Chapter 8 – Epilogue

     1992 - The independent state of Ukraine. The cliffs of Babi Yar look much the same as they did all those many years ago. Nature has reclaimed this spot, once so infamous for its death and destruction. An ocean of blood once pooled within the ravine which now bristles with bird song and the gentle rustling of leaves in the late winter breeze. At the top of the ditch stands a lone woman sporting a body no bigger than that of a teenager; but with looks which far betray her true age. Her skin is pale and wrinkled, her eyes deep set but still shimmering bright blue in the morning light. She wobbles slightly, steadying herself with a cane as she watches her breath form clouds of mist in the chilly frigid air. Suddenly she senses a presence coming up the path behind her. She need not turn around to meet this person; she already knows who it is.

     “How was your flight from Tel Aviv?” the elderly Iryna asks with a soft, croaking voice. As she does so the mysterious visitor comes to stand next to her. Anastasia looks much the same as her friend, with the body of a young girl but the fine details of someone much, much older.

     “Comfortable enough. I don’t understand aeroplane food though. I’ve never been happier to lose my sense of taste.” The Russian jokes with a wrinkled, cracked smile, drawing a cheerful giggle from her comrade. “‘Never forget’. That’s what they say now. And have you?” she asks in a sorrowful tone.

     “I remember all of it. And soon so will everyone else. The Soviet Union is gone. All sorts of secrets will come out.” Iryna confirms as she peers down into the ravine that was once her tomb.

     “Then I guess our job is done.” Anastasia sighs, slowly taking out the very last of her grief seeds from her jacket pocket. “Do you think out of all the Magical Girls Kyubey ever made we’ve lasted the longest?” she asks with a melancholic grin.

     “Oh I’m sure we are. We’ve had a reason to keep on living after all.” Iryna replies. Anastasia can only nod and smile at this before she tosses the black seed down into the pit, its glass body bouncing off the rock walls as it goes, echoing throughout the landscape.

     “How long do you have left?” Iryna questions as she looks down at Anastasia's soul gem. The crystal swirls with dark energy, horrid colours flashing in its depths, just the same as her own gem does on her bony finger. These two Magical Girls have lived a long life, and now their magic simply can’t keep up.

     “Not long… We did good, didn't we? We made a difference, in the end?”

     “I think we did, although people might not know it. Sure we couldn’t save everyone… But maybe that’s what wishes are for.” Iryna smirks gently. “Thank you for being with me all these years Ana. Thank you.” She says as tears well in her bright eyes. A silence falls over the ravine as the two women simply listen to the world around them. It seems to last forever, this peace and quiet. It’s blissful after so many years of fighting countless horrors; those both Witch and human. They fought through the rest of the war and battled to keep the memory of those murdered at Babi Yar alive.

     “It's time to go.” Anastasia finally says breaking the silence at long last. In unison both girls gently remove the silver rings from their fingers and grip them tightly in their palms over the edge of the ravine. They smile at one another, their friendship ever lasting through thick and thin, through war and peace, uniting and changing beliefs and people of all social classes. They did what they could, in the time that they had and the world is undoubtedly a better place for it. Kyubey may not agree as he watches silently from the branches nearby, unable to even comprehend the two girl’s relationship, but they pay him no mind.

     “L’Chaim, Ana.” Iryna says proudly, lovingly.

     “L’Chaim.” Anastasia replies.