Chapter 6: The 104th Cadet Corps

After a hundred years of peace in their self-imposed confinement, The Colossal Titan appeared and breached their defences. Titans infiltrated the safe zone and the people of Paradis were forced to abandon their territory within Wall Maria.

They were forced to take refuge behind Wall Rose. But due to overpopulation, many citizens of Wall Maria were forced to leave Wall Rose and make a suicide attempt of reclaiming their lands from the Titans. The mission was a complete failure, not a single person has returned alive. The only bright side of this tragedy being less people means less wasted resources.

It was the year 847, two years after the Warriors launched their attack on the walls. Lazarus and his allies have decided to join the 104th Cadet Corps.

The boy Michael, who had lost so much that day, has also decided to join the Cadet Corps, in order to seek revenge on the Winged Titan. Nobody believed him when he spoke of it. But he hopes that by joining the Scout Regiment, he could prove its existence, and how much of a threat it was.

Due to his injuries, he now hides his face behind a rebreather mask, preventing anyone from seeing his scars, as well as wear a hood to cover the back of his head. The only part of him that was visible were his brown eyes that hid behind his glasses.

He and the other cadets who’ve joined were all standing in the training grounds, awaiting the arrival of their drill sergeant. Michael recognised some of the cadets in front of him. They were no doubt the same group of kids he saw in Shiganshina and then on the boat during the evacuation. Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert. He’s not surprised to see Eren here, considering his words on the boat.

Among the rest of the cadets, he couldn’t help but notice one of them in particular. He was male, roughly in his mid-teens, and had long white hair, crimson eyes and wore a hat. Michael couldn’t explain it, but there was something different about this one.

“Straighten those spines, pissheads!”

Before he could delve any deeper into this, he quickly stood at attention upon hearing the voice of his drill instructor. He can’t afford to slack off if he’s serious about joining the Scouts.

Approaching the cadets was a tall, bald-headed, middle aged man. He wore a look of seriousness on his face. A look that proved to be intimidating for some of the cadets.

“Listen up cadets, the 104th Cadet Corps starts now! Allow me to introduce myself. I am commandant Keith Shadis, and you will grow to hate me. Your training is gonna be a wild ride through hell. If I’ve done my job right, you’ll be waking up in a cold sweat from memories of this place every night for the rest of your miserable lives!”

This all felt like a nostalgia trip for Lazarus and his friends. They remember their first induction into the Marleyan military starting off like this as well. Looking at Keith, he couldn’t help but be reminded of Theo Magath. It was weird how similar they were. Maybe in a different life, the two of them could’ve been friends.

“Right now you’re nothing!” The commandant continued. “Nothing but livestock. But for the next three soul crushing years, you’ll learn to take down your own Goliath. Remember this moment when you come face to face with him, cuz this is where you ask yourself. Am I a fighter? Or am I fodder? Am I gonna be grounded up into pulp by boulder sized teeth? Or am I gonna be the one to bite?”

“Oh I’m a fighter alright.” Michael thought to himself. “When I’m done with my training, the Titans will grow to fear me!”

“I’ll always be a fighter. I’ll keep on fighting until I complete my mission and erase Titans from this world forever!” Lazarus thought.

Keith began to examine his new batch of cadets. His job was to determine which of them were fighting fit to be soldiers, and which were not. If the cadets couldn’t handle his harsh words, then what good would they last against a Titan?

Though not every cadet needed examination, as he could tell by looking into some of their eyes that they’ve been through a lot. One example being Annie, who he just simply walked past, not even giving her so much as a sideways glance.

“Hey moptop!”

Armin was the first one he addressed. Armin quickly placed his right arm over his chest with his left tucked behind him, forming Paradis’s military salute.

“What do they call you?” The commandant asked.

“Armin Arlert from Shiganshina, sir!”

“Wow seriously? Why would your parents curse you with such a dumb name?!” He mocked.

Lazarus didn’t show it, but he was chuckling slightly on the inside. This was exactly how introductions went with Commander Magath.

“Why is a runt like you here, Arlert?”

“To help humanity overcome the Titans, sir!”

“That’s delightful to hear. You’ll make a great light snack for them!” With that said, the commandant continued his inspection.

One by one he examined the cadets he considered to be weaklings and intimidated them, curious as to see if they’d break under pressure or not.

Michael admired the former Scout Regiments commander. Stepping down in order to train the next generation on being soldiers, how could he not show some respect for him?

The next recruit he addressed was a cadet who claimed to join the military police. This was soon followed up by the commandant head butting him to the ground.

“What the hell is wrong with your face you smiling idiot?” Keith addressed the next cadet next to the one he head butted.

“Marco Bodt sir! I come from the south side of Wall Rose. I aim to join the Military Police and devote myself to the king!”

Michael quickly glanced over to the commandant. Bodt? Did he hear that right? The last time he heard that name was from the nice old woman who sold him fruit before Wall Maria was breached. He remembers her mentioning that she had a grandson who lived in Wall Rose.

“Yeah, there’s no doubt. That’s Mrs. Bodt’s grandson.” Michael thought. “Does he even know what happened? I guess I could ask him when training is done.”

Michael was so deep in thought over the whole situation, that he failed to process the fact that Keith Shadis was standing right in front of him. He quickly saluted his superior to show that he was paying attention.

“What’s wrong cadet? Is that mask your wearing sucking the oxygen out of your brain?!” He mocked him. “Who gave you permission to wear something like that?”

“It was section commander Hange, Sir! I don’t wear this mask because I want to, I have to wear it! My lungs have been severely damaged. The mask helps steady my breathing, sir!” Michael explained.

“Oh really?” Keith replied sarcastically. “Then tell me. Why should I waste my time training a cripple like you, ey?”

Michael fought with all his strength to resist the urge to punch the commandant in the face for calling him a cripple. But as of right now only he and a few others know of his father and his connections to the Scouts. For the sake of completing the training, he grins and bares it.

“Because I am more than willing to give my heart and soul to the cause. I will not rest until I get my revenge on the new Titans that breached the walls!”

Lazarus, Reiner and Bertolt glance over at Michael. He’s probably the first cadet to actually stand up for himself in front of the commandant. Reiner couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous over his declaration for revenge against him.

“Easy Reiner. We don’t want to draw attention to ourselves.” Lazarus said calmly.

“So you wish to take on the Colossal and Armoured Titans eh?” Keith replied in a more serious tone. “Maybe you should keep wearing that mask then. It’ll make it easier for us to identify your corpse.”

Michael smirked - behind his mask - back at the commandant as he moved on to the next cadets. Though he didn’t show it, he could tell that Keith actually took him more seriously compared to the other cadets he asked those questions to.

The next cadet to be addressed by the commandant was Lazarus. Among the many new recruits he’d gotten, Keith was most intrigued by the albino human. Michael paid close attention to the interrogation, as he too was curious about him and his intentions.

“Hey cowboy! What do they call you?”

Lazarus performs the salute before answering. “Lazarus Averbach, sir!”

“Lazarus huh?” Keith would never admit it to anyone, but even he had to agree, that was an interesting name. “And why are you here?”

“To save humanity, by wiping out every single Titan in existence!” Lazarus stated proudly.

Keith wasn’t sure how to respond. It didn’t sound like he was bluffing or gloating. The look in his eyes says that he means it.

Even Eren couldn’t help but look in his direction. The way he declared that he would kill all Titans sounded identical to his own declaration on the boat. In some weird way, it looked like he was watching himself.

“Who is that guy?” Both Eren and Michael wondered. But at the same time, this was only orientation. It’s far too soon to know if he can back up his words with his actions.

Lazarus watched as Keith picked up a small cadet by his shaved head, somehow managing to lift him off the ground without breaking a sweat. His reasoning for this being that he did the salute backwards. The salute represents the resolve in your heart to fight for their people. And as far as he was concerned, his heart was NOT on his right side.

But that didn’t even come close to the sheer awkwardness of the female cadet standing behind him. Lazarus, Michael, and Keith all stared dumbfounded at what their eyes saw.

For some unknown reason, this girl had the audacity to eat a steamed potato in plain view of everyone else without a care in the world. Michael couldn’t help but feel worried for her. Worried on what the commandant will do to her.

“Hey you there. What do you think you’re doing?” Keith asked calmly.

As he slowly approaches the girl, she continued to chew on the current mouthful of potato she had, nervously looking around, fearing that she may never get to finish it. A menacing shadow soon looms over her, forcing her to chew even faster.

“YOU ARE OFFICIALLY ON MY SHIT LIST! JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” The commandant roared down at her.

Quickly swallowing her mouthful, the girl responded with a fearful salute, with the potato still clutched in her right hand.

“Sasha Braus from Dauper village reporting for duty sir!”

“Sasha Braus huh?” The commandant replied, still processing what exactly is going on. “And what is that your holding in your right hand?”

“A steamed potato. It just sat there in the mess hall begging to be eaten, sir!”

This did not help matters at all. The theft he can understand. But why eat it here of all places? Keith just couldn’t understand how this girls mind works… Why? He just can’t comprehend. Just why would she eat that potato?

Things started to get awkward between the two of them. Sasha then decides to try and patch things up by offering him half of her potato. Even though the half she offered was noticeably smaller than her much larger half.

Keith just stood there in confusion, staring down at the small potato piece in his hand. Everyone else was mortally shocked by the unpleasant exchange between the commandant and the potato girl. And to make matters worse, she gives him a dumb smile. They all know for a fact that things were gonna end badly for her.

After the rite of passage grilling was done, all of the cadets that were deemed worthy of training had just been assigned to their dorms. All except Sasha, who was ordered to run laps around the entire training grounds until sunset. But that didn’t upset her as much as losing meal privileges for the next five days.

After getting settled into their dorms, the cadets were all siting in the mess hall eating their meals. Lazarus was sitting in the corner with Reiner and Bertolt. Annie decided to sit away from them to avoid suspicion. And Michael decided to sit on the table next to Eren’s.

Though he is capable of removing his mask and eating normally like everyone else, he chooses instead to drink his cup of water through a built in straw. He did not want anyone to see his scarred face. He’ll only eat in the privacy of his own room, or wait until the mess hall was empty before enjoying his food. (Though it would’ve gone cold by then)

As he drank, he couldn’t help but overhear Eren telling some of the other recruits about how he saw the Colossal Titan. Describing what it looked like and how big it was. He also mentions the Armoured Titan. But stopped after that.

It was just as he suspected. Only he knows about the Winged Titan. Everyone believed that there were only two new Titans that day, when in reality it was three.

The cadets continued to press Eren for more information, but it all proved too much for him to handle, as he started to relive the horrific memories of watching his mother being eaten alive by a Titan.

Michael then decides to intervene and explain to them his side of the story.

“There’s three of them, actually.”

Everyone listening to Eren turned their attention to Michael who continues to sip out of his straw. This time slurping up the soup he was given.

“What do you mean by that?” Eren asked.

“The Colossal and Armoured Titans aren’t the only new Titans that appeared that day. There was another. A Titan that could fly.”

Hearing that forced Lazarus to look back at Michael as the recruits gathered round his table. He had a feeling someone would eventually discover his Titan, but he was secretly hoping nobody would have the desire to look up at the sky during an attack.

“A flying Titan? Don’t be ridiculous.” Jean spoke up. “A Titan with wings is a little on the nose, don’t you think?”

“So is the idea of a Titan being bigger than the walls, or having an armour covered body.” Michael shot back at him. “I know what I saw that day. And I know for a fact that these three Titans are not like any other. They’re intelligent. And that Winged Titan is obviously their leader.”

All the other cadets – including Jean – laughed in response to Michaels theory.

Eren however was intrigued to hear more of his story, and decided to pick his plate up and sit down next to him.

“You saw it?” He asked.

“Not exactly.” Michael replied regrettably. “It was too far away for me to get a proper look. But from what I can tell, I estimate it to be the same size as a regular Titan, fifteen meters. It had two huge bat-like wings, and horns. Honestly, it looked more like a demon than a Titan… I know I may sound crazy, but-“

“I believe you”

Michael and Eren look over to the right and catch Armin placing his plate down next to Erens at Michaels table.

“It actually makes sense as to how the Colossal and Armoured Titans knew where and when to attack. This Winged Titan can easily scan the entire layout of the walls from above. It probably ordered them to attack when we were at our most vulnerable. Meaning… this was a well thought out, planned attack. Which also means that these three new Titans have intelligence that rivals our own.”

Hearing this causes Erens anger to build up again, crushing the piece of bread he held in his hand.

“So that day when the walls were breached. Your saying it wasn’t random?” The painful reminder of him watching his mother being eaten alive briefly played out in his head, causing him to get even more angry.

“That is why my goal is to take revenge on the Winged Titan. Make it pay for all the suffering and death it caused.” Michael added. “You want revenge on the Titans? Then let us work together to ensure that we succeed, and avenge our hometown, and its people.”

It was at this moment that Armin was able to piece together who Michael was. He was that one boy who watched the whole thing with the kids who were bullying him unfold.

“So you’re from Shiganshina like us?” Eren asked.

“Actually, I’m from Trost, south side of Wall Rose.” Michael corrected. “I live there with my dad, who is a proud member of the Scout Regiment. Whenever he goes out on missions, he leaves me in the care of his friends in Shiganshina. But after Wall Maria fell, they were killed by the Armoured Titan when it rammed the inner gate.” He touches the right side of his head that was the most scarred. “Now I’m forced to wear this mask as a constant reminder of that day.”

Eren and Armin can tell how much the fall of Wall Maria affected the masked cadet. They won’t deny that everyone who came from Shiganshina had suffered at the hands of the Titans. Many have lost families to their bloodlust.

Unlike most predators in the world, Titans don’t have the excuse of eating humans to survive. Their bodies lacked a digestive system, reproductive organs, or anything else a predator has. Titans are simply killing for sport, and humans are their one true prey. That fact alone is what makes Eren hate them even more.

Deciding that he’s heard enough of their conversation, Lazarus begins to take his leave after finishing his bowl of stew. He had a lot to discuss with the Warriors now that some people were aware of his Titans existence.

“By the way.” Michael spoke up. “You never told me your name.”

“I’m Eren Yeager.”

Lazarus froze as he was reaching for the door handle. Did he hear right? Yeager. The same last name as his ally, Zeke. But how could that be? He remembers Zeke telling him that his parents were sent to Paradis and turned into Pure Titans. And Zeke had no other family on his fathers side apart from his grandparents.

“His father was a doctor. A pretty popular one too from what I heard from the higher ups in the interior” Armin added.

Lazarus grew even more shocked upon hearing that last statement. Zeke also mentioned his father, Grisha, being a doctor back in Marley before he joined the Eldian Restorationists.

“Is it possible? That Zeke’s father survived?” He thought to himself. “How is that possible? Nobody can change back from being a Pure Titan unless-

It didn’t take long for Lazarus to figure it out. The only explanation to how Grisha survived, is him being a Titan Shifter. He must’ve eaten someone who had one of the nine and claimed the power for himself. Among the nine Titans, there was only one that it could be.

“The Attack Titan”.

Lazarus glances back at Michael, Eren, Armin, and a girl with long black hair who just sat down next to Eren. He then decided to actually leave as to not draw any suspicion from the group.

After leaving, Eren introduces the girl to Michael, whose name was Mikasa Ackerman. Upon first glance, Mikasa’s eyes looked cold and emotionless. Something that would make anyone uncomfortable. But not Michael. Not one bit. Being around Levi for some time, he’s gotten used to it.

They continued talking for the remainder of dinner, sharing stories and theories about the three new Titans.

The next day, all of the 104th cadets have been gathered to the training grounds to begin their tests with the Omni Directional Mobility Gear. A unique weapon that allows soldiers to fly around and evade Titans with ease.

They had already taken a lecture on the ODM gear. Learning how its built, how it was invented, and how to use it against Titans.

As an engineer, Lazarus was deeply fascinated with the concept of such a device. He knew for a fact that if Lucia was still alive, she’d be willing to try and build one of them for herself.

But knowing was only half the battle. Mastering the ODM gear is the only sure fire way to become a full fledged soldier.

“Listen up you brats!” The commandant yelled, gaining the attention of his students. “There is no place for you here if you cannot perform. Before you begin your tests with the ODM gear, you must first test your bodies for balance. If you cannot find balance, then you will be served up to the Titans on a silver platter!”

One by one, the cadets strapped the cables from the towers to their harnesses and remained still as the wires lifted them off the ground. Some of them failed instantly and fall on their faces. Some take some time to adjust… And some of them just happen to nail it on their first try.

The only two cadets that were able to do so were Lazarus and Mikasa. Lazarus has had plenty of experience with flying, so maintaining balance was no big deal. Though he was quite surprised to see that Mikasa was able to do it too. Making him wonder what her excuse was.

Eventually the other cadets, Jean, Connie and Sasha were able to get the hang of it. Even Armin was able to do it in the end.

Michael and Eren however were struggling the most. Eren ended up slamming face first into the ground, causing the other cadets to cringe. Michael started to laugh over Erens fall, unaware that he too was about to lose balance.

“Hahahahaha, looks like you ate shIT-

And just like that, Michael came tumbling after, smashing the back of his head against the hard ground. He clutched the back of his head, holding it steady until the ringing stopped.

“Yep, this is what I get for being smug. I end up hitting the only part of my head that isn’t covered!”

Lazarus was wandering through the training grounds thinking over everything he’d learned of this island so far.

Nothing was like how he expected. The people living here acted nothing like the devils they were told about, nor did they live like devils. Two years he and his allies have been researching the walls and the people within it, and can confirm that deep down they’re all just people.

Ever since then, the Warriors have been struggling to bear the weight of all the destruction they’ve caused. He and Annie have been keeping a level head by focusing on accomplishing their mission with a minimal chance of killing more people. Bertolt had decided to shut himself out from all the people around him, returning to his childhood role of a shy, quiet boy.

And Reiner… He feels as if Reiner is suffering the most for their actions, to the point where his mind was starting to split in two. Marcels Death was but the nail hammered into the ground that formed the cracks. After breaching the inner gate, that crack ended up growing bigger and bigger, until its only a matter of time until his psyche shatters completely.

He can’t let that happen. One team member was killed because of his hesitance. He’ll be damned if he loses another.

“What kind of performance do you call that?!”

Hearing commotion in the distance, Lazarus walks over to the ODM training area they were just at hours ago. It looked like Commandant Shadis was not finished expressing his disappointment in two cadets, a short black haired girl and a blond haired boy. Lazarus recognised them as Thomas Wagner, and Mina Carolina. Like Michael and Eren, they too have struggled with the balance test.

“Listen here you maggots, if you’re not in it to win it, then you might as well pack up and spend the rest of your lives working in the fields!” He addresses them one at a time. “Thomas Wagner! Even a waste of space like you can make it to the interior. They’re low on volunteers for latrine duty! And you, Mina Carolina! Born in a pigsty weren’t you? Then go back and live with the swine, kiddo! Titans don’t eat pork! … Although, I don’t think the pigs would even take in a runt like you in!”

Keith then fled the scene, satisfied with how it all went down. The two cadets however felt that was going too far, even for him.

“He didn’t have to be that harsh, right? I’m doing the best I can.” Thomas said in a defeated tone.

“I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.” Mina added. “…Maybe the life of a pig is better.”

Lazarus approached the two cadets. He had no reason to, but even on an enemy island, he can’t help but try and offer assistance to anyone in need of it. Even if they technically were his enemies, he has no reason to treat them as such. Not when his only goal is to recover the Coordinate.

“Don’t say things like that. That kind of attitude is exactly why your failing.”

Thomas and Mina looked over at Lazarus. Both of them caught off guard by his sudden appearance, as well as his crimson glare.

“Oh, you’re the guy who nailed the test on your first try.” Thomas spoke up. “Lazarus right?”

Lazarus nodded and focused his attention on Mina.

“You shouldn’t let the commandants words get to you. It’s only been the first day. Not everyone is gonna get it right on their first try. I only got lucky… Just keep working hard, and one day you’ll make him eat his words.” He reassured them.

“We ARE working hard.” Thomas complained.

“Not all of us are fit to be soldiers like you, Lazarus.” Mina continued. “What do you think we should do to improve ourselves?”

“You want my advice?” He asked rhetorically. “Watch and learn from the high-flyers. There are many talented individuals amongst our peers, not just me. Studying their strong points is a great way to improve your own skills.”

Thomas and Mina liked the sound of that advice. Watching and learning is indeed a great way to adapt your own skills. Both cadets managed to calm down and finally form a smile.

“Ok, I admit, that sounds like a great plan. Mina and I can get in a few more extra hours of training before sundown. Care to join us, Lazarus?” Thomas asked.

“I’d love to, but I need to head back to my barracks. I promised my friends I’d meet with them later… But let me know if you’ve improved, and I look forward to hearing about it.”

He then takes his leave. Mina and Thomas both wave goodbye to him until he was out of their sight. Lazarus smiled and waved back at them.

Once he was out of sight his smile fades away. He suddenly stops and ends up punching the tree next to him for no reason. A look of distress forming on his face.

“What am I doing?!” He shouted out loud. Luckily, nobody was around to hear him. “This isn’t Marley, Lazarus! You can’t just go around making friends and helping people. Not while you’re the reason they’ve lost EVERYTHING!… What is wrong with me?!”

He takes a deep breath and removes his hand from the tree. He then realised that his punch was actually strong enough that it created a huge dent in the tree. Had he put any more strength into it, he could’ve knocked it down completely.

He takes a couple deep breaths and continues his walk, making sure nobody was around.

This change was all too much for him to handle. Even now he was unsure if he should continue acting like a friend to them, or be like Annie and shut them all out.

On one hand, shutting them out means nothing will distract him from his mission. On the other, making friends with the enemy would grant him some useful tips on how to complete it… The only downside being, the closer he gets with the cadets, the more painful it’ll be for them when he eventually reveals his identity to them as the Winged Titan.

Knowing that, he thought about that one cadet who wore the rebreather mask. He was the only one who figured out his Titan whilst everyone else didn’t. There was definitely something different about him. Lazarus just couldn’t put his finger on what it was.

Night has fallen on day 2 of the 104th Cadet Corps training. Michael had spent most of his off time telling his new friends about the fall of Wall Maria from his perspective.

Like Eren, he too sought to get stronger so that he could graduate and actually kill the Titans.

After struggling with todays posture control training for the ODM gear, the two of them decided to ask the other cadets who nailed it on their first try for any tips. But they all refused due to Eren’s big talk about how if you can’t handle the pressure then you had to leave.

Eren – practically begging them – broke down in self pity, instantly regretting his words.

“That’s what happens when you try and talk all tough.” Michael said.

After a few failed attempts, Michael, Eren and Armin decided to visit the barracks that Lazarus, Reiner and Bertolt were staying in. By now Lazarus had returned from his long walk and was laying on the top bunk with his hat over his face, hands behind his head, and his legs crossed.

Reiner and Bertolt were both sitting on the bottom bunk, sitting across from their late night guests.

“Oh come on! I heard from everyone that you’re all really good at it. Please Bertolt, Reiner!”

“Sorry kid, but there isn’t just some special trick to just hanging there. Not to be harsh, but if its advice you want then I’m not the right guy.” Reiner responded.

Eren lowers his head in defeat. Yet another dead end… Or was it?

Michael looks up at Lazarus and calls out to him. “Hey, you up there?”

Lazarus slowly rises out of bed and looks down at the others, adjusting his hat so that he could actually see them.

“Could you guys keep it down please? I’m trying to catch myself some Z’s”

“Sorry, but we came here to talk. It’s only polite to answer.” Michael responded.

After readjusting the straps underneath his hat, Lazarus decided to climb down the ladder and join the others. There a was a long pause as each individual looked amongst one another. Among them, Lazarus and Michael stood out the most, not just in appearance, but because of something else.

Both cadets couldn’t explain it, but for a fleeting moment something passed between them. Something that made them feel that they’ll be seeing a whole lot more of each other throughout their years of service to the walls. For their sake, they hope they can all get along together.

“I’ve seen you guys before.” Lazarus broke the silence. “You’re the guys who’ve been causing that ruckus in the mess hall yesterday. Quite a show you put on.”

“It wasn’t a show!” Michael responded in a slightly annoyed tone. “Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I KNOW what I saw that day!”

“That day?” Bertolt quietly spoke up. “Then that means you three are from Shiganshina.”

All three boys nod in confirmation.

“Then you should know first hand how terrifying they are. Why on Earth would you wanna be soldiers?” Bertolt asked.

They all look at each other for a brief moment before forming an answer. Armin was the only one who hadn’t seen the horrors that Eren and Michael did. They saw the Titans bloodlust first hand before anyone knew how bad it was. And he was forced to just sit idly by as the government forced his grandfather, along with the majority of Wall Maria’s citizens, to wander into Titan territory and die.

“I don’t know about them.” Michael answered first. “But I want to be a soldier because of my father. He’s a scout, and I want to be one too, so he no longer has to worry about me in the back of his mind, lessening his chances of returning alive every time he left. I want to be stronger so I can fight for myself, which in turn would give him greater strength… That, and I want revenge on the new Titans.”

The three warriors were flabbergasted by Michaels answer. Outwardly they were very good at masking their emotions. But on the inside they couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. Even if it was all talk, Lazarus had a feeling that he may actually have the strength to back up his threats.

Changing the subject, Armin decided to ask the three warriors where they’re from.

“Reiner, Bertolt and I are from a mountain village south east of Wall Maria.”

“What?!” Armin interrupted. “But that means-

“Yeah… Unlike the more prosperous river towns, our village didn’t receive word right away. The Titans were on us before we even knew what was going on.” Lazarus lowers his head slightly, making their story more believable. “It happened at dawn. All the livestock were so restless. Soon after we heard these strange rumblings that only got louder and louder… Eventually, we realised that the rumblings were the sounds of death getting closer and closer.”

Bertolt intervened. “I was the first one who woke up from it. I rushed to the window, and I saw it… A Titan.” He looks at Reiner. “If Reiner hadn’t pushed me out of the way in time, it would’ve grabbed me.”

Reiner places his hand on his comrades back. “Hey, easy now, you’re just gonna get yourself worked up again.”

Bertolt apologised and took a little breather. This was Lazarus’s chance to pick it back up again.

“The point is, the six of us in this room are not like the rest of them.”

“Them?” Michael asked confusedly. “Who’s them?”

“The other cadets here. None of them have bore witness to the Titans horror. Therefore, only we understand each other.”

Their talk was soon interrupted by the other male cadets sharing their barracks finally coming in for some rest. Just when things were gonna get interesting too.

“Damnit!” Eren muttered to himself.

“Don’t sweat it, kid.” Lazarus replied. “I know a place where we can continue our talk undisturbed. But its best you dress up warmly first.”

In order to get some peace and quiet from the rest of the cadets, the three misfits decided to follow the three Warriors as they led them up a forest covered hill. All of them were dressed up in dark green cloaks to shield their bodies from the bitter cold winds.

Lazarus was leading the way, holding a bright lantern in his left hand. His Titan powers allow him to actually see in the dark as a form of night vision so the lantern wasn’t needed for him to see. But he couldn’t exactly tell the others that, not without making them suspicious.

As they walked, they all opened up to each other on what regiments they’ll join once they graduate. Everyone but Bertolt claimed that they’d join the Scouts, while Bertolt would rather live safely in the interior as a member of the Military Police. Armin reassures him that there’s no shame in caring about your own life.

“Hey” Michael spoke up. “Why did you guys join the military? What’s your end goal? You already know mine. It’s only fair I hear yours.”

Reiner was the first to answer that question. Bertolt already gave his answer – even though it was a lie – so he had no reason to explain it again.

“I’m going to return to the home that was taken from me. I joined the military so I can do just that. I will do it, no matter what!”

Lazarus glances back at Reiner. Technically he didn’t lie when he gave them his answer. He may’ve bent the truth a little, but it was the truth nonetheless.

“What about you, Lazarus?” Michael asked. “With your skills I think you’d make a good Scout. Why’d you join?”

“Because I want to make the world a better place for all kinds of people. The only way to do that is to kill the Titans and rid this world of their tyranny. I want to become a hero to the world, so that my parents can finally rest in peace.” Like Reiner, he too bent the truth enough to not reveal too much info about themselves.

“Were they killed by Titans?” Armin asked.

Lazarus nodded. He’s actually aware of how they really died. Lucia and Tom ate them when their thirteen year lives came to an end. But they didn’t need to know that.

“What about you Eren? Why did you sign up?” Lazarus asked.

“Why’d I join?” The brief flashback of him being forced to watch as his mother was eaten alive played out in his head yet again as he was forming his answer. “I decided that I have to kill them!”

The warriors all look back at Eren. Lazarus felt a little spooked upon looking at the angry glare in Eren’s green eyes. He’d seen that look before, in his nightmares.

As he got older, his visions have become less active, only appearing in his dreams and rarely in his mind while awake. Every night he still has the same nightmare about an army of Colossal Titans, followed by an even bigger creature with hate filled eyes…Why does Eren remind him of that dream?

“I won’t stop until every single Titan is dead and rotting! I’ll kill them all! Every last one!”

A small chill ran up Lazarus’s spine. It was as if every instinct in his body was telling him that this boy was a threat to him and everyone else around him. But that couldn’t be. It’s not as if he has Titan powers equal to his own.

“You saw what they’re capable of. And you still wanna take them on?” He asked.

“Damn right!” Eren replied instantly. Though his determination started to fade away upon being reminded of his failure during training. “It’s just that… After screwing up the training, I don’t know if I’m cut out to be a soldier.”

Michael suddenly elbows Eren in the shoulder, almost giving him a dead arm. Before Eren could vent his frustration and ask why he did that, Michael interrupted him.

“Hey, you’re not the only one who messed up today. I failed too, but you don’t see me complaining about it… It’s tough, but I won’t let one slip up ruin my goals of becoming a Scout and fighting alongside my father. Are you gonna let today mess up your goal of killing the Titans?”

Eren shook his head.

“Then pull yourself together and focus on your end goal. Use what happened to you as motivation to push you forward. And no matter what happens-

“You keep moving forward!” Lazarus finished his sentence.

Michael looked back up at Lazarus with a slight look of surprise in his eyes. “How’d you know that?”

“Someone very special to me taught me that, the day she died.” He places his hand over his chest where his sword necklace was behind his uniform. “I’m fighting not just for me, but for her too. And I will not rest until I complete the path she set me down on.”

Reiner and Bertolt briefly glance at Lazarus and smile. They both know he was talking about Lucia. If it wasn’t for her influence, they wouldn’t have their fearless leader, and Marley wouldn’t have the Winged Titan.

At last, the cadets have reached the top of the hill. The clouds conveniently part, allowing the moon to light up the area. Everyone but Lazarus was in awe of the sight of it all. From where they stood, they got a magnificent view of the mountains in the distance, the forests spread out to the sides. And in the centre was a large lake of crystal clear water, sparkling in response to the beams of moonlight hitting it.

Lazarus came across this area when he got separated from his friends during the breaching of the walls. This was where he landed the Winged Titan and returned to his human form. It was secluded, quiet, and cut off from any villages. The perfect place for a Titan Shifter to hide his true self.

Still, looking at it again from the cliff, he won’t deny how beautiful it is. He makes a mental note to himself to bring Annie here for a romantic picnic whenever they found the time.

The group continued to chat amongst themselves whilst keeping their eyes on the magnificent view in front of them.

“Will you show me, Lazarus?” Eren asked. “How I can be as good as you?”

“We’ll take it one small step at a time, starting with step 1, belt adjustment. By tomorrow you’ll be an expert.”

“We know you’ve got what it takes.” Reiner added. “I can see it in you.”

“We won’t fail this time, Eren. I guarantee it.” Michael encouraged him, placing his hand on his shoulder.

He then turns to the three warriors. “Thank you Lazarus. Thank you Reiner. And thank you Bertolt.” He said with a smile (even though they can’t see it)

The next day of training is beginning to near its conclusion. A lot of the cadets who had failed yesterday have been able to pass this time around.

Other cadets weren’t so lucky, and ended up joining the other dropouts in the fields.

The latest to pass were Thomas and Mina, who give Lazarus a friendly smile and wave, thanking him for the advice he gave them. Lazarus responded with a smile and a thumbs up.

Michael was the next one to have another go at the posture test. The only reason he failed was because he was distracted by Erens fall. He would not make that mistake again. As the wires raised him up, he glanced over at Lazarus who gave him a nod.

Michael breathed slowly and try’s his best to balance his body, using his goal to reunite with his dad as the motivation he needs to win.

He was able to hold his balance for a total of two minutes, which easily impressed the majority of the cadets, including Eren and Armin. He had done it. He passed the posture test.

As the soldiers disconnected him, Michael could hear the other cadets cheering for him, congratulating him on passing at long last.

“Well done, cadet.” Keith Shadis addressed him. “Maybe you won’t be a waste of time after all. Now go stand with the others!”

Michael saluted and did as he was told, standing with his new friends. Keith then turned to Eren.

“Yeager! You’re up!”

Everyone watched in silence as Eren was now being lifted up into the air. This was it, the moment of truth. Will he pass? Or will he end up getting his face bashed in again?

By the sounds of the others cheering, it looked like Eren was actually doing it… Or so they thought.

Like before, Eren ended up losing balance and falls over backwards, hitting the back of his head on the hard ground.

The commandant approached Eren with a disappointed look on his face. Eren tried his best to convince him to give it another shot, claiming he has what it takes to be a soldier.

“Lower him.” Keith instructed the soldier manning the crank.

“Wait!” Lazarus spoke out, drawing all attention to him. Including the commandant.

“Forgive me for speaking out, sir! But I’ve just noticed that Eren’s belt is damaged.” He pointed over to the clasp on Eren’s belt, which was broken open. “With proper working equipment he should be able to do it.”

The others all look down at Erens belt, confirming that he was telling the truth. Michael then decided to take off his own belt and hands it over to Keith.

“Here sir. Eren can use mine until his can be repaired.” He offered.

The commandant was moved by this. But at the same time, he was a little disappointed. What the others didn’t know was that it was he who sabotaged Eren’s gear, purposely to see if he could somehow prevent him becoming a soldier. He alone knows why he would do such a thing, but he no longer had a reason to care. Still, he was not expecting Lazarus to discover the sabotage, and then Michael offering his own… So far, this generation of cadets has proven to be the most interesting of them all.

Everyone cheered once again as Eren was able to pass the test and hold his balance. Even though he had busted gear, he was still able to hold his balance for a couple seconds. That was an impressive feat on its own.

“Looks like it all worked out in the end.” Reiner spoke up.

“Yeah, look at his eyes. They’re saying check me out.” Armin added.

“They’re not.”

They all look towards Mikasa. “His eyes are saying he doesn’t have to leave me. Not anymore.”

The others were clueless on what she meant by that. Though Lazarus had an idea what she was talking about. There was a moment in time where he too had eyes that said those exact words to Annie.

Looking at Eren, he can’t help but see a glimmer of himself during his Warrior training days. He just can’t seem to figure it out. What was so special about this boy from Shiganshina?

Then it hit him. Retrieving the coordinate was his one true mission from Marley. But he hadn’t forgotten that he had another mission. To find his long lost friend and discover the secrets behind his visions and why he has them.

“Is it possible… that Eren Yeager might be the friend I’ve been searching for?”

To Be Continued