Chapter 6: A Line in the Sand

Clone Wars Journal Entry 13 – Location: Kashyyyk


"When we arrived on Kashyyyk, things were just as bad as we'd feared. The droids had us outgunned, outmanoeuvred, and outmanned by a five-to-one margin. What none of us had counted on was the Wookiees. We'd all heard the stories, of course, but we'd never fought next to them, never seen them rip apart a droid with their bare hands. They were magnificent. Even so it was still a suicide mission, at least it was until Master Yoda arrived. Then it became a battle; a winnable battle."



The gunships carrying the majority of the 501st legion has arrived on Kashyyyk. The clones looked out the window and were shocked at the mere size of the approaching droid army. Many Wookiee bases have been overrun and taken over by the Separatists. It’s no wonder they requested help from them in this situation.


Ghost and his brothers were also feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the massive army of droids. They haven’t seen an army this big since their very first battle on Geonosis. Even with the combined efforts of the Wookiee warriors and the 41st Scout Battalion might not be enough to push the Seps back. But winning this battle is essential to winning the war. If the Republic succeeds in liberating Kashyyyk, then the tides of the Clone War would be in their favour, and cripple the CIS threat beyond repair.


The gunships finally reach their destination. They land on a beach that is close to one of the last standing Wookiee bases. It was a giant tree full of various building structures. It was known as the great tree city of Kachirho. The base is also protected by a huge wall and several barricades made with huge spiked logs. The Wookiees and 41st Battalion were already on the beach waiting for them.


The clones all exit the gunship and approach their allies in this upcoming battle. The clones of the 41st were all wearing green camo phase 2 armour to help blend into Kashyyyk’s jungle environment. Fang then approaches the commander of the 41st and the two of them salute one another.


“Sorry it took us long to get here. We had to break through the Seps blockade first. What’s the situation here, Commander Gree?” Fang started.


“The city of Kachirho is the last stronghold against the Separatists. Every other base of operations has been overrun by the Droids. Whoever they’re leader is, his strategy is without flaw.” Gree replied in despair.


“Well you don’t have to worry about that Tactical Droid, Kraken. We destroyed him.” Ghost spoke up causing all eyes to fall on him.


“A Tactical Droid?” Gree says in shock. He never would’ve thought that all this planning and strategies came from some amateur Tactical Droid. He honestly though it was General Grievous himself that planned this.


“It was no ordinary Tactical Droid.” Boomstick interrupted. “It was one of those Super models. He instantly found us out when we tried to sneak abord their ship to steal the holocron the Commander asked us for.”


“So you did it? You got the holocron?” Gree asked.


Instead of telling him, Fang just pulled it out of satchel and handed it to Gree. “That holocron contains all the Separatists plans of attack for Kashyyyk, as well as what strategies they’ll be using once they arrive. This should at least give us an advantage on defending it.”


One of the Wookiees looks over the holocron as well. He was different compared to the others. His fur was more of a lighter brown compared to his fellow warriors. He had bow caster strapped to his back as well as a belt of ammo for it. He then starts speaking in the Wookiees native tongue.


“Oh, that would be me and Boomstick.” Ghost spoke up replying to what he said even though he couldn’t understand him. If clone trooper armour didn’t have built in translators, then he’d be scratching his head right about now.


“It wasn’t just us though. A brave new recruit ensured it reached you. His name was Shiny. He gave his life to give your people this one chance to save your world.” Ghost continued.


The Wookiees lowered his head upon hearing that. He then places his furry hand on Ghost shoulder and growls at him again.


“So you’ve lost friends too. Well you don’t have to worry. We will avenge them together.” Ghost reassured him.


“What’s your name?” Thunder asked.


“This is Chewbacca. He is Chieftain Tarfful’s second in command of the Wookiee resistance. We should all probably fall back behind the Sea Wall to discuss out plan of defence better.” Gree spoke up.


“Good idea. Alright men, let’s get a move on.” Fang instructed. The men complied and they all headed towards the direction of Kachirho.



The clones were amazed by the sheer size of the city of Kachirho. The land around the tree itself stretched for miles. They noticed that they already have a couple tanks, walkers and gunships around for the droid attack on the Wookiees. Speaking of which, they too had a variety of vehicles to aid them with. Most of which were bizarre to the members of Orion Squad.


Unfortunately they didn’t have time to explore the city. The men of the 501st were immediately brought to the bottom of the tree, where the chief of the Wookiee resistance, general Tarfful was waiting for them. His fur was more close to black then the others, and he also had dreadlocks which makes him stand out amongst his fellow Wookiees. Chewbacca approaches Tarfful and hand him the holocron. He activates the holocron and a list of battle strategies came up with by the droids appears.


After going through each and every one of them thoroughly, he turns to Chewbacca, and the two of them exchange words.


“So this is Tarfful? I thought he’d be bigger and wearing a full set of armour.” Apex whispered to Daxter.


“But he’s definitely the one. Form what I heard, he’s THE freedom fighter. A symbol of the Wookiee resistance.” He whispered back.


Tarfful then approaches Fang and Gree and speaks to them about his plan. They both nod in agreement and turn their attention to their troops.


“Listen carefully men, cuz we’re only gonna say this once. According to the holocron, the droids will be approaching from the south. The only way in and out of Kachirho is through the Sea Wall, so expect some heavy artillery from them.” Fang explains to both battalions. He then points over to an oil refinery located a few metres northwest of their position. “Their main objective is to destroy the city’s oil refinery. If they succeed, the whole will blow up, and the fires from the explosion will spread to the tree, and then eventually the whole island. We must defend it at all costs.”


Gree then steps forward and brings up a holographic layout of the whole island. “My battalion will remain behind the Sea Wall and defend it from any possible arial attack. The 501st will be stationed on the outside and act as our defence force. Your tasks will be to hold back the droids as long as you can. Once Master Yoda arrives with reinforcements, we’ll be able to overpower the Seps and force them off this planet for good.”


Fang once again speaks up. “Chewbacca and his squad of Wookiee warriors will be aiding us against the Droids, while Tarfful and Gree will defend the city itself. We’ve only got one shot at this men, so fight with all you’ve got. And remember, our mission is to hold them off, buying Master Yoda more time. Only with his help can we win this battle.”


The briefing was then interrupted by a random 41st scout trooper running towards Gree. “Sir! The Separatists, they’re here!” He panicked.


The clones knew the droids would be there at some point, but they were not expecting that time to be now. The Scout trooper then continued once he’s calmed down. “They’re using the same strategy as the previous bases they’ve taken over. All of them being led by the Super Tactical Droid, Kraken!”


Ghost was shocked the most out of all the clones who actually saw him. “He survived?!”


“That’s impossible! We saw him get sucked into space with our own eyes!” Boomstick shouted in denial. There’s no way he survived, landed on Kashyyyk, and is now leading the attack on Kachirho.


“He’s a Droid. They don’t need to breathe. Though how he got here is beneath me.” Ghost pointed out.


“That doesn’t matter. We don’t have time to waste. We must move into position now. If Kraken is indeed leading this attack, then we can’t take it likely. Super Tactical Droids rarely lose any battle they’re involved in. The line has been drawn, there can be no retreat.”


With that said, the 501st and the Wookiees led by Chewbacca all headed outside the Sea Wall and prepared for one of thew biggest battles of their lives.



On the beaches outside the sea wall, the 501st and the Wookiees led by Chewbacca were preparing for the arrival of the droid army. They’ve dug trenches in the sand, used various shields from fallen Wookiee warriors as barricades, and they have a couple tanks and walkers on standby when they do arrive.


The Orion Squad were split up amongst the huge combined forces of clones and Wookiees. Ghost, Fang and Thunder were on the front lines in one of the trenches. Daxter was piloting one of the IFT-X Hover Tanks, with a random clone manning the laser turret on the top. Apex was on one of tree’s massive branches alongside other sniper clones. And X-Ray for once was actually taking part in the battle. He was controlling one of the sea walls many heavy turrets scattered about.


So far everything was quiet (minus the background chatter of clones and Wookiees) The clones waited patiently for the droids to arrive. Apex equips his binoculars and looks out towards the ocean. He was then shocked at what he saw coming their way. The Droids have arrived, armed with rows and rows of snail tanks, a couple spider walkers, and the skies were filled with a couple droid gunships.


“They’re here.” He then contacts Fang on the front lines with the Wookiees. “Commander, the Seps are here. And they’ve brought in the heavy artillery!”


Fang held his nerve and turned to face the men and Wookiees fighting with him. “This is it men. We have to hold this beach until Master Yoda and the reinforcements arrive. No retreats. No excuses!”


“SIR, YES SIR!” They all shout proudly.


The Wookiees all raise their weapons high and let out a battle cry and charge towards the approaching droids. The battle has officially begun as both sides closed in on each other and began exchanging blaster bolts. The Wookiees send in some of their flying vehicles to counteract the droid gunships.


“Send in the Walkers and Turbo Tanks!” Fang ordered as he blasted at the droids.


A couple AT-TP Walkers walk out onto the beach and starts blasting away at the nearest tanks. This was then followed by two Turbo Tanks driving along the sides to counter the slowly approaching spider walkers. Boomstick was revealed to be driving one of them and takes pleasure in blowing up the snail tanks.


“Yeah, get some you Clankers!” He boasted. He then proceeds to run over a couple droid squads with the tank, crushing them beneath its massive ten wheels. “Is this really all they got? I expected more from Kraken.”


“Don’t get too cocky, Boom.” Ghost called out over the comms. “You and I saw first-hand what he’s capable of. Things may be working out for us now, but that could change at any moment.”


Ghost then runs out the trenches and pulls out his vibro blade. With his rifle in one hand and blade in his other, Ghost massacred any Droids that crossed his path. A couple of Droids riding in on STAP’s sped up to him and fired its blasters at him. However one droid was knocked off its STAP by Chewbacca who then proceeded to pick up the droid, and rip it in two with his bare hands. Ghost was both impressed and kinda terrified by this. It’s a good thing the Wookiees are on their side. He’d hate to think about what would happen if a Wookiee did that to a person. The very thought of it almost made him cringe and lose focus.


Daxter then zooms into the ocean with his hover tank to meet some of the approaching snail tanks head on. Firing the tanks missiles and lasers at the,, destroying as many of them as he can.


He then noticed that one of the Wookiees strange flying vehicles was heading towards one of the tanks. Two Wookiees hung from a rope attached to its sides and swung in onto the tanks. Upon landing the place a couple thermal detonators on its sides and then leap into the sea. Daxter quickly backs away as the tanks explode and crash into the water. He then moves the tanks towards the Wookiees, giving them a lift. Once the Wookiees climbed aboard he made a beeline back to the beach.


Apex and his sniper squad were firing at the droids form the safety of one of the trees many huge branches. He concentrates his fire on a droid that was piloting one of the gunships. He fires his rifle with a shot so precise, it blasted through the ships windows and blasted the droids head off. The gunship then starts to lose control and crashes into another gunship. The two gunships then crash into one of the spider walkers, causing a massive explosion, wiping out all droids within its blast radius.


“Nice shot, sir.” One of the sniper clones spoke up. “Your sniping skills are on par with CT9904.”


“Crosshair? Nah, my skills aren’t that good. Unlike Crosshair, I can sometimes miss my target. This was a first for me in terms of lucky shots.” Apex pointed out.


“Sir, look out!” Another clone shouted out.


Apex didn’t have enough time to react as a huge red laser comes out of nowhere and hits the branch. The laser cuts through the whole structure like butter, causing it to fall, and the clones along with it. Apex and his entire squad fall to their imminent deaths. Apex however was saved by Thunder flying in on his jetpack.


“I got you, Brother.” He announced.


“Wait, my squad!” Apex looks over to where they were, only to be shocked at what was coming next.


The massive tree branch they were stationed on suddenly lands on top of the turbo tank that Boomstick was driving. The clones all died on impact once they hit the ground.


Ghost, Fang, Chewbacca and the other clones and Wookiees continued to fight on the front lines against the Seps. They then see the tree branch crush the turbo tanks and the clones and Wookiees around it.


“Boomstick! I’ve gotta save him!” Ghost shouted.


“Keep your focus on the Droids! We can’t let any of them reach the beach!” Fang ordered. But Ghost didn’t stick around to listen and ran towards the tank. “Damnit! Chewbacca, help him! Make sure he doesn’t get himself killed!” He instructed without taking his eyes off the droids.


Chewbacca nods and rushes after Ghost. Ghost, Thunder and Apex reach the turbo tank. Though it has been crushed, it’s heavy exterior prevented in from being completely flattened. They then see Boomstick still in the cockpit trying to kick the door open, but it was blocked by the ground as the tank was on its side.


“Guys thank god. Get me outta this thing! I don’t think this trees gonna hold for long!” Boomstick panicked.


“Apex, Thunder, help me cut him out of there!” The two clones agree without question and help Ghost cut a way out with his vibro blade. Unfortunately the blade couldn’t cut deep enough into it, as the tanks armour was too tough for it.


“It’s no use. The tanks armours too strong. We’d need a lightsaber to cut through that, and Master Yoda hasn’t arrived yet. Apex pointed out.


“Then how are we gonna get him-“ Thunder asked, only to be interrupted by Chewbacca who charged in with a growl and proceeded to punch straight through the tanks window. He then rips it out and manages to pull Boomstick out of there. The three clones were dumbfounded by what they just saw. They couldn’t even cut through the tank with their blades. Yet a Wookiee was able to punch right through it like it was nothing. Just how strong are these creatures?


They then shake it off and quickly back away from the tanks as the tank was finally giving away at the weight of the branch. The tank then explodes, bits and pieces of it flying in all directions, followed but the branch bursting into flames.


Once they were clear, they all ducked behind the barricades. They then quickly tend to Apex and Thunder. But luckily for them they both came out of this unharmed. “Thanks for saving me, Chewie. Can I call you Chewie?” He asks his hairy protector.


Chewbacca thinks it over for a moment and give him a nod. He then turns to Ghost and speaks to him in their native tongue.


“Huh, I thought you would’ve said that I shouldn’t have disobeyed orders. But you’d actually have done the same thing would it have been any of your brothers… Perhaps we’re more alike than I thought. Thanks Chewie.” Ghost spoke softly.


Chewbacca responds by lightly patting his back. After that friendly chat, Thunder spoke up snapping them back into what’s happening right now.


“What the hell caused that branch to fall like that? Couldn’t have been a spider walker. It’s too small to pull off something like that against a tree the size of a skyscraper.”


As Thunder was wondering what caused the tree branch to fall, they were shocked to see another huge red laser come out of nowhere and hit the ground. The laser then started making its way towards them.




Chewbacca quickly picks up the three clones and leaps out of the path of the laser. Though they managed to get away, Ghost noticed that the laser was heading towards where Daxters tank was.


“DAXTER, WATCH OUT!” He shouted again.


Daxter however had already noticed the laser and moved his tanks forwards and out of the blasts trajectory. He moves the tank towards Ghost and the other location. “You guys ok?” He asked.

“Thank god we’re all here. What the hell is causing all those lasers?” Boomstick shouted out in frustration.


Apex looks out towards the ocean and was shocked at what he saw out there. “Guys, I think I found the source of those lasers.”


The others all turn around and look in the direction Apex was pointing. They were all shocked at what they saw. In the distance they could see a shape of what was coming. Even though it was so far away, it looked like it was massive. It looked similar in appearance to the CIS Spider Walkers, except it was 5 times bigger. It had six huge spiderlike legs and the middle part was completely spherical with five huge red eyes around it, with bug guns underneath. They then realised that it was one of the Separatists Tri-Droids. However there was something different about this one. Other then it having twice as many legs as a regular Tri-Droid. It also had a huge cannon on the top of its head, Which they can assume is what fired those lasers.


“That’s a Tri-Droid. But it’s completely different to the ones we’ve encountered in the past. Its bigger and has that massive gun on the top!” Ghost explained.


“If that ain’t bad enough. Take a look at who’s piloting it.” Apex interrupted. He then hands his binoculars to Ghost who then took a look. He was shocked to see that the Tri-Droids cannon was controlled by none other than Kraken himself. He had indeed survived the attack on the CIS cruiser.


They then see Commander Fang approaching their position, firing his minigun at a whole squad of Super Battle Droids. Things were not looking good for the clones. At first they had the upper hand, and with the aid of the Wookiees they were coming close to actually making a dent in their forces. But everything changed the moment that Super Tri-Droid entered the battle. Fang looked around as so many clones and Wookiees were dying to the overwhelming Droid forces. If this keeps up they’ll all be dead before they know it.


“Damnit! There’s too many of them, and that Tri-Droid is ripping out unit apart! Attention all units! Fall back behind the Sea Wall, we must protect Kachirho at all costs!”


The men all comply and begin making a break for the Sea Wall. Daxter pulls the tank up to where Ghost and the others. “Quickly, get on!” he called out.


Ghost, Chewie, Boomstick, Apex and Thunder all climbed aboard and Daxter drove for speed ahead towards the Sea Wall. Fang was still blasting away at the droids while heading in the direction of the wall. As Daxter was nearing his position, Chewbacca reached his hand out to the side and pulled the commander onto the tank.


“Thank you my friend. Keep moving, don’t look back! We need as many men as we can to defend the Wookiee base. Failure is not an option!”



The clones and Wookiee’s have all retreated behind the Sea Wall. As soon as all the remaining tanks and walkers got in, the 41st sealed the gates shut. The clones waste no time as they form a perimeter defence around Kachirho’s oil refinery.


Chewbacca met up with Tarfful and filled him in on what has been happening out there on the beach. Fang does the same with Gree.


“A highly weaponised Tri-Droid you say? No wonder the Seps had no problem tearing apart the other Wookiee outposts. There’s no way the walls could withstand that amount of power.”


“Luckily for us the Tri-Droid is very slow. It could take about an hour, maybe less until it finally reaches us. Any word from Master Yoda yet?” Fang asked.


“Not yet. His fleet is currently engaged with the Separatist fleet over the planet. They sent in more cruisers after toy managed to break through their defences. It’ll take some time before they’re able to assist us.”


“Then all we can do is hold this position until they do. Let us pray they get here before that Tri-Droid reaches us.” Fang then stands atop of one of the balconies of the building built into the tree and shouted out to the men of the 501st and 41st legions.


“Men stand to attention! The Seps have sent in their deadliest weapon to stop us, forcing us to retreat behind these walls. We can’t allow them to breach the walls and enter the city. Our primary objective is to defend the city’s oil refinery. If we don’t, this whole place is going to blow. Give them everything you got. We gotta hold out until Master Yoda arrives with the reinforcements!”


The men salute and quickly ready themselves for when the Droids broke through the wall. The wall itself was built to withstand gunship and tank fire. But the gate itself isn’t indestructible. Plus there’s these man sized doorways that the droids can easily fit through. The droids they can handle, it’s the snail tanks they have to worry about, and god forbid the Super Tri-Droid. If they breach the sea wall, it’s all over for them.


The clones and Wookiees waited in silence for the droids to come through the only entrance to the city. As soon as they spot a droid, they will unleash hell upon it.


Suddenly a couple of smoke grenades were thrown through the entrances. A huge blast of smoke soon covers the area, blinding them. This was then followed by another exchange of blue and red blaster fire from both sides. The Droids had a slight advantage, as their heat sensors allow them to see exactly where they were.


As the Droids marched behind the walls, some of them suddenly explode into pieces. The explosion also helps clear away some of the smoke, which turns the tides of advantages back in favour of the clones and Wookiees.


The explosion came from a couple land mines that have been strategically placed throughout the entrances. “Nice work with those mines, Boomstick.” Fang mentions as he continues to blast away at the droids.


“I just wish I had more than that, with the many more Droids we’ll be getting.” He stated. He then pulls out his pistol and starts blasting away at the droids alongside his brothers. Probably be best he conserves what little rockets he has left for the bigger targets. Targets like the Super Tri-Droid.


The Wookiees also do their part in the fighting. A group of them line up their bow casters and manages to blast through a row of Super Battle Droids. The clones were impressed. Even though the Wookiee’s had technology like a native tribe, they still do the job like a charm.


Tarfful then joins the fight, armed with two long curved arm blades. He charges into a group of droids, knocking them down like bowling pins. He then proceeds to cut them up with his blades and throws their sliced body parts at other droids entering the city. Now the clones understand why he was made chieftain.

However things started to take a turn for the worse, as a B1 Engineer Droid plants an explosive on the control panel for the Sea Walls massive gates. Daxter was the first to notice, and blast the droid with his shotgun. But it was too late, the controls were destroyed, and the gates open. Allowing the Droids snail tanks and spider walkers to get in.


“They’ve breached the Sea Wall! Brace Yourselves!” Daxter shouted out in a panic.


“Ghost! Man that hover tank and stop any Droid tank from getting in!” Ghost complies with the order and enters one of the hover tanks. “Daxter, see if you can repair the controls and get those gates shut now! We can’t allow that Super Tri-Droid to enter the city no matter what!”


“We’ll go with you, provide cover fire.” Thunder announced to Daxter. Boomstick nods his head in agreement.


With no time to lose, Daxter immediately began making repairs on the Sea Wall gate controls. Thunder and Boomstick watched his back and shot down any droids that attempted to stop him.


Apex uses his sniper scope to watch out for the Tri-Droid. It was getting closer to the beach they were fighting on earlier. It will probably reach Kachirho in about twenty minutes tops.


Ghost while piloting the tank, wasted no time blasting the snail tanks with everything they’ve got. X-Ray was manning the laser turret on the top with him. They positioned the tanks directly in front of the oil refinery, awaiting anything that crossed their path.


“How much longer do you think we’ll be able to hold out until reinforcements arrive?” X-ray asked while blasting the droids in front of them.


“I don’t know. Hopefully not for much longer. I don’t know much about Master Yoda, but if the stories are true. With him on our side, we’ll definitely win this battle.” Ghost hoped. Yoda is meant to be the most powerful Jedi currently living. But is he strong enough to take on a Super Tri-Droid on his own?



As the battle continued to rage on. The clones and Wookiees were barely able to hold their own against the incoming droids. Now that the wall has been breached, there is nothing stopping the heavy artillery from getting in.


Fang fought back to back with Commander Gree. The two of them were surrounded by hundreds of droids. The two commanders nod to each other and lock arms. They then spin around and fire their guns, taking out most of the droids in the vicinity.


“Just like the simulations, ey Fang?” Gree spoke out.


“I think you and I remember the simulations a little differently, Gree.” Fang stated.


They then suddenly notice that one of the spider walkers has made its way through the opened gate and began targeting the oil refinery.


“One of those spiders has entered the city. What’s the holdup, Dax?!” He practically yelled at him.


“I’m going as fast as I can, sir. But the controls have been blown to hell. Repairing this kind of damage could take hours.” Daxter pointed out, not once losing focus on what he was doing.


“We don’t have hours! If a spider walker can get in, how will we be able to stop the Tri-Droid.” He then looks over to its current location, and was horrified to see that it landed on the beach and is closing in on their location.


“KEEP FIGITING! Don’t let that spider get any closer!” He ordered his men in desperation. It may not be the Tri-Droid, but a spider walker still has enough fire power to destroy the oil refinery and cause the whole city to explode.


Ghost, X-Ray, Apex and Boomstick all concentrate their fire on the spider walker. Boomstick fires his rockets at the walkers legs, causing it to topple over. Ghost then quickly fired the tanks missiles at its round body, destroying it just in time.


Unfortunately the spider walker was then replaced by three snail tanks that came in through the gate entrance. They all target Ghosts tank and open fire. Ghost and X-Ray barely had enough time to bail before their tank got blown to bits. But they were still in the line of the tanks fire. Ghost stands in front of X-Ray and the oil refinery and pulls out his rifle.


“Ghost, X-Ray, get out of there!” Apex warned. But Ghost didn’t listen and stood his ground.


If this was it, if this was really how he was going to die. Then he will go out fighting. Then tanks all aim for Ghost and prepare to fire their guns all at once.



X-Ray looked away expecting to be blasted by the tanks. But surprisingly, nothing happened. He and Ghost open their eyes to wonder what was taking them so long. Only to be shocked at what they were witnessing.


The three tanks were suddenly hovering off the ground. How the hell did that happen? What is causing this?


“Down here.” A mysterious voice he’d never heard before called out.


Ghost looked down and saw that the tanks were being held in place by a tiny green alien with big ears and silver hair. He was wearing brown Jedi robes with a cream coloured cloak around it. He held a wooden can in his right hand, and was using his let to hold the three tanks in the air with the force.


There’s no doubt in his mind. This little green guy is indeed the great Master Yoda he heard so much about. He then briefly looks back at him and X-Ray. “Hmm, arrived just in time it appears I have.” He spoke in a old but strangely comedic voice.


He then uses the force to throw the three tanks over the sea wall, causing all the clones and Wookiees to be struck dumbfounded. His reputation certainly perceives him, if he’s able to through three tanks over the sea wall las if they were a couple of stone being skipped across a lake. Any remaining droids within the city were then suddenly forced out of the gates by Yoda.


“Forgive me sir, but where did you come from?” Ghost asked the tiny grandmaster.


“From up there, I came.” Yoda pointed upwards.


The clones and Wookiees look up and were amazed to see dozens upon dozens of gunships entering the planet’s atmosphere. Thousands of clones exit the gunships and begin attacking the droids outside the walls, forcing them back.


Things start to quiet down now as the reinforcements push the droid forces back, allowing the clones to retake Kachirho. And just in time too, as Daxter was finally able to fix the gate controls. He flips the switch and the gates close once again.


After the fighting briefly ended. The remaining clones and Wookiees gather to Yoda’s location. Tarfful kneels down to the Jedi and thanks him on behalf of his tribe.


“No thanks needed. Proud I am, to stand by Wookiees in their hour of need.” Yoda replied.


“We are most grateful that you and the reinforcements have arrived here safely, Master Yoda.” Fang interrupted. But even with your help, we still can’t win this battle until we take out that Super Tri-Droid. What do you suggest we do, sir?”


“Destroy the Droid leader we must. Without him, no one to guide them, the droids will have.” Yoda spoke up.


“Commander,” Ghost suddenly spoke up. “I request that you allow us to engage Kraken and his Tri-Droid. We’ve dealt with him before, and this time we won’t lose.”


“I admire the bravery, Ghost. But you and your squad members don’t have the fire power to take on a droid weapon that size.” Fang spoke out in disagreement. Orion Squad may’ve accomplished a lot throughout the Clone Wars. But they were far too valuable to him to throw into the Tri-Droids line of fire.


Master Yoda then steps forward and interrupts them both. “While outstanding your devotion to your men is, Commander. Agree with Ghost I do. Fewer men we send to engage Kraken, means fewer casualties we’ll have. Handle it, your Orion Squad will. Focus on taking over the Separatist base we must.” He explained.


“I do think that would be the best course of action, Fang.” Gree spoke up, agreeing with Master Yoda’s plan.


Fang looked over the members of Orion Squad. Some of them have sustained some minor injuries after the wall breach. But he knows each and every one of them well enough to know that they’ll always risk their lives for the most challenging of tasks, all so the 501st won’t have to sacrifice so many men. But still, they’re his younger brothers who came from the same line of troopers as him. They were more than just his squad. They’re his family.


After thinking hard on this, he turned to face Orion Squad. “Very well. Orion Squads mission will be to take down that Super Tri-Droid alongside Master Yoda. Do whatever it takes to ensure victory for us.”


The Orion Squad members all salute and reply with a “Sir, yes sir” in response. Fang then turns to all the other troopers.


“Way to hold them back, men. Now let’s push forward and send them packing.” He says with determination. It was time to push forward and break through the Separatists forces and end the invasion of Kashyyyk for good.



The combined forces of the 501st, 41st, and Wookiee resistance launch a full scale assault on the droid forces. They all storm out of the sea wall and charge through the wall of droids in their path. Yoda, Gree, Tarfful and Chewbacca fought on the front lines alongside their forces, leading them to victory. For better or for worse, this invasion will end today.


Though they are at the moment winning against the droids, being able to push their forces back, retaking the beach. They’ve still got a ways to go before they’re able to take over the droid base. Not to mention the fact that the Super Tri-Droid is still standing. Another blast from its powerful laser cannon would spell the end to a lot of them.


Fang and Orion Squad all engaged the Super Tri-Droid. They throw everything they got at it. Focusing their fire on the droids eyes in hope s of blinding it. Daxter sets up an auto turret to keep any droids away, preventing them from interfering with what they came here to do. Boomstick fires his rocket launcher, but the rockets had no effect against the Super Tri-Droids tough exterior. Taking this thing down was gonna be tougher than they thought.


Kraken was still sitting on the top of the Tri-Droid, manning said giant laser cannon. The only downside to using the cannon, is that it takes quite a while to recharge and use again. The Tri-Droid soon closes in on the sea wall, and Kraken begins charging up the cannon again.


“It is over, Republic Scum. With one final blast of this cannon, the Wookiee city will fall. Not even the Jedi can save you now.” Kraken monologed to himself as he took aim at the sea wall.


“Not today, Clanker!”


Kraken looked around trying to fin the source of the voice that called out to him. He then looks up to see Thunder hovering above him on his jetpack. He then takes aim at him with his EMP launcher.


“Your weapons have no effect on the Super Tri-Droid. You’ll only end up wasting your ammo.”


“Who said I was aiming at the Tri-Droid?” Thunder stated as he took aim not at the Tri-Droid, but Kraken himself.


Realising what he was doing, Kraken quickly aborted from the cannon as the EMP blast hit it. At first it looked like Kraken was going to fall to his disappointing death. Too bad Thunder thought. He really expected more from the Droid behind all this.


However he was shocked to see that Kraken sprouted metallic plane like wings out of his back, and a rocket pack ignited on his back allowing him to fly. He then meets Thunder at eye level in the sky.


“Since when did Tactical Droids have jetpacks?” Thunder complained.


“I have made personal upgrades to myself for the possibilities of encountering an enemy alone. Unlike the standard T-Series Tactical Droids, I am equipped with over one hundred combat styles.” He then wastes no more time explaining and charges straight into Thunder. “Allow me to demonstrate.”


He then forces him all the way back down. The two of them crashing into the soft sandy beach bellow. Yoda and the rest Orion Squad caught sight of this. But they were preoccupied with the Super Tri-Droid that was still attacking them on its own.


“Ghost, X-Ray, go help him, we got this!” Fang ordered as he kept blasting away at the Tri-Droid.


Ghost and X-Ray cease fire on the Tri-Droid and go over to help Thunder who is surprisingly getting the absolute crap beaten out of him by the Super Tactical Droid. Kraken then proceeds to grab him by the throat and lifts him off the ground.


“You meat bags are all the same to me. Nothing but a waste of organic genes. Lambs to the slaughter, with no shepherd to guide you.” He then pulls back his right fist and a retractable blade comes out of his knuckle. “You shall be the first to die at my hand.”


“Kraken!” Ghost shouted out to him. Kraken however ignores it and was about to finish Thunder off. He was however stopped by X-Ray who shoots his left hand, causing him to drop Thunder.


Kraken was about to attack X-Ray, but Ghost distracts him by firing his rifle. Kraken switches targets and goes after him now. X-Ray quickly drags Thunder to safety, allowing him to use his bacta gun to heal him.


“So we meet again, Ghost.” Kraken opened up.


“So you have a jetpack too huh? That certainly explains how you survived the vacuum of space.” Ghost pointed out.


“The possibilities of being exposed to space was slim I will admit. But I anticipated you 501st meat bags to attempt something so foolish. Your squad are known for taking the path with the most risks.”


“What can I say. We’re built tough like that. Tougher then any of you Clankers!” He paused briefly allowing him to put his rifle away and swap it for his vibro sword. “This time I’ll make sure to kill you properly.”


“You cannot possibly believe you can defeat me in combat alone. I have been trained by General Grievous himself, the same way he trained his Magna Guards.” He then pulls out to Ghost’s surprise, a retractable version of the Magna Guards electro staffs. It’s appearance was different to a regular one. The electric spikes on both ends were yellow instead of purple, and the staff itself was a sleek black instead of silver.


Kraken spins his electro staff round in intimidation and takes a stance. Ghost however was not intimidated at all. “You would be wise to surrender.”


“Maybe. But the 501st never run away from a fight.” Ghost boasted as he took a stance with his sword.


“So be it.” With that said, Kraken charged towards Ghost, spinning his electro staff. Ghost counters it with his vibro blade, which he was fortunate could actually block an incoming strike from an electro staff in the first place.


Ghost was able to fend himself against the tactical droid. But Kraken started to ramp up the intensity of his attacks. Fourteen, sixteen, eighteen. And finally, at twenty strikes per second, he was able to knock the vibro sword out of his hand, and strike Ghost in the gut, winding him and causing him to stagger back.


Ghost thought that the whole being trained by Grievous thing was all a boast. Boy was he wrong. Only Grievous could fight so viciously. Had ghost been up against the actual general, he’d be a pile of sliced up body parts in a matter of seconds.



Back with the Tri-Droid. Fang, Boomstick and Apex weren’t doing so well. The droids massive size and strong armour make it nearly impossible to even scratch. While they were able to cause some damage to its legs via explosives, they don’t have nearly enough to finish it off for good.


The Tri-Droid takes aim at the ground where they were and fired its rotating guns. The Clones all took cover behind the wreckage of the turbo tank and the giant trees fallen branch.


“It’s no use sir! Nothing we throw at that thing is enough to even damage it.” Boomstick complained.


“He’s right sir. Even without Kraken manning the cannon, it’s still powerful enough to take out our tanks and walkers.” Apex continued.


“Everything has a weakness. We have to keep fighting it until we find it.” Fang stated.


Suddenly out of nowhere Yoda landed in front of them. “Strong and resilient, that Droid is. But unstoppable it is not.” He spoke as wisely as usual.


“Forgive me for being rude, sir. But why aren’t you assisting the Wookiee’s and 41st with capturing the Separatist base?”


“Already completed the task is. Assisting in destroying the Tri-Droid I will now.”


“What do you suggest we do, Sir?” Fang asked.


“Distract the target you must. Buy time for me to cripple its legs with my lightsaber.” As Yoda was explaining he plan he drew the Tri-Droid in the sands and places an X mark on the lower joints in its legs, implying where he will strike. “Concentrate your fire on the joints you will. I will then attack the head. Understand do you?”


“Yes sir. I just hope we can pull this off with no casualties.” Fang replied.


“Trust in the force, Fang. And accomplish this task you will.” Yoda then leaped out of cover and ignites his lightsaber in mid-air while performing a summersault. The Tri-Droid targets the little alien and attempts to blast him, but Yoda was too fast and agile for it to keep up with.


Yoda then leaps onto one of the Tri-Droids legs and severs it at the joints with his lightsaber. This caused the Tri-Droid to start losing balance, but it still had five more legs to keep itself upright. Yoda then leaps up to its head and slices off the nozzle of the cannon. The Tri-Droid spins it’s body around fast in an attempt to shake him off, but Yoda held on for dear life.


“Now while it’s distracted!” Fang instructed.


Fang, Boomstick, Daxter and Apex all came out of cover and followed through on Yoda’s instructions. They began focusing their fire on the joints in the Tri-Droids remaining legs. The Tri-Droid stopped spinning and started targeting the Orion Squad. Yoda took advantage of this and severs the Tri-Droids guns, leaving it defenceless.

The clones then all throw thermal detonators at the joints. Yoda quickly leaps off before they blew. At last they did it, they destroyed the Super Tri-Droid. Some of the clones thought it ended too soon. But the reason for that is probably because of Master Yoda’s involvement. Had they continued fighting it alone, it probably would’ve much taken longer.



Ghost was still struggling agianst the Super Tactical Droid, Kraken. This fight was far worse then the one on one fight he had with a Commando Droid. Kraken anticipated every move he was about to make before he even made it. Kraken could pretty much kill him with ease if he could read his moves. Yet instead he chooses to drag this fight on for a bit longer. Was he toying with him? Does he want him to suffer first before finishing him off? Ghost didn’t even think Droids were even capable of tormenting their enemies.


Kraken was no ordinary Tactical Droid though. Even other variants of the Super models weren’t capable of such malice. It’s as if he’s not a Droid at all, but a living being, like General Grievous. Many Clones referred to Grievous as a Droid. But Ghost knew that he was no Droid. He was once a Kaleesh warrior, and a feared one at that. And if it’s true that he personally trained Kraken in combat, then maybe he should’ve asked for his brothers for help.


As Kraken was about to impale him with the electro staff. Ghost kicked him backwards, knocking the staff out of his grasp. Ghost then quickly ceases the staff and attempts to strike Kraken down. Kraken however pulls out a hidden blaster concealed within his leg and fires at Ghosts shoulder, causing him to flinch and drop the staff.


“As I expected Ghost, your skills are truly worthy of the position of ARC Trooper… But you are growing weak and slopy in your attacks. Hand to hand combat is not you Clones strong suit.” Kraken boasted.


“Then why don’t you just kill me and get it over with?” Ghost questioned.


“Because killing you quickly wouldn’t be good for me. The only reason I’ve been dragging this fight on as long as I have was to copy all your data.” Ghost was confused by what he meant, but Kraken continued on before he could ask. “I miscalculated your team as a whole when you invaded my cruiser. I am making up for that mistake now by analysing your data. Once I am finished, I will transfer it to our creators. Every new Battle Droid off the assembly line will be able to fight like you clones do, as well as become more analytical in missions. This war has gone on long enough. The time has come for us to gain a major advantage.” He explained.


“So that’s it, huh? Then I should stop messing about and finish you off now before you can accomplish that.” Ghost then readies his vibro sword again.


Kraken would’ve smirked at this clones stubbornness, if he was capable. He is injured and tired. Does he seriously think he can kill him in the condition he’s in? As Kraken was about to attack him again, he was suddenly blasted by an EMP blast, causing him to collapse to his knees. He looks behind him and sees that the blast came from Thunder, who had recovered from the crash.


“ I may be down, but I am not out, Clanker!” Thunder smirked.


Kraken attempts to shake off the EMP and get back up again, but one of his legs gets blown off by Apex’s sniper skills. Now down on one leg, Kraken couldn’t properly move. That however didn’t stop him as he reached for his blaster pistol. He however finds himself looking down the barrel of Boomstick’s Rocket Launcher.


“Don’t even think about it, pal!” He threatened.


X-Ray, Fang and Daxter then approach the downed Tactical Droid and all point their blasters at him. “It’s over Kraken, you’ve lost this battle.” Fang stated.


“Negative… This is far form over. Kashyyyk may be a failure on my part, but my data will live on. Even if you destroy me, my memory will be uploaded to another Super Tactical Droid, and he will succeed where I failed.” He then turns to Ghost again. “That is what makes Droids superior to Meat Bags. We can transmit our memories and data into other Droids, making them superior models than the last. While all you clones deaths accomplish nothing for the Republic… That is why you will lose-“


A shadow then looms over them, blocking out the sun. The clones all look up and were shocked to see the remains of the Super Tri-Droid hovering over them. They then see that it is being levitated over them by Master Yoda. They quickly move out of the way, allowing the Jedi Grand Master to drop it on the Tactical Droid leader.


“This was not how it was supposed to-“ Kraken attempted as his last words, before getting crushed by the very droid he was controlling. The clones can’t quite put their finger on it, but there was something poetic about the was Kraken went out. Either way they’re hopeful that this is the last they’ll ever see of him.


“Why couldn’t he have done that earlier?” Thunder whispered to X-Ray.


“He probably wanted us to be the ones to finish Kraken off. For a powerful Jedi Master, he sure has a kind nature.” He whispered back.


Yoda chuckles to himself overhearing that. He then sheathes his lightsaber and places it back on his belt. “Proud of you all I am. Because of your actions, close to freedom Kashyyyk is.”


“Thank you sir. But we couldn’t have done it without your help.” Fang spoke up as he kneeled down to the grand master Jedi.


Yoda shakes his head in disagreement before speaking up again. “No Commander. You and your squads bond with each other earned you victory. Smaller in number you may be, but larger in mind and spirit you are.”


The clones had no idea what the Jedi master was talking about, but they accepted it as a compliment, assuming that what he meant. Yoda then turns around and starts slowly making his way in the opposite direction.


“Where are you going, sir?” Daxter asked.


“Much work to be done there is, hmm. Though gone their leader is, Kashyyyk is far from free. Assist the others we must.” Yoda pointed out.


“You heard him. Let’s move it boys, we still got a base to take over.” Fang issued command. The clones all recovered from the fight and all headed towards the direction of the droid base.




With the aid of Master Yoda and the 501st legion, The Wookiee Resistance was finally able to retake one of their strongholds on the island. At long last things were going well for the Republic on Kashyyyk.

With Kraken and his droid army eliminated, thing finally quieted down. The men of the 501st have accomplished their mission. They have liberated the city of Kachirho from Separatist invaders. And now that Master Yoda is here, they leave the planet peacefully, knowing that the mission to completely drive the Seps of the planet will come swiftly and quick.


The members of Orion Squad were taking another well deserved rest in one of the bases barracks. X-Ray was tending to Ghost and the others wounds. Neither of them exchanged a single word, choosing instead to bask in their victory in silence. But that silence didn’t last long as Yoda himself decided to pay them a little visit.


“Master Yoda?” Ghost spoke up, causing the others to look over to him entering the room.


“Don’t get up. Rest you must.” He straddles over to where the clones are sitting and looks over each and every one of them. “Fought harder then any of the other you did. Earned this rest you have, hmm.”


“Is there anything we can do for you, sir?” X-Ray asked.


“Your helmets, remove them. Your faces I wish to see.” Yoda asked with a hit of authority in his voice.


The clones all look at each other before complying to the order. One by one they remove their helmets, revealing their faces to the Jedi Master.


“There’s not much to look at, sir. We all share the same face.” Apex pointed out.


“Deceive you your eyes can. In the force, very different each one of you are.” Yoda then looks over each of the clones, describing what makes each one of them unique.  “Apex, always focused on the enemy are you? For inspiration look to yourself, and those beside you.”


He then walks over to Boomstick. “Boomstick, to reliant on weapons you are. But weapons do not win battles. Your bravery, strong it is.”


Next up was Daxter. “Daxter, your mind and hands are highly skilled. Out think the Droids you can.”

He then walks over to Thunder and X-Ray. “Thunder, your hopes and dreams fly higher then you can ever reach. Hold onto those you must, if you wish to live to see ethe Galaxy free.” He then turns to X-Ray. X-Ray, though a fighter you are not. Saved more lives then any others you have.”


Finally he confronts Ghost who was sitting on the edge of his bed. “Ghost, rush not into fights. Long is the war. Only by surviving it will you prevail.”


The clones were both confused and touched by the Jedi’s kind and inspiring words. He like many other Jedi they fought with saw them not as clones, but as men, as people. They themselves always saw one another as equals, never once seeing one another as disposable.


“Clones you may be. But the force resides in all lifeforms. Use it you can, to quiet your mind. Remember this you must, and survive the end of the war you will.” Yoda concluded. He then turned around and took his leave. But not before looking back at them one last time and uttering his final words. “May the force be with you all.” And with a smile he leaves their tent.


Once he was gone the clones all look at each other, processing what he was talking about. “Do any of you guys know what the General was talking about?” Boomstick asked.


“How should I know, I’m just an Engineer.” Daxter replied.


Ghost just sat in silence thinking to himself. “He said the force resides in all lifeforms. I thought the force was something only the Jedi can use… Hmm, I don’t feel any force within me. Was the General joking around, or is there some truth in what he says? Ah well, I guess it’s only a thing Jedi can understand.”



After the majority of clones have rested and regained their strength, they finally decided to prepare for their departure for the Liberator still in orbit above them. Commander Fang was currently speaking to the clones , giving the yet another one of his victory speeches.


“Great work troops. Kashyyyk live to fight another day. Unfortunately the planet is still far from free. Kraken’s forces may’ve been destroyed, but there are still many Droid bases on the planet that need to stopped. Commander Gree and his 41st Legion will continue to aid the Wookiees in liberating Kashyyyk. But our mission here is done. All 501st troopers prepare to move out soon.” He concluded.

After finishing his speech the 501st all begin boarding the gunships. The members of Orion Squad however don’t leave just yet, as they were being held up by a familiar face. It was Chewbacca who wanted to say his final goodbyes to the clones he fought alongside.


“Oh hey Chewie. Come to see us off?” Ghost asked.


Chewbacca nods in response. Ghost and his brothers smiled and hold out their hands in an attempt to shake his hand. Chewie however pulls them all into a group hug. The clones were incredibly uncomfortable, both literally and mentally by Chewbacca’s overwhelming strength. As soon as he lets go they all gasp for air and even let out a couple coughs form the embrace.


Fang was laughing on the side with Tarfful. Tarfful then turns to him which made Fang feel uneasy. “Don’t tell me you wanna hug too.” He asked sarcastically.


Tarfful only laughed in response at Fangs assumption. Instead he grabs his hand and shakes it, to which Fang returned with a smile. “It’s been an honour fighting alongside you and your people. May your cities and your planet be free for many years to come, my friend.


Tarfful lightly growled in response. Fang could tell that it was a happy growl even though Wookiee’s can’t speak their language.


Once the members of Orion Squad caught their breath they properly said their goodbyes to Chewbacca. “ I hope we meet again one day, Chewie. It’s nice to have friends outside of us clones for a change. May you and your tribe live long enough till that day.” Ghost spoke eloquently.


With their goodbyes exchanged, Fang and his squad all boarded the gunships and set course for the Liberator. As the ships took off and flew into the sky, Chewbacca raised his fists high and let out a loud growl as a final send off to his new clone friends. The other Wookiee’s soon all joined in and their cries echoed thought the whole island.


The members of Orion Squad all took one last look at the Wookiees below, and were wishing them all the best in this war.


“I see you and Lieutenant Chewbacca have grown quit close the whole time we were down there. It’s good to see that you’ve formed a bond.” Fang spoke up while placing his hand on Ghosts shoulder.


“This is all new for us, sir. The only friends we’ve made were amongst ourselves. We’ve never experienced bonds beyond us clones before.” Ghost replied.


“Friendships may be dangerous in our line of work, Ghost. But it’s what separates us from the Droids. I know the years of fighting this war has been hard for each and every one of you. But our actions here today have turned the tides of victory in favour of the Republic. I feel that the end of the Clone Wars is almost upon us.” Fang spoke wisely, almost as wise as Master Yoda.


“I hope you’re right, Commander… I hope you’re right.” Ghost mutters to himself. He then continues to look out of the window as the sight of the island they were one grew further and further away.


Clone Wars Journal Entry 14 – Location Kashyyyk


"With the timely arrival of Master Yoda, the 501st were able to hold the line against the Seps on Kashyyyk. We left as heroes. Years later, we'd return as conquerors."


To Be Continued