The 525 Joint Fighter Wing


Wilma "Billie" Fiske (TWH-PIXY)


Wilma Fiske was born June 4th, 1925, on the outskirts of Chicago, Illinois. She had an extremely active childhood; she would participate in a plethora of winter sports, eventually training as a bobsled driver with a hope to join the Liberion Olympic Team. When her family made a move to Farawayland in 1936 so her father could pursue a better job, she settled with their team instead, helping with the bobsled team and doing many practice runs down the hills of Faraway.

When the Neuroi attacked overseas in 1939 Wilma, who had acquired her magic by that point, immediately enlisted in the FRAF and was sent to serve in Britannia’s Number 601 Squadron. Sadly, Wilma would never claim any kills with the squadron. On August 16th, 1940, during an engagement with a large number of Neuroi, Fiske was hit by enemy fire as she escorted a fellow wounded witch home. Fiske would miraculously survive the hit and the resulting fall with the help of her squadron leader, who would regularly check up on the witch’s condition in the months following the incident.

Getting shot down (and losing her valuable shield) would not stop the witch from flying or fighting. She returned to service with the 601 and helped train new witches in the art of defensive flying. She discovered that her speed magic paired with her intuition from bobsled driving gave her an ability to avoid enemy fire only matched by some of the top witches in the world.

Fiske joined the 525th Joint Fighter Wing in 1943, where she would meet her wingman and companion Gia. The duo would take on the role of daily patrols throughout the group’s campaign. Her injury from 1940 would occasionally sneak up on her, however, so she enlists the help of the 525th’s healing witch Bo to soothe her pain when necessary.


Fiske, nicknamed “Billie” by Gia, has her personality dependent on many different factors, most notably her proximity to her Romagnan companion. In most situations, including combat, Fiske is very focused and dedicated on protecting those around her. Even willing to take a hit if it would save another witch’s life. She is not afraid to talk about her past and discuss life and death with others, as she’s been more than close to death herself. Fiske is modest in most situations, letting others claim the kills and take the glory if it means she and her friends are safe.

Fiske can immediately turn into trouble when paired with Gia, however, and this combination can be at the expense of her squadron mates. The duo does their best to keep their pranks and jokes tame, though.

Due to her injuries and constant action ever since, Fiske grows tired extremely quickly, which normally results in the witch heading straight to bed after a particularly long engagement or being carried back to base by Gia or another 525th member. She can often be found napping around the base on whatever she deems comfortable or snuggled in bed with her companion.

Fiske becomes embarrassed when jokes are made about her and Gia’s relationship, or if she witnesses romantic acts done by her squadron mates. Most of the time in these scenarios she will head to her room flustered.


Speed Boost

Familiar: Greyhound.

Archetype: William "Billy" Meade Lindsley Fiske III, one of the first American pilots killed in the Second World War.


18(1944) / 19(1945)


Hawk Hurricane Mk.I / Hawk Tempest Mk.V


Browning .303 Mark II / Webley Revolver


Acting Pilot Officer

Laurnet Elroy “Scrappy” Blumer (Waffles232)


Laurnet Elroy Blumer was born on May 31st 1917 in Walcott, North Carolina. She joined the Liberion air force in 1942, earning her wings in 1943. “Scrappy” served in the 393rd squadron and despite training on the P51 striker she was assigned to a P38 Striker. She served through the war at one point being shot down over Gallia but escaping back to Britannia. She earned the nickname “Scrappy” during a party she got into a brawl against 7 other witches and held her own. In August 1944 she became the fastest ace in a day by shooting down five Neuroi in a single mission within 15 minutes after which she was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. 

She was appointed the commander of the 525th Joint Fighter Wing in 1943. During her time in the unit she would crash her striker several times, even hitting a Neuroi at one point. But she remained with the unit until the war ended.


Laurnet is resourceful, determined and always wants to get the mission done


Speed Boost


Great Dane

Archetype: Major Laurence Elroy "Scrappy" Blumor the "fastest ace in a day" who killed 5 enemy planes in one mission in 15 minutes. 


17 (1944) / 18 (1945)


P-38J Lightning / P-47D Thunderbolt


20mm AN/M2 / M1911 


Captain (1944) / Major (1945)


Art by Aya Origuchi

Art by CXV-Anime

Art by CXV-Anime


Petra Spoden (Waffles232)

Petra Spoden was born in Munster on 8 November, 1924 . Once Petras magic started showing, she joined the Luftwaffe in 1940. Upon joining she was assigned as a night witch due to her ability and she started flying in the Bf-110 striker. In 1943 she was shot down by Neuroi and wounded in the left leg. Later on she switched to the Ju-88 striker unit. Petra has a habit of getting shot down or crashing, one of which had her hospitalized for several weeks in 1944. By the end of the war she had 24 confirmed kills against the neuroi. Petra after the war was an instructor teaching the new generation of witches.

She was assigned to the 525th a week after its formation. She mainly performed night missions and would command the unit when Laurnet was not on base. She also became good friends with Fiske. Both share stories of the early years of the war.


She is a friendly and polite person. Always willing to help.


Magic Radar


Pine Marten

Archetype: Peter Spoden


19(1944) / 20(1945)





MG 151/20



Gianna Fibbia (TWH-PIXY)

Background: Gianna was born on the 1st of October 1928 in Treviso. At a young age she flew aircraft, then obtained her magic powers and helped test prototype model Romangian Striker Units such as the CR.32. She served with the Romangan Regia Aeronautica until she was transferred into the 525th JFW in 1943.

She enjoyed serving alongside the rest of the group, becoming close friends with Wilma Fiske and joining her on her patrols.


The oddball of the group, Gianna is a joker; she enjoys being playful with her comrades and messing with them. However she can't take the teasing returned to her and can be easily agitated.

Ability: Elemental (Fire)

Familiar: Italian Wolf

Archetype: Maresciallo Guido Fibbia


16 (1944) / 17 (1945)


CR.42 / G.55


Solothurn S-18/100 / Beretta Model 1935


Maresciallo (Warrant Officer)


Art by CXV-Anime

Art by CXV-Anime

Art by Shirataki

Art by Abukuma


Rosanna Clyde (NAUTILUS)

“The boys, the noise, the toys- just how I liked it” - Rosanna

Background: Born in Joliet, Illinois on February 24st 1926, the first thing young Rosanna would see is her parents, and the roof of a taxi cab. Her early years were a blur, either constantly on the move or stuck in a run down yet medium class house alone. Rosanna found her family life lonesome, unsure of what happened to her mother, who had disappeared around the time she was 5, and her father always at work. What he did for a living would escape her until she turned 6, though she did see men with suits come in and out of the house- specifically around her father.

By the age of 6, she would be placed in a car along with her father and 3 other men and, together, would make the 30 minute journey that her father made every day. Rosanna would find herself in Chicago and was brought into a large room with the same men in suits- including her father- with a well dressed man in the center who had 2 ladies with him- one on each arm. She would be deemed useful by the mob and, until the prohibition ended in 1933, used to smuggle alcohol any way she could. Post prohibition, she would execute various tasks- whether it was collecting on due loans, disposing of those who didn’t, or smuggling weapons. The sound of Chicago Typewriters screaming would become commonplace to her. One rainy day, on the way back from a cash grab, the men traveling with her pointed out the appearance of magic and a familiar. She would be brought back to the boss to be assessed by the man himself. He would become astounded, excited to have a witch as a mobster who can shield shots. 

The day of her 14th birthday would prove to be trial by fire for the witch, getting ambushed by an opposing gang who would take her ability to see out of her left eye, only leaving two large scars. Blood stained the snow as she got back up and retreated, finding herself alone. She led them back to the current hideout and said gang members would be dealt with by awaiting members of the mafia. Wrapping her wound, Rosanna made her way home. She would, however, return to her home to find it surrounded by Chicago PD cops and her father coming out in handcuffs. Rosanna remembered being told what to do in this situation- scram. “Scram and keep her trap shut” is what her father used to tell her to do. The young witch would hop the train down to Springfield, running as far as the Illinois Central would take her.

Rosanna would find herself on the streets for a month or so, using what money she had to buy scrappy clothing and she would come to sell newspapers at street corners. When the draft for the Neuroi war over in Europe came, she hid her past- and connections- and would make her way to get trained with the Liberion Army Air Force; there was nothing left in Illinois for her. 

The glaring issue of getting in was her injury. She had thought about it and hatched a plan. She went into the recruiting office without an eyepatch and claimed it had to do with her ability. The recruiter was about to question and test her when a higher ranking officer started to address him about how slow the line was moving and to “Speed it up, Private!”. Talking to the officer, he approved her and she took the contract before he could say anything. 

The witch would then soon find herself in Salina’s Army Air Base in California for a few years after completing training, flying night missions in a P-61 Blackwidow striker unit with the 548th Night Fighter squadron, flying over the central pacific. She would arm herself with two M1928s, just like her old friends used to use. She now flies as a 1st Lieutenant, her comrades unknowing of her roots. Night missions became a norm and Rosanna became good at what she did. Her squadron harassed bombers and interceptors, even downing a few. Rosanna had direct involvement, the kills were awarded to other members.As far as they were concerned, it didn't matter as long as the squadron looked good.

Personality: Rosanna, on the surface, is polite and kind. Though she has a joking and joyful side, she enjoys showing some degree of class.On the inside, however, she has a hint of a more cynical side due to her past. There has been a moment or two in her career that she thought about gunning down an ally if the opportunity presented itself, along with a cash reward.

Age: 17

Appearance: Rosanna stands roughly 175cm / 5’7”. She has fluffy but long blonde hair, blue eyes (blind in one), scars over the left eyes and an eyepatch. She has D cups and hips to match. Blue tie, black coat, black choker and white collared shirt make up her top wardrobe while black lacy panties, black thigh highs and brown boots take up the bottom portion. 

Nation: United States of Liberion

Affiliation: USAAF

Rank: 1st Lieutenant

Familiar: Northern Goshawk

Weaponry: 2x M1928 (Dual Wield) 

Striker: Northrop P-61 Blackwidow “Lady in the Dark” 

Magical Ability: radar

Sonja Yngve Anderson (Rynn)


Sonja Yngve Anderson was born on June 28, 1926, in Kramfors, Baltland. In 1927, her family moved to Chicago in Liberion. Sonja discovered her powers early on and mastered them quickly with the help of her mother, who was also a witch. She enlisted into the Liberion Army Air Force in September 1941. She would fly P-39 Striker units in training, making her mark by turning the generally inaccurate ‘37 into deadly accurate weapon. 

Sonja finished training in 1943 and was transferred to the 79th FS, 20th FG. Operating out of Kings Cliffe, she would fly escort missions using the P-38J striker, but her attitude caused issues with the command of the 79th and the command of 20th FG was forced to transfer her out of the FG.

Sonja would be picked up by the 354th FG, who placed her in the 353rd FS. She would be one of the first pilots to receive the new North Liberion P-51B Striker. Flying out of Boxted, she escorted B-17s and worked in “diver” patrols, defending London from V-1 neuroi. In April 1943, the 345th moved to Lashenden and was upgraded to the P-51C to partake in the retaking of Gallia. Before the end of her service with the 353rd, she had 7 confirmed kills and 1 confirmed V-1 kill, but potentially has more since few want to confirm her kills.

In September 1943, she received the P-47D-40-RE Striker unit before being unceremoniously ousted once again. However, after winning a bar fight against an unlucky paratrooper who tried to hit on her, she caught the attention of Jane Sargent of the 525th JFW. After a quick background check, Jane would reach out to Sonja about joining the 525th to be an escort for the many ground raids required in the Baltland campaign. Seeing no reason to turn down another opportunity to fight, Sonja accepted.

Sonja would transfer to the 525th JFW in Baltland in late 1943. Many new challenges await her at her new station. Being a recent reinforcement to the squadron, she has yet to leave an impression on her new squadron mates, but she’s sure it’ll be the same as that of her previous outfit. And her preferred striker, the P-51D, is out of commission, so her newly acquired P-47 will have to do… for now.

Personality and Characteristics

Sonja has a particularly cold, passive-aggressive attitude. This makes her disliked by her superiors and even long-time wingmen find her difficult to approach. Her grit and calm, calculating nature in combat lend to a more aggressive fighting style, but she never enters a situation without considering the risks first. Although Sonja tries to be level-headed, she is easily annoyed and becomes extremely sarcastic and she will become equally violent to make the annoyance go away. She is also not one to turn down competition, she’ll happily remind everyone why she’s the best at what she does.

In combat she prefers having mission-specific weapons and has mastered many weapons from a variety of nations to achieve this. Sonja most often carries the BAR or Trench Gun, since these stay well within her abilities to control. However, she has been seen carrying just about everything, even the Karlsland MK 103 and Liberion T13E1. She always carries a specially modified M1911 on her. Instead of the regular .45 cartridge, she modifies them to carry some condensed magic (a trick she learned from her mother), which usually ends up being overkill for most drone type neuroi. 

Off duty, Sonja’s attitude is more laid back, but her personality gets much worse if she’s been drinking; though the latter is rare. Her attitude has prevented her from having any friends, so instead she spends her free time maintaining her extensive weapon and striker collections and out at the shooting range.

Sonja usually wears BAR gunner webbing on top of the M42 paratrooper jumpsuit and the standard US army knit cap. She usually wears the jacket open, underneath which she wears an undershirt (which is always too small, something about the QM having “shortages” of clothing in her size). Carries her ‘1911 in a holster attached to the BAR webbing. When operating the bigger weapons in her arsenal, she can be seen wearing the tinted flight goggles often worn by those serving in desert climates


Ballistic Manipulation

Sonja can change the direction of travel of projectiles to an insane degree. She claims she can make bullets turn on a dime, one she has no problem backing up, but the more control she exerts, the quicker her magic is used up. Interestingly, magic consumption is not affected by the number of projectiles under directional influence, but the increased mental strain of manipulating many bullets will knock her unconscious if maintained. She can handle 10 rounds fine, any more than that and the time length of her control becomes severely shortened.

Age: 18 (1944), 19 (1945)

Race: White

Height: 5’ 11”

Weight: 130lbs

Eyes: Steel blue

Hair: Platinum Blonde

Chest size: E

Striker: P-51B/D, brief stints in the P-39 and P-38, and a transfer to the P-47D in late 1944 before returning to the P-51D in 1945

Weapons: M1911, other (based on mission)

Familiar: Eurasian Lynx

Rank: Captain

Archetype: William Yngve Anderson, the only Swedish ace of WW2

“So~rry! Did that scare you? Don’t worry, the next one is less scary because you won’t feel it!” 


Art by CXV-Anime

Art by TBA

Art by TBA


Yvonne Olavi Turkka

(NAUTILUS & GravityFalls618)


Born on 29 January 1927, Yvonne is from the Savitaipale, Suomus. When she was found to have magical powers, Yvonne joined the Suomus Air Force though she was stuck as a mechanic for a few months due to a shortage of trainer Striker Units. Once she did earn her wings, Yvonne was a popular witch among younger trainees due to her looking after them in a fatherly way. Because of this, she gained the  nickname of “Pappa” because of her fatherly demeanor towards her recruits. When the Neuroi invaded Suomus, Yvonne saw active combat, flying D.XXI fighters that were from the Nederland. Some memorable moments during that time was when engaging a Neuroi fighter, Yvonne accidentally flew near several nearby enemy artillery units who nearly knocked the Suomus witch out of the sky with their concussive force. Another time was when she was lifting off the airfield with Neuori bombs exploding behind her. Having scored a few kills during her career, Yvonne was rotated to train new witches though she continued to see occasional combat shooting down some Neuroi scouts that came near the base she was stationed.

Personality: A person with a sense of humor and a warm smile, Yvonne is quite popular to trainees as she spends time with them if they are struggling with their training. Yvonne is even rumored to have even given up a kill or two to trainees in order to boost their self-confidence. However, Yvonne can also be a trickster on occasion though this is tempered partly because she can be unlucky from time to time. This bad luck can also be seen when she is flying as her weapons seem to jam at inopportune times. Regardless, Yvonne is modest in most cases and if not on duty can be seen doing her side hobby of gardening that she finds as a relaxing activity to do in her downtime.

Age: 18 (1945)

Nation: Suomus

Affiliation: Suomus Air Force

Rank: Flight Lieutenant

Familiar: Hare

Weaponry: MG 42 or L-39 anti-tank rifle (interchangeable)

Striker: Bf-109 K

Magical Ability: Deflection Shooting

edwina “jamie” taylor



Jamie was born in 1928 in Durant Oklahoma to William and Elenore Taylor. Taking an interest in most things “cowgirl” she’d start learning to ride horses at a young age at her aunt’s ranch near Hitchcock OK while also learning to shoot at the age of 12. At 13 Jamie was out riding her horse as a thunderstorm closed in. Not paying any mind to her parents warning of getting home before it came in. Up riding in the mountains the storm would come in faster than she had anticipated. Lightning would strike all around as a bolt hit too close for comfort, her horse would rear up throwing her off before running away. Now scared and alone Jamie would find herself wandering around in the downpour trying to find shelter before wandering upon a cave. Shivering from the cold she’d eventually succumb to hypothermia and fall asleep. Waking up she’d find a mountain lion had curled up next to her while she was unconscious, seemingly keeping her warm throughout the storm. The cougar would wake up soon after however would show no hostilities towards her, even going as far as following next to her as she’d leave the cave. The hike back to her aunt’s house was rather long but the cougar stuck with her the entire time, Jamie naming him Richie. Once back at her aunt’s house she would step in between her uncle and “Richie” as her uncle pointed a shotgun at it. At this point the contract had gone both ways, the cougar disappearing as the typical ears and tail would manifest on Jamie. A few weeks later Jamie would enlist in the United States Army Air Corps, learning to fly before being transferred over to the Royal Britannian Air Force to help hold the line against the Neuroi. Being given the commission of Flying Officer, assigned to the 121 Sqn serving relatively uneventfully before being transferred yet again to the 133 Sqn. She would serve here seeing combat over Britannia scoring a few victories of her own before in 1943 she was transferred to the 525th JFW.

Personality: Jamie is a relatively stereotypical southern cowgirl, quite polite and cheery making sure she was the epitome of Southern Hospitality. However if the right buttons are pushed you can see just how spiteful she can be.

Age: 16 (1943) 18 (1945)

Nation: Liberion

Affiliation: RAFVR, USAAC

Rank: Pilot Officer (1943), Captain (1944)

Familiar: Mountain Lion

Weaponry: x2 Colt Single Action Army, x1 Winchester 1894

Striker: (1943) Spitfire MkVb(BM591), (1944) P-47D(42-8032), (1945) P-47D(44-32933), (1945²) P-47D(44-90299)

Magical Ability: Elemental (Electricity/Lightning)