Chapter 3: A Desperate Rescue

Clone Wars Journal Entry 7 – Location: Liberator/Coruscant Orbit

"As the Clone Wars progressed, more and more ground-based legions found themselves pressed into space combat, including the fighting forces of the 501st. For months, every hour of our downtime was spent in the simulator, preparing for the time we would face our enemies from the cockpit of a 170. Finally the day came to earn our wings. The CIS had staged a daring kidnapping of Chancellor Palpatine, and was being escorted from Coruscant by a fleet of Separatist ships. With only a few veteran pilots on-planet, many of the 501st were pressed into service to drive off the Seps, and buy time for a pair of Jedi Knights to rescue the Chancellor."



The CIS have launched an kidnapping assault on the Republic senate building. Led by General Grievous, the mission was a complete success and Chancellor Palpatine was captured and brought aboard Grievous flagship, the Invisible Hand. Two Jedi knights are on their way, but the 501st must first clear a path through the Separatist fleet. Their mission, target the nearest CIS cruiser, and destroy it.


The members of Orion Squad were currently stationed aboard their Republic cruiser, the Liberator, hovering over Coruscant. It alongside several other cruisers were battling a fleet of Separatist ships. They were listening to a briefing by Commander Fang, who was pointing to a holographic layout of the CIS cruiser they are attacking.


“Welcome to space combat training, troopers.” He began as he then brought up holograms of a 170 Republic Starfighter. “If you hope to return in one piece, you better know the basics of starfighter control. As you all know, our cruiser along with many other within the fleet is under attack. The only way to fight back is with our starfighters. For most of you this will be your first ever space battle, so I assume you’ve all been training in the simulator four hours a day during your breaks, correct?” He asked.

“Yes sir!” They all say in unison. Once they’ve quieted down, he continued.


“Good, you’re gonna need all the skills you have learned to survive out there. Time is of the essence, so I’ll be briefly explaining the best way for you to take out enemy fighters. First off, don’t let the enemy get away.” As he explains this the hologram shows a simulation of a republic starfighter tracking a Vulture Droid ship. “Activate target tracking to follow their movements. They can run, but they can’t hide. The distance indicator here will tell you how far the enemy is, and whether their above or below you. Clever pilots always lock onto the enemy. The fighters missiles will seek out a locked target. This is the best way to dispatch your foe.”


The hologram then changes and reveals another Republic starfighter, the Republic Y-Wing. The Y-Wing was firing blue energy orbs onto a droid cruisers satellite dish.


“Of course not all ships are built for space dogfights. Some ships like the Y-Wing are more effective for attacking the droid cruisers head on. Make sure to use bombers wisely to disable enemy shields and other hard targets along the exterior.” He explains as the hologram plays before the troops.


The hologram then changes again and shows a Republic star fighter landing inside the droid cruiser.


“Of course the Droid cruisers also have vital spots inside as well as outside. This tactic is more difficult then attacking the ship from the outside. You can also land in the enemies hanger to attack where they are most vulnerable. Doing this however is really risky as their will be many Droids within the cruiser and only one of you.” He explains. The hologram then changes to a dropship entering the hanger. “But you can take them by surprise by landing a dropship in the cruiser and bring a squad of reinforcements with you.”


He was then interrupted by Ghost who raises his hand proposing a question.


“Sorry to interrupt Commander, but if we do infiltrate the droids cruiser. What exactly to we take out once inside?” He asked.


“I’m glad you asked, Ghost. Every cruiser has four key systems so vital that if destroyed, it will cripple the ship. These systems include, shield generators, engine cooling systems, auto turret grid, and their life support systems. Take those out and their cruiser will fall apart from the inside. Remember boys, our main priority is to focus all the seps on us so we can buy General Kenobi and Skywalker enough time to infiltrate the Invisible Hand and rescue the Chancellor. Any other questions before we start?” He asked.


None of the clones raise their hands which was good for Commander Fang. They’ve already wasted enough time during this briefing. The sooner they can get out there and take out the nearest cruiser the better.


He then spoke up once again. “Alright then. Pilots and Marine, get to your ships and prepare for take-off. The Jedi are depending in you. But remember, our task is to destroy the nearest cruiser and any Droid ships that get in our way. Good luck cadets.”


With that said the briefing was over and all the members of the 501st prepared to move out.



The members of Orion Squad left the bridge of the cruiser and made their way to the hanger bay where dozens of starfighters lay. Ghost and his brothers huddled up and talked over what each one of them will be doing for this mission.


“Ok boys this is it. Our first space battle. Everyone here remember what we planned before we left Coruscant?” Ghost asked each of his brothers.


“Yeah.” Daxter spoke up. “You and I will take a 170 starfighter. You will be flying while I manned the turret and make repairs should we need them.”


“Thunder and I will be taking a V-Wing and focus on wiping out the bigger targets, such as CIS support ships. He’ll fly while I man the gun.” Apex added.


“Boomstick and I will remain here and man the Liberator’s auto turrets, providing cover fire to you four.” X-Ray added. Boomstick following it up by giving them a thumbs up.


Ghost nodded in response. He and the others then all put their hands in. “Ok boys let’s see if our simulation training improved on our piloting skills. Let’s send these clankers back where they came from and return here in one peace.”


Orion Squad then raise their hands and make their way to their assigned tasks. X-Ray and Boomstick head back inside the main area of the cruiser while the other four made their way to the many ships in the hanger.


Ghost climbed into the front cockpit of the 170 while Daxter sat behind him. Sitting in the ship with them was a back astromech droid with white patterns on it.


Apex and Thunder boarded one of the V-Wings. Thunder sat in the pilots cockpit while Apex manned the big gun on the end. They too had an astromech droid. Theirs was white with pink patterns.


The four clones all look at each other as their cockpits sealed up and their ships engines began powering up. Ghost took a deep breath. His nerves causing his hands to shake as he clutched the ships levers. This felt nothing like the simulations. He couldn’t help but feel a little scared, scared that he might accidently crash or get shot down by a Vulture Droid. Because unlike Republic ships, the CIS built special droids that can transform into droids. And like all droids, they were programmed with all the knowledge of space battle, while he and his brothers had to learn it by spending four hours of their spare time in a simulator.


“Hey Ghost, you ok?” Daxter asked him, clearly knowing he was showing signs of nerves (Even if he was wearing a helmet)


“Yeah I’m good, Dax. I’m just praying that I don’t accidently get us both killed.” He replied.


“I know your nervous. I don’t blame you as we were forced into space training as the armies pilots are stretched thin throughout the galaxy. But I know you can do this. You managed to fly the simulated fighter like a pro, this will be no different than that.” Daxter added.


Ghost looks back at his brother and nodded. He took another deep breath and started powering up the ships systems. “Preparing for take-off!” He warns Daxter.


The ship slowly lifts off the floor. The landing legs retract into the ship as the side wings began to spread out. Ghost then eases on the throttle and his ship launches from the hanger and flies off into space.


They were soon followed by Thunder and Apex’s V-Wing that takes off just after they did. The two ships fly away from the Liberator and begin entering the massive space battle in front of them. Everywhere they looked, they could see dozens of Republic and CIS fighters shooting at each other. There were many cruisers hovering over the planet. But their target was the one closest to them.


“See Ghost, you’re doing it beautifully. I feel confident that we can complete this mission in one peace.” Daxter says to him.


They then hear Apex’s voice over their helmets communicators. “Ok guys, this is where we part ways for now. Thunder and I will join the bombing squadron and attack the CIS cruiser directly.”


“Understood Apex. Dax and I will take out the incoming droid starfighters, make things easier on you two.” Ghost replied.


“Copy that. See you soon and good luck.” Thunder replies and signs off. They then fly in the direction of the CIS cruiser. Ghost’s ship flies into the massive battle and they begin firing at Droid ships.



As the battle over Coruscant raged on. Ghost and Daxter were flying round the CIS cruiser, taking out many droid fighters in the process. A droid Tri-fighter starts tailing behind them. It then unleashes several missiles at them.


“Incoming missiles, pull up!” Daxter warned. Ghost quickly pulls up but the missiles begin to follow them.


“These are homing missiles. Dax, see if you can get them off our tail!” He asks in a state of panic.


Daxter mans the 170’s back gun and fires a barrage of lasers at the missiles, destroying them all.


“Nice shooting, Dax.” Ghost complimented as he concentrated on flying.

“Thanks, but the droid fighter is still on our tail. And it’s got a minigun!” Daxter pointed out as they were getting shot at with a barrage of rapid lasers.


“Hold on, I’ve got an idea.” Ghost says. He then surprises both Daxter and the droid fighter by performing a loop de loop over the ship and facing forward again behind it. Ghost then immediately open fires and blast the ship to bits.


“And you thought you didn’t have what it takes to fly a ship. Keep this up and you might be as good as General Skywalker.” Daxter tells him, impressed with his flying skills.


“I doubt that. General Skywalker blew up  a droid control ship all by himself when he was only a kid.” Ghost replied.


“True. But we’ll be blowing up that Trade Federation cruiser. Surely that’s gotta amount to something.” Daxter replied.


They then received a radio call from Commander Fang. Ghost connects to him and replies. “Orders sir?”


“Yes. Do you see that Banking Clan ship hovering near the droid cruiser?” He asks. But instead of waiting for an answer, he continued on. “That ship is acting as a frigate for the droids. You must destroy it before we can begin our attack on the cruiser itself.”


They then hear Thunder and Apex chiming into the call “Say no more, Commander. We’ll blow up the frigate with minimum effort.”


The call then ends as they begin to close in on the frigate. They then notice Apex and Thunder’s Y-Wing flying over it and bombing the hell out of the ship. Without wasting time, they join in and begin firing their ships torpedo’s at it. With their combined effort and bombing, they have succeeded in destroying the frigate ship.


They then join up and begin directing their attention to the droid cruiser. The Y-Wing begins bombing it, but the ship was completely unharmed as the bombs only managed to hit the ships shield generators.


“No good. Their shields are still online. We’re gonna have to shut them down before we are able to damage its critical systems on the outside.” Thunder tells them.


“We’ll handle that. Dax and I will fly into their hanger, land the ship and destroy the shield generator from within. Once the shield is down you can concentrate on destroying their Communications Array. That way they’ll be unable to call for backup.” Ghost added.


“Sounds good to me. Just try not to get killed by clankers. That cruiser will be swarming with them.” Apex pointed out.


“We’ll be careful.” Daxter replied.


And with that they go their separate ways once again. Thunder and Apex focus on taking weakening the cruisers shields from the outside, drawing the attention of the ships turrets to them, allowing Ghost’s ship to slip by them and fly towards the enemy hanger.



Ghost carefully flies his ship into the droid cruisers hanger. Upon entering they were already getting shot at by Battle Droids. Their blaster bolts however bounce off the ships armour leaving only little scorch marks. The 170 lands into the hanger, crushing some of the droids in the process.


Ghost and Daxter exit their ship and begin blasting away at the droids approaching them. They then make their way out of the hanger area and into the main part of the cruiser.


As the made their way through the droid cruiser, they were ambushed by a bunch of battle droids. They all open fire on them, causing Ghost and Daxter to duck for cover behind a wall. Ghost then pulls out an EMP grenade and throws it at the droids. The EMP unleashes a powerful electric shock, shutting down the droids. Once the coast was clear, they got up and looked over to a map of the layout of the ship.


“Huh, convenient that even the droids need help getting around this ship.” Ghost commented. As he looks at the map he points to the area where the shield generator is. “The shield generator is east of our position. And on the opposite side are the ships engine cooling tanks.” He pointed out.

“Where are you going with this?” Daxter asked.


“There’s a possibility the cruiser could jump to hyperspace and escape with us still on it. If I destroy the cooling tanks, their engines will cease to function.” Ghost explained.


“Good thinking.” Daxter then reaches into his backpack and pulls out a couple detpacks. He hands a couple of them to Ghost. “Just like on Geonosis. Place them around the engines, and press the blue button to remotely connect them to my detonator. I’ll go down to the shield generator room and do the same thing. Once we leave the ship, I will detonate them. And once the shields are down, Thunder and Apex can destroy the outer systems of the ship.”


“Sounds good. See you in few minutes.” Ghost added as he headed down the direction of the engine room. While Daxter heads towards the shield generator room.



Daxter arrives at the shield generator room. The room was a huge circle, and at its centre was a glass cylinder with two spinning cones on the top and bottom. The spinning cones were generating a stream of blue energy that sparked within the cylinder. The cylinder was also protected by a metal fence to keep people (or droids) From falling into the massive fan below.


As he entered he noticed that it was guarded by two Super Battle Droids. He hid behind the door and peered in on them.


Of course they’ve got supers guarding it. I’ll have to take em out first before I can get the shield.” He thought to himself. He then reaches into his backpack and pulls out a EMP grenade. “This’ll fry their circuits.”


He tosses the grenade down the stairs leading to the generator. The grenade lands at their feet. The two Super Battle Droids look down at it in confusion.


“What’s that?” The one on the left asks.


“It looks like a-“ His sentence was cut off by the grenade going off, short circuiting them. “…Grenade.” Was all he could say as he started shutting down.


Daxter then made his way downstairs to the generator. He pulls out the fusion cutter he keeps attached to his side and uses it to cut a hole in the gate. As he steps through the hole he made he looks down at the massive fan spinning underneath him and nervously gulps. Just imagining him falling down there sent shivers up his spine.


He shook it off and began placing the detpacks all around the shield generator. Once he was done he pressed the blue button on each of them and remotely connected them to his detonator. With all that done there was no reason to stick around. So he took his leave.



Ghost was making his way through one of the cruisers hallways. He quickly hid behind a small covering as a squad of droid pilots ran past him. Responding to the droid voice over the intercom to order all droid pilots to prepare for assault. Once the coast was clear he ran into the room on his next right.


He finally made it to the engine room of the cruiser. Which was nothing but giant generators, cooling tanks, hyperdrive generators, and many other vital to ensure the ship was running. He pulls his rifle out and quietly made his way through the maze of machinery in case there were any droids present.


As he made his way through the room, he spotted a Droid Marine guarding the room. He looked like the standard B1 Battle Droid, except he had green markings on him. Like how pilots had blue. Ghost sneaks up behind it and pulls out his vibro blade knife kept in his left gauntlet. He grabs the droid from behind and cuts its head off before it had a chance to call for backup.


Man do I love being an ARC Trooper.” He thought to himself as he came out of hiding. He then makes his way over to the engine cooling tanks. He places the detpacks Daxter gave him all around it and presses the blue button, linking them to his detonator.


As he was about to leave the area, a squad of droids enter the engine room. Ghost quickly hides behind some machinery. He then notices that the squad made up of a couple B1 droids and one type of droid he’d never seen before. It looked similar to the regular B1’s, except for the fact that it was slightly shorter, had a black bulkier body, making it appear more humanlike. It had glowing white eyes.


“Oh no. It’s a BX series Commando Droid. I’ve heard a lot about these guys. They’re programmed with advanced combat training, capable of reading an enemies moves and counter them in less than a second. Even the Jedi sometimes struggle against these guys. I better get outta here before-“


He was then cut off by the Commando Droid who begins searching for him. “We know you are in here, Clone Trooper. The ships sensors tripped as soon as you entered this room. There’s no use hiding, your termination is inevitable.” The Droid spoke out as it scanned the area for him.


“We’ll see about that!”


The droids looked in the direction of where that voice came from, only to be blasted to pieces by a grenade. Ghost came out of hiding and examined the droid parts scattered about the place. He was shocked however to see that the Commando Droid was not among them. He pulls his rifle out and looks around for it.


He was then suddenly jumped by the Commando Droid that came at him from above. It then performs a takedown attack by wrapping its legs around his head and flipping over. Ghost didn’t have time to recover as the droid began throwing several punches and kicks at him, beating him to a pulp.


Ghost kicks the droid off him and reaches for his rifle. The commando droid dodges the blaster fire by leaping over him and performing a leg sweep, knocking Ghost on his back. The droid then kicks the rifle away and pulls out its blaster.


“Clones are inferior compared to us Droids. Your nothing but a bunch of disposable meat bags.” The droid mocked as it point its blaster at Ghost’s head.


“Maybe. But at least we have a soul.” Ghost mocked back. He then pulls out his knife again and manages to slice off the droids hand, causing it to drop its blaster. He then attempts to stab the droid, but it does a backflip to get out of striking distance.


As Ghost got up, the droid looked at its severed hand and then back at Ghost. “Droids don’t need a soul. We are perfect warriors against the Republic. The difference between us, Clone. Is that I can repair my wounds-“ The droid then pulls out the vibro sword it kept on its back and takes a stance. “You however cannot.”


The droid then runs towards Ghost and begins swinging its sword at him. Ghost dodges and counters with his knife. The Droid however starts ramping up its attack speed at 12 strikes per second, causing Ghost to stagger back.


Ghost stood his ground and draws his dual pistols. The Commando Droid wasn’t intimidated by him at all.


“Your weapons have no effect on my armour. Resistance is futile.” The Droid says in response.


“Who said I was aiming for you?” He replied. He then aims one of the blasters upwards and shoots a pipe above the droid.


Steam comes out of the pipe blinding the droid. Ghost takes this opportunity to run up to the droid and kick the sword out of its hand. Ghost then followed up with two shots to the droids legs, crippling it. The Commando Droid struggles to move as it tries to reach for its discarded blaster. Ghost however steps on its arm and aims one of his blasters at its head.


“Not possible. How can a simple Clone Trooper outclass a Commando Droid? It does not compute!” the droid cried out as it struggled against Ghost’s boot.


“I’m no ordinary clone, not anymore. I am an ARC Trooper. And we ae no ordinary clone battalion. We are the 501st Legion. We fight as one, and we do not go down so easily. Tell that to your superiors, if you’re lucky enough to get rebuilt after this.” Ghost then blasts the droids head off, killing it for good.


“That makes my first Commando Droid now, as well as my first Magna Guard on Mygeeto. Now if I could just single handily kill a Super Tactical Droid I can retire happily once the wars over… I better get back to the ship, Daxter should b finished by now.” Ghost says to himself.


As he was about to leave he goes over to where he dropped his rifle and vibro knife. He notices that his knife is broken after the fight with the Commando Droid.


“Darn, my knife broke.” He complained to himself. Then he noticed the droids discarded vibro sword and picks it up. “It’s fine, cuz now I’ve got this. I’m sure he won’t be missing it anytime soon, hehe.”


He then sheathes the sword in the same holster as his rifle, while carrying the rifle in his arms. He then makes it out of the engine room and races back to the hanger area.



Daxter was already at the ship waiting for Ghost. He was blasting a bunch of droids, while using the ship as cover. He also has an auto turret deployed which is providing cover fire, keeping the droids at bay.


Where’s Ghost? He should’ve been back ages ago.” He thought to himself as he took cover from Super Battle Droid fire.


Ghost then makes his way into the hanger area and begins blasting away at the approaching droids with his rifle. Some of the droids turn their attention to him and begin to swarm him.


“Dax! Start the engines!” He shouts out to his comrade. Daxter nodded and hopped into the ship and powers it up.


Ghost blasts his way through the droids. A Super Battle Droid grabs him from behind and attempts to blast his head as close range. Ghost however smashes its head in with the butt end of his rifle, causing it to drop him. With the droids all taken care of, Ghost made his way to their 170 fighter and jumped into the pilots seat.


“What took you so long?” Daxter asked.


“Ran into one of those advanced Commando Droids in the engine room. I took it out though.” Ghost replied.


“Ah, that makes sense, I hear their pretty tough. Was it a challenge for you?” He asked.


As Ghost began to take off and fly the ship out the hanger, he turns round to Daxter and answers his question by pointing to the new vibro blade he stole from it.

“Cool. But what about your knife?” He asked.


“Lost it during the fight. It’s fine though, I’ve got a sword now. As tough as that Commando was, its nowhere near as tough as General Grievous Magna Guards.” Ghost pointed out as their ship exited the droid cruiser.


“I’ve heard about that. Were you able to defeat the Magna Guard on Mygeeto?” He asked him.


“With the help of Commander Fang I did. But one of these days I will kill one of them by myself.” Ghost boasts to his brother.


“Alright enough talk. Let’s blow that ship already, Apex and Thunder are waiting on us.” Daxter pointed out.


He then pulls out the detonator and presses the button. The Droid cruiser begins to explode from within, particularly the back of the ship where the engines are, and the middle of the ship which now has a huge hole in it.



Apex and Thunder are still battling Droid ships over the cruiser. They then notice the cruiser blowing up from within, and the ships shields going down.


“They did it, the shield is down. Time to finish off the cruiser while its crippled.” Thunder says.


“Take out their communications array first, before they call for backup.” Apex suggested.


Thunder said nothing as he was all over it. He flies their Y-Wing in the direction of the cruisers satellites. He fires several bombs at the array, destroying it with ease.


“No sweat. Now what?” He asks him.


“All that’s left to do is destroy the bridge of the ship. Without the bridge there is nothing they can do and the ship will finally be destroyed.” Apex responded.


They then receive a transmission from Ghost and Daxter. “We’ll help you with that, if you need it.” Ghost says.

“Commander Fang taught us that Orion Squad fights as one unit. So of course we need your help.” Apex replied.


“Then lets end this thing.” Thunder added in excitement.


The two ships join up and both target the bridge of the cruiser. Thunder begins firing bombs at it, while Apex fires the minigun. Ghost joins in and fires the ships missiles at it. They all hit the bridge at the same time, tearing it to pieces. All the droids on the bridge get sucked into the vacuum of space. Fore erupts out of the bridge that begins spreading through the rest of the ship.


Ghost and the others fly away from the cruiser as fast as they can, avoiding the big blast that is sure to occur. They look back and enjoy the show as the whole droid cruiser exploded into a massive fireball. The blast consumes all droid ships within range, as well as any support ships. The mission was a complete success.



Back on the Liberator, Boomstick and X-Ray were watching the explosion unfold through the turrets cameras. They both let out a cheer for their brothers succeeding.


“Ha! I knew they could do it. No droid fleet is safe from the 501st!” Boomstick says with pride.


“Keep in mind that that’s one less ship to worry about, there are still many others out there.” X-Ray pointed out.


Commander Fang was observing the explosion from the bridge of the Liberator. He then makes contact with Ghost, Daxter, Thunder and Apex. “Well done, gents. With flying like that, the Republic is well on its way to victory.”


Ghost then replies through the bridges intercom. “What do we do now sir?”


“Return to the Liberator at once. With your actions performed here today, the Jedi should be able to rescue the Chancellor. I think you boys earned a well-deserved rest after your performance today.” He replied.


“Understood sir. Returning to Liberator now.” Ghost says and cuts the connection.

The silence of the bridge was soon interrupted by the sound of beeping coming from the round hologram table behind him.


“Sir, we’re receiving a transmission from the Droid Cruiser, the Invisible Hand.” A clone admiral calls out to him.


“Put it through.” Fang orders.


The clone obeys and connects him to the invisible hand. Fang was surprised to see that the one calling him was General Grievous himself, as a holographic image of him appears before him. The general lets out a chesty cough before speaking to him.


“Greetings Commander Fang of the 501st Legion.” He says in a menacing monotone voice.


“General Grievous. I’ve heard so much about you. Heard that you’re the greatest Jedi killer throughout the galaxy. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure.” He says with a slightly sarcastic tone.


“Your troopers are proving to be a nuisance to my incompetent droids. Apparently two of your clones infiltrated one of my cruisers and destroyed it from within. Even I must admit that your troops are impressive.”


“Did you call just to compliment my men? It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing you do.” He asked.


“No. I came to warn you, that my ship will be targeting you next. We will blow your ship out of orbit. Oh, and in case you’re getting any ideas on fighting back.” Grievous then disappears and an image of Palpatine bound to a chair is shown. “The Chancellor will die.”


Fang says nothing in response. Grievous then reappears on the hologram screen. “With the Chancellor in my custody, there is nothing the Republic can do to stop-“ He was then cut off from his sentence as he looked over to his left. Fang assumes that someone in the background is telling him something. “What?!” Grievous shouted in response.


“Well General, it would seem that the Chancellor won’t be in your custody for much longer.” Fang boasts.

Grievous snarls at Fangs response and cuts the connection. As soon as the call ends, Ghost, Daxter, Thunder and Apex appear on the bridge and salute their commander.


“We’ve returned, sir!” Ghost announced.


Fang lets out a small chuckle in response. “I can see that, Ghost. Thanks to your efforts, General Kenobi and Skywalker were able to successfully infiltrate the Invisible Hand. It’s only a matter of time now until they bring the Chancellor back to Coruscant.”


“What about the other Droid ships hovering over the planet, sir?” Daxter asked.


“The rest of the 501st Legion will take over from here. You boys deserve a rest after what you accomplish. So head back to your barracks and relax. That’s an order.” He tells them.


The Orion Squad members salute him once again and take their leave. For their first space battle, it has been a wild ride. But like Fang said, it was exhausting work flying a starfighter and making it back alive. Hopefully with their influence, the Jedi will be able to rescue Chancellor Palpatine and drive the CIS out of Coruscant for good.



Clone Wars Journal Entry 8 – Location: Liberator/Coruscant Orbit


"After disabling the final capital ship, General Kenobi and Skywalker took advantage of the opportunity we'd created and rescued the Chancellor. Took all the credit, too."


To Be Continued