Chapter 8: Knightfall

Clone Wars Journal Entry 17 – Location: Jedi Temple/Coruscant


"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word."


“Execute Order 66.”


Upon hearing those three words, Ghost started feeling a strange sensation in his brain. In the past he viewed the Jedi as protectors, and others he viewed as friends. Many Jedi have treated him and his brothers as human beings instead of Kaminoan property. And although there were very view he didn’t like – Pong Krell being one of them – He always showed them respect and accepted their leadership, as well as their friendship.


But for some unexplainable reason, all of those thoughts had been ripped away after receiving his new orders. All positive thoughts he had on the Jedi were replaced with negative thoughts. No longer did he view them as good people. But instead, he now viewed them as traitors that wish to bring evil to the galaxy at the end of the Clone Wars.


Why does he feel this way so suddenly? Why does he suddenly have a deep hatred for the Jedi? They didn’t do anything wrong. He looks over at all his brothers and Commander Fang. He could tell that they were all going through the same thing as him right now. They all had a serious look on their faces, with a mask of hatred hiding underneath it. They all want the same thing he wants right now… To kill the Jedi, every last one of them.


After receiving the order from Chancellor Palpatine, Fang slowly nodded and confirmed with “Yes, my lord.” He puts his holographic communicator away and faces his men. “Men, as you all just heard. Order 66 has been given. Which means the Jedi collaborators must be eliminated. Our final mission in the Clone Wars is too infiltrate the Jedi temple, kill all Jedi, including younglings, and bring an end to their reign of terror. Our mission commander will be the former Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker. Now newly appointed by Chancellor Palpatine, Darth Vader… Remember men, we cannot show them any weakness. Some of these Jedi we have served with in the past. But we can’t let personal feelings get in our way. Show no mercy, destroy them all. Every last one of them!” Fang explained. As he finished his little speech his voice started increasing in volume and even had a tint of hatred in it. Hatred for the Jedi. The kind of hatred that said, “I can’t wait to kill them”.


Ghost and his brothers all let out an anger induced battle cry in response. Why is he so angry? It feels as if something has gained control over his brain and manipulated his feelings and emotions to make him hate the Jedi with a burning passion.


The Liberator jumps into hyperspace and sets course to Coruscant. Of all the missions the 501st have been on, this one may be their hardest one yet. Not hard in terms of difficulty, but because of their involvement in slaughtering hundreds of innocent Jedi. How will they feel once this missions over? Will they have regrets? An overwhelming level of guilt? Only time will tell once they arrive.



The trip back to Coruscant was a silent one. The entirety of the 501st legion sat in complete silence during the trip. None of them uttered a single word, not so much as a whisper.


Even Fang and the members of Orion Squad sat in silence. Each of them were thinking about what they’re going to do once they arrive at the Jedi Temple. Ever since they were created on Kamino, they have been trained to protect the galaxy from tyranny, and uphold galactic law. But now all of that didn’t matter, as they were now targeting the very keepers of the peace they’ve fought alongside throughout the Clone Wars.


As the Liberator exited hyperspace and established orbital positions over Coruscant. The 501st wasted no time and boarded their gunships. There was still complete and utter silence in the air as they sat there and listened to the sounds of the ships entering the planet’s atmosphere, and then later on the sounds of the city below them.


All Ghost could do was think to himself. Why is it that the Chancellor had given them all since birth the inability to resist this specific order. Was the annihilation of the Jedi Order all part of Palpatine’s plan from the very beginning of the Clone War? “No, that can’t be right.” He thought to himself. “If Palpatine wanted the Jedi eradicated since the beginning, he would’ve allowed the CIS to do the job for him. Why would he fund for our creation if all we were needed for was to bring the Jedi to extinction?”


As Ghost theorised on this, the Gunships were nearing the Jedi Temple. Ghost and his brothers could see it in the distance. The sun was just setting behind it, ensuring nightfall. Fang couldn’t help but find the timing of it to be poetic. This night is also the night the Jedi will fall along with the Old Republic. And once the sun rises again, a new Empire will be born.


Ghost then suddenly has a realisation on what this was all about. It’s a good thing he had his helmet on, because he couldn’t afford to show weakness to what’s about to happen. Palpatine’s plan was to wipe out the Jedi order. Around the same time Count Dooku formed the CIS, which was then followed by our creation. This entire war is part of his elaborate plan to wipe out the galaxy’s true protectors. He’s been manipulating both sides from the very start. But why? What is he trying to achieve?”


It happened again. Like a bolt of lightning going through his brain, any and all doubts he had towards the Jedi and the Republic had vanished. Why was he having second thoughts again? Why was he accusing Palpatine of manipulating the Clone Wars? In the end he didn’t really care. He need to follow the order he was given. After all… Good soldiers follow orders.



At long last the silence was over. The gunships have arrived at the jedi temple. As the ships were reaching the landing platforms, Ghost and the others saw a robed figure waiting for them. Behind him were a couple of clones with red patterns on their armours. These clones were members of the Coruscant Guard. The only clone battalion that have never left the planet, or had a taste of true battle.


Out of all the clone battalions within the grand army of the Republic, Ghost never got along with them. Because they were appointed Palpatine’s personal guard, they became arrogant and saw other clones as lower then them. Especially their leader, Commander Fox. He remembers Fang mentioning how he one day wish he could punch his smug face in once the war was over. Thank the maker they weren’t taking part in this mission.


As he and the others exited the gunship. They realised on closer inspection that the hooded figure was Anakin Skywalker. Or should he call him Darth Vader now? He’s still confused on why he changed his identity. Maybe Palpatine gave him the name, or maybe he chose it himself.


Ghost then thinks back to the book he read on the old Republic. On how the ancient Jedi were at war with an evil faction of force users known as Sith Lords, the ancient enemy of the Jedi. The title Darth is given to any force users that have successfully become a Sith Lord. There used to be hundreds of them, but one Sith Lord, Darth Bane, created a rule that there can only be two Sith at a time. A master and an apprentice. The book said it was so it could prevent infighting amongst themselves. He guessed as much that Count Dooku was a Sith. But now that he’s dead, Anakin must’ve replaced him. But if Anakin is the apprentice, then who was the-


Suddenly realisation hit him. The other Sith Lord, the master. Is without a doubt, Chancellor Palpatine himself. Now it all makes sense. Why he wanted to destroy the Jedi. It was because they were his enemies. But what about Anakin? Why was he betraying the Jedi and joining the Sith?


Unfortunately he didn’t have enough time to come up with an answer as Anakin approached him and the other clones. Fang stepped forward and saluted him. “General Skywalker- No. I mean Lord Vader. We are here to carry out Order 66 as instructed from the Chancellor.”


“Very good Commander.” He then turns over to the three Coruscant Guard clones. “Tell my master Operation Knightfall is about to begin.” He ordered them.


The clones salute him and take their leave. Anakin then turns his attention to Fang and his Orion Squad. “You and you’re men have been performing admirably throughout the war. Many planets are now under Republic control thanks to your efforts. Making it easier for our new order to take control of the whole galaxy. Together we will bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to our new empire!”


The clones all raise their fists in response to Anakin’s speech. Anakin then steps aside and allows Fang to begin his speech before the great slaughter they will bring upon the Jedi.


“Tonight the fall of the Jedi is at hand. We have been directed by the highest authority to wipe out the insurgent Jedi order that threatens our great empire. But unlike Droids, the Jedi are very powerful, their greatest advantage being their connection to the force. In order to defeat them, we must first target their strongest points within the temple and break them one by one. Our first objective is to capture the Council Chamber. Lord Vader will be our field commander. Let’s keep the chatter low and move out.” Fang instructed.


Anakin then begins leading them towards the Jedi temple. All the clones were marching in unison as they close in on the temples entrance. Ghost no longer had any doubts about what he was about to do. He clenched his rifle close to his chest as he and his brothers all entered the Jedi temple. In a matter of moments, he and his brothers will be committing mass genocide, and neither of them feel negative about it. He knows for a fact that his actions here today will change his perspective on the galaxy forever.



The moment the entered the temple, the Jedi had no idea what to expect. For two years the clones have been their allies, many of them gave their lives to protect their Jedi generals.


But now the tables have turned. Now the very same clones they once called their allies are now slaughtering them like animals. In terms of numbers the 501st have them beat. But the Jedi are stronger, faster, more agile then they are. There are many ways they could kill them. Such as cutting them in half with their lightsabers, forcing them into a wall with enough force to break their bones, and many others that Ghost didn’t even want to think about.


The temple soon erupted into an all-out battle between the clones and the Jedi. Fighting alongside the Jedi were the temples security guards. The Jedi may be a challenge. But these little soldiers posed no threats to them.


Ghost and his brothers fought with all their might agianst the Jedi and the soldiers. Not a single one of them showed the slightest sign of hesitation upon gunning them down. Normally they would feel slight guilt over killing a Jedi. But instead… They actually felt joy. For some reason the uncontrollable urge to kill the Jedi had taken over completely and they showed no mercy against them.


Some Jedi such as untrained padawans were easy to kill. But the more experienced knights proved to be more difficult. And they’re nothing compared to a Jedi Master, who’s had many years of experience in the force.


As Ghost and his brother closed in on the council chamber, they were stopped by three Jedi knights. Two of them wielded a single bladed blue lightsaber each, while the third one had a double bladed green lightsaber. Ghost, Daxter and Fang all opened fire on them. The Jedi use their lightsabers to block their blaster fire and redirect it back at them.


Boomstick then steps in and fires his rocket launcher at them. The three Jedi take a stance and prepare to use the force to redirect the rocket back at him. But one of them was suddenly sniped from a distance by Apex. This causes the other two Jedi to let their guard down for just a second, which was more than enough time for Ghost, Fang and Daxter to gun them down.


Now that the Jedi were out the way, they entered the Council Chamber and secured it. However they were surprised to see one of the council members just sitting there meditating. The Jedi was an adult female Togruta with red skin and white patches covering most of her face. Fang, Ghost and Daxter all surround her and point their blasters at her.


“Wait!” As they were about to kill her, they suddenly stopped upon hearing a direct order from Anakin. They turn around to see him enter the chamber. He approaches the female Jedi who slowly opens her eyes and looks upon his former ally turned traitor.


“Master Shaak Ti. One of the last of the Jedi Council. Why do you not defend yourself?” Anakin asked.


Shaak Ti looked up at Anakin and replied calmly to their surprise. They were honestly expecting her to fight back and avenge the others. But then again, it was against the Jedi code to pursue vengeance. No wonder killing these Jedi was going so well for them.


“You have become Palpatine’s slave, just like Dooku before you. Your power is wasted with the Sith. You could’ve been so much more.”


Anakin slowly rotated around her as she spoke. “You will never convince me to betray my master!” He angrily replied.


“You poor boy. The Sith always betray one another. But I’m sure you’ll learn that soon enough.”


That did it. Without hesitation, Anakin ignited his lightsaber and impaled Shaak Ti through the back. Her body fell to the side and hit the ground with loud thud. Ghost, Fang and Daxter all looked at each for a moment before turning back to Anakin who looked at them with a rage filled glare. Ghost then noticed that his eyes have changed colours. Before they were blue, but now they’re…Orange? Why this is he has no idea. Maybe it’s something only dark side users gain as a side effect of tapping into the dark side like he did just now.


Fang then suddenly gets a call from Thunder through his helmet communicator. “What is it Thunder?” He asked straight to business.


“My squad and I are in the temples library. We followed Lord Vader’s instructions to obtain any useful info we could find. But we have a problem. The Jedi are trying to stop us by destroying their own holobooks.”


Instead of replying to him, Fang contacted all troops within the 501st and reports what he just said. “Attention troops, double time to the library. The Jedi are attempting to destroy the library’s holobooks in direct defiance of command. Stop them!” 


Anakin then takes his leave, but not before addressing the three clones once more. “You three take care of any Jedi in this area. I’m going after the Younglings hiding in the training room.”


Ghost was slightly surprised at how blunt he said that. He’s about to massacre children and he doesn’t even care. He really is no longer the same Anakin Skywalker he once served with. It’s as if this Darth Vader had murdered him and now only he remains.



In the temple library, Thunder, Boomstick, Apex and X-Ray were fighting as hard as they could to defend the library’s various bookcases from the Jedi. They need the library’s contents to learn all their secrets, as well as the locations of every other Jedi Temple hidden across the galaxy.


Thunder blasts a random Jedi with his EMP launcher, parlaying his body. This causes him to fall to the floor with his still ignited lightsaber hitting his neck, severing his head from his body. The only reason there was no blood staining the floor was because the heat produced by the lightsaber cauterized the wound instantly.


Another Jedi wielding two lightsabers - one green and the other blue – Attacked Thunder. He manages to slice his EMP launcher in half and even manages to graze his armour with the tip of the blade, which was enough to knock him down. But before the Jedi could finish him off, X-Ray fired his pistol at him.  The dual wielding Jedi blocked his strikes and force pushes him into the wall.


X-Ray was left dazed from the impact. Luckily for him he wasn’t too far from the wall and the impact wasn’t hard enough to shatter any bones in his body.


Apex and Boomstick then all fire their pistols at him, to which the Jedi blocked every strike. This left him wide open for Thunder to grab the dead Jedi’s lightsaber and impale him with it, killing him dead.


After getting up from that little skirmish, they turn around and see Ghost and Daxter arriving.


“It’s about time you got here, I was almost killed by one of those Jedi!” Thunder shouted at them. That came out of nowhere. He knows that he was almost killed by a Jedi, but there were many instances where he came close to death, and he always kept his nerve every one of those times. So why now is did he lose it and take it out on his brothers.


“Calm down, Thunder. They just got here; they didn’t do anything wrong.” Apex pointed out.

“You’re right. Sorry guys, I don’t know what came over me.” Thunder apologised now feeling bad for what he said.


“More Jedi incoming!” Daxter warned as he saw many Jedi heading towards them from the upper levels of the library.


“Quickly boys. We must stop the destruction of the Jedi’s holobooks. If you lot could keep at least one of the bookcases intact for at least 2 minutes, I can scan its contents for any useful information. As well as the locations of their holocrons.” X-Ray instructed.


Ghost and the others all formed a perimeter within the centre of the library where most of the bookcases are kept. X-Ray plugged his scanner into the library computer and began scanning its contents.


The Jedi enter the library with their lightsabers ignited, ready to destroy them. This library may be important to them, but they can’t allow the Empire to obtain their most heavily guarded secrets.


Ghost and his brothers all formed a circle around X-Ray as he scanned the computers. They all throw everything they’ve got at the Jedi, killing as many of them as they can. Many of the Jedi within the temple are inexperienced padawans since most of the masters on the Jedi Council are leading attacks on various planets. Many of which they’ve worked with in the past such as Obi Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Mace Windu and even Master Yoda himself. Knowing them, they’re probably the toughest to kill. Luckily for them they’re not at the temple right now.


Despite their efforts to protect the bookcases. The Jedi are doing a pretty good job destroying them on the upper levels where there are fewer clones. But X-Ray says they only need at least one of them intact to complete the task at hand.


Things had finally started to quiet down now as they just finished off the last of the invading Jedi. Just in time too as X-Ray had finally finished scanning the contents of the library.


“I did it!” He proclaimed proudly.


“Find anything interesting? Anything the Jedi don’t want us to know about?” Apex asked.


“Indeed. The temple contains a special pair of holocrons, rumoured to contain the sum of Sith and Jedi knowledge. These holocrons also contain coordinates of every known Jedi Temple across the galaxy. If there are any surviving Jedi out there, they’ll most likely seek sanctuary there. We need to get those holocrons in order to ensure their extinction.” X-Ray explained.


“Where are they?” Ghost asked.


“The first one is located in the comm room upstairs. And the second one is located in the training room.” X-Ray replied.


“That’s where Lord Vader is now. I’ll inform the commander.” Daxter spoke up.


“Right.” Ghost then turns to Boomstick, Thunder and Apex. “You three go after the holocron in the comm room. I’ll head for the one in the training area. Once you obtain the holocron, bring it to the veranda where our gunships docked.” Ghost instructed.


The members of Orion Squad all nod in confirmation and begin making their way upstairs to the comm room. Ghost leaves the library and makes his way over to the training room. Daxter and X-Ray stayed behind to guard the library. They continued to scan its books in case they find anything else of value to them.



Commander Fang was roaming the hallways of the temple with a squad of troopers. He was just informed by Daxter of the ancient Jedi holocron near his location. Obtaining those holocron are essential for succession of the mission and the rise of the Empire.


He guns down any low level Jedi in his path with his minigun. After clearing them out like the pests they are, he finally makes it to the training room. Once inside fang couldn’t help but notice the many corpses of children strayed around the room. This wasn’t his or his men’s doing. Judging by the many deep burnt cuts, they were all slayed by a lightsaber. He didn’t need to be a detective to figure out what happened here. This was all Anakin- No, this was Darth Vader’s doing. It looks like he followed through on his blunt statement after all.


“Commander?” One of the clones spoke out, snapping him out of his train of thought.


“Check them, make sure they’re dead. And find the holocron. It should be in here somewhere.” Fang ordered.


The clones obeyed their orders and checked the bodies, confirming that none of the Younglings survived Vader’s wrath. One of the clones checks the holotable in the back of the room and actually manages to find the holocron they were looking for in the hands of the younglings who died clutching it tight.


“Sir, I found the holocron.” The clone reported back as he reached out to pick it up.


Something felt wrong here. It was too easy. If this holocron was really important to the Jedi, why would they just leave it out in the open like that? Surely some Jedi would’ve found this holocron before they got here and hidden it away…Unless.


“DON’T TOUCH IT!” Fang shouted out.


Fangs voice however didn’t reach him in time as the clones body suddenly dropped to the floor…without his head. Instead it just rolled away from the body and smacked into the holotable.


Fang and his men quickly form up and search the room for whoever took him out. He was then shocked to see that the three entrances and exits to the room their currently in are blocked off by three Jedi temple guards.


Unlike regular Jedi Knights, the Jedi Temple Guards were an advanced security force. They all looked the same and they all wielded the same type of lightsaber, which was a double bladed yellow lightsaber. They all wore white and gold robes and wear masks to hide their true identities.


Fang then noticed that one of them already had his lightsaber equipped, implying that it was him that beheaded one of his men. The other two then ignite their lightsabers and close in on them.

“Jedi Sentinels! They’re the temples royal guard. Kill them!” Fang ordered.


The troopers all opened fire on the three guards. With little effort they deflect every shot  away by spinning their lightsabers. The guards leap around the room as they block their shots, proving that they’re very agile compared to most Jedi they’ve killed so far.


Fang wasn’t doing so well either. Even with his miniguns rapid fire, not one of his shots got through their defences. The guards then begin hacking away at the clones in this room. This angers Fang to the point where he decided to charge straight for the temple guard and smack him across the head with his minigun so hard that his mask cracked. As soon as the Jedi was down he started to repeatedly smash his head in with the butt end of his minigun until he stopped moving.


The other two guards ceased their attack on the regular clones, and instead used the force to send them all flying backwards out into the hallway. It was now just them and Fang now. He was outnumbered and outmatched. And what’s worst, his minigun is now out of ammo.


“Surrender.” One of the guards spoke up.


Fang however tosses his minigun aside and pulls out his rifle instead. “The 501st surrenders to no one! Not even a Jedi!” He replied, determined to fight them to the death.


The guards say nothing in response and ready their double bladed yellow lightsabers. Fang open fires on the two of them but like before, they spin their lightsabers around deflecting every shot. The guard on the left then gets close enough to slice his rifle in half, leaving him defenceless.


The other guard then lifts him up with the force, choking him as he’s levitated off the ground. The first guard then raises his lightsaber and prepares to finish him off.


Suddenly out of nowhere, a blaster bolt flies into the room and hits the guard in the head, causing him to collapse to the floor and drop Fang. The other guard turns around and sees that the shot came from Ghost who was standing at one of the stairs leading out of the room.


Fang then uses this opportunity to pull out his vibro knife and stab the last guard in the neck where he was most vulnerable. The guard drops his lightsaber and bleeds out all over the floor until he finally dies.


Ghost quickly heads over to the downed guard he shot and proceeded to fire a couple more shots into the guards body, making sure he was dead. Once things have calmed down he approaches Fang.


“Thanks Ghost, but what are you doing here?” He asked.


“ I came to help you retrieve the holocron while the others went for the other.” He then looks around and examines the three now dead temple guards. “Looks like I arrived just in time too. I figured it was a matter of time until they sent in the Sentinel Guard.”


Fang then goes over to where the holocron was and picks it up. “What matters is that we got it in the end. Damn these Jedi, killing my men like that. I will not stand for this.”


“They’ll get what’s coming to them, sir… All of them.” Ghost then reaches out to Fang. “For the Republic.”


Fang accepts his hand and shakes it. “For the Empire!” He replied.



Retrieving the holocron from the comm room was easy for Apex, Thunder and Boomstick. The hard part however was getting it back to the veranda where the dropship currently was. Many Jedi were attempting to get in their way and take it back. But they were no match for Boomstick’s custom rockets. Which like last time on Felucia broke up into several smaller missiles and manages to kill a lot of Jedi with ease.


Apex and Thunder continued to cover him as Boomstick guided them back to the dropship.


When they finally reach the dropship parked on the veranda, Ghost, Fang, Daxter and X-Ray were already there waiting for them. They’ve already loaded their holocron onto the ship, now they just need to load the other one.


“We got the holocrons, Sir!” Boomstick spoke up. He then places it in the dropship with the other one.


“Take those holocrons back to Chancellor Palpatine, he’ll know exactly what to do with them.” Fang ordered the dropship pilot.


The pilot saluted and started up the dropship. They clones all took a couple steps back as the ship took off and flew in the direction of the Senate building. Once the ship was out of sight, Fang turned to his most loyal and skilled troops.


“Excellent progress all of you. With the last of the holocrons secured, we can deal with the remainder of the Jedi here. Lord Vader is currently executing any of the remaining Jedi Masters, who are poisoning the minds of their impressionable students agianst the Empire. They shall all bear witness to the cost of rebellion.”


The members of Orion Squad all cheered and raised their fists in unison. The battle is almost over, all that’s left is to eradicate the remaining Jedi in the temple.


As Ghost was the first to regain his composure after that brief cry of victory. Their mission wasn’t complete yet, the time for celebration will come as soon as they wiped out the last of the Jedi. He then catches a glimpse of a glowing green light coming towards them. He was then shocked to realise that the thing approaching was a green lightsaber.


“LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!” He warned Fang.


Fang turns around and quickly pushes Ghost out of the way. The lightsaber then flies back to the hand of the Jedi that threw it. He was a male Kiffar They resembled humans more than other humanoid species. He had long dreadlocks and a single yellow line across his face. Unlike most Jedi that wear robes, he wore what looked like jungle combat gear with now sleeves, showing off his ripped muscles. 


Some of the 501st clones open fire at him. But to their surprise the Jedi runs up to them and kills them not with his lightsaber, but with a well-placed punch to the face that shatters their helmets. The last clone was then killed by his lightsaber as it returned to his hands.

“It’s Quinlan Vos, kill him before he kills anymore of our troops! Fang shouted. He’s met this Jedi before, and unlike most Jedi, he was more physically violent than others, using the force to strengthen his punches and kinks. Those muscles weren’t just for show.


The members of Orion Squad all open fire on him. But like all Jedi, Quinlan Vos deflected all their shots with one hand clutching his lightsaber. He then uses his free hand to send them all flying backwards, almost coming close to sending them over the edge of the balcony.


Quinlan then closes in on Ghost who was the closest to him. He then proceeds to grab him by the throat and lift him off the ground. Ghost struggles against his vice-like grip, choking in the process.


“I knew from day one that you Clones weren’t fit for battle.” He stated as he lifted Ghost up higher. “ I will not be undermined by creatures bred in some laboratory!


Ghost continues to choke as he tightens his grip. “What was that, Clone? I can’t hear you.” Quinlan said sarcastically mixed with anger.


Quinlan however wasn;t able to finish him off though, as Fang grabbed Ghost’s discarded pistol and fired multiple shots at his back. Quinlan tosses Ghost aside and turns his attention to the Clone Commander. Fang was shocked to see that none of his shots seemed to punch through his body.


On closer inspection he noticed that underneath his vest was a Beskar chest armour piece. Quinlan then runs at full speed towards Fang and Ghost was forced to watch as he closes in on him, ignites his lightsaber once again, and slashes Fang across the chest.


“COMMANDER, NOOOO! Ghost cried out. Time seems to slow down to his perspective as he watches Fangs body fall backwards and hit the ground with a deafening thud.


The others were also shocked by what their eyes have just witnessed. Fang, the leader of the 501st legion, their beloved leader, and their older brother. He was cut down by a Jedi’s lightsaber, dying just to protect one of his men. That was a true leader right there. One that no one can say wasn’t deserving as Commander.

In a fit of rage Ghost got up, equipped his Vibro Blade and charged towards Quinlan Vos. Vos readied his lightsaber and charged towards him too. But as they were closing in on each other, Daxter suddenly comes in from the side and shoulder charges Vos with enough force to send him stumbling over the balcony on the side and falling over its railing. Vos then proceeds to fall to his death never to be a threat to them again.


Normally Ghost would thank Daxter for saving him, but instead his focus was more on Fang’s wellbeing. He quickly rushes over to him and holds him tight in his arms. Fang was still alive at the moment, though his wounds were pretty serious. Ghost quickly removes Fangs helmet and then his own so he could look him in the eyes.


“Commander no.” Thunder muttered to himself. He then turns to X-Ray. If anyone could save his life it was him, right? “Quick X-Ray, save him while he still draws breath!” He begged.


“I’m sorry but… I can’t. Lightsaber wounds are too fatal, even if it’s the smallest of cuts. If he was hit in the arm or leg then I could’ve saved him. But the lightsaber cut his chest deeply. The chances of it hitting any of his vital organs are extremely high… I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.” X-Ray shamefully admitted. His bacta can heal so much. But any major lightsaber wounds are too much for bacta alone to heal. If this had happened in the med bay then there could’ve been a chance, though he would’ve had to have surgery to replace his burned out organs with cybernetics. Compared to that, death was more merciful. After all, at the end of the day Fang was just another clone. And all clones were bred to fight and die for the Republic.


Fang fought with all his strength to keep himself alive long enough to say his final words to Ghost and his brothers standing around him. “Ghost.” He said weakly as blood started to pour out of his mouth.


“Fang. I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” Ghost replied as he held his hand.


“No… Forgive me for not staying alive long enough… to see the day we win this war.” Fang lets out a couple coughs as he starts to struggle to breathe. He then looks over the other clones standing around him. “This is not the end…for us.” He starts, struggling to keep himself together. “The 501st will live on… They will look to you now, Ghost.” He then coughs up a lot of blood which splatters all over his armour.

“No, Fang!” Ghost spoke up but was interrupted by Fang as he placed his hand on his shoulder.


“Take care of them…My brother.” Fang can feel death reaching over him. What he was about to say next will be his final words, so he better make them good. “Fight on my brothers…Live to see…true peace.”


And with those final words said, Fang slowly closes his eyes and dies. His hand lets go of Ghosts shoulder and falls to the ground.


Ghost could no longer hold back his tears as he clung to Fang body and hugged him close, refusing to let go. The others all lowered their heads as they mourn their fallen leader. In their eyes Fang was a hero, a true soldier that fought for the galaxy until the end. And he will never be forgotten.


Ghost gently lays him back down and places his discarded helmet on his chest. X-Ray and Boomstick help him up onto his feet. As much as they wanted to mourn him in peace, their urge to kill the Jedi has become far stronger than ever before. Any shock and sadness they felt over Fangs death had now been replaced by deep hatred. They will avenge Fang and honour his dying wish. To fight onwards until they brought true peace to the galaxy.



Back inside the Jedi Temple, the clones were closing in on victory as the Jedi numbers have dropped to manageable levels. Just need to kill the rest and Order 66 will finally be fulfilled.


The members of Orion Squad – now led by Ghost- waste no time slaughtering the remaining Jedi. None of them may be Quinlan Vos, but they’ll have to do. They can take all the pain they felt over Fangs death and inflict it on the last of the Jedi in the temple.


“Kill them all, every last one of them! Make the traitor suffer for what they’ve done to our Commander!” Ghost ordered.


His brothers all let out a rage filled battle cry as they charged in and blasted away at the nearest Jedi they could find.


However things started to turn in favour of the Jedi once again, as two powerful Jedi Masters entered the main area. Both Jedi were of different species. One was female and was highly skilled in lightsaber combat. While the other was an elderly creature with a wooden cane similar to the one Master Yoda carried around with him.


The female Jedi Master was a Mirialan dressed in all black and even wore a black veil on her head. She wielded a single bladed green lightsaber. Ghost instantly recognised her as Luminara Unduli. The Master of the fallen Jedi turned traitor Barriss Offee, who was once a close friend of Ashoka Tano.


The other master however was something else. Like Master Yoda he was an elderly Jedi. But if they learned anything from their encounter with Yoda, age comes with greater experience and a stronger connection to the force. He was a male Cosian with long silver hair wearing the usual Jedi robes. He was carrying a wooden cane just like Yoda does.


Ghost was then shocked to see him uses the force to stop multiple blaster bolts being fired at him in mid-air and then sent them back at various clones. He then removes the handle part of his cane and reveals that it was actually a hidden lightsaber within it, which he then activates. Usually Jedi have either green or blue lightsabers, and the temple guards used yellow. The only other Jedi he could think of that had neither green or blue was Mace Windu and the Sentinel guards. As for the old master, his lightsaber was silver. Which must be extremely rare among Jedi as he hasn’t encountered a single one that had this colour.


“Who’s that old Jedi with the silver lightsaber?” Ghost asked his brothers.


“I know him.” Daxter spoke up. “That’s Tera Sinube. I remember meeting him once when he and Ashoka were exploring the streets during an undercover mission. I helped point them in the direction of the thugs who stole Ashoka’s lightsaber. He’s the second oldest Jedi Master here, second only to Grand Master Yoda himself. The silver lightsaber represents Jedi who are extremely strong with the force.” He explained.


“Judging from that massive barrage of blaster bolts he stopped in mid-air, I’d say you’re not exaggerating.” Boomstick spoke up.


Daxter shook his head in response. Now it was Apex’s turn to speak up. “I wanna kill the Jedi and end this mission as much as all of you do, but I don’t think we’re a match for a Jedi as powerful as him. We can’t beat him.” He pointed out.


“We don’t have to. Lord Vader is taking care of him.” Thunder said as he pointed over to Anakin who is face to face with Tera Sinube. They then watch the two of them clash their lightsabers.


Though Anakin is younger and more physically stronger. Tera held an advantage in the force over him. He then force pushes the ground, causing it to create a huge shockwave of energy that causes the ground to erupt out of the ground, kicking up dust to temporarily blind him. Anakin however unleashes his own force blast to clear away the dust and catches Tera in time to counter his incoming strike from above.


Whilst Anakin was busy facing Tera. Orion Squad decided to turn their attention to Luminara next. She may be highly skilled compared to the lower ranked Jedi they killed. But with all of them fighting together as one, nothing can stop them.


Ghost started off by firing his rifle at her. Luminara deflects all his shots as her attention was currently on him. Boomstick then decides to throw a thermal detonator this time instead of wasting more rockets. Luminara however grabs them with the force and attempts to throw them back at him. However, X-Ray shoots the thermal detonators causing them to explode early.


Luminara was temporary blinded by a huge blast of smoke. Turns out the thermal detonators Boomstick threw, were actually smoke grenades. Luminara decides to leap over the smoke and engage the Orion Squad from above. Unfortunately for her, Thunder had the higher ground and roundhouse kicks her in mid-air, casing her to fall to the ground.


Luminara however sticks the landing and readies her lightsaber for another attack. Apex then uses his sniping skills to shoot her lightsaber out of her hands, leaving her defenceless. This however didn’t stop her from continuing the fight with her arms and feet. She rushes up to Ghost and the two of them exchange fast hand to hand combat.


Ghost can’t explain it, but for some reason he’s actually able to contend with the Jedi. Matching every move, blocking every strike with minimal ease. How the hell is he able to catch up with her? This wasn’t the first case either. He then thinks back on his fight with the Commando Droid, then Kraken, then with General Grievous himself. Somehow in all those fights he came out on top, even though all these opponents were highly skilled, more than he ever was.


So what’s the deal with Ghost and his brothers and how they miraculously survived everything they encountered? (Apart from Fangs death earlier)


Unfortunately he’ll have to look for answers to those questions some other time, as Luminara managed to gain the upper hand on him and force pushes him into a wall.


Daxter then steps in and tackles the Jedi Master. He held her arms at bay, but her overwhelming strength was proving to be too much for him. The then discreetly activates his backpacks robot arm and has it grab his pistol in his holster. The robot arm fires a few blaster bolts directly into Luminara’s chest, finishing her off for good.


They did it. With all of their combined efforts they were able to best a Jedi Master. X-Ray helps Ghost up off the floor and they all take a deep breath after that extreme fight. There’s only a few Jedi remaining in the temple. Once they’re delt with, victory is theirs.



Anakin had to admit, Tera Sinube was indeed strong for his old age. He mostly spent most of his time training Younglings the ways of the force whenever Yoda wasn’t available. He assumed that he’d be less skilled in lightsaber combat then most Jedi Masters. He assumed wrong.


The old Cosian was as agile as he was. Going so far as to spin around and charge towards Anakin with his silver lightsaber. Anakin mostly dodged the attack, rather then deflecting it with his lightsaber.


He was then able to stop him by slamming his cybernetic fist into the ground, creating a shockwave that knocked the old man on his back.


“You really disappoint me, Skywalker. Master Qui-Gon believed you to be the chosen one, yet you choose to fight for the dark side. If he were alive today and he saw what you’ve become, what would he say?” Tera spoke up for the first time since he’s arrived.

Anakin didn’t respond and started violently slamming his lightsaber down on Tera’s lightsaber, trying to break through his defence. Tera responds by kicking him backwards, giving him the opportunity to get back up.


“What about your padawan, Ashoka Tano? How do you think she’ll react to the evils you have committed. All those innocent Younglings you’ve murdered. She would’ve been disgusted with you!” He started raising his voice to him.


Anakin briefly stopped and finally answered him. “I have seen that it is the Jedi who stand in the way of peace. In order to bring about the end of the war, and true peace. The Jedi order must be destroyed. My new master will bring a new order to replace the Republic, and I will rule as part of it.” He slowly approaches Tera Sinube as he continues talking. “The prophecy is true. I will bring balance to the force, by exterminating the evil Jedi. That includes you, Obi Wan, and even Ashoka.”


Tera was hurt by Anakin’s words. He knows that he is now too far gone. Completely consumed by the Dark Side, fallen from the light he once held so dear. He has no choice. Anakin Skywalker has to be stopped, even if he has to resort to murder. Revenge and murder is not the Jedi way, but he has no choice. If he cannot be stopped now, darkness will fall upon the galaxy.


Tera threw his lightsaber at Anakin, but he dodges it and closes in on the old master with a downwards strike. Tera throws a piece of debris at him to slow his fall, giving him enough time to retrieve his lightsaber. The two of them clash blades multiple times, neither one of them gaining an advantage over the other.


Anakin then suddenly grabs Tera with a force choke and begins to repeatedly slam him into the ground, and then finally he force pushes him into a giant statue of a Jedi.


As Tera gets back up he notices that Anakin was charging towards him fast, using the force dash ability to increase his speed. He then thrusts his lightsaber forwards, in an attempt to finally finish off the od Jedi for good.


But to the shock of Anakin and the members of Orion Squad who were watching the battle. Tera was able to stop him by using the force ability known as Tutaminis to latterly catch Anakin’s lightsaber blade with the palm of his hand.

Anakin knew very little of the ability. Though he was skilled in the ability himself, all he could do with it so far was deflect blaster bolts (Which he learned from Obi Wan) While other Jedi like Master Yoda was able to stop force lightning with it. But he’s never seen it being used to catch a lightsaber blade before.


In his moment of distraction, Tera grabbed Anakin with the force and proceeded to shock him with to his surprise, force lightning. Only this was no ordinary version of force lightning, as Jedi cannot use true Sith Lightning as it’s a power more connected to the Dark Side. However, Jedi Master Plo Koon was able to invent his own version of the power which he named “Electric Judgment”. And now Tera is using it to kill him.


Anakin had to think fast or else his insides will be fried. He then looks up to the huge statue standing tall behind him. He reaches out with the force and proceeds to pull the statue down on him.


Tera throws Anakin into the far wall and quickly uses both hands to hold the stature at bay. He then attempts to throw the statue at Anakin while he was down. It’s now or never if he is gonna put an end to Palpatine’s evil rule before it even begins.


Suddenly he feels a painful burning sensation in his chest. He looks down to see what was the cause of it. To his surprise he was stabbed through the back by a lightsaber. But it wasn’t Anakin’s, as this lightsaber was green. He then looks behind him and noticed that the lightsaber belonged to Luminara Unduli. He then looks over to Orion Squad who had defeated her. He estimated that it was them that threw her discarded lightsaber at him while he was busy fighting Anakin. These clones are not like the others. No ordinary being could throw a lightsaber at him with such perfect precision.


Tera Sinube fell to the floor, dropping his lightsaber in the process. Followed by the massive stature falling down on top of him, crushing him to death. Anakin recovered from his fight and turned to the Orion Squad.


“Don’t just stand there, keep killing them!” Anakin said bluntly before continuing his attack on the few remaining Jedi. 


Ghost and his brothers were not expecting that. They just saved his life. They’d think he’d be more grateful for their help, just like before during the Clone Wars. That guy their taking orders from is definitely not the same Anakin they’ve come to know throughout the war.


Ghost then turns to his brothers. “You heard Lord Vader. We still got more Jedi to kill, so lets move it!” Ghost instructed his men. Whether he likes it or not, he’s commander now. Ordering his brothers about is something he’s gonna have to learn to get used to.



Many hours have passed since the attack on the Jedi Temple. But after all that fighting, all that hate and anger towards the Jedi, the 501st legion were finally able to slaughter every single Jedi within the temple.


The members of Orion Squad were currently resting within the council chamber, sitting in the Jedi Masters comfy chairs with their helmets off. They’re dead now, so they doubt they’ll be complaining to them anytime soon. They spent most of their free time reflecting on what has been happening the whole time they were hear. Even though its all over now, its still a lot to take in. Fang is dead, many 501st clones have been horrible dismembered by the Jedi lightsabers. Of all the horrible things they’ve seen and done throughout the Clone War, the attack on the Jedi Temple had to have been the worst of them all.


Fang was right in the end. They have all made it to the end of the war. But unfortunately for them, they are nowhere near retirement. Now that the war is over, they have been given a new purpose to justify their existence. They will become soldiers of the new galactic empire Palpatine is building.


“I still can’t believe he’s gone.” Thunder spoke up, breaking the silence between them.


“Me neither. Commander Fang was probably the strongest of us all. None of us could’ve anticipated him dying to a Jedi’s blade.” Daxter added. He then looks over to Ghost who was holding Fangs helmet in his hands. He hasn’t taken his eyes off of it the whole time they were here. “Ghost, I know what your thinking but it wasn’t your fault.”


“Dax is right. Quinlan Vos was no ordinary Jedi, inside or out. He could’ve killed you with his bare hands if Fang hadn’t stepped in and saved you.” Thunder spoke up next.


X-Ray then placed his hand on Ghost’s shoulder. “Fang wanted you to lead us, Ghost. You promised him as he died in your arms that you would take care of the 501st. He has faith that you’ll succeed him, and so do we. Like it or not, your Commander now.”


Ghost was mostly silent throughout that whole exchange. Until now when he finally looked up from Fangs helmet and spoke his mind. “Commander Ghost… It- It just doesn’t sound right to me.”


“It will over time. You just need to learn to get used to it.” Boomstick reassured him.


“Whether you think your worthy or not, we believe that you have what it takes to lead us. We’re with you till the end, Ghost. And we know for a fact that the 501st is in excellent hands.” Apex wholeheartedly explained.


The others all nod in agreement. Ghost smiled at his brothers, probably the first time he did so in a long time. He may’ve lost Fang today, but he’s still thankful for his brothers standing by his side. “Thank you everybody. I am so grateful to have brothers like you by my side.”


The nice moment was then soon interrupted by Anakin Skywalker who entered the Council Chamber. The clones all got up and stood at attention.


“I heard that your commander is dead. Which one of you is second in command?” He asked them.


Ghost took a step forward and saluted him. “I am Lord Vader!” he said with obedience and a hint of fear from his actions with the Jedi earlier.


“Good. You are now in charge of the 501st Legion, which means you report everything to me now.” He then looks over the other clones, still wondering how they were able to pull off what they did to Tera Sinube. “What’s the situation here?”


“Primary mission objectives complete. The Jedi Temple has been secured, and all Jedi within are terminated.” Ghost reported.


“Well done, our new emperor will be pleased. Your new orders are to report to the senate building with every other clone battalion. Emperor Palpatine will explain what happens from there.” Anakin explains.


He then turns around and takes his leave. Ghost however stops him by asking one last question. “What about you, Lord Vader?” He asked.


“The Separatist leaders are still alive, hiding in the Mustafar system. My orders are to annihilate them and bring the war to a close forever.” With that said, Anakin left the building.


The clones all looked amongst themselves. So it was finally gonna end. With the destruction of the Jedi Order and CIS movements, there is nothing left to challenge the Republics might. After two whole years of fighting they have finally fulfilled their purpose... The only question remaining is. What do they do now?



Palpatine was right. The Clone Wars had ended. But it did not end in victory. It ended…in darkness.


Palpatine used the attempt on his life by Mace Windu to his advantage. Proclaiming the Jedi were plotting to overthrow the senate, and that they are the true threat against the Republic. Any surviving Jedi they find will be hunted down and killed. And the Republic itself was no more. It has now evolved into a Galactic Empire, with Palpatine ruling it all as Emperor.


As for the Clones. Their purpose now was to act as the Empire’s law enforcement. Ensuring all worlds obeyed their new laws. And if anyone would dare to resist their rule, then they would meet the same fate as the Jedi. Sending a clear message to any other potential trouble makers in the galaxy.


The members of Orion Squad were present in the capital of Coruscant, standing among thousands of clones, all of which are from many different battalions. Behind them was a huge hologram screen recording of Palpatine’s speech during the senate meeting. It was a message that had been broadcasted across the galaxy on every planet, ensuring the whole galaxy on the changes that will be made from this point on.


“In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganised into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society!” He spoke with pride. In response he received a thunderous applause.


Ghost didn’t know what to think of all this at first. But his loyalty to the Republic is as strong as his squad. Though the Republic has now become an Empire, he sees no reason why he shouldn’t continue to fight for them. It was either that, or be thrown out like trash alongside his men. He was their leader now, and he made a promise to Fang that he would take care of them.


There was no question. He will continue to serve the Republic now turned Empire. He will ensure his men continue to have a place in this vast galaxy. This was the beginning of a new era for the 501st. An era of peace, freedom and justice.



Three years have passed ever since the birth of the Empire. Many planets across the galaxy have accepted their rule, while just as many fought against it. Their technology has evolved over time as well. Every single Republic ship, vehicle and weapon has changed. Going from Republic cruisers to newer more advanced ships known as Star Destroyers. This included the Liberator, which was home to 501st legion. They now have their own Star Destroyer codenamed “The Conqueror”. A fitting name for what they have become.


Ghost had led the 501st on many missions to enforce the Empires rule on many worlds. As hard as it was, he believed in the Empire’s cause. Some species resisted them of course, but none of them could withstand them for long.


It’s Ironic in a way. In the beginning they’ve been liberating many planets, some of them being Mygeeto, Felucia and Kashyyyk. Now they’ve returned to conquer those worlds, all because they refused the Empires rule.


If this kept up, it would inspire more planets to rise up agianst them. Of course the solution was simple. Scare the planets into submission by building the deadliest weapon in the whole galaxy.


As the Conqueror exited out of hyperspace, it joined the many other fleet  of Star Destroyers orbiting Coruscant. In the bridge of the Conqueror were the members of Orion Squad, who have once again changed their armours. Their old armour was a reminder of the old Republic, a Republic that no longer exists. Their new armour represents their loyalty to the new galactic Empire. A new law enforcement on the galaxy. They were no longer Clone Troopers; they were now Storm Trooper. (Even though some of them are different ranks then others) Unlike the regular white armoured Storm Trooper, the members of Orion Squad all stood out from the rest of the Imperial Army.


Daxter and X-Ray wore Storm Trooper armour, but they had different features that make them stick out. Daxter’s armour still carried the blue 501st patterns. He also has a new improved version of his gadget backpack, complete with multiple robot arms for different uses. He still carries the wrench symbol on his right shoulder pad, and his left housed the Empire’s symbol.


X-Ray’s armour had red markings on it, as well as the first aid symbol his right shoulder pad. His belt still housed bottles of bacta, but it was a more advanced version. He also has bacta grenades, allowing him to explode bacta gas everywhere, healing multiple troopers in almost an instant.


Apex was wearing scout trooper armour, but unlike every other Scout Troopers it was grey instead of the standard white. Like Daxter his armour also carried the blue patterns on it to make it stand out more from the blackness. He still carries the crosshair symbol on his right shoulder pad as well.


The rest of them – Apart from Ghost who was missing at the moment – All had completely different armours, as they were a part of different classes of Imperial Trooper. Thunder was one of the new Dark Troopers. His armour was steel coloured, making it look shiny and sleek. (Similar to Captain Phasma’s armour) He came equipped with a new improved jetpack, and two weaponised gauntlets. His right one had a flamethrower, and his left had a grapple gun. His helmet was also metallic and his visor was red instead of black. He still carried the lightning bolt symbol on his right shoulder pad too.


As for Boomstick, he was made into a Death Trooper. A special elite unit of heavy artillery troops within the Empire. His armour was completely black, and his body was equipped with many weapons, making him look like a one man army. He still carries his rocket symbol on his right shoulder pad as well.


The four clones all looked out the window at what was happening before their very eyes. Before them was the empire continuing construction of a giant spherical space station about as big as a moon.


“So this is what’s gonna motivate people into joining the Empire? A giant metal ball?” Boomstick asked in confusion.


“That metal ball is actually a new space station.” Daxter corrected him. “It serves as the greatest power in the galaxy. Nothing can stand up to its unlimited power.”


“Hard to believe that everything we’ve accomplished during the Clone Wars led to this.” X-Ray added.


“The huge source of Rydonium fuel. The Mygeeton power crystals. The many holocron we’ve collected. All of that was to ensure the creation of this space station.” Apex continued.


“It’s called the Death Star.”


The clones all turn around to the voice that soke out from behind them. Even though they all have the same voice, they could tell who it was from the tone of it. It was their new leader, Ghost.


Like the others, Ghost also had a new set of armour. Except he was really unique as he was made into one of the very few and strongest of all Imperial Troopers. The Purge Troopers.


His Purge Trooper armour was the most different from all other trooper designs in the Empire. Like Boomstick, his armour was all black, except for the gold patterns on it. Like Fang before him, he wore a black battle skirt which had gold highlights also. His right shoulder pad had his skull symbol, but it sat in the centre of the Empire circle symbol. And his left shoulder pad had Fang’s Loth Wolf symbol that he kept in memory of him. His helmet was drastically different from the others. It had a strange design to it, and the visor was similar to a Mandalorian in it just being a straight line. The visor itself was also glowing blue, and like the rest of the armour, it had gold patterns on it.


On his back was a new improved rifle, and he had a new utility belt with a new arsenal. But what really made him stand out from the others, was the fact that his belt also contained a lightsaber that belonged to one of the Jedi Sentinel Guards. No doubt it was a replacement for his Vibro Blade. He had no need to carry around a weapon that belonged to a Commando Droid, which is no a thing of the past.

Ghost approached the bridge and stood alongside his brothers. They all observe the construction of the Death Star together through the bridges windows.


“The Death Star is not only a symbol of the Empire, but also a result of how far we’ve all come. Our actions throughout the Clone War have led to the creation of this station. And with the information gathered from the holocrons we’ve obtained at the Jedi Temple, there is nowhere in the Galaxy where the Jedi can hide.” He then turns back to his brothers. “Look at us now. We are no longer Clones. We are the law; we are the fist of Darth Vader. And with him leading us, we will bring ever lasting peace to the galaxy” He proclaimed proudly.


His brothers all let out a cheer in response to his words. They then continue to observe the construction of the Death Star in peace. Ghost started thinking about Commander Fang as he strokes the Loth Wolf symbol on his left shoulder.


I hope I’ve made you proud, Fang… My brothers and I shall continue to fight for the peace we’ve all dreamed of gaining. For you, and Shiny, and the many others we’ve lost in the war. This moment is for you.” 


Galactic Empire Journal Entry 18 – Location: The Conqueror


"With the fall of Coruscant and the elimination of the traitorous Jedi, Palpatine's rise to power was complete. In recognition of our service and loyalty to the Emperor, the 501st were placed under the direct command of Lord Vader. Armed with deadly new weapons, blazing new ships, and shiny new armour, our presence let the galaxy know that the days of the Old Republic were well and truly over. We were establishing a new era, an era of order and peace.

To Be Continued