Chapter 9 - Best Left Forgotten            

              Lynette and Marseille walk steadily down the narrow stone lined passageway, far past the mound of collapsed bricks from which they had entered. Every here and there globs of reflective ice seep through the gaps between the massive stonework and icicles hang like vicious daggers from the ceiling. The entire path continues on a noticeable downwards slope and both girls occasionally slip on patches of the icy floor, catching themselves before catastrophe can strike. 

             “We must be so deep now. We’re probably even under the ice sheets.” wonders Lynn as she shines her headlamp forward watching for any potential hazards. Ever since Hanna triggered that last pressure plate they have been extremely cautious of more boobytraps. 

             It’s only a short while after the confrontation with the magical golems that this mysterious catacomb finally opens out into the most fantastical sight either girl has ever seen, rivalling even the most vivid of dreams.

             “Are you seeing this?” stammers Hanna with utter wordless bewilderment. Both witches' mouths fall agape and their eyes become wide and unblinking.

          What stands before them, stretching far into the distance beneath a high cathedral-like ceiling of crystal ice, sprawls the remains of an ancient city, a civilization long lost to time. 

           Directly ahead runs something akin to a main avenue, flanked on either side by stone buildings in different stages of decay. Some bare intricate carvings, others have large balconies, and yet others still hold the remains of now dulled awnings which perhaps once hung above busy market stalls. Quite amazingly the street is also lined with large fire braziers which still burn brightly, illuminating parts of the city as if it were London now that the blackouts are over.  

           In some places gigantic pillars of ice stretch to the ceiling like the trunks of mighty trees holding up the incredible weight of Ultima’s surface. Yet every here and there massive chunks of thick, opaque ice are scattered randomly, some of which have fallen into and destroyed buildings, possibly having collapsed from the roof itself.

           The most striking element of the entire landscape however is the mountainous pyramid right at the city's heart. It's a stepped structure, like something one would see in Azteca, with a long staircase leading up from the main avenue. Even here small fires light the ascent, and a few more stand dotted all over; casting a haunting glow on every surface, while strands of ice glow and shimmer orange and gold as the fires crackle eternally.

           “This is impossible.” says Marseille, finally managing to force words from her stunned mouth. “I just don't believe it…” 

           “If only the others were here to see this.” replies Lynn, taking a few steps towards a set of stairs which descend from the overhang they had emerged onto. 


           With slow, careful steps the two girls make their way down into the city below. Other than the creaking of the ice overhead and the constant sizzling of the dancing fires all around it is deadly silent. It’s an incredibly unnerving sensation; wandering through somewhere which looks and feels so recognizably urban, expecting to see human activity in every corner, through every window and doorway - Yet; there is no one. Not a soul, not a hint of life anywhere. 

           Soon, several buildings down from where they had arrived a strange scene comes into view. 

           “Hey Lynn, look at that.” points Marseille as they come upon a discarded sword laying in the street. It's just as ornate and perfectly beautiful as the one discovered back at the Endurance.

           “Hmm. Hold on, look! Rifles!” notes Lynn as she hops over to a few long-guns likewise laying abandoned, hidden slightly around the corner of an alley way as if their shooters were once hiding in cover. “These are Mk III Enfields, Britannia issue. Shackleton’s crew probably had a few.” proposes Lynn, checking the rifles for ammunition. To no surprise the guns are all expended, however any sign of their owners is nowhere to be seen. 

           “The Britannians made it here and discovered a few artefacts before returning to the Endurance, somehow closing the door behind them.” thinks Marseille as she pokes her head into a nearby open door. 

           “But Shackleton was the only one at the ship. Her crew were shooting at something down here, so if she was the only one who made it out then… something killed all her men, something in this city.” says Lynn, a deep seed of fear growing within her quiet words, the piercing chill of the freezing air becoming suddenly unbearable. Flashes of terror shoot up the witches spines like lightning, and both cant help but feel as if a million eyes have suddenly begun watching them from the jet black shadows. 

           “Maybe there were more of those golems?” suggests Marseille tentatively, the idea of which causing Lynn to shoulder her rifle tightly. “Keep your eyes open.”

           “You don't have to tell me twice.” whispers the shaking Britannian. “I’d really appreciate Commander Minna’s magic right now…”

           Embracing the silence of the ruins around them; the girls continue their slow,  cautious expedition deeper into the city, the glow of the burning street lights reflecting in their observant, ever watching eyes. They pass more scenes of battle, mostly ancient remains, mostly lost swords and shreds of old armour. In some places entire buildings appear to have collapsed, their walls having been blown in by some incredible force. The road itself is pockmarked with craters and deep slash-like wounds, mounds of rubble blocking side avenues and alleys. Some destruction almost seems intentional; as if it had been built into makeshift barricades.

           Eventually the ancient homes and shops are left behind as the two enter the oppressive shadow of the mighty pyramid before them. 

           “It’s huge!” says Marseille in utter awe of its gigantic majesty. “It’s even bigger than the tombs in Egypt!” 

           “Maybe we should start heading back? Tell the others what we’ve found, get Ursula.” says Lynn, increasingly aware of how long the two have been underground. 

           “Let's see what’s at the top first. I’m really excited to see what’s up there.” motions the Karlslander, quickly beginning to ascend the hundreds of steps up the temple's side, her eyes filled with wonder, a childlike smile growing over her lips. 

           For Lynn it’s a tad uncomfortable. Yes; this place is incredible, but for the last few minutes as they had been walking; she couldn't shake the feeling that Marseille had become increasingly excited. Not wanting to be left alone however she quickly shakes her head free of concern and begins trailing the elder girl up the slope. 


          Heaving deep strained breaths Lynn finally manages to pull herself up over the last step of the pyramids' painfully long staircase. Marseille had made it already roughly a minute or two before the Britannian arrived, panting like an overworked dog. After wiping her brow and giving her knees a well deserved rub Lynn raises her gaze up towards the scene before her. 

           Covering the flat top of the temple lies something that appears to be a garden. There are lush trees growing nuts and fruit, bushes with berries, and a sweet smell of spice and herbs permeates her nose, the distinct scent of mint causing the freezing air to seem even colder. 

           The amazing cornucopia rests behind a rippling, splashing water channel which seems to encircle the growth and has somehow remained un-frozen despite the low temperatures. After collecting herself Lynn moves forward, passing over the narrow channel and venturing through this overgrown jungle. In some respect Lynn was expecting something like this; after all it was a herb garden she and her friends had discovered below their Romagna base a few years ago. Ingredients like these must have been important to ancient witches. 

           After making her way down the short path, packed over with dense foliage the girl arrives at the centre of the pyramids roof and the middle of the garden itself where she finds Marseille carefully examining several of the strange structures therein. 

           “Look, Lynette; more of those small statues.” smiles Hanna, looking carefully at one of the idol figures sitting on a ledge above a bed of flowers. Indeed the entire area is surrounded by two stacked shelves of stone upon which sit maybe thirty or so statue figurines, although there is clearly space for more. Marseille carefully unzips her bag and draws out the idol from the Endurance. “Where do you think this one goes?” she asks.

            “I don't know. Just dont touch any of them, we don't know what they do.” recommends Lynn as she scans her eyes around the circle of amassed statues. “I wonder if the one we found in Den Helder somehow came from here? Maybe the people who lived here fled and took some of the statues with them? Fascinating.” suggests Lynn, looking closer at a figure which seems to be representing a farmer of some kind.

            “It’s incredible isn't it? This place? That our people could build something as fantastic as this.” 

            “Our people?” questions Lynn as she turns back to look at Hanna inquisitively. 

            “Witches of course. It’s obvious this whole place was some kind of ancient witch civilization. We saw the writings before. And even here look; written on the plinths.” posits Marseille as she runs her hand over one of the unknown symbols carved into the stone. “Who knows what it says… So much knowledge lost… No, so much knowledge; destroyed.” she continues as an air of slight anger grows in her voice.


            “I really think we should go back now Marseille. The others are probably worried about us.” 

            “Ugh! Bishop, you aren't seeing the bigger picture here!” cries the Karlslander in frustration. “This is our history, the lost history of our ancestors. This is exactly what I was saying before! They wont give us witches any power because this is the kind of thing we can achieve.”

            “Ok, calm down now. I think you're getting a bit overexcited.”

            “Did you not see those fires? They are giving off a magical aura. I don't know how to keep a fire burning for centuries. I don't know how to make a statue come to life and attack my enemies… But these ancient witches did. There’s so much knowledge about magic we haven’t been allowed to know. It’s because other people, people without our powers, are scared of us Lynn.” says Marseille in an impassioned rant, knocking back Lynette with her sudden outburst. “Do you not see this is why we need the Coven? Maybe we can rediscover the things that have been taken from us.” 

             Lynette staggers away a few paces in shock. She hadn't realised quite how fanatical her comrade had become. Coming down here was a bad idea, seeing the remains of a long lost past has only reinforced Marseille’s ideas that witches are being persecuted. 

             “Well I don't know about any of that. In all honesty being a witch means very little to me. After all, I was terrible at it for a long time. My magic doesn't define me. It will be gone one day so why should I care? No, it's my friends and my family that I care about, not my power. So if; at some point in the distant past there was some knowledge about magic hidden away, well, I quite frankly don't give a damn.” replies Lynn sternly. 

              “How can you not care for your people?”

              “The witches that built this place aren't my people. In fact many of the witches today aren't my people. I’m a Britannian, I’m a Londoner. I don't need a witch on the throne or in Westminster to feel included. I already have my people.”

              “And here I thought nationalism was a Karlsland thing. Oh well, I was hoping you’d come around to see my way. Seems that isn't going to happen. Well I can't force you.” smiles Marseille admitting defeat.

             “Thank you Marseille.” sighs Lynn in releaf. 

             “Why do you sound so relieved? I disagree with you, that's all. Let's take in the sights a bit longer then start heading back. We have quite the story to tell eh?” chuckles Hanna, placing a friendly hand on Lynns shoulder. “Hey, have you seen this figure in the middle? I wonder what makes that one so important?” Hanna suddenly remarks trying to lighten the sombre, tense mood. 

              Indeed at the centre of the garden, raised on a single column is a lone idol. Carved from the same jet black stone as the others, this one appears to have streaks of turquoise blue marbled through its surface and it looks to have its arms outstretched to its sides. Below it, carved into the round pedestal is a design strikingly similar to those of a modern witches shield, a design which, upon closer observation flickers with an electric blue energy every now and then. 

             “Did you see that? There’s magic flowing from the idol into the pillar. The statue we found in the Endurance might have been a dud, but this one seems to be doing something.” remarks Marseille in amazement. 

              “Be careful with it. You haven't seen these things in action. They can have a mind of their own.” says Lynn cautiously. After a moment of consideration however Marseille quickly picks up the statue with a single swift motion. Almost immediately however something is noticeably wrong. 

               “Ah! It’s cold!” screams the Karlslander, who drops the figure to the floor where it shatters into pieces like fine china. 

               “Marseille!?” yelps Lynn in disbelief. 

               “I’m sorry! It was really, really cold!” explains Marseille. Even through her thick gloves the idol had felt as if it were gnawing at her fingers and the shock had taken the girl by total surprise. 


               Suddenly, once the dust of the destroyed statue has settled on the ground a low rumbling sound comes to the girls' sharpened attention. The rumbling grows louder and louder, and then the temple below their feet begins to shake. The statues on their shelves rattle as if a train was passing by and flecks of ice drop from the roof high above. 

               “I shouldn't have done that…” admits Marseille with deep worry, catching her balance as the floor rocks back and forth. Then, without warning an ear piercing screech echoes throughout the entire gigantic cavern.

               “Maybe you woke up more of those golems?” suggests Lynn in a panic. 

               “Just my luck! C’mon let's go!” cries Marseille as the pair take off to run out of the overgrown garden back to the pyramids staircase. It's tough going and Lynns jacket snags on a bramble vine at one point, however soon enough they make it back to the ascent, overlooking the city far below them. What greets them however neither one had expected even in their darkest nightmares. 

                The gigantic boulders of ice; which had originally seemed to have fallen from the ceiling down onto houses and roads, begin cracking open like terrible eggs. From within; the banshee-like screams erupt continuously and a deep red glow begins seeping through the melting ice like rising blood. Within moments the boulders shatter energetically freeing their ancient prisoners after thousands of years. 

                 Jet black insect-like legs crash down over the stone ruins, kicking up plumes of rock and dust, knocking over the fire pits which set whatever remaining awnings alight. The monsters appear with segmented bodies, some like scorpions, others akin to demonic centipedes with countless moving, shifting legs, crawling, screaming. Sections of their bodies pulse red, sending small sparks in every direction, setting even more fires among the rubble. 

               For Marseille and Lynette they can do nothing but stand and stare in total paralysed shock, their bodies trembling in fear. They know these creatures well. 

              Meanwhile, back on the surface, the Avro Anson sent from the HMS Furious passes overhead of the ruined crater outpost. 

             “Bloody hell they finally arrived.” smiles Elliot with relief, turning to pat Cobbler on the back with joy. 

             Unseen to anyone however a creature raises from the ice not far away, mounds of snow falling from its arthropodic shell. Hexagonal plates begin blazing crimson as it charges up its fury, quickly unleashing a single beam of powerful energy at the aircraft buzzing in the sky. The Anson explodes in a ball of orange flame and crashes to the ground in a tumbling symphony of destruction. The monster raises itself to full height and lets out a terrifying battle cry - The Neuroi have risen again.