Chapter 7: Underground Ambush

Clone Wars Journal Entry 15 – Location: Coruscant


"In our bones, we knew the war was almost over. The Galaxy held its breath, waiting to see which side would make the final daring move. As fortune would have it, the Republic moved first. After the Chancellor informed the Jedi Council that General Grievous and the Sep leaders were hiding on Utapau, General Kenobi gathered an army large enough to capture three star systems. When the orders reached the 501st, our morale soared. For better or worse, this would be the beginning of the end."


A week has passed since the battle of Kashyyyk. The 501st are currently stationed on Coruscant, spending their free time doing whatever they wanted. After all they went through these last few months, they’ve earned some time off. They’ve not only fight Battle Droids, but they’ve also fought Acklay, A Bull Rancor, and a Super Tri-Droid piloted by a Super Tactical Droid. The fact that most of them survived all of that is a miracle of itself.


That goes double for the clones of Orion Squad. Every single one of them has come out alive from every battle they’ve had. And with the Clone Wars nearing its end, they may actually live to know what retirement feels like.


The members of Orion Squad were currently celebrating their accomplishments at the local clone bar. Ghost was sitting at the bar counter with X-Ray and Daxter. Thunder, Boomstick and Apex were enjoying an erotic dance from one of the many Twi’lek dancers working there. Boomstick then couldn’t help but let out a whistle upon enjoying the show.


“Yeah shake it girl. Man Twi’leks are so hot.” He pauses as he takes a big sip of his drink before continuing. “Hey Apex, why is it that Twi’leks are so damn attractive?” He asked almost half drunk.


“Nobody knows.” Now it was his turn to take a drink. “But if there were some kind of God out there, he obviously favours them over the many other species in the galaxy.”


The three clones picked up their glasses and clinked them together before taking another big sip. Thunder then speaks up and turns to his brothers, drawing their attention away from the Twi’lek dancers.


“You remember that Twi’lek Jedi, Aayla Secura? What would you rate her?” He asked as he took another sip.


“If she weren’t a Jedi I’d say ten outta ten. But I’ll have to go with probably… nine and a half.” Apex replied.


“Yeah… It’s a shame that Jedi are forbidden to have emotional attachments.” Boomstick added. He then takes another sip of his drink before continuing. “You know which Jedi I really like? Ashoka Tano.”


This causes Thunder and Apex to almost spit out their drinks in shock upon hearing that. They both struggle to swallow their drinks and even let out a couple coughs before turning their attention to Boomstick. “Bro that’s gross. She’s practically a child!” Thunder pointed out in disgust.


“True. But Togruta’s like her have a lifespan that can last up to two hundred years.” Boomstick replied in a failed attempts at an excuse.


“That’s not any better, Boom… Let’s just change the subject before we dig ourselves any deeper into this hole.” Apex suggested.


The other clones all nod in agreement and continue to drink and watch the dancers strut their stuff.



Ghost, Daxter and X-Ray were still at the counter drinking in peace while the others were being loud over by the stage. X-Ray overhears their conversation about how Boomstick likes Ashoka and sighs. “They’re being too loud over there, why can’t they just be quiet like everyone else?” He asked himself.


“X-ray.” X-Ray looked away from his loud brothers and turned his attention to Ghost who was drinking in peace. “They’re of no concern to you. Let them do your thing and you do yours.”


Daxter couldn’t help but notice that something was on Ghost’s mind. The whole time they’ve been here, he hasn’t shown any signs of enjoying himself. The Clone Wars was nearing its end, this was meant to be a time for celebration. What could he possibly be sad about? He then gently elbows him, getting his full attention. “What’s wrong Ghost? You’ve been quiet ever since we got back to Coruscant.”


“It’s nothing.” Ghost shook off and got back to his drink. However, as he was about to take another sip, Daxter suddenly snatched it away from him, causing Ghost to turn and face him completely.


“Hey, give me that back!” He expressed in annoyance.


“You can have it back once you tell me what’s on your mind. Now tell me truthfully this time. What is the matter with you?” He asked once again.


Ghost let out a deep sigh in frustration. He really didn’t want to talk about this, especially now of all times while they’re out drinking. But he knew Daxter well enough to know that he won’t stop pressuring him for information until he’s satisfied. With no other choice he finally spoke his mind.


“If you must know. I’m feeling somewhat conflicted about the Clone Wars ending. On the positive side, the galaxy will finally be at peace. But on the negative side, we clones will no longer have a purpose. It’s not like we can retire to some remote planet and start a family.” He pointed out with a hint of sadness in his voice.


“I see no reason why not.” Daxter spoke up after finishing his drink. “One of our fellow troopers did, so why can’t we?” He asked.


“Because Cut was a deserter. And any clone who runs away from their duty gets charged with treason, before being executed. Face it Dax, we’re nothing but Republic property.” Ghost then went back to drinking away his sorrows.


Daxter thought a bit on what Ghost was saying. While it is true that they are indeed property, they are NOT Droids. Unlike them they have free will. They can choose to be whatever they want to be. Most of the Jedi saw them as people who deserve to be free once the war was over. Others saw them as disposable fodder. But he saw them as man who are fighting for a peace they hope to share once the war was over.


“We may be the Republics property,” he started after swallowing another sip of drink. “But we are not Droids. We can do whatever we want with our lives. Who told you that we clones can’t have a life after the war ends? The Chancellor? The Jedi? No! Nobody but us has the power to choose what new purpose we obtain after fulfilling our current one. So don’t start losing your fighting spirit worrying about the future. Instead, focus on the present and give the galaxy everything you got.” He pauses so he can take another sip of his drink. “You’re brothers need you, Ghost. The Orion Squad fights as one. If even one of us is out of sync, the whole squad will fall apart.”


Ghost listened very closely to Daxters words. While he does agree with everything he’s saying, part of him still has some worries on what the future holds for every clone in the Republic. Will they really be allowed to choose their own paths? Or will they be thrown out like living trash? I guess only time will tell as the Clone Wars is nearing its final end.



A couple hours later, the members of Orion Squad have all left the clone bar and began to wonder the Coruscant endless city streets. Night has fallen upon them, so the entire planet is lit up like a Life Day tree. It was a beautiful sight for some of them. But to most people it was something they’ve seen their whole lives, and have grown bored of it.


The clones were walking over to a train station, hoping to catch the next train to the clone barracks in order to get a good night’s sleep. For Boomstick, Apex and Thunder though, sleep won’t be an easy task as they’ve got themselves drunk at the bar, whilst enjoying the Twi’lek erotic dancers. They could barely walk properly without almost falling over. X-ray and Daxter were left with no choice but to help Thunder and Boomstick get back to the barracks safely.


Ghost continued to think to himself on everything he and his brothers have been through in the war. Most of the missions they 501st were assigned to were pretty simple. Others were considered more of a fun time then a mission to some… And then there were some that were traumatic for some of the clones. The 501st have had a few traumatic experiences themselves, they may be the best of the army, but even they aren’t completely unbreakable.


Felucia served as perfect examples on how they barely escaped death with their sanity intact. On Felucia they had to endure two whole months of rolling around in the mud, fighting off deadly creatures in the night, preventing them from getting a good night’s sleep. The worst of it all were the Acklay that slaughtered many of his brothers, as well as the horrific Bull Rancor. A creature so powerful that not even a Jedi was a match for it.


Yet despite all of that, the entirety of Orion Squad made it out on top. They were lucky throughout this war. Ghost can’t help but wonder, how much longer until that luck starts to run out. He’s been through so much watching so many clones die, as well as the rookie Shiny. Who barely had a proper chance to have a taste of real combat.


No. He can’t keep looking back, only ahead. Like Daxter said, he and he alone decides what path he must take. And the path he walks now is the path to victory and to peace. As soon as General Grievous and the Separatist leaders are captured, the Clone Wars will end in victory. He just needs to hold out just a little longer in hopes of seeing the war end for good.



 A couple days later. The clones of the 501st legion were all called in for a new mission briefing aboard the Liberator, which is currently traveling through hyperspace. Ghost and his brothers were also present and ready for anything. The clones were all talking amongst themselves as they waited for their commander to arrive.


“I can’t believe it’s nearly over. We’re finally gonna bring Grievous and those Seps to justice.” Ghost heard one of the clones next to him talking to another. He then taps that clone on the shoulder getting his attention.


“What are you talking about?” He asked in slight confusion.


“You haven’t heard? The Chancellor just informed the Jedi council that General Grievous and the Sep leaders are hiding on the planet Utapau. We’re finally gonna end those Seps for good.” The clone replied.


“Yeah, there’s nowhere for that four-armed freak to hide this time. Victory for the Republic is inevitable.” The other clone proclaimed proudly.

Ghost did not see that coming. Deep down he knew the war was almost over, but he wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. He then looks over to his brothers of Orion Squad. Judging by the looks on their faces, they were probably thinking the same thing as him right now.


The bridge doors suddenly open causing all clones to cease their talking and interrupting Ghost’s current thoughts. Commander Fang approaches the holotable.


“Welcome back men. I trust you all had a fun time on Coruscant.” The clones all look amongst one another, some of them nodding in response while others did not. “Good. I hope you all played hard, because today your gonna be working harder then you even had before.”


The holotable then activates and an image of Utapau appears before the clones. Fang then continues his briefing. “Republic intelligence believes General Grievous is here on Utapau. General Kenobi is already there with the 212th legion trying to secure the area. We alongside many other battalions will be joining Kenobi in capturing the Sep leaders and rescuing the Utapuans from their control.”


The holotable then zooms in on the planet surface and shows a hidden city built into the cliff walls of the planet. Fang then points to one of the many hanger bays around the city. (The one with the red dot on it) “The 212th will be keeping the droids occupied while we land our ships here. Once we arrive we must not hold anything back. We need to put in all our effort alongside the other battalions if we are to succeed in our mission.”


The holotable then deactivates and the Liberator comes out of hyperspace, arriving at Utapau. Fang turns to his men after getting a good look at the planet the Clone Wars is going to end on. “This is it men. Our final battle and our finest hour. Let us give it everything we got and finally bring peace and freedom to the galaxy!” He then raises his left arm high while his helmet was tucked under his left.


The clones all raise their arms in response and let out a mighty cry. At long last they can finally put an end to the CIS and fulfil their purposes as soldiers. The clones then all put on their helmets and prepare to move out. Fang then approaches the members of Orion Squad. “You boys with me?” he asked them.


“Always sir.” Apex spoke up first. The other clones all nod on agreement. Fang then notices that Ghost isn’t looking as optimistic as his brothers.


“What’s wrong Ghost?” He asked the obvious question.


“Nothing sir. I’m just hoping that this mission will indeed mean the end of the Clone War.” He didn’t want to lie to his commander. But he didn’t wanna show any weakness for this mission, especially as it’s “the” most important mission of their carrier.


“Rest assured, Ghost. If we succeed here today, it will not only be a victory for the 501st, but also the whole Republic. We’ve come so far to start having doubts now. So I ask that you please keep your head in the game.” And with that said, Fang leaves. He didn’t need to say anything more, he knows that he got through to him. He briefly looks back at Ghost as he walked out the doors. Judging by the determined look on his face, he had managed to get through to him.



The men of the 501st were all loaded into the gunships and were heading down to the surface of Utapau. As the dropships entered the planet’s atmosphere, they could already hear the distant sounds of blaster fire and shouting below them. The battle of Utapau has already begun. Ghost knew very little of the planet or it’s people. Other than the fact that they chose to remain neutral in the war. Not swearing allegiance to either the Republic or the Separatists, in an effort to keep their planet safe. But to someone like Grievous, neutrality was a just a nicer way of saying neither side was interested in claiming them. In the Clone War neutrality was a myth, and it was thanks to their neutrality that the Separatists had little difficulty in acquiring this back water planet. 


The last of the CIS resistance against an army of various clone battalions. An army large enough to capture three star systems. But even if the odds are in their favour, they can’t afford to let their guard down. The fate of the whole galaxy depends on their victory. Most of the clones can’t help but be a little disappointed that the war will be over soon. Most of them kinda wished that it could go on just a while longer. The thrill of fighting, the praise of heroism they receive from the inhabitants of the various planets they saved from the Seps. Soon all of that will be gone, and this war will fade into memory.


The members of Orion Squad however are more focused on the here and now. They can worry about their futures another day. Right now they must help decide the galaxy’s future. Ghost cast any doubts or concerns he had at the bar aside. He is now determined to help bring peace to the galaxy. And whatever happens to him after the war ends, it doesn’t matter. Because at the end to of the day, he’ll still have his brothers.


The gunships hover over one of the topside hangers since it was one of the biggest ones. The doors open and the clones waste no time exiting the ships and landing on the platforms. The Droids take notice of the 501st and begin attacking them, to which the clones returned fire.


As soon as all the clones entered the battlefield, the gunships fly off as fast as they could to avoid the possibilities of getting shot out of the sky. Fang and Orion Squad join in the battle and blast away at any and all droids standing in their way.


“Apex!” Fang shouted to him as he continues to gun down the droids. “There’s a two story building just a bit south of your position. Get up there and assume sniping position.” He instructed.


Apex looks over to the building briefly before turning back to Fang. “As you command, sir.” He then quickly rushes over to the building and uses his grapple gun to scale the wall. A couple droids were occupying the balcony, but Apex made short work of them. Once the droids were out the way, he set up his sniper rifle on the balcony railings and awaited further instructions.


Fang and the others were making their way down a highway in hopes of reaching Obi-Wan Kenobi’s position. Unfortunately for them, the highway was occupied by AAT Droid Tanks, a lot of them. They currently don’t have any vehicles to combat their firepower. So for now they were forced to take a step back.


“Watch out men, the highway is occupied by Droid Tanks. We’re gonna have to find another way around them in order to reach General Kenobi.” Fang warned. He then contacts Apex. “Apex, do you copy?”


“Loud and clear, sir. What do you need?” He asked in response.


“I need you to try and find us a safer route to hanger ten. That is where General Kenobi is fighting General Grievous in.” Fang ordered.


Apex uses his sniper rifle scope to try and spot an alternate route for the clones to take. He then spots what appears to be a couple alleyways. On the other end of them was a small droid depot where they kept all their extra ammo and battery packs. “There’s a couple alleyways that leads to a Droid depot where they keep their supplies. Through that depot is hanger ten.” He explained.


“Good work. Stay where you are and provide cover fire if any droids try to ambush us. The rest of us will take over that depot and make our way over to hanger ten.” The connection then ends and Fang points over to where the alleys were. “ He says there’s a shortcut through those alleyways. There is a droid depot stationed there. If we take that out, it’ll make things harder for them. Follow me!” He instructed.


The members of Orion Squad all follow Fang through the alleyways. They were pretty tight spaced compared to Coruscant’s many alleys, but it was big enough for them to fit through. Though it makes things more difficult for them to spot out any droids that ambush them. Though that’s probably what Apex is for.


After moving through tight the alleys, they finally came across the droid depot building. As expected, it was guarded by a couple Super Battle Droids. Daxter grabs a thermal detonator and throws it at them, blowing them to pieces. That however caused the droids inside to be alerted to their presence.


But as the droids exited the building, they were immediately shot down by a blue laser beam. Some of the clones looked back and saw that the shot came from Apex who was still stationed in the tower.


They then enter the building and secure it, blasting down the few remaining droids inside.


“Depot secured, good job men.” Fang complimented. He then looks out the buildings windows and can see all of hanger ten from where he was. He then sees that General Grievous is engaged in battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Fang and the others were impressed with Kenobi’s skills in lightsaber combat. He was up against a four-armed cyborg with a lightsaber in each hand, all swing at him simultaneously. Yet Kenobi is able to hold his own against the general just fine.


Grievous was relentless. His enhanced reflexes and electronic brain allowed him to strike three times a second, all of which came in a randomised unpredictable pattern. To most Jedi he fought, this method was flawless, as the generals unpredictable moves made him almost impossible to defend against. Kraken was trained by Grievous himself, and even he was too much for Ghost and his brothers to handle. So he could only imagine the look on Grievous’s face right now. (if he even had one) As not one of his strikes got through. Obi-Wan was still standing, deflecting every strike that came at him. Whilst he didn’t intercept all of them with his lightsaber, he avoided with a sudden shift of his body. The blade passing harmlessly away from him.


The clones were amazed by Kenobi’s actions against the general. He could probably defeat him all on his own. He has no need for them at all against Grievous. Fang then pulls his eyes away from the epic battle unfolding in hanger ten and spoke to his men. “Ok enough distractions men, do not forget why we are here. Our objective is to secure hanger ten. Once we gained control over it, our dropships will be able to send in our vehicles to assist battle and clear out those AAT’s. As you can see, General Kenobi is currently engaged in battle with Grievous. It be best that we leave the fight to him and instead focus on the many droids stationed there. Hopefully Kenobi will succeed in destroying Grievous before he wipes out any more of our troops.”


“Sir, yes sir!” The clones all shouted in unison. The sooner they can secure hanger ten, the sooner this mission and the war will come to a close.



As the clones fought their way into hanger ten. Ghost and the other couldn’t help but once again watch the fight between Obi-Wan and Grievous. In a fit of rage, Grievous started to ramp up the intensity. Fourteen, sixteen, eighteen. And then finally at twenty strikes per second, he overloaded Kenobi’s defence and caused him to stagger back.


Ghost was expecting Kenobi to lead Grievous away from them as they fought the droids stationed in the hanger. But instead Kenobi went on the offence. With a single flick of his lightsaber, he severed one of Grievous’s hands. Then with his free hand, he caught the generals arm and actually bent his wrist until it snapped like a twig.


Grievous looked at his mangled hands, then at Kenobi’s blade, then at his hands again. Then he suddenly realised that he seemed to have an urgent appointment somewhere else. Anywhere else.


Grievous then decided to turn his attention to the invading 501st clones in the hanger. He ran towards the clones, his two remaining hands spinning their lightsabres rapidly like helicopter propellers. The clones didn’t have time to react as Grievous began hacking away at them with his lightsabers. The general laughed to himself every time he cut the clones down, showing that he’s actually getting some enjoyment out of killing them. “Your screams are like music to my audio receptors.”


All this carnage angered Fang. He will not stand by and let that mechanical monster kill his men. “Kill him!” Fang ordered. He and all the clones all opened fire on him, but Grievous blocked every blaster bolt with his lightsabers. Grievous was then about to go after X-Ray. As he was about to swing his lightsabers at his torso in an attempt to cut him in half. His blades were suddenly blocked by Ghost’s vibro sword. Ghost stared directly into the generals reptilian like eyes. This was the first time he’d ever been face to face with the Kaleesh warrior. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat scared of him. Those eyes, they held unexplainable amount of hatred in them. Hatred for the Jedi. Hatred for the Republic. And to Ghost’s surprise, hatred for himself. He knew that look all too well. It was a look the fallen Jedi Pong Krell had against all Clones, viewing them as nothing more than lambs to the slaughter.


In his moment of distraction, Grievous kicked Ghost in the stomach, sending him and X-Ray flying backwards across the hanger. The general laughs as he slowly approaches the downed clones.


“The famous Orion Squad. So we meet at last.” He then looks over at Fang, Daxter, Boomstick and Thunder. “Ah, I remember you.” He addressed Fang who without hesitation fired his minigun at him. Grievous however deflects every strike with minimal effort. “You and your men really are a thorn in my side. When will you learn not to meddle with things you cannot possibly understand?


“Until you and the CIS are dead and buried!” Fang shouted back.


The droid general was unimpressed with the commanders little outburst. “You think you’re a match for me? I can kill you all with two, no three arms tied behind my back!” He boasted as he closes in on Ghost and X-Ray and raises his lightsabers. But he was once again stopped by Obi-Wan who landed right in front of him and blocked his strike with his own lightsaber.


“Hello there.” Kenobi said in a joking way.


Grievous only grunted in response. That’s twice now that Kenobi made such a foolish entrance. It was somewhat funny the first time, but it was getting annoying fast. He and Kenobi take another offensive stance as they prepare to fight once again.


“Army or not. You must realise, you are doomed.” Grievous commented as he looks Kenobi straight in the eyes.


“Oh I don’t think so.” Kenobi replied. Then to Grievous’s surprise, Kenobi used the force to hurl Grievous to the ceiling, where he fell with a deafening crash. Grievous picked himself up by going on all fours (or in this case all sixes) and started to scurry across the floor like a spider. Ghost and his brothers all open fire, but Grievous was too fast for them to keep up.


Grievous made his way over to his blade wheeler. Upon activation he made a beeline for the hanger exit. The blade wheeler was moving so fast that, Fang, Ghost and the others barely got out of the way in time. The blade wheeler leaps off the platform edge and makes its way downwards towards the city tunnels.


“Grievous is getting away! We’ve gotta follow him!” Fang shouted in frustration. There’s no way in hell he’s gonna let that monster get away with killing his men like that. Obi Wan however places his hand on his shoulder and shakes his head.


“No Commander. I will go after Grievous alone. You and your men assume control of this hanger. Then when your done I need you to assist Cody and his battalion in taking out the Droid energy tower in the city centre.”


Fang looks over in the distance to where Kenobi was pointing and see’s the tall CIS tower in the distance. The tower was sparking green lightning bolts, reminding him of the Energy Collector they destroyed on Mygeeto.


Ghost then approaches his commander and reassures him. “General Kenobi’s right sir. Like you said earlier, the fight with Grievous is his business. As much as I want to be present to watch that creature get what he deserves. Our duty to the Republic always comes first.”


Fang was surprised to hear those words coming from his second in command. Ghost certainly came a long way ever since his rookie days on Kamino. He never expected one of his own men to lecture him like that. He couldn’t help but feel foolish now. After that speech he made earlier about not letting personal feelings get in the way of their mission, there he goes already wanting revenge against Grievous. All vengeance would achieve for them is a result of failure. Now it was his turn to cast all his thoughts aside and get back to the business at hand. He turns to Ghost and the others and nods.


“Thank you for helping me come back to my senses, Ghost. I’m proud to have someone like you fighting by my side. Just as I am grateful to have men like you to serve with.” He then turns to Obi Wan. “We’ll secure Hanger Ten and destroy that tower, sir. But how exactly are toy gonna catch up to Grievous?”


“I have my ways.” Obi Wan then looks up and lets out a whistle. The clones were confused at first, until suddenly they moved out the way as a Utapaun Dragon Mount jumped down from above and ran up to where Obi Wan was. Obi Wan climbed on its back and seized its reigns.


“Good luck troopers. Now let’s get a move on, we’ve got a war to win.” Obi Wan whipped the reigns of his mount and it began running off in the direction Grievous went.


Things then started to get loud again as more Droids closed in on hanger ten and attacked the 501st. “You heard the General boys. Let’s hurry up and secure the hanger so we can begin our assault on the energy tower.”


“Commander, the gunships with our tanks have arrived, but they’re under attack from the hangers Anti-Aircraft turrets.”  Daxter pointed out.


“Boomstick, Thunder, take out those guns before they shoot down our ships. Once they’re gone hanger ten will be ours.


“Right!” They both said in unison and made their way over to the edge of the hanger. Boomstick loads his rocket launcher and fires a rocket at the gun on the left. Thunder attacks the gun on the right with his EMP grenade launcher.


Now that both guns have been destroyed, hanger ten is now under Republic control. The dropships fly in and prepare to drop off a couple tanks and an AT-AP walker.


“Hanger Ten secured. Stand by for heavy support units!” Fang called out, warning all troops to clear the area as the dropships entered the hanger and dropped off their requested vehicles.


Things were really starting to look up for them now. Once they take out the energy tower and the droids strongest forces. This war is as good as over.



The 501st now armed with their heavy support vehicles made their way down the highway for the centre of the Utapaun city. Many droid tanks were still occupying the highway, but now that they brought their own heavy artillery, taking them out will be a synch.


Ghost, Daxter and X-Ray were manning one of the tanks. While Fang, Boomstick and Thunder were on the front lines with most of their men. As for Apex, he finally regrouped with his brothers and assisted with the assault on the droid energy tower.


The AAT tanks open fire on the approaching clones. But the AT-AP Walker acted as a shield for the clones, taking the majority of the attacks. The AT-AP returns fire and blasts the first tank in the centre. There were still many others blocking their path though, so they’ll just have to keep blasting them out of the way until the finally reach the energy tower.


On the other side of the highway they can see hundreds of clone troopers fighting against the droids. These clones wore orange patterns on their armour. Fang instantly recognised them as the 212th legion, who is Obi Wan Kenobi’s battalion. He must’ve ordered them to attack the tower while he went after Grievous.


“Don’t let up, we’re almost there!” Fang shouted out to his men as he continued to blast away at the many droids in front of them.

After what seemed like an endless wave of Battle Droids, they finally broke through and reached the other side of the highway. They immediately join up with the 212th legion and continued their assault on the energy tower in the city centre.


The commander of the 212th division, Commander Cody, was struggling agianst one of few Commando Droids stationed there. Fang intercepted the droid from behind and actually managed to rip the droids head from its body. The commando droid collapses on the ground and Fang helps Cody up. Fang then couldn’t help but notice that Obi Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber was attached to Cody’s belt. He doubts that the general would just give it to him and fight Grievous with his bare hands. That would be utterly useless against his metallic body, not to mention stupid. He can only assume he lost it during the chase and Cody picked it up. It would probably be for the best that he didn’t worry about that and focus more on the task at hand.


“You’re from the 501st legion. Did General Kenobi send you?” Cody asked.


“Yes. He is in pursuit of General Grievous, hopefully he’ll put down that monster for good.” Fang explained with a hint of hatred in his voice. He still holds a grudge agianst Grievous for killing so many of his men. He hopes to whatever being created the universe that Obi Wan brings back his head.


He snaps out of his little rage filled rant and speaks up again. “What’s the situation with this energy tower?”


“My men and I are trying to set up an EMP in this area, using the tower as an amplifier. Creating a blast big enough to wipe out every droid in the area, while we are unaffected.” Cody explained.


“Sounds good. I’m guessing your having some problems with this task?” He asked.


Cody points over to where the tower is. It is still shooting out dozens of green lightning bolts everywhere, preventing any of the clones from getting close. “The energy emitting from the tower reaches over ten thousand volts. We can’t get close to the tower without frying our molecules. We’ll have to find a way past that electrical field first before we even think about setting the charge.”


“I think I might have an idea.” Fang then turns over to the members of Orion Squad who were now fighting on the front lines instead of piloting the tanks this time. “Orion Squad, front and centre!” He ordered.


The clone brothers all stop what they are currently doing and approach their commander. “You called Commander?” Ghost asked.

“Boys I have a special but dangerous task for you to do.”


“What else is new?” Boomstick spoke up interrupting him.


After waiting for a moment to ensure there were no more interruptions he continued on. “Your task is to try and bypass that electrical field emitting from the tower and place a couple EMP charges on it. Can you do that?” He asked, even though he knows deep down that they can as they’ve handled worst before.


“We’ll do our best sir.” Ghost spoke up. He then turns to Daxter hoping he would have some idea on how they’re gonna do this. “You wouldn’t by any chance have anything that can protect us from that energy do you Dax?”


Instead of explaining it to him, Daxter opened his backpack and pulls out what appears to be a strange looking bracelet device. “It’s only a prototype, but I tested them out a couple weeks ago. Give me your arm.”


Ghost complies with the request without question. Daxter places the bracelet around his left wrist. He then presses the button and to everyone surprise a huge bubble forms around Ghost, like a miniature forcefield. It was similar to the ones the Droideka’s used except it was red instead of blue.


“I figured it’s not fair that only Droids get shield generators, so I built my own for us to use. They work the same way as Droideka’s shields, except these are more advanced and can deflect energy attacks.” Daxter explained. He then demonstrated this by pushing Ghost closer to the tower. One of the energy bolts strikes the shield, but it bounces off like he said it would.


“See. With this it’ll be a piece of cake.” Daxter said proudly.


“Did you have to push Ghost into danger like that? You could’ve killed him.” X-Ray said worriedly.


“Ghost took down a Super Tactical Droid trained by Grievous himself. I doubt a little electricity will be enough to kill him.” Apex pointed out.


“Did you not hear how many volts that things producing?” Thunder muttered to himself.


“Enough banter. How any of those miniature forcefield generators do you have?” Fang asked Daxter.


“Just the one I’m afraid. Making this was no easy feat.”


“Then I’ll have to do this on my own. You lot cover me while I plant a couple EMP charges on that tower.”


“Hold on soldier.” Cody interrupted. “In order for the plan to work, you have to plug the EMP charge in two specific areas.” He then points to said appears on the bottom and top of the tower. “The first one is in the towers power supply on the bottom. And the second is on the antenna at the top.”


Ghost looked over the whole tower. The first one on the bottom seems easy enough. It’s the antenna on the top that’ll prove difficult. Had it not been for the electrical field, he could’ve just gotten Thunder to fly up there and do it himself. But the forcefield was designed for ground based protection, not ariel attacks. He makes a note to himself to remind Daxter to include an Ariel mode for the forcefield in the future.


Suddenly more droids have arrived on the scene, with even more tanks coming down the highway. If they all close in on them now there will be boxed in and slaughtered. It’s now or never. This is the perfect time to unleash the massive EMP that’ll fry the circuits of every Battle Droid in the area.


With no time to lose, Ghost grabbed the two EMP charges and rans towards the tower with his forcefield still up. Fang, Cody and their men fought back against the droids, buying Ghost time to accomplish his task.


The first charge was the easiest to set up. All he had to do was open the panel connecting the towers power supply and hook it up. Now the hard part begins. He must find some way to get to the top of the tower without electrocuting himself. But the question is how?


He looks around and he sees a downed Droid tank. Then he sees one of the cones tiny AT-PT walkers. And then finally one of the many balconies far above him. On the ground level his grapple gun wouldn’t be able to reach that far. But if he commandeered one of the AT-PT walkers and used the downed tank as a stepping stool, the walker could leap off and the balcony would be within range for his grapple gun.


All of this was played on risk and a lot of luck. But that was how clones like him have survived the war to this point. With no time to properly think it over, he went ahead with his plan and ran up to one of the empty walkers for him to take over.


“What the hell are you doing, Ghost?!” Cody shouted. Was he seriously running away right now? And here he thought the 501st were the best of the Grand Army of the Republic.


“Wait a minute, Cody. I think he’s using one oof his “improvised” plans.” Fang reassured him. He knows his own men very well. And usually improvised plans by Ghost were deemed a success (Most of the time at least)


The Droids were closing in on them. They have the clones completely surrounded. The victory of not only the 501st, but the whole Republic now depends on this one single act of ARC Trooper Ghost. They better hope for their sakes that he doesn’t screw this up. Their survival depends on the succession of this task.



Ghost now piloting the AT-PT makes a beeline straight for the downed AAT tank. The AT-PT’s may not be heavily armoured or pack a lot of fire power compared to their much bigger cousins. But one advantage they have over them is their great speed and the ability to leap huge distances. They were mostly used for recon and traversing tough terrain on certain planets, such as rocky mountains, deep muddy swamps and the list goes on.


But now Ghost must use it to launch himself up to the balcony railing, hook his grappling hook onto it, and swing over to the top of the tower, while activating his forcefield mid swing. This is a very difficult and dangerous stunt to pull off. And he only has one chance to pull it off, so he better not fail.


This is it, the moment of truth. Ghost’s walker runs at maximum speed towards the tank. It runs up its side till it reaches the top. The walker then leaps as high as it could into the air. Ghost had his grapple gun ready in his right hand. He then gets up and leaps off the driver’s seat into the air. With not much time to aim, Ghost fired his grapple gun at the balcony railing, hoping to whatever powerful all seeing being was out there that it would make contact.


The clones of Orion Squad were amazed at Ghost’s performance. He actually managed to hook onto the balcony railing, and was now swinging towards the tower.


Ghost quickly switched on his forcefield bracelet just in time as he was closing in on one of the towers antenna. He still wasn’t close enough to reach the tower, so he swung backwards again to build up enough momentum to reach it the next time. Once he got close enough, he grabbed the side of the tower and held on tight. He had made it to the top.


After placing his grapple gun still attached to the balcony in his utility belt, Ghost climbed up to the main antenna and reached the second panel. He quickly looks around where he and his brothers currently were and noticed that the droids were closing in on them. It was now or never. With no time to lose, he opened up the panel and placed the EMP charge inside it.


“He did it! Hit it now! Fang shouted to Cody. Cody immediately pressed the button, detonating the EMP charges. Ghost quickly leaped off the tower with his grapple gun, swinging away from the blast as it spread throughout the whole city. The blast fried everything in its path, including Ghost’s forcefield bracelet. Luckily for him he no longer had a need for it.


Every single Battle Droid in the area was short circuited by the EMP and all collapse simultaneously to the ground, some of them even falling over the edge of the highway and into the bottomless pit bellow. All Droid controlled vehicles also grounded to a halt. And some of them even crashed into structures, as well as falling off the highway and into the bottomless pit as well.


The clones were all relieved that the mission was a complete success. Most of all the men of the 501st. Fang then climbed up on top of the downed AAT tank with Ghost’s crashed walker laying close by.


“For the Republic. We are victorias!” He shouted with pride as he raised both his fists in victory. The clones all responded with a proudful cheer. At long last, the Clone Wars were finally over.


A couple hours later. The men of the 501st were all preparing to board their gunships and head back to the Liberator. Ghost and his brothers were all gathered together for a celebratory group hug. Not only because of his success in wiping out the majority of the Droid Army on Utapau. But because the Clone Wars is nearing its end. The rest is just mop up.


“Dude that was awesome!” Apex says excitedly.


“Yeah! Especially when you used one of our walkers to leap up to the tower and then swing over to it like a wild man. I’ve never seen anything like it!” Daxter added.


“And here I thought I was the only one with wings in the group. You really flew my friend.” Thunder followed up.


Ghost was happy as well with his and his brothers performance here today. It’s too bad Obi Wan wasn’t there to witness this for himself. He really gained some high ground there.


The celebration was cut short by Fang who approached his men. At first they though he was gonna order them to move out. But instead, he joined in on the celebrations by lightly smacking Ghost on the back with a smile on his face. “I’m starting to think there’s nothing you can’t do, soldier. You keep this up you’ll make the rest of us look bad. Your close to becoming a one clone army.”


“It was never my intention to better myself from the others, sir. I only did what was needed to bring the Republic victory. I do this not for recognition. But to ensure more of my brothers don’t meet the same fate as Shiny.” He pointed out.


And just like that, their joy filled faces were gone. Some of them had forgotten how many men they’ve lost throughout the war. To the Republic they were just ordinary clones. But to them, they were their family. Fang had no idea their deaths affected Ghost almost as much as it did him… Ghost certainly was more than just a lucky soldier. He had a fire in him. The same kind of fire he himself once had when he first tasted real combat during one of the recon missions the earliest batch of clones had with Jango Fett before the simulations were built.


“Ghost… I know your giving this war everything you have. But you do realise that your actions will not prevent any more deaths. We clones have seen a lot of death throughout this war, even if the missions end up a victory. In the beginning I was just like you. I wanted to prevent many of my brothers from dying. But throughout this war I have learned a valuable lesson.”


“What lesson?” Ghost asked.


“That where there’s war, there will always be death. So instead of trying to prevent it. You must use it to strengthen yourself to bring the war to an end quicker. That way those who have died in the war, their deaths wouldn’t have been in vain. You must never forget that…Understand?”


Ghost and his brothers all raise their hands and salute their commander and older brother. They’ve been together for so long, the sometimes forget that Fang was the first of the 415 series they all came from. “We will remember this lesson always, sir!” They all say in unison.


Fang smiled saluted back. “I’m very proud of you boys. You’ve come a long way since your simulation days on Kamino… Right then, let us get onboard the dropships and-


Fang was interrupted by the sound of a strange cry coming from a few meters behind them. They turn around to see that it was Obi Wan Kenobi riding his Utapaun Dragon Mount, and heading to their location. The creature comes to a stop a few inches from Orion Squad. Fang noticed that his lightsaber was still missing, meaning he hadn’t gotten it back from Cody yet.


“General Kenobi? I take it you have succeeded in destroying General Grievous?” Fang asked.


“Yes. But even with his death, Utapau is far from free.” Obi Wan then looks over to the 501st clones boarding the gunships. “Why are you leaving?

“General Skywalker ordered us back to Coruscant effective immediately.” Fang replied.


“What? Why?” Obi Wan asked in both shock and confusion.


“I’m afraid a request was made by the Supreme Chancellor, and we were assigned a new mission. That is all we were told.” Fang explained.


Obi Wan wasn’t sure why, but he figured it must be important. Though part of him can’t help but feel that something was off about all this. Ever since the Clone Wars started, Palpatine had been too friendly with his young padawan. Anakin had changed throughout the war. There was once a time when the two of them were more than just master and apprentice. They were the best of friends.


But ever since Ashoka left the Jedi order, Anakin hadn’t been himself. He’d been distant, unfocused, downright cold to others apart from him and those he trusts. Why would Anakin order the 501st back to Coruscant when their presence here would lead to the successful capture of the Separatist leaders?


“General Kenobi, are you alright?” Fang asked, snapping Obi Wan out of his train of thought.


“I’m fine, Fang. You and your men have done exceptionally well today. Thanks to your EMP blast, the majority of the Droid forces have been destroyed. My men and I will finish off what’s left of them. Good luck to you all, and may the force be with you.”


With that said Obi Wan whipped the reigns forward and rode off towards the area where Cody and the 212th were fighting. Fang and the others watched as he left until he was gone from sight. “And with you General Kenobi.”



Back on the Liberator, the clones were all gathered in the hanger area. It looks like Fang was about to give them another mission briefing. Ghost and the others can’t help but wonder what their next and possibly final mission could be. Is it to locate and capture the Separatist leaders? To liberate all CIS controlled planets they failed to save in the past? Maybe the Chancellor wants to give them all medals of honour. After all they’ve been through they’ve earned it, and much more.

“Men, I know the Clone Wars has been hard for each and every one of you. But we have successfully pushed the Seps to their limits. We have them on the run. The war is won. But before we can properly celebrate, we have one last mission to complete.” Fang started off. He took a brief moment to get his breath back before continuing. “General Skywalker will be leading our final mission that will take place on Coruscant. Any questions?


Ghost raised his hand faster than the others. Fang pointed to him, telling him to go right ahead. “What exactly is our final mission, Sir? And why does it have to be on Coruscant? There aren’t any Separatists hiding there as far as we know.” Ghost asked


Before Fang could answer that question, he had received a call on hid holographic communicator. “Why don’t we ask the Chancellor himself?” Fang says as he pulls out and activates the device.


An image of Chancellor Palpatine appears on the device. But something was different about him. His skin was horribly scarred and deformed. His eyes were burning orange, and he was wearing black robes. The clones never had time to mentally question this as he started talking to them all directly.


“Commander Fang. Orion Squad. Troopers of the 501st. The time has come… Execute order 66.”


Clone Wars Journal Entry 16 – Location Utapau


"With the death of General Grievous at the hands of General Kenobi, the Utapau raid had broken the back of the Separatists. Under normal circumstances, it would have been a time for celebration. But our next orders put pain to those thoughts."

To Be Continued