Chapter 5: Bound by Blood

“This isn’t good Boss, They’re starting to mobilize” Carla warned, she watched as the enemy commander started ordering his forces to be on high alert. Geena had a choice to make, she had to either leave or risk being killed.

“I told you all this would happen!” Keera ranted, Carla hissed angrily at the Gallian but Preddy stopped her “She’s right.. but now’s not the time to bicker”

Bauer on the other hand was focused on Eva, she didn’t take well to seeing her shake hands with the enemy.

“We’re leaving” Geena said as she woke up Lynette and ordered everyone else to follow along, Bauer however kept on looking towards the town with the binoculars. Eva was following the general into a heavily guarded building, enraging Bauer even further.

“BAUER! COME NOW!” Yelled Geena, Bauer reluctantly followed along with the team as they headed down the hillside. Preddy and Carla looked at each other and began figuring out their escape plan on the fly.

“I doubt we’re getting out the way we came, right boss?” Carla asked, Geena nodded as she had an idea.

“The southern pass should still be unguarded! We have to get to the Kubel!”

Though Keera followed, she had no intentions of just leaving without giving their new foe a gift they will remember. She was quick to note Bauer spitefully muttering to herself as the Karlslander was forced to accept that her friend was in the maws of the enemy.

“Bauer!” Keera asked Bauer curiously as she ran beside her, the Karslander hissed as she looked to her “NOT IN TH-”

“Follow me, we’re going to make them hurt” Responded the Gallian as she then started to go towards the town, Bauer hesitated for a bit before deciding to follow with MP-40 in hand. Geena noticed the duo rushing off and barked at them furiously to return to the group to no avail.

Preddy kept running to the Kubelwagen, Carla meanwhile reluctantly followed as she questioned her boss.

“We’re not leaving them to die right?” Asked Carla, Geena looked at her to respond “We will just have to see!”

Keera and Bauer meanwhile rushed into cover, preparing their own little plan.

“Listen, I spotted what might be an ammunition dump.. We blow it up and they’ll run towards it”

Bauer asked a question “This will help us get Eva back right?”

“.. Perhaps” Remarked the Gallian.

Bauer then showed a stick grenade and smiled. “Alright.. I’m in..”

The duo then began to head towards the ammo dump quietly, the enemy was on high alert but the two could tell that most of them were protecting their headquarters or the gate. Using the shallow bank of a river as cover, they got closer to their goal when finally a guard spotted them.


The soldier was killed on the spot from a burst of lead, now the pair had to act quickly as they rushed towards the ammo dump. The other soldiers arrived on the scene and began fighting back, firing their rifles at the witches only to see their bullets bounce off Bauer’s shield.

Keera kept her eyes focused on that building, her movements cautious yet swift as she fired upon the gray infantry downing one at a time. Bauer was a little less skillful as she sprayed fire blindly as she ran, stumbling from cover to cover as she got to the ammo dump.

They soon arrived close enough to the building and took cover behind a few boxes, Bauer prepared her grenade as she looked at Keera.

“Bombs away!” Yelled the Karlslander as she pulled the pin and threw it, she closed her eyes waiting to hear its impact and the explosion.

Unfortunately, she opened her eyes to see the grenade fly back and pass over their heads, landing next to a flimsy water tower not too far away.

“SHIT!” yelped Viktoria, raising her shield as she and Keera felt the shock of the blast as the tower fell right next to them, barely missing them. Bauer saw Chris trying to get up as she groaned in pain, instead the Gallian immediately got punched in the face by a familiar figure.

“Hey Bauer, got lots to explain to you..” Eva said, a grim look in her eyes yet a small grin.


“Lights out..” Eva muttered as she then punched her in the face as well, knocking her cold.

[meanwhile with Geena]

“Boss.. you saw that?” Asked Carla, looking towards the town having seen the explosion of the reckless duo’s failed raid from afar, Geena nodded as she looked with her familiar out.

“Eva’s gone rogue..”

Lynette looked at Geena as well curiously to ask a simple question “We’re not going to leave them behind.. Right?”

“.. We don’t have a choice” Geena bluntly told the Britannian as they kept on walking, Carla looked towards Lynette with a sad look in her eyes “We’ll save them soon!”

After a few minutes of walking, sneaking past armed patrols and passing by the roars of enemy vehicles, the trio made it to the shed and got inside. The three witches huddled around and planned their route out of hell, they mused over the southern route and they decided to try taking the long way. Geena also decided to make stops to see further, incase of any resistance.

“I hope your plan works Preddy” Lynette told her, sighing to herself as she looked at her Bren MG “I wish we had my anti material rifle.. Armored vehicles are going to be a pain”

“If we do encounter armor, we’ll probably dismount and try sneaking by” Carla noted as she checked her gun with a sick look on her face, “I just.. I just hope we don’t have to hurt anyone else.. I won’t be evil like Miss Keera!”

“Hopefully..” Geena muttered as the witches got in.

[Somewhere in town]

“Nnngh! Mmph!” Viktoria cried out, she had finally awoken in a makeshift cell alongside Keera. The duo were bound separately by rope and gagged and right at the door was a single old guard, Bauer could barely remember what happened as she felt warm blood pouring from a cut in her head.

“Alright, you got two minutes to speak to them” A voice said outside the door, another familiar voice chimed in, “Alright, I’ll be quick”.

The door opened as Eva walked in while the guard left to give privacy, Bauer looked at Eva desperately while Keera stared at Eva with pure hatred. The two had their gags taken off as Borngen began to talk to her old friend.

“Listen.. If it’s any comfort, you and Keera won’t be killed.. And.. I’ve got to explain some things.. This looks really bad I know..”

“Explain? YOUR A FUCKING TRAITOR!” Keera screamed at Eva, causing her to smirk in the irony and replied in a smug manner “Rich.. Coming from you.. Also swearing is rather low class no?”

“Eva! Why? Why these people?!.. Why here?!” Bauer pleaded, the look on her face was palpable as tears welled a little. Eva’s demeanor dropped to a solemn look as she wiped the blood off Viktoria’s face.

“I’ve… I’ve figured out something.. There’s a reason you encountered them, the Germans, There’s a reason Keera tried to escape here.. I’ve got something here” Reasoned Borngen, Bauer didn’t even buy that argument, she was just shocked.

“W-What?! No! Come on.. Please.. It’s not right, none of this is right..” Bauer whimpered back, “You're a witch, supposed to protect the people! We were all in this together..”

“Cut that out, together? They sent us to the Noire legion because the high command deemed us worthless, praising their dear beloved to laugh in our faces.. They never cared, Bauer.. Not even one officer”

“So are your new friends any better?. Hm little Borngen?” Chris asked as she laid back in pain, smugly staring at Eva. The Hexen gave her an almost righteous glare as she barked back “Yeah, they aren’t some lying bastards or uncaring pencil pushers.. They have souls.. They care about weaker people like me..”

Eva then sat down to tell Bauer her side of the story.

Flashing back to those few minutes, Eva was calm during the commotion as she went inside the building, a temporary officer’s barracks.

“They rushed me inside for safety.. Whether they didn’t want the only Hexen they have in their hands to die or turn against them, I have no idea.. But inside the building.. Hansel gave me an offer.

“What was it? What could he give?” Bauer pestered, Eva then responded in a whisper

“A chance to rebuild my life.. With me and you getting what we deserve.. Something better”

Eva then looked back to her friend afterwards and gave her a small warm look “I promise, You’ll be safe.. It’s time I took my fate into my hands..”

And so Eva left the cell, pausing for a moment to collect herself as she left. After she left, an Officer in black came in to stare down the duo.

“Hansel Schineder, SS expeditionaries of the Desutchland 3rd reich.. We will ensure you both live.. What we want is what you know’

“Try it.. Go ahead” Keera sneered, Bauer glared hatefully at Hansel as he chuckled.

“Oh.. I see you’re one of those types”

Hansel smiled a little as he let a soldier inside, the soldier sadistically grinned as he stared down Keera.

“Now, I did say I'd let you live” He smugly chuckled as he left the cell. Eagerly he walked away as seconds later muffled screaming erupted from behind, the soldier was doing his job and now Hansel decided to finish his.

He strolled towards Eva and Wolfgang with a small smile as he began to give a small speech.

“Eva! I need you to do one more thing!”

Eva heard the screaming from the cell and cringed as she turned to look at Hansel.

“They’ll be alive.. Just battered”

“I mean.. I only asked you to keep them alive.. But, that’s a bit much..” Eva responded in concern.

“Eh.. Klaus is Klaus.. anyways I need you Eva.. I need one more thing from you.. Take a soldier or two with you and head back to your old position”

“Mister Hansel? Why?”

“I want to gather more.. Information.. Maybe some captives.. Hell.. allies even”

Eva gave it a thought, she looked at Hansel and realized what she had done. The thoughts went deeper and deeper, Borngen sighed to herself and looked Hansel in the eyes.

“Get me.. a cover up”

“Will do.. Kamarade”

[Geena, two minutes later]

“You have to be kidding me..” Groaned Carla as she and Geena stared at a panzer IV standing on the side of the road with enemy infantry surrounding it.

“Why’d it have to be a tank?” Geena muttered as she looked around. “No other ways out” she continued as they retreated to their kubel. At this point it seemed as if they were now trapped.

“So… what is it?” Lynette asked anxiously, Geena looked at her and simply told her “If only we had your anti tank rifle..”

The three of them sat down, realizing how quickly the situation had degraded. Carla in particular looked at Geena and admitted something.

“W-was Keera right? I got us into this whole mess! I Should’ve killed that guy!” Carla whimpered as she looked around “I just.. I just didn’t want to hurt anyone else! B-but why do they want to hurt us?! W-what did we do?”

“Easy.. easy there Carla Luksic” Geena softly told the whimpering witch, trying her best to console her.

“Yeah.. We didn’t do anything wrong.. I just don’t understand why they are so hostile!” Lynette

“.. What if.. That gate.. Seeming as they may as well come from..somewhere else?” Geena questioned “The flags.. The names.. They’re different while so similar..”

The three sat down and began to try piecing together everything they knew so far. Interestingly Carla had found a small book underneath the rear seats of the Kubel and began to read it.

[1 Minute later, in a small confined room]

Bauer whimpered in the corner, she felt warm blood trickle down her face after the soldier decided to rough her up with a scalpel. She watched as Keera screamed like never before, a pained cry as the soldier stepped onto her right hand at full force.

“Aggaah.. Bring it! BRING IT YOU DAMNED BOSCHE BRUTE!” Keera yelled back at her torturer, only to be pinned as he started to strangle her with a sadistic grin. The Gallian struggled with the last of her strength with a single thought of her death coming, Viktoria kept watching in horror, wanting to look away but felt compelled to watch.

“Enough, we’re not trying to kill her” Another soldier called out, the torturer sneered for a moment and let go of the Assassin’s neck. Chris gasped for air as she crawled over to Bauer’s corner, bleeding and bruised.

“Come here.. Please” Bauer softly said as she moved over to let Keera rest against the wall, she looked at her and tried hardening her expression again.

“There’s worse..” She muttered in an almost smug tone but the pounding in her chest, her hands still shaking and her eyes betrayed any sense of confidence in her. “D-don’t mind it.. I’ll be fine.. Worry about yourself..”

The two looked towards their captors, trying to listen to their conversation, barely making out that it was about calling the medical teams to stabilize their wounds but the exhaustion and pain was getting to them. They both started to slowly black out as the soldiers left to probably get the medics, Bauer in an attempt to stay awake started to talk.

“S-so.. This is their mercy, I’d hate to see their wrath..” Bauer said in an almost delirious tone as she laid on her body against Keera’s, the Gallian took offense and looked at her with some spite “Get.. off.. Now”

“I’d like to.. Agh.. I think the bastard broke a rib or something in me..” She responded as she cringed to a feeling in her side, staring at a bruised spot along it. Keera sighed as she looked at it for herself and spoke up “I doubt it.. He didn’t hit you that hard.. It’s his first time too,.. no techniques whatsoever.. Actually, I don’t think he even tried to do an interrogation..”

“You know a whole damn lot about torture don’t you..”

“I’m used to it..”

“H-how long have you been.. Killing for.. Anyways? 3 years, 6 even?”

There was a moment of silence between the two before Keera finally responded.

“Almost my entire life..” She laid against Bauer, still feeling the sheer pain from her right hand as she quietly gathered her thoughts, “I.. I’m somewhat okay with that.. I have something to look forward to”

“That.. makes sense” Bauer quietly responded, “I’m, sorry to hear that”

“.. So why’d you end up in that useless old wing? You seem like a good enough kid for somewhere more important” The Gallian asked curiously as she looked at Viktoria with curiosity “And about Eva.. What exactly do you see in her?.. She’s been rude to you constantly”

Viktoria sighed to herself as she lowered her head, “Because.. I tried to be assertive” She recollected the story as she stared off.

“It was.. After Minsk fell.. I was part of the JG-3 unit.. We were decimated after fighting for weeks on end.. We had finished retreating to an ad-hoc airbase to rest, or so we thought..”

The smile had given way to a silent rage as she recounted.

“So here comes this fat old Orussian bastard from the First war ragging on again about how lazy we were compared to his men.. We fought to help these people! We lost friends dammit! And here he was, back again bragging about Orussian might!”

“Hmm? I’m listening..”

“.. So I decked him in the face”

Keera sneered a little as she interjected “That’s all?.. All you did was just.. Punch him?”

“Yeah! Pretty much, I get that I’m not supposed to do that but still.. Screw that guy..” Finished Bauer as she laid back, “What I would do to just shut him up again..”

She then silently changed the topic to Eva, trying to avoid herself from yelling in rage and potentially getting the guard to beat the lights out of them.

“So.. anyways… about Eva.. She’s just, She’s always seemed to be lonely, bitter even..”

“Not surprised, she isn’t the most gentle person to be around” Keera added as she recalled her fight against her, Bauer smiled at her and laughed a little.

“Yeah I know.. But now that I think about what she said and after all the time I spent with her, it makes sense.. She’s waiting for something.. I just wish she could see the mistake she’s making..”

“.. Who knows, maybe she’ll change her mind soon enough.. She has that chance”

“I.. I hope so.. And rebuild her life? What we have wasn’t great but this?!”

“Ease up a little, I think I hear our guards coming back”

The two sat silently as the guards re-entered the room and picked them up.

“Alright, Like we said, you aren’t dying here” the soldier said as he dragged Keera along by the collar, the other doing the same to Bauer with a more gentle tug. As they walked towards a tent intended for prisoners of war, Viktoria caught a glimpse of Eva chattering with a soldier disguised as a civilian.

“Eva..” She muttered, slowly tearing up for a moment before coming back to her senses as she focused on Keera who was looking around. The Gallian witch was planning something as she looked at Bauer with a smug look.

As the guards brought them into the tent and laid them down on the beds, Keera noticed that there were at least six guards casually standing by. Although they could take on the two witches by themselves, they had made one more mistake.

The tent was far from the rest of the base.

The medic on standby got to work, patching up Keera first as she received the most injuries. As he wrapped her wounds rather tightly and did a rather decent job, Keera looked towards his tools and particularly his scalpel.

She silently knew that the guards wouldn’t even let her sit upright so she looked to Viktoria.

“Ah? What is it?” Bauer asked, the guards got suspicious immediately and Keera silently cursed her luck as she thought of a way to respond, then she remembered something rather triggering to Bauer and replied.

“Heard you wanted to get an edelweiss”

“What?! Edelweisses aren’t impressive at all! It’s just a stupid flower and it’s hideous!”

“Don’t talk shit about the Edelweiss, I was in the Gebirgsjäger you tramp!” one of the guards yelled at her, Viktoria then promptly started to rant in response and in seconds the tent erupted into a heated discussion about a flower.

“I mean, it’s not that hard to find right?” perked up one Guard, only to be shouted at by his kamarade.

“IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND! IT IS STRONG AND RESILIENT!” He exclaimed, the comment infuriated Bauer instantly as she fired back.


The medic was now silently cursing his luck as he began to wrap Bauer’s wounds a little tighter than usual, taking the opportunity to try muffling her by wrapping her mouth shut to no avail. Keera on the other hand took her own opportunity and sat up quickly to take the scalpel to begin cutting her binds.

The rope was of evidently poor quality, taking only a bit to cut through while the others kept arguing on and on.

“Bosche.. They just never change”

“What was tha-”

The guards had packed in quite closely during their argument and it made things far easier, Keera quickly got off the bed and struck the scalpel into the rear of the first guard’s neck. The others hadn’t even turned to look before the second was grabbed and had the blade driven into his jugular.

Immediately, Keera got behind Bauer as the latter raised her shield right before they raised their guns and opened fire. The Gallian then grabbed the Karlslander and rushed into the still shocked soldiers, knocking them over. Keera winced in pain however, she’s still injured and now had to finish the fight quickly before more of the guards arrived.

She grabbed the MP-40 out of the hands of the first incapacitated guard and shot them both before opening fire on the other four. Three went down quickly but the fourth landed a shot onto Keera’s shoulder, causing her to scream as she leaned against the pole in pain.

Before he could get up however, Bauer tackled him and began fighting over the gun.

His close quarters training didn’t help against a witch as Bauer finally knocked him cold, grabbing his gun and then checking on Keera.

“A-agh.. I-I’m fine.”

“Rather smart Idea.. get me all riled up you mongrel” Bauer murmured as she took off some of her own bandages to wrap around Keera’s wound before activating her familiar to begin healing.

“It worked right? I’m surprised too.. Is this how Bosch acts?”

“Shut up.. And I think you should ste-”

“Steal his uniform? I suppose it’ll give us more room to maneuver, take his cap, I got the one with the iron cross”

Keera pulled the jacket off one of the knocked out guards quickly and soon both witches ran off right before the reinforcements could arrive.

[Five minutes later]

“You hear that boss?” Carla asked, seeing the lights shine off in the distance as loudspeakers roared to life.


Geena was only amazed as she looked over to the town now bristling into a panic, she activated her familiar to look towards that town and watch. After looking hard enough, she recognized two witches wearing the uniform of their captors, those two had somehow done it and began to escape.

“You know.. I just don’t understand how she does this.. It’s actually just, just something else”

Lynette watched in awe “Maybe it’s the luck of the Gallians or something.. They’re something alright”

“Well said, they’re a special bunch” Carla added before she noticed something passing through checkpoints, it was merely a Kubelwagen but there was a certain someone onboard they recognized instantly.

“It seems they’re going to try infiltrating Gallia.. We have to stop them!”

“Aye sir but how?”

“We get the hell out of here!”

The trio looked back onto the checkpoints leading out of the area, almost every checkpoint had at least several guards and heavy weaponry except for one. There was a smaller checkpoint sitting on a dirt road headed southbound, if they could quickly rush it they would have the chance to get out and flee.

Geena had scouted that one, there was a lack of any real heavy equipment and there were only a few guards at most but she was skeptical. They knew the direction of the road but not what lies ahead and they didn’t have a chance to find out either nor do they want to.

But they had no choice.

Geena loaded up her rifle and got into their Kubel with the others.

“We’ll head out, now”

[Meanwhile back with Keera and Bauer]

The pair were sneaking past an armory, the guards are on high alert after the fight in the medical tent and now they sought vengeance for their slain kamarades. The two basically planned to at least get into the motor pool and take a vehicle from there, much to Keera’s doubt.

“No way in hell will they just… let us near one of their cars” she whispered as she looked around, there were a substantial number of guards in both the motor pool and the armory, as she looked to Bauer to question her further, she was shocked to see her blatantly stealing what appears to be an anti tank rifle leaning against a wall outside.

“What are you doing!?” She scowled quietly, barely managing to keep quiet as she cringed at what appears to be Viktoria’s lack of intelligence.

“… uhm, I’m thinking. Use it for later” She replied, giving an innocent smile with Keera on the verge of screaming.

“They’d notice it by now! Moron- No!” All she could do was just cover her face in her muddied hands as Bauer snuck into the armory.

She came out quietly with a box full of dynamite sticks and some fuses. As she came back with the explosives, Keera had a thought come to her and smiled a little upon the realization “You know what.. I think this can work”

They snuck past a kitchen that would provide a great distraction with a nice addition that it’d really irritate the Krauts as they’d lose good food to eat. The two snuck quietly towards that kitchen, it wasn’t well protected as a low priority target along with more resources dedicated towards protecting the HQ in the church.

The two reached the kitchen and silently Keera rigged an explosive underneath some of the food boxes with Bauer keeping watch in case of enemy patrols.

“Once it lights, we’ll get ready to get int- hang on.. which one of the vehicles are you taking exactly?!” Asked the Gallian.

“One of the armored cars” Viktoria replied, earning a small slap from Keera before she responded “I swear to god, you are something else.. no wonder Eva gets mad at you so often”

“Shut up, they’ll be distracted! I think”

“I think I’d notice a moron with a giant gun getting into an armored car before the kitchen nearby going up in flames..”

“Well.. Let’s just hope none of them ate dinner yet or.. something alright!”

“God, give me strength to not strangle her right here..”

The fuse was finally lit and the two scurried back to their previous spot, the guards didn’t even suspect anything as they kept on watching the obvious targets. As they arrived at their spot, Bauer thought of an idea.

“Should I put dynamite in the rest of the vehicles?”

“Mhm.. Wait for them to leave and then do so.. I see some fuel tanks right next to them too.. just leave the rest underneath each vehicle then light the one near the fuel, got that?”


The two suddenly heard the thundering roar of an explosion tearing the kitchen to pieces and the guards rushing to see the damage, the pair kept low and waited for almost everyone to leave and then enacted the improvised phase 2.

Bauer snuck from vehicle to vehicle, placing dynamite firmly in the undercarriage until she reached the fuel tanks and dumped the rest against it. With that out of the way, she came back to the armored car next to the one they were going to steal and pinched the long fuse on it.

“Sayonara..” she muttered as she lit the fuse, grabbed the AT rifle and got into the turret. Keera followed suit and got in as well and started to drive off, alerting the watchtower nearby as it shined its light on them.

“Crap! WE GOTTA GO!!” Bauer cried out as they drove off in a hurry, gunfire soon following as she returned fire with the auto cannon. The soldiers immediately rushed for their vehicles only to be blown away as the dynamite exploded, causing a huge fireball that could be seen from as far as Geena’s position.

The duo drove out of there, crashing their way through the makeshift guard posts and even running over some of the soldiers. Bauer kept firing the main gun in short bursts at enemy vehicles, she wasn’t a precise shot but she did knock out a few vehicles herself.

They had one problem though, they had no idea where they were going.

“Any idea where Geena is?” Asked Bauer, sweat dripping from her head as she reloaded the cannon.

“Probably south of here, we’ll see!” Keera responded as she stepped hard onto the pedal and sped out of there. Their hunch would pay off as gunfire sounded out southwards, immediately they raced towards the noise.

Geena’s group had begun to fire upon the guards, scattering them as they busted through. Lynette was watching the rear, firing her gun as bullets scraped their kubel or barely missed their bodies.

“Miss preddy! Armored car right behind us!” Called out Lynette as she started firing at it. Geena looked back for a moment before turning back to the road, Carla blindly joined in at suppressing the armored car.

Geena then looked at the last thing she needed to see, an enemy panzer heading down towards them.

“I-I don’t wanna die boss!” Carla cried out as the armored car fired at them, Geena swerved to try and knock it off their tail but she then felt a bullet tear through her arm. She gripped tight onto the wheel, trying to ignore the pain as Carla raised her shield in fright.

They were stuck between a rock and boulder.

“There’s another one!” Carla cried out “WE’RE DEAD! IT’S OVER!”

The armored car’s gunner prepared to fire another burst, focusing on the witches. That second armored car however gained on the first and fired a burst right through its side.

“Huh?! It’s..”

“Bauer! And Keera too!” Called out Lynette as she watched Bauer fire at the Panzer’s mantlet in an attempt to blind them. The two cars swerved past the tank, causing the commander to pop out for a moment to curse at them.

“Hey! Are you missing this!?” Called out Bauer, holding the Boyes AT rifle. Lynette was delighted to see her old gun as the two vehicles got close and she carefully grabbed it.

“That tank is toast!” Lynette exclaimed as she took aim at the Panzer which was turning to chase them.

“Please hit it’s tracks! We don’t have to kill anyone inside, Miss bishop!” Carla pleaded, Lynette nodded at her as she didn’t want to take any more lives if she could help it. She held her breath as she looked down the sight, aiming at the tracks wrapped on the sprocket.

One hit was all she needed as she pulled the trigger, a loud bang roared as the large bullet ripped towards its target and smashed into the tracks breaking them apart. She reloaded and looked towards the next target, the turret was still turning towards them and so the turret ring was next.

Lynette looked down her sights and then fell back as two bullets hit her, the first tore into her shoulder and her arm with the second grazing the side of her head. The enemy tank commander had his MP-40 out and he wasn’t happy. Before he could take another shot however, Bauer fired a burst right at him and he slumped back into the turret.

“A-Ahh! I-it hurts!” Cried Lynette, she was in agony as she tried getting up and aiming again but it’s too shaky to get a good shot off. Then she felt a cooling grip, Carla was doing her best to help by stabilizing the shot and using her cooling magic to ease the pain, “Alright miss Bishop.. take the shot!”

With her aim secure and her wounds cooled, she fired once more at the turret ring.

It had found its mark and tore into the turret, stopping it for good.

The witches sped off back to allied lines, avoiding enemy groups until they reached a friendly town and its Liberion and Gallian Garrison. By the next dawn they had been taken to the 506A’s base for recovery.

To Be Continued