Chapter 2: Old Faces

On the outskirts of Paris, a certain orange haired witch was walking around during a visit, she was accompanied by a familiar Brunette with her hair tied in a braid. The Pair were looking for a few kids that sought shelter in one of the temporary worker camps in the restoration site of the La Sante prison complex.

The two arrived at a worker camp nearby and there were sounds of strife, on instinct Amelie rushed over with her familiar showing. One of the younger kids was being knocked around a bit by an older child while the others watched in fright, but as Amelie rushed over to help, she saw someone out of the corner of her eye coming over already.

"Hands off!"

It was a young witch, medium silver hair and a red fox familiar. She was gripping tight onto Emil's hand and raising her other hand, frightening the boy as the others tried to get some distance away from her. Amelie started to try and calm the situation by grabbing the witch's raised arm.

"Easy now! He's just a boy!"

Amelie soon received an almost menacing look from the girl, She growled a little before realizing who she was. The witch let go of Amelie and soon saw Lynette rushing down to solve the situation, she froze a little as she stuttered.

"A-ah, Y-y-ou are.. Amelie Pl-Planchard right? And.. L-Lynette Bishop?"

Amelie nodded as she spoke in a soft tone.

"Oh, Mhm.. Miss you were being harsh to the kid!"

"Harsh? Emil was bullying her, I simply leveled the field"

Lynette spoke up as she arrived by Amelie's side, the Britannian witch looked at the strange witch with great concern.

"You shouldn't deal with situations like that! .. uhm, who are you?"

The witch responded simply.

"Eva Borngen.. twe-twenty ninth, Legion noire"

"Oh? The twenty ninth? never heard of-"

Before lynette even finished, Eva snapped back a little.

"Of course! I'm not surprised!"

Bishop was taken aback by Eva's sudden words, She noticed Eva's slouching posture and her messy hair.

"A-ah, I'm sorry.. You seem rather tired, come let's go inside and talk alright?"


Eva led both Lynette and Amelie into her barracks, the room was made for about three people with a table and some chairs scattered about. On the table was a chess game and some snacks messily strewn about.

"Well, I'll take some questions about the damn rascals in this place and we'll just finish it here alright?"

Lynette then sat down and began to talk.

"Okay, So.. About those kids.. why'd they end up here?"

Eva groaned a little as she recalled their arrival.

"The workers found them huddling by one of the trucks, They decided to let them stay in their bunks despite our objections"

Amelie stammered for a bit as she replied in a concerned tone.

"Objection? What's wrong with letting them stay a little in the worker's tents?"

"They made us babysit.. it's not like we're witches and have better things to do!"

"But me and Amelie are witches, we're helping kids.."

"and that's a shame.. you've earned a lot of praise and glory only to end up doing something so.. mundane"

The pair are taken aback by this Karlslander's apathy, Amelie quickly condemned the young witch for it.

"Hey! Witches aren't meant for glory grabbing! We're meant to help people!"

"tch.. Says the oh so proud witches from isle of wight and the 501st!.. Let's just forget it"

The young witch looked away as she sulked for a while, the other two sat down in frustration still looking at the Karlsland witch. Lynette felt something was off about her, almost concerned for the poor girl but decided to instead focus on their original task.

However, the door opened and a Gallian witch, presumably the 29th's commander and a Liberion witch entered inside, Eva then stood up as walked on over. She decided to scoff at Lynette and Amelie as she soon left the building, whispering under her breath.

"Marceline will deal with this, I've got better things to do"

Eva walks away as her two comrades look at her, both sighing as they greet Lynette and Amelie before continuing the discussions.

[Meanwhile with Geena]

Geena was driving into paris, la saint prison was only a few minutes away as they passed through the streets. Bauer had been surprisingly silent during the whole thing as she stared out the front side window. The wing commander then decided to try and prod a little into her by asking a simple question.

"So tell me, why were you following alongside a southbound civilian convoy?"

Bauer smiled a little as she replied

"It was.. a nice break, Prisons are just bleak and honestly I just had to do it"

"Okay, I guess your friends never followed?"

"They.. of.. course had to stay to complete the primary order.. actually, one.. n-nevermind"

"Huh? go on"

Geena would get no response from Bauer, she sighed and kept focusing on driving.

“Well.. How’d you end up in this squadron anyways? Witches only end up in Noire for really bad reasons!” Carla prodded curiously, Bauer looked at Carla with a stare.

“Orussians.. The Orussians hate me”

They finally arrive and park in an orderly mess of trucks, temporary shelters and supplies, the Prison had been finished mostly with some things still under construction.

Geena got out of the car with Bauer having to drag a hesitant Carla into the security entrance. After a brief ID check by guards and inspection, they were escorted inside to find the target inside the massive complex.

As they headed down, Preddy maintained her calm deamanor as Viktoria waltzed down almost casually, Carla on the other hand was gripping tight onto her squadron leader, frightened by the thousands of prisoners looking at her.

"Boss, uh.. Let's do this quickly.. They're staring at us"

"It will be quick carla.. And don't worry.. they're harmless"

Geena chuckled a little as Carla stayed as close as she could to her, Preddy looked to Bauer as she began to ask her.

"Alright, before we meet our little friend.. I need some final details about your encounter"

Bauer stopped for a moment to think, putting her hand on her head.

"Ah... I remember one detail.. he never referred to the monarchists as terrorists or Insurgents.. but.. Partisans.."

"that's.. strange, we'll see why.. and there she is"

They stood before a decent cell, inside was a certain blonde woman writing in a diary on her bed. The prisoner looked towards Geena and sighed as she stood up to talk to them.

"What is it now?"

"We've got some questions, Keera"

Chris Keera leaned against the bars and smugly stared at Geena and Carla.

"Ah.. you stupid Liberions.. What happened this time?"

Geena simply sighed under her breath and gestured to Bauer to open the cell; she wanted to interrogate her further. Viktoria paused for a moment then slowly put the keys in and opened the door cautiously, Keera then slowly came out and let her escort her.

"Alright, let's go" Geena said and she led them towards the interrogation room. They arrived at a small room with a bright light, three chairs and a single table. Keera sat down as Geena and Bauer began asking questions.

"Alright, how are you right now?"

Keera stared right at Geena, annoyed a little as she scowled back.

"Get to it.. "

"How many of your friends do you really have in the south?

"What?.. You've already exposed all of them, why do you give a damn?"

Bauer stood up and looked her in the eyes, she seemed to be unconvinced. Geena on the other hand thought about stopping her but let the Karlslander speak.

"Yeah well, You sure bud?"

"Those were probably bandits right?, heh"

"Bandits my ass, they're armed to the teeth.. Doubt they're a bunch of backwater bandits"

Keera stopped for a small moment as she looked at Geena again. The wing commander sighed as she listened to her carefully.

"Like I said, If there were any left down south, they'd be a lot more covert because of you dull idiots.. "

Geena kept a straight face as she began to reiterate her words and interrogated again.

"Supposed Karlsland troops are in the area searching for insurgents.. possibly related to you"

"Supposed? You don't even know where your own allies are?!"

"Sainte... we need to know if there's any of your folks in Sainte and the surrounding villages.."

"Never heard of it, Nor care"

“I guess this interrogation is over, Viktoria come along”

Bauer nodded and headed out with Geena, Keera on the other hand was almost curious at what she's just been told.

"Hm.. Perhaps I should take a look.."

As the two exited the room, Bauer saw Eva heading towards her with two guards. Bauer stopped for a moment as she watched Geena and Carla discuss their next move, she took the opportunity to talk to her friend a bit.

"Eva! Hey.."

Eva stopped and sighed for a moment.

"Bauer, I'm not in the mood"

"What happened? don't tell me louise is at it again"

"I wish, at least that idiot's easy to deal with.. Guess who decided to show up! Lynette Bishop and Amelie Planchard!"

"Aww that's nice, Came to pick up the orphans right?"

"Mhm.. they are twats though"

Bauer was taken aback by this before asking her further.

"Why? What did they do.. What did You do?"

"A- ME!? Okay.. I might've been tired and harsh but.. they're twats"

"Doubt it"

"FORGET IT! okay.. Where are you going?!"

"Well, back to Sainte"

"Again? Why? Why can't Geena get someone else?!"

"'Well, I'm going anyways, guess I was her first pick"

“First pick?! What?! How?! You are everything but a good choice!”

“Hey! I can hold my own y’know!”

Eva stared unconvinced “Yeah.. the times I had to drag you back home definitely say that!.. Besides.. You know..”

“I..I’ll handle it.. I can Eva..” Bauer replied quietly.

“.. Hope so”

Surprisingly, Carla then came over to the two, interested in their chat.

“Who’s your friend?” asked the Cola cat.

“A-ah? How rude!” Eva barked, Bauer giggled a little before replying

“Eva Borngen, meet Carla Luksic.. A 506th member”

“I.. Suppose it’s nice to meet you” Eva hesitantly said as she shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you Eva..”

Eva then looked at her before nodding and heading into the interrogation chamber to pick up Keera. Preddy walked over to Bauer soon enough and headed off to the car, off to the south.

inside the room, Eva walked over to Keera and scowled.

"Get up"

Keera stood up and seemingly followed Eva's little command and complied. However as they headed back, halfway through Keera's familiar appeared.

"Just one thing.."

Eva looked back as Keera quickly grabbed both guards and bashed their heads against each other, knocking them cold. She then swiftly turned towards Eva and tried grabbing her, the Karlsland witch was no pushover however as her body slammed into her.

"You little shit!"

Eva smirked as she barely avoided a swing and kept stepping back.

"Hell are you trying anyw-"

Chris however got the upper hand and she decked Eva straight in the stomach and rushed towards a door leading outside. Borngen recovered rather quickly however and gave chase, watching as a guard tried to stop the convict being thrown aside.

Keera headed towards the back, directly towards a motor pool with some vehicles in it. The personnel there were on break and there were only two guards present, immediately the guards tried stopping her as one of them got a shot off, scraping her face.

Eva soon arrived to see the two guards get pushed aside and Keera hopping into one of the trucks present. Before the Gallian could even start the vehicle, she felt a sudden and strong force yank her out by the shirt and slam her onto the ground.

"GAH! I've got things to do! no time to waste it on you!"

Eva then jumped onto her and began fighting, for a minute they fought, Eva nearly losing several times but eventually she came out on top as she threw Keera into the cab of an empty car.

"Tell me.. what the hell are you doing?!"

"Remember what your friends told me? I'm just taking a look.."

"Taking a look? doesn't sound like it"

"Why... you've arrested the entire cell there as you said, I'm merely seeing if it's true.. if you don't trust me, why not go along then? You can clearly defeat me"

Eva went silent as one of the guards got up and slowly came over to apprehend Keera, as he moved in closer, Eva grabbed his collar and once more knocked him cold by slamming his face on the car's roof. Then she grabbed his submachine gun and some ammo before going over to a pile of rope and taking it.

Soon Eva got in and drove off, Keera tied up in the seat next to her.

"Right.. how long until we get there.."

"Sainte? few hours.. simple enough"

[At the worker’s camp]

Marceline, Lynette and Amelie were getting few final kids into the truck headed for the orphanage, Louise volunteered to follow to ensure their safety. Lynette and Marceline decided to share a few words before parting ways.

"Thanks miss Albert, it was a pleasure being here"

"No problem.. hope Eva didn't cause too much trouble.. especially for a strike witch!"

Lynette paused for a moment, Marceline quick to recognize the doubt on her face.

"Don't mind what she said! She's just stubborn and grumpy! tch, the nerve"

"No no, She's.. not that bad"

The two are cut short however as they see a bloodied guard rushing over to their side, Lynette instinctively comes over to help him as the Gallian witch starts to ask what happened. The man looked into their eyes and simply uttered a measly two words.

"She... Escaped.."

Marceline's blood went cold as she looked wild eyed towards Amelie, Louise and the orphans, thankfully the kids didn't catch even a glimpse of the wounded man, the last thing they needed.

"Where could she have gone?"

"S-south.. South..."

Prior to all this, Albert had been informed earlier by a disgruntled Bauer about certain events near Sainte, a village she had volunteered to come to during a rebuilding effort. She now realized what was clearly happening and turned to Lynette.

"Lynne.. I have to stay here to make sure no escapees get out, But in the meantime.. And I ask of you with all my heart"

"Yes ma'am?"

"I ask you to head south to find Sainte, to find Geena and to catch Keera.. I wish I could join you on such a mission.. take one of the jeeps"

Marceline pointed at one of Willys ' jeeps as she then kept on trying to help the guard with everything she had. Bishop stood up and nodded before looking at Amelie, she had been watching frightfully at the events unfolding before her eyes.

"Amelie! go back with Louise! tell Perrine what's going on here!"

"B-but, Are you going to try taking on an assassin yourself?!"

"Please Amelie, I have to do this!"

Amelie stamered for a bit before Louise placed her hand on her shoulder, she then started the truck and headed back home. Lynette then headed for the jeep as Marceline headed for the comms room.

"I'll try my best, Miss Albert!"

"Do all you can!"

Marceline got onto the radio and got onto open frequency as she began broadcasting news of Keera's escape. Lynette on the other hand was handed a new Boyes AT gun, a Sten submachine gun and supplies for her trip.

Bishop got into the jeep, looked at the map and started up her vehicle, the Liberion offroader roared to life as she slammed her foot onto the pedal and drove off to Sainte.

To Be Continued