Chapter 4: Sword and Shield

As the battle of Courland continued, the Omega Warrior Unit laid waste to the valley, killing as many enemy soldiers as possible. All in the name of Marley.

Though each and every one of them were all questioning who or what the new Titan is, they didn’t let it distract them from their mission. This was their first mission as Warriors, they cannot afford to mess it up.

The Beast Titan had just unleashed another bombardment of rocks at a group of soldiers in the distance. Afterwards, he turned his attention towards the Winged Titan that had just came down to land where the Cart Titan’s body lay.

As he watched him, he started to think about Lazarus. More notably, the day he first met him. He always wondered why he was treated differently among the brass. Why was he made a Warrior despite not inheriting one of the nine? Why was he brought along on this mission with them when he had no purpose being there?

Then it hit him. This was the reason why. The military knew all along about this new Titan and who its user was. This was the secret he was ordered to protect until he and the others inherited their Titans. It all makes sense now.

Lazarus. It must’ve been really difficult for you to keep something like that hidden from us, from me… But I understand why you did it. I can’t even imagine the things you went through when you gained that power.”

The Cart Titan, who was recovering after the explosion hit it, had just finished regenerating. That explosion really took it out of action. The Panzer Unit had been wiped out; her limbs had been severed. It was at the mercy of the enemy.

But the enemy soldiers that closed in on her had been completely wiped out by the Winged Titan that has landed right in front of the Cart Titan. It spread its wings out and proceeded to flap them furiously, creating a huge gust of wind that was strong enough to blow the soldiers away and directly into the huge pile of spikes on the ground that was used to kill the previous squadron.

“Who are you?” The Cart Titan asked in a more raspier version of Pieck’s original voice.

The Winged Titan ceases its attack and glances back at the Cart, giving her an intense glare with its glowing crimson eyes. It was because of that glare that Pieck was easily able to piece together the identity of the new Titan Shifter.

“Lazarus? Is that really you?”

Lazarus turned around and knelt down to her level. “It is, Pieck.” He spoke in a deep demonic voice that was on par with the Beast Titan’s in terms of disturbance.

The Winged Titan looks over at the metal box that Bertolt was still inside of. Without any further explanation, he stood up, walked over to it, and picked it up by the large handle.

“Tell the others to evacuate the area. I’ll deliver Bertolt to the supply depot from this point on.” Lazarus instructed.

Pieck however still had way too many questions about Lazarus and his Titan form. Lazarus took note of this and talked to her again.

“Listen Pieck. I promise I’ll explain this and why I’ve kept it secret from you and the others. But for now, please do as I say and run!” The Winged Titan spoke with authority in its voice.

Although Pieck was not happy with the answer she’d gotten, she can respect the fact that the mission must come first. With no time to waste, she ran off on all fours in the direction of the other shifters.

The Winged Titan began to run at full speed while carrying Bertolt under its right arm. It’s wings stretched out to its sides and began flapping intensely, followed by the Winged Titan jumping as high as it could to gain enough height to begin flying again.

Bertolt was curled up into the corner of the box the whole mission. His legs were bound to the bottom of the box to ensure he doesn’t tumble around inside when it was being carried by the Cart.


Bertolt was startled by hearing the sound of Lazarus’s voice speak his name so suddenly. He could’ve sworn he stayed behind on the airship. So how was he able to hear his voice? And in his head of all places?

“Lazarus? Where are you? And what are you doing here? Where’s Pieck?”

She’s gone. Don’t worry, she’s alive. I’m just carrying you to the drop off point for her. Long story short, I have my own Titan form with my own unique abilities. And telepathically communicating with you is one of them.”

Bertolt was shocked by that last remark. Of all the things that may’ve seemed possible when it came to Titan powers, he never would’ve considered telepathy to be one of them. Part of him was now worried that whatever thoughts he may have in the future, Lazarus would be able to hear them. Meaning he would know his deepest, darkest secrets. Worst of all, he’d know about his massive crush on Annie.

But all his worries would have to wait, as the Winged Titan had just arrived at the supply depot and dropped off the box with the many other identical looking boxes stacked both inside and outside the warehouses.

Listen Bertolt. Don’t assume Titan form until I tell you too. Let me get myself and the others out of range first, then you can end this mission for us. Got it?”

“Ok, doesn’t seem so hard.” Bertolt mentally told himself.

Good. Stand by.” Lazarus responded as he jumped up and took flight again.

Looks like Bertolt was right. This telepathic power is a two way thing.

The other Warriors had just been informed by the Cart Titan that the Winged Titan had finished delivering Bertolt to the heart of the enemy city and will be rigged to blow at any moment.

They all decided to retreat in their Titan forms to cover more ground rather than exit them and wait for pickup in the airship. But they cannot stay in Titan form for long, as it’s only their second transformation. They still got a lot of training to do before they’re able to maintain Titan form for much longer.

Suddenly out of the sky, a hailstorm of bullets rains down upon the Warriors. The Armoured Titan quickly gets in front of the other and takes the full punishment of the impact. Thanks to its armour, it was left completely unharmed.

They all look up to see that the bullet storm came from the three remaining airships that came from the south side. They finally managed to get within range of the enemy Titans.

“And here I thought Lazarus destroyed all of them.” The Beast Titan says sarcastically.

Annie, Reiner and Marcel all look over at Zeke in unison. They had just learned that Lazarus was the one controlling the Winged Titan. Their Titans were incapable of speech like the Beast and Cart. They would’ve appeared shocked by this discovery, if their Titans were capable of expressing themselves.

The closest airship in the middle was preparing to unleash another hailstorm of bullets down on them. But the Beast Titan picks up another fist full of rocks and throws them at the airship, taking it out.

But now there was another problem. The destroyed airship was now heading straight for them. And there was no time for them to run.

The Armoured Titan stands in front of the others once again, arms stretched out, ready to take the full force of the crashing blimp.

But to his non-existent surprise, the airship had suddenly stopped its descent. They all look up to see what has caused it to stop. They were all flabbergasted to see that the Winged Titan had stopped it by grabbing its tail propeller.

The Winged Titan let out a roar as it musters all its strength to spin the blimp around and smash it into the other one on the left side. Both airships exploded on impact, flaming parts of both ships falling towards the city below.

But he was not done yet, as there was still one more to destroy. The airship focused all its fire on the Winged Titan. It however dodged its bullets by performing various ariel agilities.

And to finish it off, the Winged Titan decided to unleash its most destructive and most signature ability of all. It opens its mouth wide and takes a huge deep breath. It’s chest began to illuminate a burning orange glow.

Thrusting its head forwards, the Winged Titan lets loose a huge fire blast out of its mouth and sends it hurtling towards the airship. The fire blast completely engulfs the balloon, forcing the airship to begin its descent and crash into the city structures below.

“I did not think Lazarus’s Titan was capable of breathing fire.” The Cart Titan idly commented.

“Nor did I.” Zeke replied. “Makes me wonder what else his Titan can do.”

Realization suddenly struck as they remembered that Bertolt was still waiting for them to clear out so that he could nuke the entire area, finishing off what remained of the enemy military.

With no time to lose, they all ran as fast as they can in the opposite direction their airship flew in, with the Winged Titan soaring above them.

Once everyone was finally out of range, Lazarus telepathically told Bertolt to transform now.

In a matter of moments, a gigantic explosion begins to erupt from where Bertolt was dropped off. The blast quickly spread throughout the land, consuming everything in its path. It was so massive that it practically lit up the entire land giving off the illusion of it being daytime.

At the centre of the explosion was the gigantic sixty meter tall Colossal Titan. It’s entire body was all muscle and no skin like the Female Titan. Its body and legs were thicker than the standard Titan, though its head and arms were identical in width. But in length it was much greater. It’s face looked like a rotting corpses, and like most of the Titan Shifters, it wasn’t able to express itself.

The Colossal Titan began its march across the city, trampling everything underfoot flat.

The mission was over. Marley’s newest Warrior Unit had achieved their first ever victory. Under normal circumstances it would’ve been a time for celebration. But right now, all attention was on the Winged Titan that had landed just in front of the other shifters. It’s huge wings fold inwards and clasp onto its back like how a dragon would tuck its wings into its sides.

The other Titan Shifters all stared at the Winged Titan in silence. Both parties were so focused on one another that they were unaware of the fact that the Colossal Titan had just reached them and is now standing behind them, staring down at their new ally.

Before things got any more awkward, the Winged Titan decided to speak first. It raised its right claw and waved at his comrades.

“Hi guys… Surprise I guess.”

“Seriously?” The Cart Titan responded in an annoyed manner. “That’s all you have to say after what we’ve all just witnessed!”

The others nod in agreement. Even the Colossal Titan agreed with Pieck’s statement.

“I understand you were forced to keep this a secret from us.” The Beast Titan vouched for his brother. “You said you’d explain everything when the battle is over. Well it’s over, so please explain. What are you Lazarus?”

The Winged Titan let out a defeated sigh. He’d been dreading this day for quite some time. He’d even planned out how the explanation would go once the time had come to reveal himself. But things got so out of hand that he hadn’t thought up any alternatives.

“This isn’t how I wanted to do this, but I don’t have a choice anymore… I’ll tell you everything. It all started before I was born.”

Miles away from the battle, the Marleyan military were all watching the new Warriors take on all of Courland, wanting to see how well this unit held up compared to the last one.

Commander Magath was standing beside the general atop a cart. Using their binoculars, they were able to get a clear view of the whole assault.

The airship they all arrived on was parked in the open fields behind them. Well out of range of the battle. And what a battle it was they’ve witnessed.

Each and every one of the Warriors have proven themselves to be a stronger Titan Shifter than their predecessors. A vast improvement over the disappointing Beta Unit.

Some of the soldiers would go as far to say that the Omega Unit has even rivalled that of the Alpha Unit, which was regarded as Marley’s strongest Warrior Unit ever formed.

Magath however thought that it was way too soon for them to judge whether or not they were better or not.

“Incredible. They’re even stronger than expected.” The general praised them. “The Armoured, Female, Jaw, Cart and Colossal Titans haven’t made that much of an impact. But they have shown that they know how to use their powers. The Beast Titan has vastly improved over his predecessor. It’s unique ability to throw rocks at the speed and force of an artillery unit will prove very useful to us in the future.”

“I couldn’t agree more, sir.” Magath agreed. “However, I think I speak for both of us when I say that the one who really shined out there was our newest Titan.”

The general nodded in absolute agreement. And to think, had he not agreed to allowing Lucia to train him, they never would’ve discovered it. Though he’s too prideful to admit it, he’s glad he trusted the words of an Eldian.

“Lucia’s been training Lazarus to hone his Titan powers since he was practically an infant. And it’s clear that he’s stronger for it. Maybe there is hope for humanity now that he’s here.”

“I’m more convinced than ever.” The general uttered to himself, drawing the commanders attention to him. “With the Winged Titan leading this unit, Marley is certain to achieve victory over Paradis and finally accomplish our lifetime goal of taking the Founding Titan.” He turns to Magath. “The time has come to launch the Paradis Island operation. And we must begin preparations as soon as possible.”

Magath didn’t show it, but a small part of him was completely unsure about this idea. While the Omega Unit has proven to be a strong one, it’s still far too soon to send them to Paradis alone with no adult backup. At the end of the day, no matter how strong willed they were, they’re still just children.

“This Warrior Unit certainly has the potential to save our world. But they’re still just kids. Why not wait a couple years before sending them off to that island and stealing the Founding Titan. Frankly I think this plan is insane.”

“You think so? I’m not so sure… After all, we did just watch these children bring an entire nation to its knees. You remember what Lucia told us about the Winged Titan. It is an immortal god that cannot be bested by anything.” The general pointed out. He had nothing to fear when it came to the Winged Titan. Though there’s the possibility of the other Warriors suffering casualties, the Winged Titan will always return alive.

“I kinda feel bad for those island devils. That monster will be soaring above the clouds and will literally rain fire and lightning down upon them. There’s nowhere they can run where it cannot find them. The Winged Titan will be the death of them.”

Though Magath still remained unconvinced that this plan was a good idea, he was in no position to refuse it. But there was another part of him that believes that each and every one of these kids will come back from that island alive. And it will all be because of Lazarus. Since he cannot die, he’ll willingly throw himself into dangerous situations so they wouldn’t have to.

He continued to observe the Warriors as their Titans had all gathered together in one place. It was quite a sight for sore eyes. Seeing the Warriors in their Titan forms listening to Lazarus talking. He probably won’t get another visual like this ever again.

Damn. I probably should’ve brought my camera with me.”

Luckily for the commander, one of his soldiers had already set up an old fashioned camera and took several pictures of all the Titan Shifter standing together amongst the ruined city they’ve just conquered.

“Heh, I can’t wait to see the publics opinion on all of this. *sigh* It’s too bad you’re not here to see this, Dante and Lydia. Your son has grown to be quite the impeccable Warrior.”

Several days have passed since the Warriors had achieved victory in their first mission during the battle of Courland. Stories of the new Warrior unit quickly spread around the world like a plague. The picture taken of all the Titans standing together over the ruins of the city has been printed on the front page of Marley’s local newspaper.

Numerous people worldwide were terrified of the Warriors and Marley’s unstoppable Winged Titan. And yet, there were just as many that praised and cheered them on. Treating them as heroes.

The Marleyan military eventually had to release what they’ve learned about the Winged Titan and the experiments behind it to the motherland. Some people saw the Winged Titan as a symbol of hope and freedom. While others – the majority of which were proud Marleyans – saw it as the king of all devils, and believe its user isn’t worthy of praise.

This came to no surprise to Lazarus. He knew that the overall opinion of his Titan would be divided amongst the population. But he didn’t really care what the public thought, only his friends opinions.

It took a while, but they were all very understanding of his situation and why he was forced to secrecy. Learning what he was had not changed anything. Each and every one of them still saw him as their friend and ally, and not an abomination or experiment gone wrong as most would call him.

Lazarus couldn’t have been any more happier than ever. He was more than proud to be fighting alongside them for the next thirteen years until they too would have to pass on the Titans to the next batch of candidates.

Thinking back on it, a part of him was dreading the day when his friends would all one day die while he himself would keep on living. As useful as his Titan can be, there are still moments where he wished he was still normal.

Immortality is useful when you’re in battle. But eventually he’ll grow tired of living and wish for death to claim him as well. His greatest asset is also his greatest curse.

As he sat on the side of the wall standing outside of the lower level area where Annie and her father lived, he took the time to reflect on everything he knows about his Titan, as well as his final moments with Lucia before her demise.

Looking back on it, there was still so much he wanted to say to her.

It was another beautiful day in the interment zone, Liberio. Lucia and Lazarus were both running the blacksmith shop together. As they talked, Lazarus was attempting to forge his own sword unaided by his mentor. He wanted to demonstrate everything he’d learned from her by crafting the finest blade ever made.

Lazarus closed his eyes as he plunges the hot blade into a bucket of water to cool the metal, while remembering Lucia’s instruction on not pulling it out too quickly.

After waiting a few moments, he slowly pulls it out. Both he and Lucia were proud to see that he had done it right. But he was not done yet.

Next he had to hammer the blades atop an anvil to shape it out as well as break off any burnt shavings.

At long last, he had finished forging his sword. It was a katana blade. A type of sword that was more native to the eastern part of the world. Particularly Hizuru. Lucia had always been fascinated by their sword designs, and felt the need to construct some right here in Marley.

Though the military had no need for her swords, as they believed that guns and Titans are what wins wars for them. That did not stop her from making more though. Plus, it made her shop look more badass, which attracted more customers.

“I did it, Lucia!” Lazarus says excitedly. “I finally forged a sword all on my own.”

“Very impressive work, my young apprentice.” She takes the sword from him so that she could give it a proper analysis. “Your etching skills need some work, but you’ve definitely got the talent to carry on in my place when I’m-

She cut herself off as she started to cough uncontrollably into her elbow and collapsed to her knee. A worried Lazarus rushed to her side and held her shoulders.

“Lucia! Are you alright?”

Lucia signals him to rush over to the side table to fetch her a bottle of water, to which he obliged. She practically snatched it away from him and downs almost all the bottle in one gulp.

With her chesty coughs simmered down, she got back on her feet and turned to her apprentice.

“I’m fine, it’s nothing.” She pauses so that she can take a couple deep breaths to calm her nerves. “I just have to face the fact that my terms almost over. In a week from now, my thirteen year reign as a Warrior will be up, and I will be gone.”

The sadness in Lazarus’s crimson eyes only worsen under the thought of losing his mother figure in a week from then. Lucia noticed this and pulls him into a warm embrace. Lazarus accepts the embrace while he was still able to.

“Tell you what. How about we close up early today and go for a stroll through town?” She light heartedly suggested.

“But what about your business?”

“It’ll be fine. It’s a slow day anyway.” She reassured him. “Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve had a day off from my duties.”

Pleased with the idea, Lazarus helps Lucia close up the shop and lock it down before heading off.

After about an hour of walking around Liberio, the two of them decided to take a rest on a beach away from the docks of Marley. They were both sitting on the edge of the shore. Their exposed bare feet was touching the edge of the water, feeling the tide coming in and out while feeling the sea breeze through their hair.

“So you and Mister Ksaver aren’t together?” Lazarus asked, starting a new topic of conversations.

“Nope. Tom and I are just friends. And even if I did like him, he and I have already found someone else to share our lives with. Or at least… we had once.”

“Wait! You were married?” Lazarus had not expected something as volatile as this to not be brought up until now.

Lucia facepalmed herself upon realising what she had just let slip out. Now he’s gonna want to know more about her love life. But she had a feeling he’d find out eventually. With no choice, she told him.

“Yes. There was once a time where I was a happily married woman. When we were young, Tom and I decided to remove our armbands and pretend to live as normal humans. It was incredibly risky, not to mention stupid. But I wasn’t exactly the brightest bulb in my family. That was always Leonardo… The man I married was a Marleyan soldier. He was among the very few people in Marley who didn’t hate Eldians. I feared the day he’d learn the truth about me. But when he did, he didn’t care. He still loved me despite my heritage.”

“Did something happen to him?” Lazarus asked. He knew that it was forbidden for Marleyans and Eldians to have relationships with each other. Any Marleyans who broke that rule would end up getting hanged, while the Eldians would be sent to Paradis to be turned into Pure Titans.

“Despite how much we loved each other, we both knew that the world wouldn’t accept us. So we both decided it was for the best we got divorced and never got into contact with each other again. It was the toughest decision of my life, but in order to protect my family, I had no choice.”

“Do you know where he is now?”

“Not long after our divorce, he was assigned to guard duty at the Marleyan outpost, Fort Salta, in the mountainous regions of the mainland. I don’t know if he’s still there, and even if he was, he’s probably forgotten all about me by now.”

Lucia turns to face Lazarus and takes a hold of his hand.

“Don’t make the same mistake I did, Laz. Annie is a pretty girl once you look past that cold exterior.”

Lazarus instantly shot a glance over at Lucia and attempted to deny her claim. But his efforts were futile as Lucia had more to say.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about. And you also have nothing to fear. I’ve had my fair share of interactions with her, and I can reassure you that she has feelings for you as well.”

“She- She does?!” Lazarus asked dumbfoundedly. He felt like she was only saying this to make him feel better. But he knew that she’d never do that to him. The last thing she’d want is him clinging onto false hopes. “You think I should… Tell her how I feel?”

“Your only eleven years old. It is WAY too soon for you to be thinking about commitment and dating. However, when the time comes for you both to admit your feelings to each other, you’ll know.”

Lazarus nodded to show that he understood what she was talking about. It wouldn’t be wise for him to plan his future when he himself has only just entered the double digits in age. He hasn’t even told her or his friends about the Winged Titan yet.

Which reminded him. He had some questions to ask Lucia about it that he’d really need to know about once the time came for him to use it in the field. Though he and Lucia had sparred as Titans and he’d discovered many of its abilities, there’s still so much he probably doesn’t know.

“Hey Lucia. Have you and Mister Ksaver discovered anything new about my Titan powers? Last time you told me that I won’t be killed in thirteen years, because I can’t really die at all… Still getting used to that last one.”

“I’m glad you asked that, I almost forgot. I’ve been having a lot of fun hanging out with you.” She shamefully admitted. “If you thought immortality was too much for you to handle, then you probably won’t like the other three new things we’ve discovered.”

Three? That did not sound good at all. What could possibly be worse than being immortal?

“First thing Tom discovered, is that The Winged Titan has the ability to turn Eldians into Pure Titans. How it works is that the Winged Titan needs to disperse its spinal fluid into tiny particles. Once those particles are breathed in by Subjects of Ymir, all it takes is a loud scream from you and they’ll become Pure Titans.” She paused for a moment as she can tell that he was uncomfortable with the idea.

“I know how it sounds, but there is a benefit to it. Any Titans who’ve ingested your spinal fluid would be completely under your control. You can order them around and they’ll obey your every command… As for how your able to do this. Tom believes it’s the Founding Titan part of you that’s capable of doing this. We Eldians are all extensions of the Founding Titan. We’re all connected to it, and we can be altered by it if the Founders host so chooses… It truly is a dangerous power in the hands of the island devils. That is why the world will be dependent on you and your friends to succeed where my unit failed.”

Lazarus was at a loss for words. He had no idea of the magnitude of power the Winged Titan possessed. Though he can understand why. He was already well aware of the False Founder project, and that he was the only successful – as well as surviving – test subject.

“Then one day I asked Tom, “what would happen if Titan Shifters breathed in your spinal fluid?” he obviously had no idea. But your mother did.”


“One of the memories I saw of the research your mother had on your Titan, was that if Titan Shifters were to ingest your spinal fluid. They would not become Pure Titans… But, they would end up forming a connection with your Titan as well as the Founder. In theory, you could create a telepathic link to them.”

“You mean like… reading their minds?” Lazarus guessed.

“That, and much more. Because of that link, you’ll also instantly know where they are at all times. Even if they’re miles apart from you. Could be very useful if you ever get separated from your unit.”

She didn’t need to ask him that twice. There certainly was a lot of benefits to having a power like that. He could hear the thoughts of his enemies if they happen to be Titan Shifters, making it easier to locate the host of the Founding Titan. But on the downside, he’d also unintentionally hear the thoughts of his allies and invade their privacy. Maybe there was a way to control this power if he trained even harder.

Lucia continued to talk about his Titan powers for some time now, until eventually they decided to lighten the mood by talking about something else.

The sun was now setting behind the ocean, turning the sky a gorgeous orange. The two of them were enjoying an ice cream cone that they bought from a foreigners stall. It was unlike anything Lazarus had ever tasted before. He could instantly say that it was the best food ever invented and no one would be the wiser. It’s just too bad it wasn’t more common in Marley.

“Mmm. If there’s one benefit to conquering an enemy nation, it’s getting to try new exotic foods like this.” Lucia commented as she savoured her frozen treat… Isn’t it amazing, Laz?”

Lazarus suddenly stood up from where he was sitting and starts to undercome another one of his blackouts. His entire body stood still, with his ice cream still clutched in his hand.

Oh no, not again!” Lucia quickly got in front of Lazarus and attempted to shake him to snap him out of it. But it did not work.

Within the depths of his psyche, the flashing images displayed themselves before his mind’s eye. These ones were of him and that mysterious boy he was reaching out to, sitting with him at a dinner table. Across from him were the two adults again, who he assumed was the boy’s parents.

The family’s faces were blurred out just like before. However, he was able to hear them speak a lot more clearly compared to last time.

Isn’t it amazing, Laz?” The boy asked him as he appeared to have offered him a spoonful of whatever it was he had in his bowl.

The image then glitched out of his brain and replaced itself with a new one. This one showed Lazarus and the boy sitting on what appeared to be the roof of a house, looking up at a night sky full of stars with a full moon out.

“Lazarus.” The boy spoke up as he turned to face him. His face was still blurred, but he could tell he was staring him in the eyes. “You’re my best friend, you know that right?”

Yeah of course! You’re mine too.” He replied.

We’ll always be friends, even if we’re far apart?”

“Yeah, forever and ever.” Lazarus stated proudly.

Though he couldn’t confirm it, he had a feeling that the boy was smiling in response to what he’d just said. The boy then reaches into his right trouser pockets and pulls out what appears to be a necklace with a little broadsword made of a shining crystal.

He then reaches down his shirt and reveals that he was wearing a crystal necklace as well. Though his was a round shield.

“My grandfather made me these necklaces when I was born. He told me to keep one for myself, and to give the other one to someone I could trust. He says that they’re a symbol of friendship and brotherhood. And whomever I give this too, will be my friend forever.” He then offers the sword to young Lazarus. “I know that you are the one I am supposed to give this to… Go ahead and take it.”

Lazarus gratefully accepts the necklace and places it over his head and around his neck.

No matter how far apart we are, or if something were to happen to one of us. These crystals will guide us back to each other. Please keep it safe. It means everything to me.”

Lazarus nodded and clutches his necklace tightly in his hand.

I promise I will…”

Lazarus’s vision comes to an abrupt end as he was brought out of his trance by a worried Lucia. He blinked several times as he scoured his surroundings. His ice cream cone was on the floor, melting under the heat of the sand and dribbling into the retreating tide.


“It looks like you haven’t overcome your blackouts. Tom was right. Whatever they are, they are not caused by your Titan.”

Lazarus was too focused on contemplating what his visions had shown him this time. This one was a lot more clearer than anything he’d experienced before. Everything apart from the faces of the individuals was so clear, that he could even make out the location of the area he was in.

“What’s wrong, Laz? What did you see?” Lucia asked him impatiently.

Lazarus thought hard about the location to get a proper layout of it. He remembered seeing a dozen houses that were vastly spread out. On the far right of the land was the ocean, complete with a dock and even a beach. One that had an… Ice cream stall.

Lazarus quickly turned around and looked over at the ice cream stall they got theirs from. Then he looked beyond it towards the town. He was shocked to see that the supposed town he saw in his vision, was not there. There was only a smouldering crater where the town once stood.

Lazarus fell to his knees and started to break down crying. It didn’t take a genius to figure out exactly where the vision took place.

“I saw… That boy again. I was having dinner with him and his parents… Then we were on a roof… I think he and I were close friends. He gave me a necklace. Said that it was a symbol of our friendship.” He weakly uttered while struggling to hold back his tears. “He lived here… In Odiha. The same town that I-

It was too much for him to bear. Cracking under the pressure of his past actions, Lazarus continued to drown himself in sorrow, burdened over the lives he claimed when the Winged Titan was born.

Lucia knelt down next to him and held him in a tight embrace, hoping to calm him down. When that didn’t seem to work, she decided to plant a warm loving kiss on his forehead. Lazarus reacted calmly to her display of motherly affection and mustered the strength to look her in the eyes.

“Zeke once told me that whoever this boy was, he might be the source of my visions. I thought that maybe if I could find him, he’d fix whatever’s been done to me… But now he can’t. Because he, his parents, and everyone else living in that town are just a pile of ashes!”

Lucia sighed deeply. She wanted to wait until after their fun day out was over before she was going to tell him the rest of the stuff she’d learned through Lydia’s memories. But her apprentice, the boy she’d promised his mother she’d protect, needed her now more than ever.

“No… He’s not.”

Lazarus wiped away his tears so that he could fully focus on Lucia.


“There was something else I learned when looking through your mothers memories. It wasn’t all about the experiment. But also the people involved and their families… That couple you saw, the parents of that boy. They were among the researchers involved in the experiment.” Lucia started thoroughly explaining. She made sure to speak as slowly and clearly as possible so that he could fully understand.

“Their names were Jonas and Victoria Suurvalta. They were close friends and neighbours of your parents… They did have a son, but Lydia was nearing the end of her thirteen year life, so she never got to learn his name. She must’ve left you with them when she passed the Female Titan to me, to look after you.”

“If that’s true, then what makes you believe that their son is alive?” Lazarus asked. If his mother rarely knew him, then how could she have known he did not meet the same fate as his parents.

“Lydia didn’t know. But I did.” Lucia admitted. “The day before the ceremony took place, I saw a boy and two adults running from Marleyan soldiers. At first I didn’t think nothing of it and assumed it was just random Eldians breaking the law… But after seeing into your mothers memories, I realised that the boy I saw, and the one you saw are indeed the same person… Lazarus. This boy is still alive, and he’s out there somewhere, waiting for you to find him.”

Lazarus was shocked by this news. It was too much information to process. As if learning more about his Titan was bad enough, now he’s being told that the boy who Zeke theorised is the cause of his blackouts, is alive and in hiding from the military. And that was only the tip of the iceberg.

“Lucia… You knew this whole time. Why did you wait so long to tell me? Was it because of my Titan powers?”

Lucia regrettably shakes her head in response. She wanted to lie and blame it all on Marley forcing her to train him to master his Titan. But she didn’t want to hurt him anymore than he is now. The truth hurts, but lying would only make it worse.

“The truth is Lazarus… A long time ago when I was married to the man of my dreams. I wanted to start a family, and have children of my own. But I was robbed of that dream when we separated… When I thought another chance would come, I met you.” She says while stroking his cheek, wiping away his tears. “Your mother was my hero. I wanted to be just like her. I got what I wanted when I inherited her Titan. But the first thing I started to think of, was the promise I made to her. I made it my solemn duty to find you and protect you on her behalf. But over the years, I started growing close to you. I used my thirteen years of life getting to know you, training you to harness your powers, teaching you how to forge a blade. I never felt happier in my life.”

She breaks off the embrace so that she could properly look at him from head to toe. She looks him in the eyes as she continued.

“I saw the child I always dreamed of having in you, Lazarus. The thirteen years of my life I spent with you were the best I’ve ever had. And I wouldn’t trade them for anything… But. Your life is only just beginning, while mine is ending. I don’t want to leave you all alone, but I don’t have a choice.”

Lucia then reaches into her pocket. Lazarus was shocked to see what it was she had pulled out.

“That’s the-

“Yes. It’s the necklace your long lost friend gave you before he disappeared.” Lucia dangles the crystal sword necklace in front of him. The crystal shined as the setting sun glistened through it. “This was confiscated from you when the military found you unconscious in the crater you made. I persuaded Commander Magath to give it to me. Now, the time has come for me to return it to its rightful owner.”

Lucia attempts to put it around his head, but his hat was in the way. She asks him to remove it, but Lazarus was too afraid to.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Lazarus. You’ll always be beautiful to me. And Annie will think so too, if she ever see’s my memories that is.”

Lazarus was moments away from removing his hat, only to stop once he heard that Lucia had chosen Annie to be the successor of the Female Titan.



Lazarus shakes his head as he once again ends his look back on the past, startled by the sound of a familiar voice saying the name of the girl he loves.

Down below, he could see Annie standing outside of her home, looking blankly at her father. The man who taught her how to fight, while being a total ass in the process.

What he didn’t expect to follow, was said ass to be down on his knees, hands on her shoulders and tears in his eyes, looking up at his adopted daughter.

Due to the telepathic link he shared with all the Warriors, he was able to hear everything they were saying, even from a distance.

“I am so, so sorry for the way I’ve treated you over the years!” Leonhart sorrowfully pleads with his daughter. “I don’t care about being an honorary Marleyan anymore! I was so hung up on what I wanted, that I never once thought about what you wanted.”

Annie could tell by the tone of his voice and the tears in his eyes that he was actually being genuine for once in his life. This was so unlike him. Why now would he have a change of heart and actually care about her?

Lazarus knew exactly what this was. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched. It would seem that Mister Leonhart actually took his advice to heart, and has chosen now to be the time where he shows Annie how much he cared for her. And just in time too, as he and his fellow Warriors were ordered to set sail for Paradis tomorrow morning.

“I don’t expect you to forgive me. But promise me that you will return… That’s all I ask of you, Annie.”

Now it was Annie’s turn to start the water works. All she ever wanted was to be loved by the man she called father. To have a regular father, daughter relationship. She never wanted to be moulded into a soldier, but to have a real childhood. Now she got what she wanted, and she couldn’t have been any happier.

“Ok.” She responded solemnly. “I promise, Dad.”

Leonhart was so relieved to hear those words. He did what Lazarus asked him to. He gave his daughter a reason to fight. A reason to care. A reason to live. Unbeknown to him that the person who gave him said advice, was happily watching from a distance.

“Why now?” Annie asked her father. “What made you change and drive you to apologise to me?”

Leonhart wipes away his tears and clears his throat before answering her. “Let’s just say that this old selfish bastard had some help reminding him of his humanity, from a wise young man in a fedora, haha.”

Annie was taken aback by that last statement. She knew immediately who he was talking about.

It didn’t take her long to notice Lazarus sitting atop the wall standing between the surface and the lower levels. How long had he been sitting there? When did he have the time to talk to her dad?

Now I know why you were talking to him the day I spotted you.” Annie telepathically spoke with her friend. “You somehow convinced him to act more like my Dad, rather than my trainer. It’s because of you that I no longer feel nothing.” A warm hearted smile starts to form on Annie’s face as she looks up at Lazarus. This was probably the first genuine smile she’s ever had in her entire life. It was a good feeling. One she won’t ever forget. “Thank you, Lazarus.”

“You’re welcome.”

Annie’s body shifted back at the shock of hearing Lazarus’s voice in her head actually respond to her thoughts. Bertolt mentioned that he can read minds, but she never really believed him.

“Annie?” Her father addressed her with confusion to her sudden shift.

“It’s nothing.” She reassured him.

The day has finally arrived. The long awaited mission to travel to the island of Paradis, steal the Founding Titan from the royal family, and return it to the motherland had officially begun.

Among the seven members of the Omega Warrior Unit, five were selected to embark on a Marleyan battleship to set sail for the devil’s island. The chosen warriors being Marcel Galliard, Bertolt Hoover, Reiner Braun, Annie Leonhart, and leading the Paradis squad was the newly elected Vice Chief, Lazarus Averbach. Zeke and Pieck were ordered to stay behind so that Marley would at least have some Titan protection from any possible outside forces that considered them vulnerable to attack.

He was honestly hoping to be made the new War Chief of the Warriors. But as powerful, highly skilled in combat, and intelligent he was. Lazarus was severely lacking in leadership skills. Something he hopes to improve on when he leads the others to attack the three walls the devils were hiding behind.

The Warriors were all standing at the back of the ship, waving and saying goodbye to their friends and families they’ll be leaving behind for the next couple of years. Reiner had his mother, aunt and uncle, and their new born daughter which they named Gabi. Annie had her father. Bertolt, his parents. And Marcel had Porco, though he was still pissed that Reiner was chosen to inherit the Armoured Titan instead of him.

Lazarus waved to the public as well. Though he was sad to see that he had no family to say goodbye too. He did say his farewells to Zeke and Pieck, but it wasn’t enough to fill in the hole in his heart Lucia had left.

As the ship drifted further and further away from port. Lazarus reminisced one last time about Lucia. Replaying some of her final words to him in his mind.

I know this mission to take the Founding Titan from the devils of Paradis will be tough on you, Laz. But I know you and your friends will succeed. Because, you and your Titan were created for the purpose of saving the world. You can become humanity’s true Helos. The hero who will put an end to the era of Titans, and create a new era where the world will be free from fear. And we Eldians will finally be free of our suffering.”

He then thinks back to the day of the ceremony. Moments after Bertolt had inherited the Colossal Titan from Leonardo. Lucia was the last Warrior to be marched up the stairs to the sacrificial altar. She was only wearing the same white robe the other Warriors wear forced to wear during the ritual.

As she was being forced onto her knees and having the chains attached to her arms, she looked over to where Lazarus was standing. Tears filled her eyes as she came to accept that this would be the last time she’d ever see her son.

“But taking the Founder is not the only goal you’ll have once you arrive. You’re friend. The one who gave you that necklace, is hiding somewhere on that island. It’s possible that the devils may’ve captured him. If he truly is on that island, then it’s up to you to bring him home… Only then will you finally be free of your visions, and recover the past memories you’ve lost.”

Annie was being escorted out of the safe room and out into the open underground area. She looks up at Lucia, then to the right where Lazarus stood. She knew how much she meant to him. As such, she hopes to god that he won’t hold a grudge against her for killing the closest thing he’s had to a mother.

The soldier readies the needle filled with the transformation serum, and steadies it over the nape of her neck.

“Wait!” Lucia called out to the soldier. “Can I say my final words before you do this?”

The soldier turns to Commander Magath who gives him a nod in response. The soldier pulls away so he doesn’t accidently inject her before it was time.

“Annie.” Lucia slowly spoke out to her successor. She give Lazarus one last look before continuing on. “Please watch over him for me. Promise me you’ll always be by his side.”

Annie glances over at Lazarus as well and give him a little smile. She then looks Lucia straight in the eyes before making that promise.

“I will… always.”

Lucia smiled again. She knew she’d made the right choice. Annie was perfect to carry on the legacy of the Female Titan. Now she can die without any regrets.

“Though I’ll be gone, your mother and my memories will live on through Annie. A part of me will always be with you, just as a part of your parents will be with you...And no matter what, I will always love you, Lazarus.”

With her final words exchanged, the soldier proceeded with the injection. Annie was instantly transformed into a Pure Titan and sets her sights on Lucia’s chained body.

Lazarus looks away as Lucia was being devoured. He couldn’t bear to watch such a horrific display befall his mentor.

Once it was over, Annie’s pure Titan body evaporated, allowing her to climb out of the nape. Lazarus and the military higher ups all give her a round of applause for successfully inheriting the Female Titan.

“Goodbye… Mom.” Lazarus weakly muttered to himself as he broke down into tears again.

The ship was now out of sight from the citizens of Marley. They’re on their own from this moment onwards.

But Lazarus knows he’s not alone. He had his friends with him. Friends who were willing to follow him to the ends of the earth. But he had another friend who was trapped on that island. A friend who was awaiting his rescue.

Lazarus looks down at the crystal sword around his neck resting in the palm of his hand. The last exchange of words between him and Lucia echoed through his mind as he gazed upon its beauty.

“No matter where I go. You will always be my mother. He told her.

Lucia cries as he holds him in her arms for the last time.

And you will always be in my heart.”

To Be Continued