Chapter 5 - Rats in the Dark 

   Katsumi stirs awake slowly, her eyes adjusting to the darkness which surrounds her. She can feel something soft but rough on the back of her head which makes her itch uncomfortably. There’s the most horrific smell filling her nose, so putrid it forces her eyes to water. Her arm feels numb, but not painful. In fact it feels like her injuries have healed up.

   The dizzy young girl sits up, grunting like a tired old man as she stretches her back out. Weakley she clears her eyes and gives a quiet cough, drawing the attention of someone nearby.

   “You're awake? That's good.” a fellow Soul Reaper says sitting against a cold stone wall.

   “Ugh. W-Where am I? What happened?” 

   “You were hurt pretty bad. Healed you up the best I could.” Says a second Soul Reaper, a young man sitting to Katsumi’s other side. Together the two low ranking Shinigami appear dishevelled, their uniforms torn up, their bodies covered in dried blood and dirt, and their eyes dark and sunken like deep ebony wells. The girl shivers, not from cold, but nerves, while the man glares at Katsumi with un-blinking sorrow. Katsumi notices the insignia on his uniform and breathes a sigh of relief.

   “Your Squad Four? That's lucky, thank you.” Katsumi smiles, rubbing her head, still itching from resting on a sandbag as she pulls her legs in to sit with her knees to her chest against a collapsed mound of rubble. 

   “Are you here to rescue us?” the first girl asks desperately. “Are you part of the relief party?”

   “No, no sorry, I’m here for something else. It's… It’s not just you two here is it?”

   “There were eight of us just last night. Then every Hollow from here to the sea decided to show up… We’re the only ones left. We really hoped someone had sent you to save us.”  the Squad Four healer says defeatedly, finally looking away from Katsumi for the first time.

   “The Hollows have killed six Soul Reapers!?” Katsumi asks in disbelief. There were a lot of those monsters above ground, but to nearly wipe out an entire team in just one night? It's almost unheard of. “What is this place?”

   “The humans call it Fort Vaux. I don't know why they're fighting over it, probably something stupid. The Captains wanted to keep an eye on this area, that's why they sent so many of us, right to our deaths.”

   “But we’ll be alright now, right, Isaru? She can take a message out?”

   “I’m sorry Akane, but she’d be a fool to go back out there. I don't know who you are, but it's probably best if you settle in until the Hollows disperse.” says Isaru, hardly able to look over at his female companion out of shame. A brief silence falls over the catacomb, before the girl: Akane, begins weeping quietly into her sleeve.

   “Hey, hey it's alright, you… You’re both gonna be fine.” Katsumi tries to reassure her, shuffling over the rough, dirty floor to be closer to the crying woman.

   “We’re all gonna die here!” Akane muffles into her arm.

   “She lost everyone, all of her friends in the last few hours… There was nothing I could do. It was bad here before, but manageable. But something happened and it's like… the Gates of Hell spit out everything right on top of us. Maybe something wanted us to suffer like the humans do.” Isaru contemplates, resting his forehead in his palm.

   “Why haven't you gotten out of here? Gone back to the Soul Society for backup?”

   “You’ve got Squad Twelve to thank for that one - Opening a senkaimon is quite literally impossible here, it wont work. This sector has been designated too hot for that, in case the Hollows broke through and invaded Soul Society. It's all locked down.. and that was before all this mess.” Isaru explains. Katsumi didn't even know it was possible to prevent senkaimon from being opened in certain areas of the World of the Living. “Which begs the question: if you aren't sent to help us, why are you here?” Isaru continues.

   “I’m Katsumi Shinobu, of Squad Ten. There was an incident in the Soul Society last night and I'm investigating. I tracked the culprits here… In fact that makes sense: they couldn't open a senkaimon here, which is why they entered the World of the Living so far away.  I’m really sorry Isaru, but I think these people drew the Hollows to you.”

   “I knew it had to be something. This is just unnatural. Well I’m sorry ‘detective’ but we can't help you with your case, we’ve been too busy hiding.” 

   “It's ok, I understand. I… I need to find those attackers. They must have come here for a reason, maybe they have a way out?” 

   “We’ve looked. The fort is either collapsed or sealed up. Who are you looking for? Is it another Soul Reaper?”

   “I honestly don't know. They attacked with the efficiency of one. I don't sense any other Shinigamis spiritual pressure other than our own.”

   “Well… Akane and I will just sit here until it's safe to leave, then move south. You're welcome to join us, Katsumi Shinobu.”

   “I’m sorry but I have a job to do.” Katsumi says as she slowly pulls herself onto her feet, still a little wobbly from her injuries. “I’m going to look around, see what I can find.” 

   “Hold your nose. Some parts down here really get to you.” 

   Isaru wasn't kidding - Indeed Katsumi finds the underground area of Fort Vaux positively repulsive. In the dark and smoke filled tunnels men lay stacked, some sleeping, some dead, many wounded. The floor is cold and hard, but every here and there crimson pools of blood congeal into lakes, their surfaces rippling with every exterior shell-burst, crawling with flies and bubbling with lice and white maggots. 

   There must be over five hundred human soldiers inside this small redoubt, crammed inside like tinned fish. As Katsumi walks, unseen by the living, she can't help but observe the desperation of these people - scrounging for whatever small amounts of food and water they have left: tiny portions of rations, miniscule sips of brown water, tainted with the smell of rotting corpses.

   They all look tired, broken, beaten. Some shake uncontrollably, muttering, spitting, clawing at burning itches on their blistered skin. Some toss in their restless sleep, others work over their long rifles as if in a trance. The caverns shake with a nearby explosion, tumbling dust and dirt down on all who shelter inside. It's a debilitating experience even for a Soul Reaper. The blast knocks the air from lungs, churns the stomach as if it had been clawed out, pulls on joints as if a rope were stretching one's limbs out tight. How it must feel for the living is inconceivable. 

   Yet Katsumi finds it strange that there seems to be no reply from the fort, as if all of its big guns have been silenced. Indeed all that remains at Fort Vaux now are its machine guns. What sort of a defence could this place put up, she wonders? There are several breaches in the walls, collapsed tunnels, the dry moats filled with earth, several fires incinerate the landscape nearby, and surely the supplies must be at breaking point. But these men, these survivors, are holding on with all their strength and duty to protect their home and shelter. Katsumi can see it in their eyes - these Frenchmen won't give in.  

   Turning a corner, Katsumi comes face to face with a soldier. He sits on a ledge shivering, picking at his nails as if they are about to slush off his fingertips. He wears the same distinctive blue overcoat and trousers that many of the soldiers Katsumi has passed, his just as ruined by blood and dirt.  He has taken off his blue steel helmet, which rests by his side, as his face and left arm have been wrapped in filthy looking bandages. Katsumi wonders if there is any way to get the wounded out of this nightmarish fortress. From what she’s seen, it appears unlikely.

   The Shinigami approaches closer to get a better look at the injured human, out of curiosity or maybe compassion. There is nothing she can do until the man dies, and it seems he isn't ready for that yet. Such determination is actually rather moving for Katsumi. She’s glad the humans are so strong willed. 

   It's just then that an idea forms in the young girl's head. Looking at the man's tattered bandages Katsumi remembers a short training course given to students at the Academy - a lesson on Spirit Ribbons. From what she can recall manifesting and visualising spirit ribbons is almost never done as simply searching for spiritual pressure is much more efficient than such an outdated method of location. However all this time Katsumi has been trying to sense any abnormal pressure which might lead to her targets. Unfortunately the mass of Hollows still outside is overwhelming, and even now she can no longer detect Isaru or Akane. 

   But; supposing the attackers were rogue Shinigami - Katsumi thinks she should be able to find their unique red ribbons. After all there should only be three Soul Reapers in the fort. Any more and she’ll have found her mark. Quickly she moves away from the injured soldier, trying to get to an area away from most humans so that she can relax and concentrate. She closes her eyes and focuses her breathing, allowing her spirit to open up and sense beyond the sea of spiritual pressure around her, to condense and narrow it down. All of her senses sharpen and she begins to become acutely aware of  her surroundings, of the hundreds of human souls both living and dead in all directions. She breathes out and places a hand on the hilt of her sword for comfort, just as she opens her eyes.

   Katsumi can see all around her a waving, swirling dance of silk ribbons, moving like graceful snakes through the air. She walks slowly through this tangle so as to not lose focus, and peaks her head around the bend to see that indeed the entire tunnel is filled with strands. One even links directly to the bandaged soldier who sparked this idea. Seeing his soul linked to his mortal body so clearly fills Katsumi with a wonderful feeling, knowing that he is just as alive as anyone else. 

   But she can't smile for long as she quickly begins to look for any red ribbons among the chaos. Soon enough she finds two such ribbons close to one another which must belong to her rescuers. She notices behind her is her own ribbon, so all known Soul Reapers are accounted for. Slightly frustrated that she didn't find what she was looking for, she is just about to shake away her focus when she spies a flash of crimson red nearby. Her heart skips a beat as she rushes down a hallway to confirm it - indeed there is a fourth ribbon! 

   “So there is another Soul Reaper here!” Katsumi exclaims. “Let's see where you lead.” By only focusing on the mysterious soul ribbon Katsumi clears the air of all other strands, allowing her to follow the single floating link through the dark tunnels. It bends around corners, and passes by groups of humans unseen, guiding Katsumi deeper into the underchambers of Fort Vaux. 

   Eventually the ribbon turns sharply and disappears between a crack in the mortar of two bricks in the wall. Silently Katsumi leans against the cold stone to try and peer through the tiny gap, however everything is much too dark to see on the other side. Still the fact that there is another side beyond the wall is fascinating, like some kind of hidden room or passage. 

   The red ribbon fades from view as Katsumi places her hands against the brick, sliding around, shifting her weight to try and move the wall or press a secret button until eventually that's exactly what happens. There is a sharp mechanical thud as a brick slots into place and the wall jolts backwards on heavy metal hinges. 

   “What do we have here?” she asks herself quietly, looking around to make sure no humans have seen the wall slide open. Thankfully she is alone right now. Beyond the entrance a dark tunnel vanishes into the earth at a steep angle, with crude steps carved into the rock descending deeper underground. The walls appear rough and quickly made, strewn with cracks and chisel marks, and between jagged outcroppings silver strands of spider web flutter in the slight breeze ascending from below. Katsumi can see that the tunnel turns a little as there is the slightest hint of yellow light flickering in the gloom. 

   Tentatively Katsumi gulps and takes a step into the hidden passage. The fact a soul ribbon led her here gives her at least some idea what might be waiting, but quite honestly she can feel a hint of apprehension creeping up her spine. Her hands shake with nerves, her breathing grows rapid. She’s unsure exactly why she’s allowing her body to get the better of her, after all she’s faced much more dangerous and frightening situations than this in the past. Yet still, as the tunnel winds down and down, deeper and deeper into the dense bedrock a sense of dread permeates every aspect of her being. Regardless, Katsumi steadies herself, clenches a fist in defiance of her instincts and quickens her pace down the spiralling staircase. 

   “We can't let you continue, Soul Reaper!” a voice sounds suddenly from the shadows, echoing against the walls like a ringing bell. Katsumi stops dead in place, a hand snapping to her zanpakuto ready for an ambush. 

   Ahead of her two men step out of dark recesses at the side of the tunnel, each carrying small daggers. They dress strangely, not quite the same as a Soul Reaper, but still familiar somehow, as if Katsumi has seen this uniform somewhere before. They certainly aren't powerful enough to be real Soul Reapers, their spiritual pressure is nowhere near even a non-seated officer. 

   “And why won't you let me pass? Who are you? Explain why you attacked the Soul Society!” Katsumi demands, readying herself for a fight. The men however remain silent. “You won't say? Do you think I will let you get away with stealing so many innocent souls?” 

   “We must defend our masters. Make your move, Soul Reaper.” the left guard says, a hint of uncertainty in his shrill voice, as if he knows this is a fight he can't win. It makes Katsumi wonder if these people are under duress, if they are being forced to stand against her. It's a possibility she can't ignore. 

   “I don't know what you hope to achieve, but I’ll find out. This might hurt.” she sighs as she takes her hand off her sword and takes a step forward. The men tense up, standing ready for an attack with faces overcome with fear. Then, instantly, Katsumi appears behind the two having flash stepped right past them. With superhuman speed she lands a chop of her palm against the back of both mens necks, knocking each to the floor in stunned unconsciousness. They crumple like ragdolls against the cold stone steps before coming to rest, their daggers flying off down the tunnel making loud metallic twangs as they bounce. 

   Katsumi steps over their slumped bodies carefully, satisfied that they are un-injured. They said they have a “master” of some kind, so it's pointless to waste time on small fry such as them. She must be getting close now. Someone doesn't want people snooping around down here. Thankfully it's only a little ways longer until she reaches the bottom.

   The staircase opens out into a vast cavern, so dark at its edges it is impossible to tell just how large this cave truly is. The ceiling appears just as jagged as the path leading down here, indicating that this is no natural formation. Someone excavated this. Several torches glow dimly leading from the stairs out into the middle of the cave, the light shining against the wet floor, damp with condensation and run-off from the surface. She can hear the sounds of explosions above, muffled into a quiet background thud, although the vibrations still ripple the pools of water and an occasional tumble of stones fall from the roof to clatter across the floor.

   Ahead of Katsumi stands a new figure, emerging from the gloom. Another man, taller than the previous assailants, his back facing her, long dark hair flowing down over his shoulders is a messy unkempt tangle of knots. 

   “You have arrived. I was hoping the Hollows outside would have kept you distracted for longer. And clearly my two men did little to stop you.” the man says in a thick, unusual accent, still without facing Katsumi. Instead he appears to be looking at a large object in front of him: a stone doorway or frame, made from smooth marble streaked with dark lines. It's unlike anything the Soul Reaper has ever seen before, but either way it feels important. Just as Katsumi approaches to within a few feet of the man, he turns to face her at last. “They sent such a pretty girl to track me down? I’m honoured.” 

   “You must be the master they mentioned.” Katsumi asks cautiously.

   “No. They answered to me, but I am not their master.” The strange man says. He appears unclean, not like the soldiers above, just dirty. He wears long pitch black robes, not a Shinigamis, more akin to a monk or wiseman. His face is gaunt and sharp, with harsh lines and deep dark rings around his piercing, cold blue eyes. His lower face is dominated by a large bushy black beard just as tangled as the rest of his hair. The aura he gives off is threatening, even to Katsumi. 

   “Then who are you?”

   “No one important, my dear. I advise you to return to where you came, so that you do not get hurt.” 

   “We won't let you get away with this, whoever you are. I know you're a Soul Reaper, I followed your spirit ribbon right here. Did you abandon the Soul Society, do you have some kind of a grudge? What have you done with the syphons you stole?”

   “You ask so many questions, child. I will permit you some answers. I hold no grudge against the Soul Society. In fact the way they abandoned me only improved my life here in the World of the Living. If you came here expecting some kind of plot to overthrow the Gotei or kill a Captain you are barking up the wrong tree.”

   “If I have to fight you to get the answers I want, I will.” demands Katsumi, drawing her sword to point directly at the man.

   “Let it be known that you drew your sword first.” sighs the man. Slowly he moves his hands together, a large silver ring emblazoned with a skull on his wrinkled finger. As he presses the ring into his left palm a burst of blue energy shoots from his body, causing Katsumi to take a few steps back. In a moment the light fades and the man's soul, clad in more traditional Shinigami robes, stands next to his physical human body.

   “I was right. So you were using a Gigai?!” concludes Katsumi in shock. 

   “Correct. I will admit I had not expected anyone to follow soul ribbons to find me. Honestly I forgot they existed. You're smarter than you look. So I will give you one last chance to return home.”

   “I was given a mission to find those stolen souls and I will complete it. For Captain Shiba.”

   “You are Squad Ten? That's not a bad squad. I myself was once Squad Four, so if I’m not the best fighter I apologise”

   “Tell me who you are, or… who you were?”

   “Oh, my original name means little now. You see Squad Four did not like the way I would drink, and party, and have fun with beautiful women. They say I went too far, and so I was “volunteered” for a new test. The very first generation of Gigai bodies, to see how well they worked in the Human world. Only something went wrong, there was an explosion, and they must have assumed I was dead. Luckily for me, I was not.”

   “So you've been living here in the World of the Living as a human?”

   “I can do so much here that I never could as a Soul Reaper. If you make the right connections every day becomes a party, every day is a feast. A little bit of healing here, a little bit of wisdom there, and the right connections fall into my hands, and I have complete freedom.” 

   “Personal gain? You threw everything away so you could… get drunk with the humans!?”

   “Umm, yes, that sounds about right. The order and rules of the Soul Society just wasn't for me. No, whoever I was before matters not. Now I am whoever I want to be. Today I have a new name: today I am Grigori Rasputin. And I’m afraid I will have to kill you now.” Grigori says sinisterly, drawing his own zanpakuto ready to fight.