Chapter 13: Aftermath

After the success of the mission to use Eren’s Titan to seal the hole within Wall Rose, and the remaining Titans were wiped out by the Scout Regiment. Wall Rose once again stood as a mighty barrier to keep the Titans at bay.

It took a full days work to dispatch the Titans that remained trapped within Trost’s perimeter, during which the wall mounted cannons fired ceaselessly. Most of the Titans near the walls were wiped out by explosive shells. The few that remained were severely cut down by the Scout Regiment.

During the so called “clean-up” operation, two Titans, a four meter and a seven meter, were captured alive and successfully restrained. However, all told 207 people were either dead or missing. 897 were counted among the injured.

So while the reclamation of Trost represented the first true victory for humanity in it’s fight against the Titans. Too many soldiers had fallen for celebration to be in order.

Lazarus, Michael and the other cadets were assisting the Garrison Regiment in the clean up of corpses that have been piling up since Trost’s outer gate had been breached. They were all wearing masks to cover their mouths and noses from the falling ash around them. The ashes of the dead. Both human and Titan.

They were all horrified by what their eyes saw. The streets were full of bodies. Most of them weren’t fully intact, with severed limbs and crushed body’s laying in pools of blood. There was enough blood to paint an entire set of houses red.

What was even more disturbing was a huge bunch of mushed up people in a ball of flesh and saliva. It was just stuck to one of the houses like a spiders egg sack.

Sasha couldn’t hold back the urge to vomit as she threw up in the alley beside her. Michael quickly rushes over to her and strokes her back, making it easier for her to calm down.

“It’s ok, Sasha. That’s actually the appropriate reaction to such a sick display.”

“What even is that disgusting blob?!” She asked after clearing her mouth of any leftover puke.

“It’s leftover Titan vomit. Since Titan’s don’t have a digestive system they upchuck the many people they’ve eaten once they’ve had their fill. Coughing them up like hair balls… It’s horrible. You can’t even make out the face of a single person within it.” He explained.

Sasha starts to break down crying, forcing Michael to pull her into a comforting embrace. Using his left hand to stroke her head.

“Not only do Titans kill us for sport, but they also can’t even eat us for the same reason we eat food. To think that this is the fate of those who do end up swallowed. A fate worse than death.”

He lets go off Sasha and soon ends up clutching his fists in anger. This vile sight only strengthened his desire to kill all the Titans. Such monsters that kill and eat for the sake of it deserve extinction.

Further down the road was Annie staring down at Marco’s dead body. Half his head and upper body had been bitten off by the Titans teeth. Her eyes filled with tears. She played a big part in his death, by stripping him of his ODM gear and leaving him to die. Had Lazarus not finished him off himself, Marco’s suffering would’ve been much worse.

Lazarus slowly approaches Annie and places his hand on her shoulder, startling her a little, until she accepted his contact.

“I’m so sorry, Annie.” He quietly uttered. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this mess I made.” He continued telepathically, learning from his mistake.

Annie said nothing in response and continued to mourn over the death of her comrade. Lazarus joined her. It was all his fault that Marco had to die. All because he didn’t think to discuss their plans with his mind instead of out loud for anyone to hear.

“You probably hate me for allowing this to happen. Instead of using my telepathy to discuss our secrets with Reiner and Bertolt, I just spoke out loud like an idiot… Some leader I turned out to be.”

“In the moment I was mad.” Annie responded mentally. “Looking back on it I thought there might’ve been another way. But in the moment, you were forced to choose between the lesser of two evils.” She looks directly at him. “I think you did the right thing, mercy killing him like that.”

Lazarus was relieved to hear that. But it still wasn’t enough for him to properly move on from this. Marco was his teammate during the final months of training. He saw Lazarus as a good leader and friend. He was one of the few people he’d met that proved to him that the people of Paradis were not devils as Marley had claimed. They were all just people trying to survive and live their lives like any other human.

They were soon joined by Michael, Sasha and Jean. They all come across Marco’s body and were all shocked by how horrifically mangled it was.

Jean started to break down from the shock, questioning himself on how this was possible. Marco wasn’t the kind of guy who’d allow himself to get killed by a Titan without anyone noticing.

He then decided to walk off in the opposite direction. He could no longer bear the sight of seeing his first friend he’d made in the Cadet Corps laying there like that.

Michael dropped to his knees and started to break down crying as well. This causes Jean to stop and glance back at him. This was the first time he – or anyone for that matter – saw Michael cry like that over the death of a comrade.

Now it was Sasha’s turn to comfort him, as she hugs him from behind.

“We all feel you, Michael.” Lazarus spoke up. “Annie and I are having a hard time accepting it as well.”

Michael said nothing in response. His head was hanging low and his eyes were focused on Marco. He didn’t have the resolve to address anyone at this time.

“Contrition does him no good.”

They all look over at Reiner and Bertolt who had just arrived on the scene.

“What he needs is a proper burial.” Reiner added.

Lazarus walks over to Michael and attempts to calm him down.

“He’s right. As horrible and unfair as it was, it’s the risk we soldiers take. Not all of us can make it back alive. It’s not fair, but Marco knew this as much as we all did. We may’ve lost a friend today, but we won’t let his sacrifice be in vain.”

“We didn’t lose him.” Michael finally spoke up, drawing everyone’s attention. “He was taken from us… By a soldier!”

Everyone was shocked by this accusation he was making. Jean rushes over to Michael and grabs him by his shirt, lifting him off of the ground. The tears in his eyes have now been replaced by a look of anger and confusion.

“What was that?!” He spoke up. “Why the hell would you joke about something like this?!”

“It’s not a joke. It is fact!” Michael replied. He then points over to Marco’s body. “Take a closer look at his body.”

Jean lets go and gets closer to Marco’s chest. Upon closer inspection he notices what appeared to be a stab wound on his chest.

Lazarus sighs in annoyance to Michaels discovery of Marco’s stab wound.

“…Of course he noticed it.” He frustratedly, mentally noted.

“What the hell is that?” Jean uttered.

“Marco wasn’t killed by a Titan. He was assassinated. This wound is too small and clean to be made by a Titan’s tooth. He was stabbed by a knife… or an ODM blade.” Michael paused briefly to properly examine the stab wound. “Whoever did this was highly skilled with a blade. They knew exactly where to strike. And no random citizen could’ve or even would’ve done this. Which means… It was someone within the military.”

Lazarus and Reiner started to feel on edge by Michael’s discovery. But to make matters worse, he still had more to say on the matter.

“My guess is whoever’s responsible for killing Marco, is also one of the three new Titans that breached the walls. Someone who can transform, like Eren.” He concluded.

That last part made them feel even more nervous than before. If Michael was able to quickly deduce that Marco’s killer was a Titan Shifter, how long until he narrows it down to them?

“I- I can’t listen to another word of this crap!” Jean shouted. He then storms off away from the scene of the crime. As bad as things were for him, Michaels theory of him being murdered had made things worse.

A female Garrison soldier soon arrives on the scene and addresses Michael and Lazarus directly.

“I’m looking for cadets Smith and Averbach?”

“That’s us.” Lazarus waved, grabbing her attention. “What do you need?”

“Commander Erwin of the Scout Regiment wishes for you both to be present for the trial of Eren Yeager.”

“Very well. Lead on and we’ll follow.” Michael responded.

As the duo followed the Garrison soldier, Lazarus decided to talk some more about Michael’s theory on Marco being murdered.

“You really think someone in the military killed Marco?”

“Positive. What I can’t understand is why they would kill him? Or more importantly, why kill him themselves when they could’ve just left him to be eaten by a Titan?”

“I don’t know, man. Do you have any suspects?” He hesitantly asked.

“No. Between the three regiments and the many cadet corps before ours, it could’ve been anyone. I’ll see what Dad thinks of this once I discuss it with him.”

“No!” He accidentally blurted out loud, drawing Michael’s attention. “What I mean is, you’re dad and the Scouts are already trying to wrap their heads the concept of people turning into Titans. Right now they’re putting all their focus on trying to persuade the Military Police to give them custody over Eren. Now probably wouldn’t be the best time to share more theories on the matter. Not without real proof to back it up.” He explained.

Michael will admit that he didn’t think it through. Though he knows for certain Marco was murdered, he didn’t have any evidence of a Titan Shifter being involved, nor can he connect it to the current situation.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” He admitted in defeat. “Until I get some proof, I will keep my suspicions and theories to myself. We’ve all been through so much today, and we all deserve a break.”

Lazarus nodded and smiled. He mentally sighed in relief that he managed to throw Michael off the trail for now. But things were getting too dangerous the more time he spends with him. If he and his team didn’t complete the mission soon, it wouldn’t be long before Michael would figure out their true identities.

“But I can promise you this.” Michael spoke up again. “When I find out who killed Marco, I will make them suffer greatly for taking our friend. I swear upon his very grave the person, or people, involved will pay!” His voice carrying an intense threatening tone.

Lazarus started to feel even more nervous around his friend. The combination of the intense look in his eyes and the harsh tone of his voice says that he was serious, and he would go to any length to find Marco’s killer. Even if it meant going against orders. He then turns to Lazarus which startles him a little.

“I’m sorry for dumping that on you, Laz. But I feel like you’re the only one I can trust to help me find out who’s behind all this. I feel like there’s a huge conspiracy connecting all these events, and I wanna find out what. Will you help me?”

“Absolutely.” Lazarus responded, pretending to be onboard with it all. “Marco was our friend. We owe it to him to at least bring his killer to justice.”

Michael smiles and pats Lazarus’s on the back. “Thanks, Laz. I knew I could count on you. Right Captain?”

“Please don’t start that again. I’m not your captain anymore. Just your friend and comrade.”

Michael chuckles as they near the horse and carriage arranged to take them to the courthouse within Wall Sina. The whole exchange between them had only made matters worse for the albino Warrior. Now he can add the guilt of lying to his new friend about Marco’s murder on top of the built up guilt he still carries over committing said murder in the first place.

Eren’s trial went about as much as Michael and Lazarus expected. The Military Police and most of the citizens wanted him to be executed, repulsed behind the idea of a human having the power to transform into a Titan. While some people, and the Scouts saw the great potential in Eren and the future victories he would bring if he could control his Titan power.

All of this felt very familiar to Lazarus. There was a time when he too was being judged by mankind for his power. Like the people in the court, the citizens of Marley feared his Winged Titan. It was only thanks to the influence of Lucia and the Warriors of her generation that he was given a chance to prove himself. Now he will see if Eren will be given the same chance he’d been given. He hopes that the Scouts win, since Eren’s death would be a massive step back after how close they are to finding the Coordinate.

Eren’s little outburst didn’t help matters, as it only accomplished proving the Military Police right about his violent nature, combined with the fact that he and Mikasa murdered three adult men at the age of ten. (Even though it was in self defence)

Fortunately the Scouts were able to win him over thanks to the actions of Captain Levi, who mercilessly beat the crap out of him to prove to the court that he could handle him should he ever decide to go rogue, kill him if he had to.

In the end, the courts Premier, Dhalis Zachary, entrusted custody of Eren to the Scout Regiment, closing the case.

After the intense trial had concluded, Lazarus and Michael were called forth by Erwin to his office. Eren was sitting on the sofa on the right side wall, still carrying the injuries he sustained from Levi’s beating. Levi, Hange, and Miche were also present.

“Glad you could make it, cadet Averbach. And it’s also good to see you too, son.” Erwin addressed them.

As they walked in, they both take a seat next to Eren on the sofa. Both of them were unsure why they were brought here, but they knew it had to be something important if all the Scout leaders were present.

Eren was still flabbergasted about his two friends being invited to this important meeting. But that didn’t shock him as much compared to learning that the commander of the Scouts was the dad Michael wouldn’t shut up about.

“Wait a second!” He turns to Michael. “Commander Erwin is your dad?!” He then turns to Lazarus. “Did you know this?”

“I found out during the Titan clean up. I’m still just as surprised as you are. They look nothing alike.” He muttered.

“That’s because I was adopted.” Michael corrected.

“That’s not important right now.” Erwin interrupted. “I have brought these two here because of their involvement in helping Levi clear out most of the Titans. From this moment on, you three are official members of the Scout Regiment.”

The three cadets look amongst themselves. All of them thinking the same thing as the other. They’ve finally made it to the goals they’ve been training for. Most of them anyway.

“Excuse me, Commander.” Eren spoke up hesitantly. “I get that the reason Michaels here is because he’s your son and all. But why involve Lazarus in this meeting?” He quickly turns to him. “No offence.”

“None taken.” He simply responds.

“His skills are highly refined. Almost like how skilled Levi was when I recruited him. Lazarus has proven to be a valuable asset, and Michael trusts him. Therefore I do too… Anyway, it is time we get back to the business at hand.”

Erwin then reaches into his left breast pocket and pulls out the key Eren wore around his neck to them.

“Don’t worry, Eren. You’ll get this back once we’re done here. I wanted to talk to you about your home. Specificity the good doctor’s cellar in Shiganshina. Pretty big secret in there, right?”

“What secret?” Michael questioned.

“A secret about the Titans.” Erwin continued. “Hopefully knowledge of where they came from and how they live. But more importantly, we’re hoping to find an explanation behind Eren’s power to transform.” Erwin then looks over at his son before continuing. “Michael has shared with us some theories over this topic, and has even managed to link you with the three new Titans that breached the walls. We believe that the Winged, Colossal and Armoured Titans are just like you, Eren. People with the power to transform.”

Eren was shocked by this theory. He knew that those new Titans possessed human intellect, but he never even thought of the possibility of them being actual humans like him.

It was at this moment that Hange decided to step in and begin her explanation.

“We believe that your father was involved in some sort of secret Titan experiments that was hidden from the public eye. And he gave certain subjects the power to turn into Titans. Probably to use them to fight back against them. Fight fire with fire so to speak. And you, Eren, are the one true successful candidate. And as for the three subjects who became the Colossal, Armoured, and Winged Titans. We estimate that they either lost their humanity and have succumbed to their own power. Or they’re traitors… we’re leaning more towards the latter of the two.”

That last bit caused Lazarus to sweat uncomfortably a little, though he hides his expression from the others.

“Do you believe this to be true?” He asked.

“It’s only a hypothesis, but it’s the only logical explanation we have for now. Until we can learn more, that’s what we’re sticking to.” Hange replied. “In the meantime, if can always pay Sawny and Beane a visit and learn more from them.”

“Who?” Michael asked in confusion.

“The two Titans we’ve captured during the cleanup operation.” Hange clarified.

“You named them? Freak.” Levi muttered.

Hange then delves into the explanation of how she came up with the names for the captured Titans. Lazarus was consumed with troubled thoughts on this matter. If the enemy had captured Titans alive, there’s a possibility that they might uncover the truth behind what they are. And that would be a big problem for the Warriors, as they’d be slowly losing their advantage of having more knowledge than them.

Afterwards, Erwin goes over his plan to retake Wall Maria to the others, using Eren’s Titan powers to seal up the breach in Shiganshina, allowing them access to Grisha’s cellar and uncovering the Titans secrets. Eren will constantly be under Levi’s supervision, while Lazarus and Michael would act as backup, making sure he doesn’t step over the line.

With everyone satisfied with the plan for the upcoming 57th Scout Expedition, the meeting came to a close. Everyone soon leaves Erwins office, except for Michael who still had a few words to share with his adoptive father.

“Hey dad. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course. You can ask me anything.” Erwin assures him.

“Are you… happy that I’m joining the Scouts?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean. Joining the Scouts was what I’ve wanted from the start, because I wanted to protect you for once. Ever since you took me in and gave me a home, you’ve always been protecting me. But I never once asked if joining the Scouts is what you wanted.” He explained.

“Why should it be my decision?” Erwin asked as he was skimming through paperwork. “What you want to be is your decision, not mine. But if your wondering if I’m against it, I can assure you that I’m not. Yes, the thought of you getting killed has crossed my mind. But I have faith in your abilities. And you have surrounded yourself with powerful allies. Levi, Eren, and Lazarus. As long as they’re fighting by your side, I never have to worry about losing you… As for me. I don’t plan on dying yet. Not until I fulfil my own fathers dreams and discover the truth about the world we live in. That and you are the only two things I care about.”

Michael was surprised by his fathers words of wisdom. He never got to meet Erwin’s father, but he did hear about how he used to be a teacher who had theories about humanity. Theories that proved too dangerous to the public and got him killed.

Ever since joining the Scouts, Erwin had grown obsessed with proving his fathers theories right. Always going to great lengths to do it. But that all changed when Michael came into his life. Now he has someone to care for. Someone who can succeed where he failed if he wound up dead before accomplishing his dream.

Michael smiles at his dad and gives him a small wave before leaving him to his work.

Later on, Lazarus, Michael and Eren are soon relocated to a castle in the countryside within Wall Rose that acted as an old headquarters for the Scout Regiment. It once served as a proper residence for a noble family until the Scouts took it over.

They were given a brief lecture on the castle by Oruo, one of the members of Levi’s Squad. A lecture that was cut short when he accidentally bites his own tongue, causing the others to laugh.

Michael had already met the members of Levi’s squad long ago so he was well acquainted with them. Eren and Lazarus however are only meeting them for the first time. And some of them – mainly Oruo – didn’t give off the best first impression.

They were handpicked by Levi himself to be his elites, something Michael hopes to be a part of in the near future. Though he suspected Lazarus might nab that position before him.

But the squad are also serving as Eren’s executioners should he turn traitor or lose control of his Titan form.

After being settled in, Levi puts the entire squad and the three cadets on cleaning duty. Michael and Eren were tasked with cleaning the upstairs bedrooms, while Lazarus got the shittiest assignment of them all. Cleaning the bathrooms.

“Why do I have to clean the toilets, sir?” He complained to Levi.

“Because I need to remind you that I am the top dog in the Scouts, regardless of your ODM skills being almost on par with mine.”

“I thought you said my skills were impressive.”

“That doesn’t mean I entertain the idea of someone trying to one up me. I get enough of that from Miche. Just remember your place here, cadet.”

Lazarus held his nose as he reached deeper into the toilet to properly clean it out. Levi then leaves the room to get back to cleaning the other rooms.

“Wash your hands after your done.” He called back to him.

Lazarus only grew more annoyed by hearing that. Turns out Michael was right about Levi not liking the idea of someone taller than him being exceptionally skilled as he is.

“Ugh, I feel like he’s punishing me just for being taller than him. Still, I’ve gotta endure it if I am to gain his trust. I have a feeling that Levi’s tougher to earn the respect of compared to the others. Erwin and Hange trust me almost completely because I’m Michaels friend.”

As he cleans the bathroom, he thinks back on what Hange said about the two Titans they’ve captured.

“The Titans they’ve captured could be a serious problem. We can’t allow the enemy to learn the truth about Titans. When I get the time, I should call Reiner, Bertolt and Annie together for another emergency meeting.”

Cleaning the castle proved to take much longer than Lazarus would’ve liked. But eventually he and the others were given free time to do as they pleased, except for Eren who was locked in a cell and kept under watch.

Lazarus had already contacted the Warriors and asked them to meet him in the forest miles away from the castle at midnight.

Once midnight has arrived, Lazarus makes his way through the woods, using his night vision to see in the dark, and avoiding detection from the Scouts.

He spots an orange glow in the distance coming from a cave in the mountain he and the Scouts passed by earlier. The perfect place for the Warriors to have their meeting.

He takes one last look around to make sure he wasn’t followed before entering the cave and meeting his friends. He then seals the entrance behind him by slamming his palms onto the he ground. Titans hardening spreads out from under his palms and makes its way to the cave entrance walls. Hardened crystal spreads completely covers the entrance like ice freezing over a lake. This way, he and his allies can discuss their next move without fear of anyone else eavesdropping on them.

He soon joins Reiner, Bertolt and Annie around a campfire they’ve already set up in the centre of the cave. He takes a seat in between Annie and Bertolt with Reiner sitting across from him. Annie was the only one among them who came equipped with ODM gear, following Lazarus’s instructions.

“I’m glad to see you all made it. Were any of you followed?” He asked.

“No. Bertolt and I took different routes while Annie strayed behind. We’re alone.” He assures him. “Ok Lazarus. What’s this about? Why’d you summon us here?”

“We may have a problem.” He opened up, getting straight to the point. “The Scouts have captured two Titans to use as subjects in order to obtain more knowledge about them.”

The Warriors look amongst themselves as Lazarus continued his explanation.

“On top of that. They’re also aware of the fact that people are in control of the Winged, Colossal and Armoured Titans thanks to Michael and his theories.”

“I knew this would happen.” Annie spoke up. “I told you he knew too much. Now we have to kill Michael as well.”

“No!” Lazarus retaliated. “All he said was that he suspected it. He doesn’t know it’s us exactly.”

“But he does know someone killed Marco with a blade before the Titan got to him.” Reiner pointed out. “How long until he realises it was you?”

“It won’t come to that. Michaels smart, but he’s only making speculations. I was able to throw him off our trail for a while, so I’ve at least bought us some time. But the Scouts next expedition is thirty days away from now. We have to make sure the enemy doesn’t gain any further knowledge about the world outside of these walls.”

“How?” Bertolt asked.

“We have to kill the two Titans they’ve captured.” Lazarus elaborated.

“How exactly do we do that without the Scouts noticing?” Reiner asked. “They probably have soldiers watching over them 24/7.

“Not always. Hange mentioned that the Titans aren’t being watched at night since they don’t become active in the dark. The shifts won’t start in six hours from now.” He then turns to Annie. “That’s why I asked you to bring your ODM gear. You’ll be the one who’ll dispatch them. I’ll be providing lookout and let you know when to make your move.”

Annie responded with a light grunt. She had no problem killing two Titans in favour of their mission. But Lazarus could tell that there was something bothering her.

“Look guys. I know that this mission has been going on for far too long, and you’re all tired and scared. I am too. But capturing Eren is our one true chance at finding the Coordinate, saving my old friend, and finally bringing the Founding Titan back to Marley. Once we do that, we can all finally rest and live out our lives in the new peaceful world we helped build.”

There was a long pause as the Warriors thought carefully on how they should play out their next moves once they’ve killed the captured Titans.

Bertolt, who had remained quiet for the majority of this meeting, decided to address his leader on a topic of discussion that had been on his mind for a while now.

“Lazarus… Why are you doing this?”

Lazarus turns to Bertolt in confusion, not fully understanding his question.

“What do you mean? I just think this the best move we’ve got to prevent the enemy knowing too much.”

“That’s not what I mean.” He looks Lazarus directly in the eyes. “I mean why are you so determined to recover the Coordinate. Reiner, Annie and I have our reasons. But we don’t know what your end goal is.”

“What are you talking about?” Lazarus asked still confused by the question. “I thought I told you before. I’m doing this so that I can erase Titans from the world. Make all Subjects of Ymir human, and become a hero to the world. You all know that.”

“Except it’s not your true goal.” Annie interrupted. “If you expect us to trust in you, you need to be honest with us.”

“She’s right, Laz.” Reiner added. “We want the truth. Why are you really doing this?”

Lazarus struggles at first to tell them his true goals. It’s true that he wanted to make all Subjects of Ymir human to break the cycle of hatred towards Eldians. But there was one other reason. At the time he didn’t think it was necessary to bring it up as it wasn’t relevant to the mission.

But they were right in the end. As their leader he needs the full support and trust of his allies. In return for their loyalty he needed to be honest with them.

“You want to know?” He asked rhetorically. “The truth is… I need the Founder’s power to make myself human again.”

The others were all taken aback by his answer. Lazarus continues on before any of them could ask what he meant by that.

“You may think my power is great and useful. But it’s not! I never volunteered to be a subject for the False Founder Project. I was forced into it against my own will. They strapped me down as the injected that concoction directly into my spine. My powers grew too much for me to control. And everyone around me grew to fear and hate me because of what my power caused in Odiha. Lucia was able to convince the Brass to make me a Warrior. But eventually I want to be changed back into who I was. This power is a curse! I can’t die because of it! I’m forced to watch as everyone around me dies while I keep on living. A longer life doesn’t make it a better one… Eventually you’ll all die once you reach the end of your thirteen year lifespans, and I’ll end up all alone. People view me as a god, when all I ever wanted was to have a normal life! Even the people on this island are affected by my power. Didn’t any of you find it strange how the cadets all grew to praise me so quickly during training?” He asked them.

Looking back on that day, Reiner, Bertolt and Annie did think it strange how the cadets all grew to like and trust Lazarus in such a short amount of time. They themselves didn’t see him as a trusted friend until after they were selected to be Warriors. So why is it that the people of Paradis view him differently than others.

“One of my many abilities involves releasing a pheromone that unconsciously alters the cadets minds to the point where they feel warm and safe around me. That they can trust me with anything, confide in me their deepest, darkest secrets. For this mission it has it’s uses. But this is one of the few abilities I can’t control! All of the cadets see me as a hero, but I do not deserve their praise. I am the reason their lives are ruined! I hate this power! Because of it, I can’t tell if someone genuinely trusts me, or if they’re forced to without me even knowing… Juggling all these powers and leading this team. It’s all too much for me. I’d wish for death but it be pointless, BECAUSE I CAN’T FUCKING DIE!”

The whole cave suddenly lit up bright as Lazarus’s anger caused the camp fire to grow larger, forcing the others to back away.

Soon the cave and the fire fell silent as Lazarus took a couple deep breaths after shouting like that. It was a good thing he sealed off the cave. Had anyone outside heard they’d be in serious trouble.

Reiner, Bertolt and Annie were taken aback by Lazarus’s outburst. This was the first time ever that they’d seen him like this. He usually had a level head and was calm under pressure. They start to lower their heads in response to this.

Not once had any of them thought about the all the weight their leader had been carrying on his shoulders ever since they first arrived on Paradis. Marcel’s death was but the tipping point that started it all.

Reiner had some relations to how Lazarus felt. He too had his moments of letting the stress of what he’d done get to him. But instead of keeping it all bottled up like Lazarus, he instead created this other persona of a devoted soldier that was loyal to the walls. And this was all his doing, he didn’t have the excuse of his powers being too much for him to handle.

Bertolt decided to comfort his leader who was now bursting in tears after his outburst. Annie joined in and lays her head against his right shoulder. Reiner follows this up by hugging him from behind. He normally doesn’t hug people, apart from his family. But his best friend was in dire need of cheering up. The least he could do was help him regain his composure.

Lazarus was shocked by all the attention he was getting from his friends. Though most of his “friends” he made on Paradis were affected by his Titan powers. He’s glad that the Warriors affection towards him was genuine.

“I’m sorry, Lazarus.” Annie spoke first. “All this time I’ve been doubting the choices you made, and questioned your motifs with Michael. I had no idea you were carrying such a massive burden.”

“Yeah.” Bertolt continued. “When we first met I was actually jealous of your power. And I even held a grudge against you for it… But you were struggling to cope with all of this as much as we are.”

“We’ve all got so much weight to carry on our shoulders.” Reiner added. “But we never thought that you were suffering the most because of it. I’m sorry we failed to notice your pain. I promise, from here on out, we’ll help you break your curse.”

Annie and Bertolt break off the hug and nod in response, giving him a little smile.

“We’ll always be Warriors.” Reiner continued. “But we will always put our friends before Marley. “He then breaks off the hug and moves over to Lazarus’s left side. “No matter what happens, we’ll always have your back, just as you’ll always have ours. And we WILL recapture the Founding Titan, not only to save the world, but to make us human again. Never again will anyone have to carry the burden of being a Titan Shifter.”

Reiner’s words caused Lazarus to cry some more. He quickly wipes away his tears using the sleeve of his jacket before he could properly address his friends again.

“Thanks, you guys. I really needed that… I’m so lucky to have great friends like you. I promise you, I won’t let any of you down from this point onwards. We’re going to succeed in our mission. And we will make it home. Anyone who tries to stop us will be shown no mercy!”

Lazarus suddenly stops upon noticing the three Warriors just sitting there and staring at him. The looks on their faces were of shock and confusion.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” He asked.

There was still no response from them. Whatever it was. They were staring at had them at a complete loss for words.

Lazarus glances behind him worried that somebody might’ve been listening in on their conversation again. But he was relieved to see the cave entrance still sealed off.

However, he was horrified to learn that his hat was laying on the ground behind him. And not resting atop his head as it always should be.

He now realised what the problem was. His friends were, for the first time since they’ve known him, looking upon him without his hat on.

“Oh shit!” He muttered to himself.

To Be Continued