entering, Boba Fett was the first one Ghost saw. His outfit was slightly different then his old Bounty Hunter gear. The armour was the same, though it had been cleaned, polished and repainted. It no longer had all the scratches it when he worked for the Empire. He also wore a black cloak underneath it, similar to what a Tusken Raider would wear.


Standing beside Boba on his right was a female human Bounty Hunter. Ghost had never seen her before, but he had heard rumours of a deadly sniper that had risen up since the Empire disbanded.


On his right side was a Wookiee with black fur, spiked knuckles, light armour, and a scar over his left eye. Ghost couldn’t help but feel nervous around him. This was probably due to the fact that he looked a lot like Tarfful, or the fact that he reminded him of Chewbacca. He often wondered if Chewie ever kept his word on Endor. But considering the fact that there were no wanted poster of him, he can safely assume that he did keep it.


“When my guards told me they saw a ghost, I thought they had secretly been getting into the spice we’ve commandeered from the Pikes. I was not expecting to see you again, old friend.” Boba says as he removed his helmet.


“It’s been a long time, Fett. Long time no see.” Ghost greeted his former friend and former Alpha clone.


“Your squad isn’t with you.” Boba noticed since Ghost was standing alone. “So they’re dead then… I’m sorry for your loss.”


“Thank you.” Ghost was grateful for his sympathy. But he didn’t come all this way to talk about how he got his brothers killed. He quickly changed the subject before digging any deeper into this whole.


“I thought you were dead.” Ghost responded. “How did you survive the Sarlacc pit?”


“It wasn’t easy.” Boba replied. He then decided to get off of his thrown and place his helmet on its seat. “After I escaped I was captured by Tuskens. After saving one of their children, they took me in and trained me to fight like them. After saving them from a train run by the Pikes, I decided to begin looking for my armour.”


Boba then turns back to the female bounty hunter. “I found this one left for dead in the canyon. I saved her life, and in return she helped me recover my ship.”


“Names Fennec Shand.” The Bounty Hunter introduced herself.


“I tracked my armour to a Mandalorian in full Beskar armour to a rocky planet. In return for my armour, I offered to help him retrieve a child of his that was abducted by the remnants of the Empire. When we returned to Tatooine, I killed Bib Fortuna and claimed Jabba’s empire as my own, and here we are.”


Ghost had to admit, Boba’s story was mighty impressive. He had no idea Boba had been through so much since his supposed demise. Ghost could tell that he has changed a lot since they last met on Kamino. He’s much older and wiser now. Then again, being on the brink of death and barely making it out alive based on luck alone could change anyone. He knows that feeling better then anyone. He was happy for Fett though. He’s glad that he’s trying to make a difference, and put his old ruthless life behind him… If only he had that luxury.


The black furred Wookie suddenly spoke out and made a couple growls at Boba, asking him why Ghost looked just like him.


“How does that Wookiee not know anything about us clones?” Ghost asked curiously. Surely he must’ve heard about the Clone Wars, right?


“Black Krrsantan not like the other Wookiees. His people banished him from Kashyyyk many years ago. He spent most of his life fighting in a Trandoshans space gladiatorial arena. He was a champion as well as a cold blooded killer. This was during the Clone Wars, so he has never seen a clone before.” Boba explained to him.


Ghost looks over at Black Krrsantan who continued to look between him and Boba. They may have the same face, but he can easily see them as completely different people.


“For what it’s worth, It is good to see you again. I expected all my fathers clones to be long dead by now. We could use someone like you.”


“Oh there’s still a couple of us still out there- What do you mean use?” Ghost interrupted himself, addressing Boba’s last statement.


“The Pikes are planning to take over Tatooine and use it as a means to ship more spice throughout the galaxy. I need muscle to help defend it. With Fennec, Krrsantan and the Mandalorian Din Djarin by my side we’re almost at that goal. I could use a force sensitive Purge Trooper like you.” Boba then extends his hand to him. “Will you join us Ghost?”


Ghost slowly shook his head and looked Boba in the eyes with despair. Boba didn’t need an explanation for his refusal. Those eyes have told him all that he needed to know.


“I’m sorry Boba. But my only purpose for coming here was to let you know that I will be joining my brothers soon… But before that happens, I left instructions to Clone Force 99, the genetically enhanced clones who proceeded me, to come before you with a gift for you.”


“What gift?” Boba asked, confused by what he was talking about.


“You’ll know it when you see it… It was nice seeing you again, Boba. But I must be leaving now.” Ghost then turned away from the ex- Bounty Hunter and began to take his leave.


“I understand… Such a shame though. You could’ve been so much more had you joined me.”


“Tatooine already has a descendant of Jango Fett protecting it. It doesn’t need another one… Farewell Boba Fett.”


“Farewell, Ghost of Orion Squad.” Boba called out to Ghost as he climbed up the stairs and left his sight for good.


Ghosts trip down memory lane comes to an end as he opens his eyes and looks back at Omega and Clone Force 99.


“The one your delivering the journal to, is your older brother, Boba Fett. The Alpha clone.”


Omega and the Bad Batch were shocked by this. They knew they had to deliver the journal to someone, but they were not expecting it to be the alpha clone of Jango Fett.


“I- I have…a brother?!” Omega said still shaken up by this discovery.


“Yes, and he’s waiting for you at Jabba’s palace. When you see him and give him the journal, tell him Ghost has brought you two together.”


Omega smiled and clutched the journal close to her chest. She then waved goodbye to Ghost and climbed aboard their ship. Wrecker, Echo and Tech soon follow after her. Hunter however took one last look back at Ghost before leaving Bakura forever.


“Are you sure you wanna do this? You could always come with us and join our squad. It be great to have another genetically enhanced clone on the team.” Hunter offered.


“My days of fighting are over. And yes, this is something I want to do. I owe it to all those that I’ve hurt.” Ghost looks down at his hands and clenches his fists tightly. “You should go now. Just promise me that you’ll not come back no matter what happens, ok?”


“What do you mean?” Hunter asked slightly worried by the time of his voice.


“Just promise me!” Ghost repeated himself, raising his voice to show how serious he was.


Hunter was hesitant at first, but he eventually agrees to Ghosts request. He then climbs aboard his ship and closes its doors. The Bad Batch’s ship soon takes off and begins to leave Bakura.


Ghost took this moment to head over to the garage where his TIE Demolisher lay and opened up one of its panels inside its cockpit. Inside was a hidden compartment that stored several detpacks and a detonator.


He collects them up and begins planting the detpacks all around his house. Placing one in the garage, the bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom. He then uses the butt end of his rifle to smash open the TIE Demolishers fuel tank. Fuel started to leak all over the floor, which inevitably began to spread throughout the rest of the house.


In the centre of the living room sat his Purge Trooper armour. He had already soaked it in fuel before placing it on the table. After hooking up all the detpacks, he pressed the blue button on each of them, connecting them to the detonator in his hand, remembering Daxters instructions on using detpacks during the battle of Geonosis.


Satisfied with how everything proceeded as he pictured it, he locked the front door and began hiking back up the mountain side with his rifle in one hand and the detonator in the other.


He soon made his way back to the cliffside where his brothers memorial was. Ghost looked back at his cabin in the distance as the towns lights started to come on. He had been planning this whole thing for years. He intentionally wanted to live as far away from the town as possible, so as to avoid any unwanted attention.


He wanted to sever all ties he had with the Empire and the atrocities he committed under their rule. The time had come at last for him to face punishment for all he had done.


The day he opened his eyes for the first time in that pod as an infant, he was told by Taun-We that he was destined for greatness. He never should’ve believed her. He may’ve been special compared to the more common clones. But he had wasted his gifts on an Empire that cared nothing for him and his men.


He promised Fang that he would take care of the 501st. But instead, he ended up getting them killed. He’s been making so many wrong choices. But now was his one and only chance to make things right.


He turns back to the memorial tree and speaks his final words to his fallen brothers.


“I know some of you are probably wondering if I’ve gone mad. Thinking, what kind of maniac would want to blow up his own house?”


There was a long pause as he pulled out another old medal. This one was his own, and he decided to finally add it to his own name carved onto the tree alongside his brothers.


“I really wanted to try and move past this and live a good life on this planet. But I couldn’t do it… This retirement dream was meant to be shared between us all, not me alone. I don’t deserve to carry on living with the things I’ve done, while the rest of you ended up dying the way you did. It’s not right. Orion Squad sticks together no matter what… Even in death.”


Ghost then presses the button on the detonator. In the distance he can see a massive explosion consume the entire cabin and cover a large amount of the fields around it. Luckily it was miles away from the town, so no one could get hurt. And by the time someone comes along to put the fires out, he’ll be long gone.


Nobody will ever know who lived in that house, with all the evidence of him going up in flames with the house. Nobody will know that its owner has climbed to the top of a cliff to take his own life. And he will make sure that his body will never be found.


Ghost turned away from his burning cabin and looked out over the horizon. He then carefully positions his rifle under his chin as he continued to look out to the ocean.


“Like you always said Daxter. Bakura really is one of the most beautiful and magnificent planets in the galaxy… And the greatest place to end it all.”


He looks back at the tree one last time as he places his finger on the trigger.


“Wait for me, my brothers. I’ll be with you soon.”


Ghost takes one last deep breath as he pulls the trigger of his rifle. A blaster bolt shoots straight up from the barrel. It passes through the underside of Ghosts skull for no longer then a millisecond after disappearing into the sky.


Ghosts body soon goes limp and ends up dropping both the rifle and the detonator. Both objects fall over the side of the cliff, plummeting down to the water below. They were soon followed by Ghost who dropped to his knees first, his eyes slowly closing before falling forwards over the edge. His lifeless body hitting the sides of the cliff before finally impacting the water below.


His blood started to stain the clear blue water around the area he landed in. His body slowly began to sink into the depths of the water, descending deeper and deeper until he completely vanished. His body was now lost to the deep dark void of Bakura’s oceans, never to be seen again.



Back on Tatooine, the Bad Batch’s ship had finally arrived at Jabba’s palace. Upon landing outside its entrance, the mutant clones were surprised to see that there already was a welcoming committee. Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Black Krrsantan, Din Djarin, and the rest of Boba’s group were all waiting for them.


“That doesn’t look good.” Wrecker commented. “You reckon they wanna kill us?”


“I don’t think so. None of them appear to be armed.” Tech pointed out.


“They must’ve been expecting us if they’ve been standing out here all this time.” Echo stated.


Hunter and Omega look out the bridge window and see Boba Fett standing there. They both knew immediately who he was. Omega had never seen Boba before, and even though he looked just like every other Jango Fett clone, she couldn’t help but feel scared.


“Hey.” Hunter places his hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her nerves. “You’ve got noting to be afraid of, kid.”


“But- What if he doesn’t like me?” Omega asked still fraught with nerves.


“Ghost said that he threatened to tear all of Tipoca City apart in order to get information on your whereabouts. If that’s not love I don’t know what is.”


Omega smiled up at Hunter and took a couple deep breaths. Once she was calmed down, she picked up Ghosts journal and stood at the ships exit.


The ships doors slowly opened, revealing Omega to the entirety of Boba’s crew. Boba was shocked to finally see the long lost sister he’d been so eager to meet with one day.


Omega climbed out of the ship and slowly made her way towards him. Boba also started walking towards the young female clone. Soon the too of them were standing before one another. Boba then removes his helmet and tucks it under his arm, looking down on Omega with his own eyes.


“Are you?” He asked, but was interrupted by Omega.


“I’m Omega, your sister.” She said hesitantly, still feeling a little nervous against her much older brother. She examines him from head to toe, admiring his Mandalorian armour. “Is that…our fathers armour?” She asked.


“It is.” Boba replied immediately. “When I first heard of you from Lama-Su, I’ve been searching the galaxy for you. But I had no luck… How is it you were able to find me in the end?” He asked.


Omega responded by showing him Ghosts 501st journal. Boba took hold of the journal and looked through it, shocked to learn that it was Ghosts. He now understands what Ghost meant when he said he would send him a gift. The gift was reuniting with the sister he’d wanted to meet for so very long.


“Ghost said that he was the one who brought us together. Said that it was his last gift.” Omega told him.


Boba couldn’t help but smile after hearing that. It felt like so long ago when he was a child observing Orion Squad try out for becoming Clone Troopers with his father. He remembers saying that they wouldn’t even last long against the simulations. For once in his life he was so glad that he was wrong. The clones of Orion Squad were to him, brought out the absolute best of his father in the Clones Wars. Even in their final days they fought with the heart of a true Mandalorian.

He really wished Ghost had stayed with him when he made that offer, but he understood more than anyone why did what he die. Once he has freed Tatooine from the Pikes syndicate, he’ll be sure to spend some time mourning his brothers.


“Yes… Yes he did. And I could not have been happier to be with family again.”


Omega responded by embracing Boba in a warm hug. Boba returned the gesture by wrapping one arm around his sister, while keeping his helmet tucked under his other arm.


Both the Bad Batch and Boba’s allies were somewhat conflicted by this show of affection, but they decided to let them have this moment. They were family after all.


After breaking up the hug, Boba asked the Bad Batch to come out of their ship and come with his crew back inside the palace.


Inside Boba’s quarters, Omega was looking through Ghost journal again, this time choosing to go through it more thoroughly. Boba soon entered the room to check up on his sister.


“I never knew you voluntarily signed up for the mission of Kamino, brother.”


“It may’ve been another job the Empire hired me for. But this job was more personal to me as it was for the clones. They were our fathers legacies; I couldn’t just sit back and watch the Kaminoans destroy it all. So we did what we had to do.” Boba explained.


“It’s ok, I understand. What they did was horrible, I don’t blame you and Ghost for wanting revenge… When I was created, I was raised by the head scientist Nala-Se to be just like her. Only to realise they only needed me for my DNA to create more clones, since you disappeared after our father died. That was why I ran away with Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch. They’re my brothers, and they’ve been really good to me.”


“Well you are all safe here on Tatooine now. And we have Ghost to thank for that.” Boba spoke up as he looked over the journal with Omega.


“Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” Omega asked hopefully.

Boba let out a sigh of defeat. He knew that Ghost is probably dead by now. Those eyes he saw in him when they last met. They were the eyes of someone who wanted to die. But he wanted to make sure that he and Omega found each other again before that happens.


“… I don’t think so, Omega. But I do know that he’s finally at peace with himself now. He deserved his long awaited rest.” He says has he places his arm around his sisters shoulder. “Come, dinner will be served soon, and there is way too much food for me alone to eat.”


Omega laughed a little in response to that. She closes the journal and places it on a side table next to the bacta tank Boba has used to heal himself from the Sarlacc stomach acids.


The 501st journal continued to sit on the table, with the diming lights of Tatooine’s two suns setting over the horizon, bringing the day and this story to a well-deserved end. 


My Final Journal Entry – Location: Bakura

“The Galactic Empire is truly over. Emperor Palpatine is dead; Lord Vader is dead; Orion Squad has been wiped out, except for me; the 501st has been dissolved. I kept this journal for years. I will soon join my family, my fellow clones. Daxter, Boomstick, Thunder, Apex, X-Ray, even you Commander Fang. I have failed to protect the 501st in your name. Now I understand why I was named Ghost, because in the end I alone survived it all. Tarfful was right, in the end… I stand alone. As brief as it was, the Empire brought order, stability, prosperity and peace to a chaotic galaxy, and the blood of the fighting men of the 501st Legion was the price. Though I will soon join my brother in the afterlife, our memories will live long in the minds of men… With this story, my brothers and I will live on.”

The End