Chapter 16: The Forest of Giant Trees

The Winged Titan and the Female Titan continue their pursuit of Eren who they now know is located in the centre rank under the protection of Levi’s Squad, thanks to Reiner’s intel.

Annie was forced to take out a couple squadrons on her way to the centre, only attacking those in her way and ignoring the rest.

Lazarus had been keeping watch over everything going on below. The plan had been taking a lot longer than he would’ve liked. From what he picked up with his enhanced hearing from Michael and Armin’s discussion, a lot of the cadets have been given false information on Eren’s whereabouts.

“Michael was the only one among us who had the true information, while the rest of us didn’t. It’s obvious Erwin trusted his own son more than the rest of us. But why am I among the untrusted?” Lazarus thought as he glided on the air currents. “I thought Erwin, Levi and Hange trusted me thanks to my actions in Trost. Could it be possible that they anticipated us to launch an attempt to capture Eren?”

“It sure feels that way to me.” Annie mentally responded while running.

“We’ve underestimated commander Erwin smith. No wonder Michael brags about him all the time. Still though, we can’t let them know too much. As long as I can see them from above, they can’t escape us. Keep heading northwest until I tell you otherwise.”

As Annie was running through the vast open fields, she notices a bunch of green smoke signals being fired off far east of their positions.

Form above, Lazarus can see that the group of Scouts with Eren were changing direction. Annie was later ambushed by another group of Scouts on her way to Eren through a small town.

She makes quick work of them by squashing one soldier underfoot, swatting another into a tower, and then spinning the last one around by his anchor. The speed alone was enough to kill him before eventually letting go and sending him flying.

“Did you have to be that rough with the last one?” Lazarus asked her.

“They were in my way. Why does it matter? Our goal is to capture Eren, remember?”

“It’s not just that.” He paused momentarily before continuing. “Back there, you were about to kill Michael, Jean and Armin. I saw you. I told you to let them go.”

“I did. I gave them a chance to live, and they wasted it by coming after me. Next time I won’t hesitate.” Annie coldly stated.

She soon picked up the pace and continued forwards. Lazarus didn’t like her response. He was starting to notice that Reiner’s words during Marco’s murder had really gotten to her. Before she was against killing her new allies within the walls, but now she wouldn’t hesitate to crush them should they get in her way.

As much as he didn’t like this, she was right about one thing. The objective to capture Eren must always come first. He can always tell her how he feels afterwards. Both about her words, and his own feelings for her.

It took a while, but Michael was finally able to regroup with Erwin. He could tell immediately it was him since he was the only Scout with a white horse. He screams his name at the top of his lungs in order to get his attention.

He manages to fill him - and the others - in on the events of his encounter with the Female Titan. As well as the Winged Titan’s return, an their plan to capture Eren.

Erwin and Hange look up at the sky and spot the soaring monster. Both of them – mostly Hange – were shocked upon finally seeing it with their own eyes for the first time, even though it was miles above them.

As expected of Hange, her brain switches to science mode and stares on in amazement. She’d obviously heard about the story behind a Titan that can fly, but she never truly believed it until now.

“Do my eyes deceive me? Is there actually a flying Titan in the sky?!” She asked excitedly.

“Yes. There is.” Erwin responded with some slight hesitation in his voice. “Looks like your instincts were right, Michael. The fact that it’s here confirms your theory. That Titan up there is a human with the power to transform. Quite convenient for it to appear the moment the expedition began, don’t you think?”

“No coincidence. Whoever it is. There’s no doubt they’re one of us. A soldier. One who somehow obtained information on the mission and your scouting formation, dad.” Michael replied.

“Whoever they are, there’s no doubt it’s the leader of these Titan transforming individuals. The way it’s looking down on us like that. I get the feeling it’s gauging our strength.” Erwin theorised.

“Some leader.” Miche spoke up. “Instead of coming down here to face us itself, it sends another Titan to do it’s job for him.”

“Except it’s not just “another” Titan.” Michael interrupted him. “I saw what it can do. It can move and fight like well trained athlete. I saw it crush the others like bugs. She killed them so mercilessly, something not even the most bizarre of Abnormals are capable of.” He points to the sky. “And he’s guiding her straight to us, and Eren.”

Erwin glances back at his son, then he looks up at the Winged Titan. Then he looks over to his left and spots a giant forest full of giant trees. An idea soon popped into his head. He now knows that no matter where the formation goes, the Winged Titan would never lose track of them. Therefore, he needed to lead his troops to a location where it’s impossible to be watched from the sky.

He reaches into his pouch on the left side of his horse and pulls out a green flare. He attaches it to his smoke gun and fires off a green smoke signal into the air.

“Commander?” Hange uttered, wondering what his next move was.

“We’re changing routes! All soldiers are to head northwest.” He ordered.

“But sir, that’s where the forest of giant trees is.” Miche pointed out.

“Exactly. The enemy above us is watching our every move. We must use the forest as cover to ensure it looses visual. Once it does, it’ll send this Female Titan, Michael described, in after us. Once it does, we’ll set a trap to capture it.” He turns to Hange. “Hange! Take your team and circle round the entrance. Have them set up the Titan capturing equipment you invented. We’ll meet up with you later.”

“Yes sir!” Hange distances herself, and her squad, away from Erwin and charge full speed ahead for the forest.

“Michael. I need you to relay this information to Levi’s Squad. Can you do that?”

“I won’t let you down, sir!” He saluted.

Erwin smiles at him before kicking his horse’s side, ordering it to pick up speed. Michael slows his pace and does a quick turn around and sets off for the centre rank.

Moments after seeing the green smoke fired off by Erwin, the Survey Corps were forced to go even further off course and venture into thew forest of giant trees.

The centre ranks followed their commander while the rest of the formation went around. Armin’s group joined up with the rest of the 104th and were stationed atop the highest branches of the tallest trees. Their task was to keep any Titans that happened upon the area to be focused on them rather than the centre rank.

So far Erwin’s plan seemed to be working. High up in the sky. The Winged Titan was unable to keep watch over the Scouts now that the giant trees have masked their presence.

Lazarus was forced to stop his pursuit and circle the entire forest, waiting for the enemy to come out the other side.

Reiner and Bertolt were among the other cadets camping on the huge branches. They both notice Lazarus halting his pursuit and circling the area.

“Damn! All these tree’s will make it difficult for Lazarus to pinpoint Eren’s location. If Annie were to keep going after them, she’d be going in blind.” Reiner thought to himself.

He notice’s Bertolt’s expression next to him, and can guess that he too was thinking the same thing.

None of them had anticipated the thought of the Scouts using a giant forest to hide from the Winged Titan’s birds eye view. And they were in a position where they couldn’t help Annie capture Eren. It was too dangerous for them to assume Titan form while under the watchful eye of their enemy. So for the time being, they had no choice but to wait.

“I hope Annie will be ok.” Bertolt thought. “What if something happens to her? Will Lazarus be forced to come down here and step in? I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Michael, now travelling with Levi’s Squad, explains the situation to Levi and Erwin’s plan to capture the Female Titan, well out of earshot of Eren, who was completely oblivious to the situation.

“I see.” Levi uttered. “In that case we better not slack off. Get in ranks and follow us.” He ordered.

“Yes sir.” Michael responded as his horse moved in position next to Eren’s.

“Hey Captain Levi.” Eren spoke up “I don’t understand. Why are we in a forest? We won’t be able to see a Titan coming until it’s right on top of us. We’re totally cut off from the centre ranks. Something’s coming up on the right, isn’t it? So what are we supposed to do?”

“Quit whining and keep moving on from the obvious already. Haven’t you noticed what’s around you?” He pointed out emotionlessly. “Look at all these big ass trees. Perfect environment for ODM gear. Whatever’s coming our way, we can take it out no problem. So calm down and use your head, Eren. Your brain is the perfect survival tool, so remember to use it more often.”

“He’s right.” Michael continued. “My dad has a plan. All we gotta do is keep moving forward.”

Eren wasn’t sure what Michael was whispering to Levi earlier. But if he says Erwin had a plan, then it was his duty to listen to orders and carry it out. Though he’s new to this, he knows that simple answers are for children, and the only way to learn is to do, not try.

The other members of Levi Squad also seem to be in the dark about what’s happening. Erwin told Michael to only relay the information to him. Yet Levi didn’t feel the need to fill them in on what’s going on.

He speculated the reason why being either because it’s of no interest at the current time. Or it could cause some hesitation. Though that last one he doubted, as Levi Squad had complete trust and faith in each other, and can quickly adapt to any situation.

Michael has no idea what Erwins plan actually entails. Capturing the Female Titan would be beneficial to the Scouts as they could learn more about their enemy through her.

“Hold on… What if capturing the Female Titan is part of a larger scheme to lure the Winged Titan down to the ground. If he truly is their leader, then he might attempt to rescue her. If that flying bastard even cares about his subordinates. Still though, Dad’s gambling a lot on this plan. But then again, that’s how most of his plans go.” Michael thought to himself.

His train of thought was soon rudely interrupted by the sounds of a Scout screaming behind him. He turns around only for his eyes to be met with the Female Titan, swatting said Scout out of her way with her massive palm.

“Shit! She’s here!” Michael shouted.

Levi’s squad quicken their pace as they now try to outrun the feminine beast. Many Scouts attempt to slow her down but she makes quick work of them and continues her pursuit.

Consumed with fear, the members of Levi Squad desperately ask Levi what his next orders should be. But the captain remained silent. He had faith in Erwin’s plan, and was determined to see it through. Even if it cost them the lives of many Scouts.

“Everyone! Cover your ears now!” Levi finally decided to respond to his squads cries.

He reaches into pouch and pulls out an acoustic round for the smoke signal gun.

Michael and the others quickly cover their ears realising what he was about to do. Levi fires the acoustic round, unleashing a loud ear piercing high pitched noise. Even with their ears covered, it was still loud enough to make them ring uncomfortably.

The Female Titan was slightly stunned by the high pitched sound, but did not let it slow her sprint. But it gave other Scouts an opening to attack her nape. But they soon became nothing more than blood stains on the giant tree’s.

All of the unnecessary death proves to be too much for Eren to handle. Furious that all of Levi Squad would rather keep moving forward than go back and save their comrades.

“Michael! Don’t tell me you’re ok with all this too.”

“Of course I’m not ok with it! What the hell makes you think I am?!” Michael shouted back. “I don’t like this as much as you do, but slowing down will only get all of us killed. And Levi Squad was tasked with protecting you no matter what. You’re too valuable to throw your life away!”

Michaels words only angered Eren a lot more. But they also gave him an idea. He slowly brings his hand up to his mouth, preparing to bite it and turn into a Titan. As a Titan he can easily take out the Female Titan and prevent more Scouts from dying.

“Don’t do it!” Petra interrupts him with a look of seriousness and fear. “You’re only allowed to assume Titan form when your life is in extreme peril. That was the agreement. You swore an oath!”

Eren ignores her and proceeds to go with his own plan anyway. Michael was about to object, but Levi prevents him from doing so by speaking his mind.

“I wouldn’t blame you… Do as your conscience dictates. But Eren, listen. You are not inherently evil. Your ability to transform doesn’t make you a monster. That said, it could be the other way around. How are you supposed to know where to draw the line? Whether you lose control or give it up. Maybe it’s the same… Look Eren, we don’t agree because our experience brings us to opposing views. That’s life. At the end of the day there’s no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours. You can trust yourself, or you can trust the people willing to put their lives on the line for you… I don’t know which way is better. I never have. Should I act on my own instinct, or put my faith in my comrades and trust them. Either way there’s no guarantee. In the end, you choose. If afterwards your regrets are at a minimum, good for you.”

As the captains words replay over and over within his mind, Eren looks back on the Scouts getting slaughtered by the Female Titan. He is now unsure what he should do next. He doesn’t want any more people to die, but he also doesn’t want to take his friends trust for granted.

Michael has been his friend since the Cadet Corps, and the members of Levi Squad - though conflicted at first – did grow to accept him as an ally. The choice was indeed a hard one. But in the end, Eren made his choice.

“I- I’m with you!” He screamed pridefully.

Michael sighs in relief. Had Eren chosen to transform and face her head on, it would’ve ruined Erwins plan.

“Thank god for that. Now we can focus on capturing this bitch and lure the winged bastard down here… This is for you Lazarus.”

The Female Titan starts to pick up speed and quickly closes in on her target. But as she was moments away from catching them, she notices out of the corner of her eye a huge gathering of soldiers manning what appeared to be barrel cannons.

“FIRE!” Erwin ordered.

All of the cannons fire a barrage of harpoon cables into her body. Annie uses both hands to cover her nape just in time before she was rendered completely immobile. Though her Titan body couldn’t express it, she was writhing a lot of pain from the hundreds of harpoons puncturing her muscled body.

“It worked! Dad’s plan worked!” Michael self celebrated.

“Michael, you take over from here. I’ll report back to Erwin myself.” Levi instructed him before leaving his horse and going off on ODM gear.

“See Eren, I told you to have more faith in my father. He knows exactly what he’s doing. And thanks to him, we’ll soon uncover the identity of whoever’s in that Titan body… Let that be a lesson to never underestimate him and the Scouts again, agreed?”

“Agreed.” Eren responded. He too was glad to see the choice he made turning out to be the right one.

Michael decided to take one last look at the helpless Female Titan bound by the Scouts. Though she wasn’t putting up much of a fight to escape, that’s no reason to let their guard down. Though the Scouts who died could’ve been saved, their sacrifice gave the Scouts the chance to expose whoever was controlling the Titan. And hopefully use her as bait to lure the Winged Titan down.

“Too bad you can’t see us now, Winged Titan. But we’ve captured your girlfriend. And if you have heart in your dark, murderous human body, you’ll come down and try to save her. And when you do, I can finally get my revenge on you for messing up my face and killing my caretakers!”

The Winged Titan continued to circle the forest of giant trees, trying so hard to pinpoint Annie’s location. But the trees covering was too thick for him to see through.

His options on rescuing her were minuscule. He couldn’t force them out by burning down the forest as it could result in him accidentally killing Annie. And he couldn’t go down there himself as all the trees would prevent him from being able to use his wings should he need to defend himself or retreat.

All he could do was use his roar to summon Pure Titans to surround the forest and attack any Scouts attempting to leave, but even that plan had a lot of risks. Such as what would happen if they killed Micheal or Eren. Both of them were vital to their goals. He’d only just discovered the truth about Michael being his missing friend as well as the cause of his blackouts. He needed him alive if he were to ever discover the truth behind them.

“Damn them!” The Winged Titan growled. “I can’t see anything! They haven’t so much as fired off a single smoke signal the moment they entered the forest. They must’ve allowed so many of their own men to die just to hide their presence from me. How many more need to die before we can finally succeed?”

He continued to circle the forest, desperately trying to find Annie. The more he thought about her, the more worried he got. The very idea of her being tortured by the scouts made his blood boil. But he still had enough resolve to not charge in blindly and risk himself. He may not die, but he could still be captured if they had the means to do so.

“Annie. If you can hear me, please tell me where you are. What’s happening down there?”

It took a moment, but Lazarus was relieved to finally hear her reply. All the pain of having dozens of harpoons impaling her was too much for her mind to process.

“I’m trapped… The Scouts lured me into a trap. They’ve bound my Titan body with strong cables. I can’t break free.” She finally answered him.

“Those devils!” He accidentally said out loud. Luckily he was too high up for anyone to hear him.

“What do I do?” She asked him desperately.

Lazarus thinks hard on how to get Annie out of there safely whilst looking around at the ground below. Seeing all the Titans he summoned around the forest soon gave him an idea. A risky one, but it was his only option.

“Annie, do you still have your ODM gear and Scout disguise on?”


“Good. I have a plan for you to get away. It won’t be easy, but bear with me… I have Titans surrounding the entire forest. Unfortunately I can’t order them to save you without pinpointing your exact location. So you’re gonna have to order them to come to you and devour your Titan body. Once you’re out, you can get away on ODM gear and hopefully catch up with Eren. Do you understand?”

There was no response from her end afterwards. She was probably having doubts about this plan which he couldn’t blame her. The chances of the Titans eating her are extremely high.

Suddenly, a large high pitched roar blasted out of the forest. Lazarus instantly recognised it as the Female Titan’s roar. The dozens of Pure Titans respond to her call and all charge into the forest from all directions simultaneously.

Lazarus was also able to pinpoint her exact location and hovers in place directly above her position. From above he can see all the Titans latch their teeth onto the Female Titans body and devour her, forcing all the soldiers to fall back.

Using his enhanced eyesight, he manages to catch a glimpse of Annie escaping from her Titan body with her hood all the way up, hiding her face.

“She’s safe, for now… it’s not too late to capture Eren. We’re so close, I can feel it… Stay hidden Annie. Once you’ve recovered enough stamina you can try again. I’ll meet you outside the forest to pick you up when your done.” He calmly assured her.

Unbeknownst to Lazarus, Erwin and Levi spotted him hovering above their location.

“We’ve been bested. She screamed in order for the Winged Titan to get a lock on her location. Then he flooded the forest with Titans to devour her before we could learn anything.” Erwin uttered.

“Don’t give me that crap! Not now. Not yet.” Levi frustratedly responded.

“Think about it. The enemy was prepared to make sacrifices, enormous ones.” He looks up at the Winged Titan again. “So committed to maintaining their secret, he allowed his own comrade to be eaten alive then be exposed by us. Whoever he is, he’s just as determined as I am to see his mission through to the end.”

With all their sacrifices. All their effort in gaining a small glimmer of hope at discovering the truth, had been roped away from them at the last second.

All the steam kicked up from the Titans didn’t help thing either. Not even smoke signals could make it through all that muck. With no options left to continue, Erwin declared this mission was over and orders all Scouts to return to Calaneth District immediately.

The Female Titan’s roar catches the Levi Squad off guard. With all the Titans flooding the forest, they were forced to retreat to higher ground to escape them. They remained up there until further orders were given.

Then, after what felt like an hour of waiting, they spot a series of blue smoke rising into the sky. The signal that implies that they should all withdraw and return to Calaneth District on horseback.

Michael didn’t like how things went during this mission. They had no idea what has happened back there with the Female Titan. But Michael could always talk to his father about it once they’re out of the woods.

The members of Levi Squad take the lead whilst Michael kept watch over Eren in case something happened. On the way, they were making fun of Petra for pissing her pants the first time out on a mission, leading to an intense argument while flying through the trees.

Michael and Eren were laughing the whole time, almost forgetting the hardships they’ve endured this mission.

But that all came to an abrupt end when they notice a green smoke signal in the distance.

“That must be the captain’s signal.” Gunther assumed, and proceeded to fire off another green smoke signal.

That smoke signal gave away their location to Annie who was the one who actually fired the first one. Now that she has their position locked down, she dashes after them.

“Lazarus, I’ve found them. I’m in pursuit now. Be ready at the east side of the forest once I get there.”

“You got it, Annie.” He responded telepathically.

Annie draws her blades and closes in on their location. Her hood was still up so that nobody could tell its her. She soon notices Gunther in the distance and quickly closes in and slashes him with her blades.

“Gunther!” Michael cried out in despair.

He attempts to help him, but Eld grabs a hold of his arm and pulls him back on course.

“Keep going, Michael! Don’t stop moving!”

“So we’re just gonna leave him?!”

“Jeez. And here I thought you had the same mindset as your father.” Oruo mocked him. “The captain put you in charge of watching Eren in his place while we defend you.”

Michael didn’t want to admit it, but Oruo was right. Though he didn’t know Gunther as well as other Scouts, he was still his ally. The shock of seeing one of Levi’s handpicked elites die like that, it was too sudden for his liking.

There was no doubt in his mind that the one who killed him was the human behind the Female Titan. He was actually struggling with the urge to go back and pull her hood down before killing her. But he honoured Levi’s request and stuck to his duty. He’ll let the Levi Squad handle her.

Once Annie was close enough to them, she bites her finger and transforms once again into the Female Titan. The lightning blast also drew the attention of the Winged Titan, allowing him to lock onto her location and be ready to grab her as soon as she gets out.

Eren attempts to bite his own hand and transform in order to fight her, but Michael stops him.

“Don’t do it, Eren! The Levi Squad can handle her. We need to focus on getting out of here. Now get going!” He ordered.

As he and Eren get further away, Michael glances back at them one last time.

“Good luck guys! Make her pay for killing Gunther!”

Oruo, Petra and Eld all attack the Female Titan together. First Eld acts as a distraction, allowing Petra and Oruo to swoop in and slash her eyes, blinding her. Forcing the Female Titan to back herself up against a tree and cover her nape with both hands.

Capturing her alive was now off the table with them. Killing Gunther was the last straw. The Levi Squad would not rest until she was dead. They then start to repeatedly slash her arms, severing the nerves that allowed her to keep them up, until they both went limp and dropped down.

Michael watched as they were about to finish her off for good. But unfortunately for them, they’ve underestimated the true power of a Titan Shifter.

By focusing all of her energy into her right eye, Annie manages to speed up the healing process and see again. She then kills Eld by biting him in half as he closed in on her nape.

With her eye locked on Petra. She charges at full speed. Her limp arms flailing wildly behind her. Michel then decides to go back and attempt to save her.


But he couldn’t get to her fast enough, and watched in horror as she was smashed against a tree by the Titans foot.

The pure horror of seeing the sweetest member of the squad dying in such a brutal way caused Michael to freeze with terror. His mind started to play back the memory of him witnessing his caretaker being crushed by debris in a similar manner. It was too much for his psyche to handle.

Oruo soon meets his end after a failed attempt to slash the Female Titan’s nape due to her hardening powers. Followed by him being kicked across the forest by her.

Seeing this unique power of hardening for the first time caused a disturbance within Michael. A disturbance that was less fear induced, and more like a sense of deja-vu.

But he soon snapped put of his little daze as he realised that all of Levi Squad was dead.

Consumed by anger, Michael charges towards her, blades drawn, and ready to kill.

When Eren attempted to help him out, he violently raises his voice at him.

“KEEP AWAY, EREN! SHE’S MINE!” He practically roared at him. “Get the fuck outta here now! And don’t you dare look back, or else they’ll have died for nothing!”

Eren was startled by Michaels rage-filled words. He hated being ordered by him to retreat, but he listened nonetheless.

“I’ll kill you… I’ll kill you, I’LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!” He roared as he closes in on her.

“Michael… I’ve let you live twice now. I won’t give you a third chance.” Annie thought to herself.

She catches Michael in her grasp and starts squeezing. Her grip strength causing him to scream in agony and his blades to snap. He started screaming so much and so loudly that his throat was starting to hurt.

“Stop Annie! Please don’t kill him, I beg of you!” Lazarus telepathically cried out.

“He’s been getting in my way for the last time, Lazarus! I won’t let him get in my way again!”

“Please! You can’t kill him , Annie!”

“And why not?!” She mentally shouted back at him. “You were fine with me killing everyone else. Why is he any different? What makes him so special compared to the rest of these filthy devils?!”


Those words forced Annie to stop her attempt to crush Michel and freeze in place. Did she hear him right? All this time Michael was Lazarus’s long lost friend from his childhood. The only friend he had long before his Warrior training? Before the experiments that turned him into the Winged Titan?

“He’s my only chance at finding out what happened to me? He’s the reason behind my blackouts. I need him alive so I can figure out why he left me. Why he tried to erase my memories of him… I can’t go on without knowing, Annie. I have to know the truth… You can’t understand how I feel.” He stated calmly.

Annie looks down at the squirming Michael in her grasp. She throws Michael, sending flying through the air. He bashes his head against the side of a tree whilst flying. His rebreather mask smashes against the tree truck, causing it to shatter, revealing his scarred face. He soon ends up crashing into another tree. The impact causes his spine to break, forcing another pain filled scream out of him, or whatever sound was left inside his damaged throat.

She then notices Eren in the distance closing in on her. Remembering her objective, she refocuses her attention on Eren.

“I do understand, Lazarus… I won’t kill him. But I can’t let him get in my way again. I promised my father I’d return home, and I will ensure we do, with the Coordinate!”

As soon as Eren got close enough, he bites down on his hand and transforms into the Attack Titan, letting out a rage-fuelled roar. The Female Titan’s arms manages to heal in time for her to put up her defences against him. The two Titan Shifters then begin their brutal battle.

Michael was barely conscious as he could feel his whole body writhing in pain. His spine was broken from the impact of the tree and the speed of how he was thrown. He couldn’t move his body. What’s worse was the fact that he only now noticed that he’d been impaled in the side of his torso by a broken tree branch.

And without his rebreather, he’s forced to suffer more as he starts to cough uncontrollably. The coughing only grew worse as blood erupted out of his throat, staining his uniform.

All he could do was sit and watch Eren fighting the Female Titan while the life slowly started to leave his body. He was alone, powerless, in every kind of pain the human body can endure, both physically and mentally. And on the worst part of it all was the fact that no one was there to help him. All hope seemed lost for the adopted son of Erwin Smith turned Scout. He will die here, knowing he had failed his duty. That he was never able to obtain his revenge against the Winged Titan. That he couldn’t repay Erwin for saving his life and giving him a home by helping him fulfil his dream of seeing the world outside the walls.

“Is this it?. Am I actually going to die here, alone?” As he was nearing his end, he could feel the eyes of his friends falling upon him. Some who died, and some who’ll go on living not knowing of his demise.

Among them were Erwin, Levi, Hange, his caretakers, Sasha, Marco, the Levi Squad, Eren, and Lazarus. They all stood around him as his vision was getting darker.

“I’m sorry everyone… I’ve failed you… I couldn’t protect Eren. I’m not strong enough… I never was.”

“Do you want to be stronger?”

Michaels eyes quickly shot open upon hearing a strange voice. It was a voice he didn’t recognise, but he knew he heard it somewhere before.

He then thinks back on his conversation with Lazarus before the big fire in the woods. He recalled hearing a voice calling out to him then too. It was the exact same voice he’s hearing now.

He was then shocked to see that the ghostly vision of his friends had been replaced by ghosts of people he didn’t recognise. There was a massive gathering of people around him, both men, women, and even children.

“Who… who are you… people?” He weakly muttered.

The crowd of people move aside to allow one man among them to approach him. He was an old man, roughly in his eighties, and sported a short beard across his face, as well as short white hair. His clothing comprised of old worn out shirt, trousers and brown shoes.

He walks up to Michael and kneels down to his level.

“You can’t die here, Michael. You’ve still got a job to do.” The old man addressed him.

“Who are you?” He asked again.

“You may not remember us now. But the time will come when you do… But now you need our help. You need to get up and save Eren.”

“…How?” He asked weakly, on the verge of passing out.

The old man extends his hand to him. ‘Take my hand, Michael. Allow us to reawaken the power you’ve kept dormant inside of you. It’s the only way for you to live! You need to finish what I’ve started!” he bellowed.

Michael was very confused as to what is happening. Is this what being on the brink of death is like?

The other ghost in the background start to chant the same phrase at the exact time, cheering Michael onto getting up and accepting the strangers hand.

“Accept your power! Accept your responsibility! Accept your destiny!” They all chant nonstop as Michael was slowly getting up.

As Michael was attempting to get up, he noticed the Female Titan finishing off Eren with a hardened roundhouse kick, resulting in his Titan head being decapitated, along side the tree.

“I can’t die here!” Michael exclaimed. “I made a promise to my dad! To Lazarus! To Eren! To Sasha! To Levi! To Hange! That I would be the greatest soldier the Survey Corps ever had! I have to get up! I still have to kill the Winged Titan! I must… I must…”

Michael then notices the Female Titan opening its mouth wide and biting down on the Attack Titan’s nape, forcing Eren into her mouth. She then begins to stand up and make a run for the forests exit.


He finally grabs a hold of the old mans hand. For an instant, Michaels eyes glow blue before a huge bolt of lightning rains down from the sky and strikes him.

Lazarus, Annie, Reiner and Bertolt feel a surge of electricity pass through their brains, startling them.

Both the Female and Winged Titans stop what they were doing and look in the direction of the lightning strike. They easily recognised it as a trigger for a Titan transformation. But this one was different. Lazarus didn’t recognise this Titan power. It was completely alien to him.

“What the hell just happened?! A new Titan power has awakened! But that’s impossible… Is it the Founding Titan? … No. This is something else. Something new. But who or what is it?”

Annie quickly turns around to see the source of the disturbance. All she could see was a huge cloud of steam.

But the steam slowly faded away, revealing a silhouette of the mysterious new Titan. After a few more moments, it’s appearance became visible to her and Lazarus who was observing from above. Both of them were shocked by what they saw.

This Titan had a muscular build identical to the Armoured Titans In fact, it’s body was also covered in armour. Except this Titan had a dark blue coloured body with shining light blue crystals covering it head to toe, acting as it’s armour. The crystals were spiked outwards. It also had crystal claws on its hands and feet. Crystal spiked shoulder and knee pads, and huge spikes on its back. It had the same slicked to one side hairstyle as Michael as well as his black hair colour, and glowing blue eyes. It’s face was also covered in crystal like a face mask.

The mysterious Titan soon unleashes it’s own roar that came off a lot deeper than a regular Titan.

Lazarus was in a complete state of shock upon seeing this creature staring down at Annie. He was slowly starting to recall the memories of his life in Marley, particularly his moment helping Lucia in the blacksmith shop and the training he had with her. He now understands what it was he was looking at.

“Is has to be it!” He muttered to himself in Titan form. “So the legends are true… The Crystal Titan does exist!.. and Michael is it’s host”

To Be Continued