Chapter 19: Revelation

A few days had passed after the failed 57th Recon Mission ended. The Scout Regiment were unable to fulfil the promise they made to the higher ups to use Eren’s Titan power to reclaim the lands within Wall Maria. As a result, the Military Police have regained custody over Eren and were determined to have him executed.

And if that was weren’t bad enough, Erwin had no choice but to come forward to the higher ups and reveal to them discovery they’ve made with Michaels very own Titan powers. Powers that are even greater than Erens.

He didn’t want to do this to his own son, but keeping the truth hidden would’ve made the Scouts situation worse. In the end, Michael was the one who encouraged him to tell them, as he didn’t want to risk ruining his father’s goals for the future. The Scouts needed him, if they had any chance of moving humanity forward.

The following day, Michael was put on trial before a court of the regiment leaders, nobles, and the wall cultists. Like Eren, his hands were bound behind him, preventing him from using his Titan powers should he choose to.

Everywhere Michael looked he could see the expressions of fear and hatred being directed at him, all from people who had no understanding of his power.

When the news of the Crystal Titan went public, there of course was outrage from the citizens. The reveal of Eren’s Titan was bad enough, but Michaels led almost everyone to believe that the Scouts may be hiding more Titan Shifters among their ranks. For all they assumed, every member of the Scouts could be a Titan.

Erwin was standing beside Michael, trying his absolute hardest to persuade them that like Eren, his son was not a threat to them and may actually be the key to sealing the holes within Wall Maria.

Lazarus, and the rest of his friends were also present. Being back in the very same courtroom Eren had his trial in gave them a wicked sense of deja-vu. It hadn’t even been that long ago when they witnessed Eren’s trial.

Unfortunately, things weren’t going as smoothly with Michael compared to Eren’s trial. The rest of the higher ups had grown too cautious of the Scouts and their faith in them, no longer trusting anything they say.

“Erwin Smith.” Premier Zachery addressed him. “Do you truly believe Michael had no knowledge of his Titan powers? How do we know you’re merely defending him simply because he is your son?”

“If I was defending him as the MP’s presumed, I never would’ve come forward and openly told everyone about it.” He glances down at Michael momentarily before continuing. “My son was on the brink of death when his Titan powers awakened. In that moment he wasn’t in control of his actions. Like Eren, his Titan body acted entirely on instinct. His only thought was to protect Eren from the enemy-


Erwins defence was rudely interrupted by the commander of the Military Police Regiment, Nile Dawk, Erwin’s former friend during his younger days as a cadet.

“Nile.” He uttered.

“I’m sorry, Erwin, but several eyewitnesses have stated that after exiting Titan form, Michael was able to use his powers to create a sculpture. Those are clearly the actions of someone who’s known all along what power they posses and how to use it.”

“I already told you! I just knew in the moment!” Michael shouted out, interrupting Nile. “Before I transformed I saw ghostly visions of people. They gave me the knowledge of how to use this power. I didn’t know!”

“SILENCE ABOMINATION!” Cried Pastor Nick, the leader of the wall cultists. “How dare you use the spirits of those God has taken in as an excuse for your devilish power! That is unforgivable sacrilege punishable only by death!”

“And by God, do you mean the walls? BRICKS AND STONE ARE NOT GODS!” Michael yelled back, blinded by the frustration of it all.

“Enough!” Erwin raised his voice at him, quickly forcing Michael to obey. “This isn’t going to help your situation. Please stay silent.”

Michael took a moment to calm himself down and rested back on his knees with his hands still bound behind him.

Nile soon continues his prosecution.

“As I was saying. His actions clearly state that he knows how to use his power. And should he choose to, he could easily use it to wipe us all out.” He then turns to Erwin, addressing him directly. “I’m sorry, Erwin. Whether he’s a loyal Scout or not, it doesn’t matter. Power like that is known to corrupt even the purest of minds. Michael may say he’ll use it for good, but how long will it be until he decides he’s greater than all of us and use it to kill us?” He then turns to Eren. “The same goes for Eren Yeager too. His actions yielded no results for us. Therefore, he and Michael must be executed for the sake of humanity.”

As the trial continued on, Lazarus, Reiner and Bertolt were telepathically discussing what they should do if they go through with executing Eren and Michael.

This whole situation deeply upset Lazarus. He’d only just found his missing friend and learned a possible reason behind why he ran away in the first place. He didn’t want to let them die, but at the moment there was nothing he can do to stop this.

“Those idiots have no idea what they’re dealing with. Michaels power is what led to the creation of the three walls that protect them, and they call him an abomination?”

“Lazarus.” Reiner mentally addressed him. “I know you were shocked just as much as we were about the Crystal Titan being real, let alone Michael being it’s host. But this might be a huge problem for us. If what Michael says is true, then it’s only a matter of time until he masters his Titan and uses it against us should the truth get out. Our mission is now at stake. This changes everything.”

“This changes nothing.” Lazarus sternly replied without looking back at him. “This mission was to take Eren and Michael back home with us. Him being the Crystal Titan doesn’t change that.”

“But what if he resists and fights back?” Bertolt joined in. “The Crystal Titan has powers identical to the Warhammer Titan, if not greater. He’ll be able to overpower us with ease, like he did Annie.”

“I won’t let that happen… Once I help him remember who he really is, he’ll be persuaded to come with us willingly. Maybe then I’ll finally understand why he erased my memories of him that day.”

After their breath telepathic discussion, they returned their attention to trial as it looked like the final decision was about to be made.

“Up until this point none of us had even contemplated the idea of humans turning into Titans. So the idea of Michael seeing visions and gaining knowledge on how to control his powers may not sound entirely unbelievable.” Erwin finished his closing argument.

Premier Zachery took both sides words into careful consideration before making his final and permanent decision.

“I’ve heard enough. I have made my decision.” He looks directly at Michael as he speaks his choice. “Michael Smith. I hereby sentence you… to be executed alongside Eren Yeager. Allowing the two of you to roam free with your powers is too much of a risk to allow, even if there may be some truth to your words.”

Everyone supporting Michael were horrified by the premier’s decision. Most of all Lazarus and Sasha. But before any of them could object, the premier had more to say.

“However. Because of your actions and service to humanity in Trost, I will grant you one favour. You may choose the day and the time for your execution to be carried out within the next thirty days. If you haven’t made a decision by then, you will be executed on the last day. Also, you will be under surveillance of the Military Police until your decision is made… As for Eren Yeager. His execution will still be carried out on the appointed time in three days. This court is adjourned.” He slams down his gavel, bringing the case to a close.

The guards unlock Michaels shackles and immediately escort him and Eren out of the building. Both Lazarus and Sasha was deeply upset by this. Lazarus had only just found his friend again, and now he’s going to lose him to the simple minded government who know nothing of the power he possesses.

As Michael was being escorted out of the court alongside Eren, he looks back at Sasha who wore a worried look on her face for her friend. Michael mouthed the words “I’m sorry” to her as he was heading out the door, leaving her to feel even worse.

After Michaels trial ended, he and Eren were once again locked up in their cells underground, preventing them from using their Titan forms and escape.

Michael never imagined seeing himself in one of the cold, dark and damp cells. The bed he was sitting on was uncomfortable. The cell also had a foul stench in it due to the bucket kept in the corner that acted as his toilet.

It was this moment where he wish he still had his rebreather mask, in order to block it out and not have to breathe it in every couple seconds.

If he wanted to, he could easily break out of the cell using his hardening powers. Ever since he first transformed into the Crystal Titan he’d been slowly gaining knowledge on how to use his powers, even outside of Titan form. Unfortunately, his hardening is limited in range and a lot weaker as a human compared to when he uses it as a Titan. Just knowing what he’s capable of wasn’t enough. He’ll need to train himself in human and Titan form in order to strengthen his hardening to its full potential.

“Hey Michael.” Eren spoke out from the cell next door. “I don’t think you’re a traitor. I just wanted to let you know that in case you thought I doubted you too.”

“Thanks, Eren. But I never thought that. I assumed you understood because. You literally went through the same thing I went through when you first discovered your own powers… It is nice to relate to someone about this.”

“That power you possess. It’s similar to the Female Titans ability to harden her own skin. When I fought her, she hardened her fists and legs to make her attacks a lot stronger… In the end I didn’t stand a chance.” Eren pokes his head through the bars and attempts to look into Michaels cell. “But you were able to overpower her so easily. If it weren’t for you I would’ve been killed.”

“I don’t think her goal was to kill you. But to capture you.” Michael corrected him. “In the moment I wasn’t in control of my Titan. The old man I saw in my visions was in control, while I was in the backseat, along for the ride. He would’ve killed her if the Winged Titan hadn’t swooped in and saved her.”

Michael briefly thinks back to his sudden encounter with the Winged Titan. He remembered the electrically charged punch it threw at him. The punch packed enough power to send his Titan flying backwards, and the electricity causes some of his motor functions to temporarily be paralysed, giving him enough time to escape with the Female Titan.

“The Winged Titan is more powerful than we initially thought. It could breathe fire, channel bio electricity into it’s fists. And it’s body looked like it was covered in hardened skin with armour plates similar to the ones the Armoured Titan had. Just what are we up against here?”

“I don’t know.” Eren answered quickly. “But I do know neither of us can defeat it alone. So our best option is to fight it together once it shows itself again… If only we weren’t sentenced to be executed. We need an opportunity to prove ourselves. Humanity is no match for that winged monster without our help.”

“Hey, don’t think so lightly of us, Eren.”

Michel and Eren look to their right and spot Levi coming down the corridor, holding a pair of keys in his left hand.

“I can cut the winged bastard down to size no problem. Though your help may be needed. All the more reason why I’m letting you both out.” He unlocks their cells. “Let’s go. Erwin has a plan to stop your executions. We’ve put in the word to ask for your release, so you don’t have nothing to worry about.”

“What about the guards who’re supposed to be watching me 24/7?” Michael asked.

“I told them guards weren’t necessary. Because I’m here.” Levi answered as he glared at Michael, making him feel slightly nervous.

Michael and Eren gather their bearings and follow Levi out of their cells. They have no idea what Erwin has planned for them, but it was obviously something very important if he were able to pull some strings to have them released without an MP escort.

Michael and Eren were soon brought – in the dark of the night - back to the old castle the Scouts used as their headquarter for their emergency meeting.

The meeting took place in the old dining hall which was dimly lit by the candles hung up on the walls. It was quiet at the moment, with only Levi, Michael and Eren being the first ones to arrive.

It wasn’t like Erwin to be late to his own meetings. Michael was worried that he might’ve gotten held up by the MP’s, whilst Levi joked that he might’ve been constipated and was taking a long time in the bathroom.

“You sure are talkative today, sir.” Eren muttered nervously.

“So what if I am? Doesn’t mean I was talking to either of you.” Levi shot back whilst sipping his tea in his own unique way of holding the cup.

An awkward silence looms over them as the two Titan Shifters await the arrival of Erwin. Levi continues to drink his tea in silence, hiding the pain he has in his left leg, hoping they wouldn’t ask him about his injury.

The silence didn’t last long thankfully, as Erwin and a couple other cadets finally enter the room.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting.” Erwin spoke up.

Behind Erwin were Mikasa, Armin, and jean. Michael quickly noticed that Lazarus and Hange weren’t with them, making him wonder why this get together wasn’t important enough to involve them.

“What are you guys doing here?” Eren asked curiously.

“I specifically asked for them to be a part of this plan that I will explain momentarily. Hange is busy making the preparations for said plan, which is why she’s not here.” Erwin explained.

“And Lazarus?” Michael asked.

“I thought it best that he sit this one out in fear of what I’m about to say causing him distress… It regards the Female Titan. We may’ve uncovered her true identity.”

Michael and Eren were shocked by this news. Both of them desperately wanted to ask who they think it is, but Erwin first wanted to go over his plan on flushing the enemy out and capturing her.

Everyone takes a seat around the table, with Erwin sitting at the head of it. He pulls out a map of the Stohess District within Wall Sina. The place where Eren and Michaels execution was said to take place.

“The day after tomorrow, we’ll be passing through Stohess District on route to the capital. That is when we’ll strike. It’ll be our first and only chance to do so. Once we set foot in the interior, the government will assume custody over Eren and Michael and the Scouts authority to continue operations will be limited.” Erwin slowly explained, making sure everyone at the table understands what he’s saying. “Thus, unless we wish to conceive defeat. We must flush out the enemy now.”

While Michael would always trust his fathers judgment. A part of him was starting to grow impatient. He wanted to know who the Female Titan is so that he could take vengeance on her for the deaths of Levi Squad.

“So here’s what we do.” Erwin continued, pointing his index finger on the map where the lines and circles were drawn. “While in Stohess we use Eren and Michael as bait. Luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper the better. Get her well beneath street level. With that done she should be easily immobilised, even in Titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel.” He looks up at Eren. “At that point she’ll be your responsibility, Eren… And if by some chance she manages to overpower you again, Michael will assume Titan form and protect you, like he did before.”

“Right!” They both said in response.

“Hold on.” Michael suddenly interrupted. “What if she knows it’s a trap and tries to make a run for it before we even get there?”

“She won’t risk going awol.” Erwin reassured him. “She won’t know anything of this plan. Only those within this room know what’ll happen that day. As I said earlier, there’s a reason why I haven’t called everyone here… Armin here was able to identify her. She is an MP. Most likely the one responsible for the deaths of Hange’s test subjects… And a fellow trainee in the 104th Cadet Corps.”

As if the news of knowing who the Female Titan is wasn’t bad enough, now Michael and Eren were trembling with shock upon learning that the suspect was someone they’d been training with for three years.

“You- You can’t be serious!” Eren states in denial. “We’ve been training with her this whole time?!”

“I’m afraid so. She’s one of us.” Erwin almost says with regret He then turns to Michael again. “You asked me why I didn’t involve Lazarus in this meeting. The main reason, other than the MP’s, is that he shares a close relationship with her. I cannot risk having him rebel should he let his emotions blind him.”

“Hold on… Your not saying-

“I am.” Erwin interrupted Eren. “The true identity of the Female Titan… Is Annie Leonhart.”

The shock factor finally exploded through the roof as both individuals unconsciously stood up from their chairs in bewilderment. Neither one of them wanted to believe what they’d just heard to be true.

Annie was one of their friends. The thought of her being a traitor was at first unbelievable.

But looking back on the day he first encountered the Female Titan. Michael did notice it sharing some similarities in appearance to Annie. But he didn’t think much of it at the time because there was a huge part of him refusing to see the logic behind it.

Even their battle as Titans felt strangely familiar to his sparring match with Annie. The stance she took during their battle was exactly like the one Annie used on him, Eren and Reiner during hand to hand combat training.

Truth is, he refused to believe Annie was the Female Titan mostly because he feared how it would affect his friendship with Lazarus. Annie was the girl he was in love with. If he had killed her back then, or went through with this plan, he’d never forgive him… Erwin had the right idea keeping him out of this. Were he here and heard this accusation, there was no telling what would’ve went down.

“Where…” Eren started to weakly speak out, still processing this information. “Where’s your evidence? Tell me!”

Armin then decided to tell them what he told Erwin before coming to the castle, hoping that his words might help Eren listen to reason.

“Obviously the Female Titan knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus, she reacted to my use of your suicidal maniac nickname. Something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her, is that I have strong reason to believe she’s the one that killed Sawny and Beane.”

“You’re kinda going out on a limb there.” Eren uttered. Still refusing to believe him.

“Killing two Titans at once required a precision ODM strike. It only makes sense that the killer would’ve used the gear they were most familiar with.” Armin continued.

“What about the equipment inspection?” Michael interrupted. “I was there when Annie got hers checked. And she was cleared”

“Except the gear she presented wasn’t hers. It was Marco’s.”

“What…did you say?” Michael rhetorically asked. His anger was slowly starting to churn within him upon hearing Marco being mentioned.

Eren however was still in denial, questioning what Marco has anything to do with this.

Armin however figured it out just by looking at the gear she presented. He recognised it immediately as Marco’s because of all the dents and scratches on it. Since he helped him with maintenance, he was able to get a good long look at it, easily telling it apart from the other gear.

“Michael.” Armin quietly addressed him. “When we found Marco’s body, you told us he was executed by a soldier’s blade… It may be possible that Annie was the one who killed him. Then she took his ODM gear.”

Michaels eyes shot wide open once again. Before he could question him further, Eren stood up and displays his state of confusion and denial for everyone to see. No matter what evidence came up, he will always deny the obvious truth.

Michael also didn’t want to believe it. But unlike Eren, he wasn’t holding on to the false hope that they’re all wrong. His mind was quickly thinking of a plan to stop Annie without having to kill her. For Lazarus’s sake.

“I don’t want to believe it either, Eren. But we don’t have any other leads.” He calmly stated. He then turns to Armin again. “Armin, you wouldn’t happen to have any evidence on who the Winged Titan may be, do you?”

Armin shakes his head in disappointment. Whoever the Winged Titan was had proven to be extremely cautious.

“We may not know his identity.” Erwin intervened. “But we do know that like most leaders, he does care for the wellbeing of his comrades. Something we can use to our advantage… If the Winged Titan decides to appear again to save her, we’ll be waiting to set a trap for it. Make sure it doesn’t get airborne and escape with her. But that’s only if he decides to show up.”

“For now. We will stick to the plan to lure and capture the Female Titan. If you and Eren are successful in stopping her, we may just save your lives.”

“This plan carries a lot of risk to it.” Levi commented. “But that’s pretty much how all of your plans go. Ain’t that right, Erwin?”

Erwin simply grunts in response. The Scouts continue to discuss their plan before the day they have to hand Michael and Eren to the MP’s.

Unbeknownst to them, Lazarus was hiding outside the window listening in to their entire conversation. His enhanced hearing allowed him to hear them clearly even through a thick stone wall.

He wore a look of worry on his face upon learning that they were able to identify Annie as the Female Titan. His mind kept going back to Annie and what he should do now. Should he travel to Stohess and warn her? Doing so now could be dangerous and lead to his own identity being revealed.

For now he decided to head back to his quarters and sleep it off. A good night’s sleep might help him come up with a plan to prevent Annie’s capture without exposing himself or Reiner and Bertolt. The plan won’t be carried out until two more days have passed. Hopefully by then he’ll have come up with something.

The next day, Michael was having breakfast in his cell next to Eren’s. With the meeting done, the two of them were forced back into their cells until the day of their execution.

The two of them were only given some bread and a cup of water. Not the best meal to start their day, but it was all they were given.

Eren was still sleeping in his bed, so Michael had a nice moment of peace and quiet. He mostly spent his downtime reading the book he managed to save during the fall of Shiganshina. He’d never gotten he chance to finish it with all the training, the attack on Trost, an the 57th Expedition he went through.

But he was soon interrupted by the sounds of footsteps approaching his cell. He turned to see one of the guards staring at him.

“Smith. You’ve got a visitor.”

Behind the guard was Lazarus who peeked his head out from behind him and gives him a friendly smile. In his hands he held a tray that was full of a real breakfast. A piece of buttered toast, scrambled eggs and three strips of bacon. There was also a glass of orange juice on the side next to a knife and fork.

“Hey Michael. I thought I’d stop by and give you a proper breakfast, to replace that dull stuff they’re feeding you.”

“And who authorised this?” The guard questioned him.

“Commander Erwin did. He personally asked me to. So would you mind opening this door and letting me in.” He asked politely.

The guard rolls his eyes and does as instructed. Once Lazarus was inside, he closes and locks the cell behind him.

“Call me when your done. And be quick about it.” He rudely instructed before leaving the room.

Lazarus places the tray on the stool by the cell doors, and moves it in front of Michael who quickly sat upright on the bed.

“Thanks for doing this, Laz. The food here is terrible. But then again, what do you expect with the treatment of prisoners… and enemy’s of humanity.”

“You’re not our enemy, Michael. They’re just scared of your powers, like Eren.” He reassured him. “Looks like Eren hasn’t woken up yet, huh?”

“Yeah. He’s been having trouble sleeping. Ever since-

Michael quickly stops himself as he was about to let the knowledge of Annie being the Female Titan slip out of his mouth.

“Ever since what?” Lazarus asked, pretending he didn’t have a clue as to what he was talking about.

“Ever since, uh… His crushing defeat against the Female Titan. He’s felt as if it was all his fault she murdered the Levi Squad members. When in reality it was mine.”

“That’s not true and you know it.” Lazarus sternly responded, drawing Michaels attention. “None of us could properly comprehend the power behind that Titan. It’s because of that lack of understanding that my whole squad was wiped out, and I was barely alive… I would’ve died out there had you and Levi not have found me. Consider this breakfast a token of my appreciation.” He smiled.

Michael smiled back. Though inside his own mind, he was starting to feel despair. Now that he knows Annie is the Female Titan, it made his interactions with Lazarus so difficult.

He takes a sip of his orange juice to help calm himself down mentally before he could muster the courage to talk to his trusted ally again.

“You’re a good guy, Lazarus. The Scouts are lucky to have a soldier like you… But not as lucky as I am to have you as a friend.”

Lazarus smiles in response. Hearing those words gave him a sense of familiarity. Back to when they were kids in Marley before his inexplicable disappearance.

If he was to have more moments like that, he needs to take matters into his own hands and makes sure he and his allies get Eren and Michael back to Marley. Hopefully before Annie can be captured or killed by the enemy.

“So, what are your plans for later?” Michael asked after finishing off his juice. “We’ve all got free time to spend after the expedition ended. You obviously know where I’ll be. So what will you be doing?”

“Me? Well…” Lazarus hesitated for a moment, questioning himself if telling him what his next move is was a wise idea. His plans involved visiting Annie in Stohess and warning her of the plan to capture her. Michael and the others don’t know that he knew, so he planned on playing it out like it was just a harmless visit… He might come to regret this, but he is hoping Michael trusted him enough to not tattle on him.

“I was thinking of visiting Annie in the interior. See how she’s doing.” Lazarus finally decided to tell him. “When I was attacked by the Female Titan and watched the entire right wing get annihilated, I thought I was going to die as well. When I was all by myself in the open without my horse, fearing that Titans would get to me. All I could think about was her, and how I failed to take your advice and tell her how I feel… I got really lucky that day, and I’ve decided not to waste it.” He takes a deep breath before continuing. “I’m going to take your advice and confess my feelings to her.” He stated proudly whilst placing his left hand over his heart.

Michael quickly looked up from his breakfast tray and stares worriedly at Lazarus.

“What’s that face for? You said to tell her before I come to regret it. I thought you’d be happy for me.”

“I am, I am. It’s just that…” Micheal paused awkwardly, trying his hardest to come up with a good excuse and not give away the plan accidentally.

“What I’m saying is… Are you sure you have the time? What if my dad asks for you or something?”

“Then you can pass on the message as to where I am. Anyway, it’ll be fine. Like you said, everyone in the Scout Regiments got the day off… Anyway, I just wanted to let you know in case you ask for me.”

Lazarus then takes the now empty tray off of the stool and stands up from the bed. He walks over to the bars and calls for the guard to let him out.

The guard eventually unlocks the cell, allowing Lazarus to exit it. He gives Michael a final farewell before he leaves.

“Let Eren know I stopped by when he wakes up. And let him know that Mikasa plans to deliver his breakfast herself, hehe.”

“Yeah, I will. Take care out there, Laz. And I hope everything works out for you!” He calls out to him as he walked away from his cell.

Once Lazarus was out of sight, Michael lays back in his bed and begins to feel bad for Lazarus. No matter what, Annie has been declared a traitor and must be eliminated if necessary. Which only made it harder to look his friend in the eyes knowing this.

He will at least let him have his final moments of happiness with the girl he loved before the day of the execution. He owed him that much.

“I’m sorry, Lazarus. I know you’ll never forgive me for what I’m about to do. But your girlfriend has killed too many innocent Scouts. There’s no coming back from that. The safety of humanity must come before all else… even you?” He thought to himself.

As Lazarus was heading out the door, he comes to a stop and glances back at the cells downstairs.

“I understand, Michael. But I can’t let you, Erwin, or anyone take her away from me. Not while she still has a promise to keep to her father.”

To Be Continued