Chapter 2 - The Investigation 

   At the very heart of the Sereitei lies the mighty towers of the Squad One barracks, the command centre of the entire Gotei 13. Excluding the influence of the Central 46, it is from here that most decisions regarding Soul Reaper activity are made and handed down to the troops. Today this epicentre of control is a buzz with frantic activity, even more so than usual. 

   Within a great hall the most powerful members of the Gotei 13 assemble in good order - the Captains of all thirteen squads, six on one side of the large room, six on the other. Between them at the head of the hall stands the Captain Commander himself, Genryusai Yamamoto, standing stoic, his cane planted firmly into the reflective wooden floor, his presence oppressive and as formidable as stone.

   “I am pleased that you all made it here on such short notice.” Yamamoto says in a deep, gruff voice. “This Captains meeting is now in session.” He concludes, and almost immediately the youngest member of the captains: Sui Feng, bows down humbly, her eyes closed tight as she momentarily lets a shiver of fear wash over her.

   “I must apologise for my failure, Head Captain!” the young woman yells out loudly. “They were my guards on duty last night! I must be punished!” 

   “Raise your head Captain Sui Feng.” Yamamoto says calmly. The Squad Two captain does as instructed and raises up to stand straight backed once more. She dare not look at the head captain however, as she can feel his eyes locked on her. “Explain to me how these Ryoka were able to infiltrate the Sereitei despite the Stealth Force being on guard.”

   “I do not know Head Captain. They fled via the Great Senkaimon, however they did not enter through it. It seems they were already inside the Seireitei.”

   “Is there a chance they could have been rogue Soul Reapers?” asks Shunsui Kyoraku in his usual aloof manner.

   “I must ask each captain to conduct a roll call of their units after this meeting so we may rule out that possibility.” Sui Feng says, receiving subtle nods from each person in the room. 

   “It doesn't make sense that a Soul Reaper would want to steal soul syphons. What could be the purpose?” states Jushiro Ukitake, stroking at his chin pondering the question. “How many human souls did we lose?”

   “Somewhere over two thousand I believe.” answers the Captain of Squad Four Retsu Unohana. “Although we did not have time to catalogue them before the theft occurred.” 

   “Whoever they were, they were able to not only open the senkaimon, but exit within the company of a Hell Butterfly. That butterfly must be on record, Captain Kurotsuchi?” asks Yamamoto coldly.

   “I’m afraid not, Head Captain. I have already checked the passage through the Dangai and that particular Hell Butterfly did not appear on my records. It is unassociated with any one Soul Reaper.”  the extravagant scientist responds. “However I can tell you that the intruders exited the Dangai into the World of the Living.”

   “Perhaps you would like to tell me about the other attacks now, Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi?” questions the Head Captain bluntly, causing the other captains to look around in mild confusion. 

   “Other attacks? Oh, you found out about them.”

   “Keeping secrets, Mayuri?” asks Captain of Squad Six Genrei Kuchiki.

   “Only for the greater good! It was hardly noteworthy anyway. I was having the Department of Research and Development monitor the situation.”

   “What situation, Mayuri!?” demands captain Komamura, his voice muffled under his large helmet-like mask.

   “There have been several other attacks against soul syphon units in the World of the Living. However none of them were able to actually take any syphons, and were driven off beforehand. I’m merely speculating of course; but it would seem these attackers have grown desperate enough to try and secure syphons at their source.” 

   “How long have these incidents been happening?” asks Captain Sosuke Aizen, his voice full of concern and worry. 

   “Oh, maybe a month or so.” responds Mayuri dismissively. 

   “And you kept this from us, why!?” shouts Sui Feng with venomous anger. 

   “As I said, I was having the R&D Department watch it.”

   “You mean your newly formed R&D Department? Are you sure Mayuri that you’re not just trying to prove its worth? Seems pretty foolish to me.” says Kiganjo Kenpachi, Captain of Squad Eleven, as he eyes the pantomime-clad captain with suspicion. 

   “I will have none of your accusations, you blood thirsty oaf!”

   “Silence!!” shouts Yamamoto loudly, his booming voice practically shaking the room. “Captain Kurotsuchi, you will immediately dispense a full report  to all captains following this meeting, and you will face punishment for withholding vital information.”

   “Yes… Head Captain.” the scientist says dejectedly. 

   “Unfortunately we do not have the manpower to fully increase security on syphon squads in the World of the Living. Captain Sui Feng, you will supply whoever you can to guard the senkaimon. We must remain vigilant for these attackers, however until then this captain's meeting is adjourned.”

   “Umm, I’m sorry Head Captain, one thing…” interjects Captain Ishin, walking out into the isle between the two rows. “Are you saying we won't be conducting an investigation into the stolen souls?” 

   “As I have just said, Captain Shiba, we do not currently have the numbers to waste on such an endeavour. Everyone is either on syphon duty, fighting Hollows, or monitoring the humans' war. I understand that the loss of 2,000 human souls is regrettable, however it is a small drop in the ocean compared to the number of souls yet to be recovered. Think of how many have died in the time that we have been having this conversation. Our duty is to them. Dismissed!” 

   By mid-morning Captain Ishin has confined himself to his office in the Squad Ten Barracks. 

   “Damn it!” he shouts loudly as he slams an enraged fist down on his desk. Evidently Captain Kurotsuchi’s report is rather disturbing. How could that freak have kept this from everyone he asks himself as he stands up and silently paces around the room, his mind racing with questions, worries and theories. On top of that the Head Captain wont begin an investigation? Ishin knows the Gotei 13 is stretched thin right now, but are things really that bad? Maybe they are, and old man Yama doesn't want to admit it. 

   It is just then, as Ishin scratches at his beard and looks longingly out the window that he spots a possible solution - Katsumi Shinobu, walking along a path at the far end of the gardens. Immediately a lightbulb bursts inside Ishin and he quickly hops out the open window to catch up to the young Soul Reaper. 

   Katsumi is still slightly sluggish following a rather unpleasant night’s rest. Just as she was dozing off all the commotion at the senkaimon practically halted any hope of her getting some good sleep. That and the thought of so many lost souls is almost heartbreaking to her. What if the thieves stole one of the syphons she brought back, and what might they do with them? It’s too horrible to think about. 

   As Katsumi turns the corner making her way to the barracks mess hall for a slightly later than normal breakfast her arm is caught by the tight grip of Captain Ishin. A moment of silence permeates the air as the two look at one another, but as moments pass Katsumi quickly becomes rather nervous. Perhaps she has done something wrong? Why does the captain look so flustered? 

   “C-Captain!?” she yelps, only to receive a stern “Shush” from the much larger man. 

   “I wanted to talk to you, Officer Shinobu. Privately.” Ishin whispers, darting his head around to make sure no one else is listening in. 

   “Umm, yes Captain. What’s wrong?”

   “You know about last night's incident. How do you feel about it?”

   “Well Captain, it's just awful. Losing a human’s soul to a Hollow is one thing, but for souls to literally be stolen, and never being given the chance to enter the Soul Society?... Whatever those thieves plan to do, it can't be good.” 

   “I thought you’d say something like that. The Head Captain is going to increase security, but says we don't have enough people to conduct a proper investigation.”

   “What!? But- But all those souls! We can't abandon them, it's our job!” 

   “Quiet Shinobu. That’s good, yes, I agree.” Ishin says as he leans in to whisper even closer to the young girl's ear. “We’re going to go behind Yamamoto’s back on this one. You’re a seated officer, you hold authority, but you aren't so high ranking to draw attention. Katsumi Shinobu, will you conduct this investigation on my behalf?” asks Ishin, a look of solid determination in his eyes. 

   “Yes sir. I won't let you down.” Katsumi replies, not even taking a moment to hesitate.

   “Really? That quickly? I was kinda expecting you to be a bit worried haha.” 

   “There is no time to waste, Captain.” 


   Katsumi steps out of a senkaimon into the fresh air and bright sunlight of the World of the Living. She has come here countless times over the years, but still she has never quite gotten used to the difference between the two dimensions. The concentration of reishi here is significantly less than in the Soul Society, and makes the atmosphere feel almost “floaty”. 

   Of course, recently all of her expeditions here have been on syphon duty, so she’s never really had a chance to explore this strange other world. Katsumi was born in Soul Society, she knows little of the Human world. Excluding her lessons here when she was still at the Academy, most of what she does know is of war and Hollows.

   Katsumi’s sandals land on the solid earth of a dirt track, somewhere in the countryside. Captain Ishin gave her a copy of Kurotsuchi’s report, and apparently this is roughly where last night's assassins exited the Dangai. As she begins to take in her surroundings Katsumi notices a sound drawing closer, the sounds of a trot, or a heavy march. 

   Indeed within moments a large group of human soldiers comes around the curve in the road, appearing like a solid wave. They march past old stone walls and tall bocage hedgerows, passing piles of debris pushed to the roadside to clear the way. Katsumi decides to give these men some space, not that she needs to, it's unlikely any of them can sense her. 

   Soon after the last of the soldiers have passed by, Katsumi begins to follow them too wherever they are going. Captain Ishin instructed her to find the local Shinigami on patrol in the sector. With any luck he will be where the people are. 

   As the platoon advances, unaware of the Soul Reaper observing them, Katsumi can’t help but watch, and wonder what they must be thinking. The column walks in disjointed, rough lockstep, the metal studs on their boot’s claping against the well trodden earth like stampeding horses. However almost to a man everyone is silent, bar the odd cough or sneeze. Some men sweat profusely, others shiver with dread, but all discreetly try to cover or pinch at their noses as an indescribable smell becomes stronger and stronger, a smell of decay, of rot.

     Before long the group comes upon a large open area, full of trucks and piles of supplies. Other soldiers hurry about in a rush, not paying the new arrivals any note, carrying boxes and canteens, running water and ammunition to wherever it is needed. The men are led forward, into a church yard surrounded by dense bushes. 

   It’s an incredible sight, Katsumi thinks. Humans are quite remarkable, as while they drive around in automobiles and shoot at each other with guns, Soul Reapers have no need for such things. She follows on as the company drops down into a sunken area at the rear of the church - a trench. Katsumi has walked over and through these before, but never had the chance to stop and really observe one. While on syphon duty she was instructed to simply look forward, and march forward. 

   The moment the men put their weight down their boots sink inches into a horrid slop, a paste as thick as cold porridge. Every step the men take forward is a struggle to wrench their legs out of this glue. They make terrible squelching and burping sounds when they move, as the bubbling ground shifts and flows around their ankles, staining their previously pristine khaki trousers a deep black. One man almost slips and stumbles, but is caught by his comrades on his sides. Falling over down here would result in quite the disgusting bath. Luckily Katsumi need not worry about such things, as she manipulates the spiritual pressure beneath her feet to walk in the air a few inches above this quagmire. 

   The trench becomes ever deeper, about three metres or so, topped with sandbags and the occasional bridge of old wooden planks crossing overhead. All the men suddenly jolt at the sound of an explosion somewhere above ground, all except the soldiers already living here; they are long since used to it. 

   One such man Katsumi takes notice of - a weary, tired looking soldier, caked in mud and grime, his eyes cold and dark, devoid of any and all feeling. He sits motionless against the side of a dug out section of the trench wall, eyes empty of any emotion whatsoever.

   “Bloody hell.” a soldier whispers under his breath as the squad turns to make their way down a long communications trench to the east. At least here they are out of the mud as wooden duckboards give a somewhat dry place to set one's boots. The trench section is a maze-like pattern of earthworks. Not a straight line, far from it - it kind of zig-zags at angles. Every now and then another trench intersects with the main fire line, more comms and support trenches. Every here and there soldiers congregate in one’s and two's around recesses, some shallow, some full on doorways leading deep down into the earth. 

   One man lays along a plank on the front of the trench wall, covered by his jacket, clutching his rifle in his sleep. Another is using a tiny pocket mirror to scrub his teeth with a well worn out brush. Sometimes a distant explosion creates a deep thud, like someone hitting a heavy drum. Apparently both sides of this war like to fire at all times of the day. In the distance sounds of indiscriminate machine gun fire pepper the mid-day air. Did those bursts kill someone? Is there a new soul somewhere out there Katsumi should perform a konso on? 

   It is just then that a strange, new sound drifts across no-mans land. It’s not the sound of warfare, rather it's one Katsumi knows well; the roar of a Hollow. She stops, allowing the soldiers to continue on their journey. She has her mission here of course, but she isn't just about to let one of those monsters roam about unchallenged. 

   Suddenly the young Soul Reaper spots the beast circling overhead. It appears like a gigantic lizard or bat creature, with wings many metres long and a whip-like tail flowing out behind it like the string on a kite. Its face appears like that of a bony white skull which unleashes an ear shattering howl, loud enough to wake the dead. Thankfully the humans can’t see this demon, whatever would they think? The beast swoops down, disappearing above the rim of the sandbags to presumably land somewhere out between the trench lines.   It prowls over shell craters and over wire as if they weren't even there, sniffing its way across the muddy blast zone of no-man's land.

   A deep seated rage overcomes Katsumi. She knows the Hollow has picked up the scent of a poor human soul somewhere out there in the ruins. It makes her sick to her stomach as she grits her teeth in anger. Quickly she jumps up, out of the trench and into the great expanse of desolation. The girl places a hand to the hilt of her zanpakuto, and with one smooth motion draws her long, immaculately polished blade from its sheath. The sudden burst of spiritual pressure caused by a Shinigami unleashing their weapon draws the Hollows' attention away from its hunt. 

     “A Soul Reaper!? I should have known.” The creature says in surprise. “This must be my lucky day!”

   “If you truly believe that, then you are more dumb than most Hollows.” 

   “Enough talk! Time to eat!” screams the beast loudly as it attacks, swinging its terrible claws down, only to be blocked by Katsumi’s blade and countered, expertly slicing a deep gash into its putrid flesh. The monster wails in pain, but relentlessly continues, desperate to land its massive jaws around the girl and snap her narrow body in two. 

   Unfortunately for the Hollow Katsumi is no ordinary Soul Reaper. She may not be a captain, but she is still a ranking officer, and not one to be underestimated, especially not by a common Hollow such as this. The beast never lands a blow, its swings simply crashing into the rain-soaked ground, wrenching up spools of wire, smashing the charred remains of tree’s into splinters as Katsumi dodges with precision and elegance. Such evil creatures simply can't comprehend the difference in power between them.

   It's time Katsumi finish this little diversion and land a killing blow quickly and without mercy. In a flash she stabs her blade right through the Hollow’s masked face. The beast stops in its tracks, the lights in its eyes go out, and its entire body begins to disintegrate into shards of crumbling dust or sand. It takes but a moment for its entire form to vanish into thin air, until eventually, nothing remains. Katsumi breathes a sigh of relief, readjusting her cloak before turning to face the trenches from which she came. Quite surprisingly however she notices that she is no longer alone, another Soul Reaper has arrived, and sits patiently on a ruined stump as if he had been spectating the show.  

   “Impressive. That was pretty quick. You here to take my job?” the man asks with a smile.