The 582 Joint Fighter Wing

Art by Nautilus


Kylie W. Richter


Born on October 4th, 1948, Kylie was the youngest of three children. She grew up in the small yet humble village of Holly, Michigan. Her childhood wasn’t terribly interesting, the only thing notable being Kylie gaining her witch powers. She had saved a stray Havana Cat from being run over, creating a bond and giving her the powers of a witch. Kylie had an interest in aviation early on, enlisting into the Liberion Air Force at the age of 17.

At Nellis AFB, Kylie was thrown into the striker version of the Republic F-105 Thunderchief for training and, after several weeks, gained her qualification. Without the proper orders, she ferried her unit overseas to Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base where she would be assigned for the time being. She flew with the 421st Tactical Fighter Wing and, four days later, found herself flying combat missions into Indochina. She quickly became an exceptional witch, becoming the element leader of the witches she flew with out of Korat.

21 September 1966, her group spotted a pair of neuroi closing in on them. Kylie would shoot one down just as she ran out of ammunition. She would become the youngest witch to down a neuroi in the war, shooting down a few more in the months to come. From flying Wild Weasel missions to engaging neuroi, she tried her best to do the job well. In the early months of 1967, Kylie would be flying with a rookie witch on a combat mission to destroy a bridge to deny the ground neuroi a place to cross. Suddenly, neuroi fired at the pair from the ground and hit Kylie’s striker. She went down hard, crashing into the river and knocking her unconscious. The rookie witch picked up the badly injured veteran and brought her back to base for medical treatment. Soon after being cleared for combat once more, she would be reassigned to the 582nd Joint Fighter Wing in Ubon Ratchathani and she would replace the XO.

Personality: Kylie was somewhat quiet and collected, assisting her in her ability as a pilot. She cares for those flying with her, though she’s shown on occasion that she isn’t afraid to yell. She’s known to appear at a local bar or officer’s club and play a guitar for those there, even performing with the local song writer in the 8th Tac Wing. Kylie Richter, though not many know, is prone to nightmares due to getting shot down as well as all the witches and aircraft she’s seen go down. The former, however, is the most recurring dream.

Age: 19 (1967)

Appearance: Kylie has crimson red eyes and brunette hair. She is approximately 5’10” with DD cups and matching thighs. In uniform, she wears a brown flight jacket over an olive drab uniform shirt. She has white thigh highs. During flight, she has a chest-rig with several mag pouches and one or two admin pouches. When performing at the Bar, she wears a black dress with a white collar and red tie

Nation: Liberion

Affiliation: United States Air Force, 431st Fighter Squadron

Rank: Captain

Familiar: Havana Cat

Weaponry: M14 Battle Rifle / KA-BAR

Striker: Republic F-105 Thunderchief

Magical Ability: Foresight

Leona K. Thorsness

Background: Leona was born in walnut grove Minnesota on February the 14th of 1946 where she lived most of her life on her family's farm. Her sister took part in the Korean Neuroi incursion so Leona was basically guaranteed to enter the service, well her family expected as such and made sure to instil in her a set of military values. She even joined the girl scouts and ended up earning the gold badge. On a family trip after her sister returned from her service they went to the Minnesota zoo where through a set of strange events she ended up in the lion exhibit of the zoo, however instead of out right mauling her the lion laid down next to the crying girl, as the girl opened her eyes she noticed the lion was gone. She touched her head and noticed the lion's ears, after that she became a witch.

Due to her girl scout membership she ended up an officer without even trying, though her skill in learning sent her up the ladder very quickly. However she wasn't necessarily someone people liked a lot, she wasn't a hippy or any of that she was a through and through career soldier and had no interest in that. She served on the f84 first, then moved to the f100 until she finally ended up in the thunder-chief. She learned about wild weasels one day on the base, she thought it sounded quite interesting and decided to train on it. She was a natural in these kinds of tactics, and fell in love with them. Thorsness was quite happy to have her magical radar as it made her better than others at that sort of combat, she was very good at detecting neuroi. that ended up working out for her in the end as she was soon sent to the 582nd Joint fighter wing as the CO due to her overall skill and the fact she was a major. Not that she was necessarily happy about that, it was a lot of work but it was her assignment and she would do it to her utmost.

Personality: Very serious about being a soldier and destroying the neuroi, does have a nice side to her and loves to help younger witches out.

Age: 21 (1967)

Appearance: Leona is 5'8" tall with short brown hair that goes down to her shoulders, Her chest is DD cup. Otherwise Leona is quite fit. Her eyes are a light brown.

Nation: United States of Liberion

Affiliation: United States Air Force 355th Tactical Fighter Wing

Rank: Major (O-4)

Familiar: Lion

Weapon: GAU-5A

Striker: North American F100D (1964) / Republic F105D Thunderchief (1965) / Republic F105F Thunderchief (1966)

Magical ability: Magical Antenna


Pat Vampatella


Pat Vampatella was born on the 20th of March in the city of Danbury Connecticut. Her father owned and ran an electronics store on the cities main street which kept the family of four modestly comfortable for her early childhood. Growing up, Pat spent her time as was typical of kids of the area, she attended one of the local schools and would visit the fairgrounds with her family when able.

Disaster would strike the family when Pat was only 6 years old. In the summer of 1955, after the area had been struck by two hurricanes in rapid succession, the up until that point not ironically named Still River that flowed through Danbury overflowed it's banks and flooded the city. Among the dozens of business that were wrecked in the flood, was the Vampanella family electronic store. Times became rough for the family in the wake of the disaster, not in the slightest helped by a second flood later that fall. Her mother was forced to take work to supplement the money her father was now making as a handyman, attempting to rebuild the financial capital to reopen the store for a second time. The following years weren't easy for the Vampatellas, though Pat's parents ensured neither her nor her older brother ever went hungry.

After the discovery of her abilities as a witch in 1964, Pat enlisted in the Liberion Navy with the intent of helping her family financially. She earned her wings and was kept stateside until the tail end of 1965 when she was assigned to VF-211 and shipped out to the Gulf of Tonkin aboard the USS Hancock. It was there that she'd make her claim to fame a year and a half later. Pat was on a return from escorting a strike on Neuroi positions, when she learned that two of her squadron mates were being attacked by four Neuroi fighters. Despite her magic reserves being critically low and her striker already being severely damaged by hostile anti-aircraft fire, she reversed course and returned deep into enemy territory to render assistance. Engaging two of the fighters in combat, she succeeded in maneuvering into position to fire a missile and shoot down one of the enemy fighters. Only then did she disengage from the aerial battle and proceed to the coast, arriving with less than five minutes of reserves remaining. She quickly found her carrier and set about getting back down. Her landing back on the Hancock was dicey to stay the least, her magical reserves had finally been exhausted and her striker's engines cut out just as she touched down on the flight deck.


6'0" with a slender build, with most of her meat going into her hips and thighs. Size D chest. Shoulder length brown hair and red eyes. Wears an basic OD OG-107 Type III tunic over a white t-shirt. In combat, she sports M-1956 LCE webbing.

Date of Birth: March 20th, 1949 (18 in 1967)

Height: 6'0"

Nationality: United States of Liberion

Affiliation: United States Navy, VF-211 "Fighting Checkmates"

Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

Familiar: Garde Horse

Weaponry: M16A1

Striker: F-8E Crusader

Magical Ability: Enhanced Endurance

Archetype: Philip V. Vampatella

Emily Henderson

"FUCK! .... well shit i’m all out of ideas... uh don't let them kill me"


Born August 8, 1946, to two war veterans, Oscar and Zella Henderson, Emily was no stranger to military life. Her father was a minor logistics officer in the US 3rd Army, helping coordinate the supply chain masterpiece that was Patton’s logistics, and her mother was a part of the medical platoon supplied to the same division as her father. There she put her minor healing powers to work patching minor wounds, freeing doctors and nurses to attend to more serious cases. Emily doesn’t speak of her earlier years, but she often states watching various parades and being mesmerized by the aircraft that made passes over the crowd as her reason for joining the air force.

As soon as she could, she left for training in the Liberion Airforce. Her training was quick and dirty and soon enough she had her first assignment: to an interceptor squadron, flying the F-102 Delta Dagger striker unit. While the F-102 was a poor striker, suffering from many engineering issues, Emily stuck with the unit until being upgraded to the improved F-106 Delta Dart. Across both types she got acquainted with the AIM-4 Falcon missile system, which was stored inside the striker unit using an internal payload bay. Training emphasized their use, so she didn’t get any range time.

However, experience in Vietnam showed that missiles were unreliable at best, so before being transferred overseas she received some range time, but to say it’s sufficient would be a lie. She makes up for her lack in weapon skill with the M60, hoping the sheer weight of fire makes up for her lack of accuracy, but she’s always going to try to get a heater on target before resorting to such desperate measures.


Emily is a confident witch. Confident in her looks, confident in her abilities, etc. However, she puts a lot of her faith and abilities in the advanced technology placed within her striker unit way too often. Time and time again she’s been shown this isn’t a great strategy, often struggling at first engagement when the technology she so relies on falters as per usual. She enjoys listening to music, a good meal, and a hardy drink

She’s a big witch, standing at 6 feet, 3 inches with an athletic build, a G bust, piercing blue eyes, and long, blonde hair tied back in a ponytail with a red band and leaving a lock of hair on either side of her head, framing her face. She’s pretty casual in her choice of clothing, much to the dismay of those who demand dress code, wearing her pilot’s jacket open, revealing a black sports bra and spats.

Age: 19

Race: White

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 175lbs

Eyes: Blue with green highlights

Hair: Blonde

Chest: G

Striker: F-106A

Weapon: AIM-4 Falcon / AIM-26B Falcon, M60, M1911

Rank: Captain

Familiar: Bobcat

Power: Radar

Archetype: Earl Henderson


Sukonta Suwannathat


Sukonta was born 17 of August 1951 in Bangkok Siamro to the daughter of Air Chief Marshal Suwat Suwannathat and Mrs. Ratri Suwannathat. She grew up well off compared to most others around her. But compared to US standards it would probably be middle class. That being said her childhood wasn't a sheltered life either as she would frequently go around downtown with her mom to see the people and learn some wisdom from her. Along with the usual education from school and along with English as a second language. Due to the high number of visits to the Air Force Base she knew she wanted to fly after seeing what the Bearcat and Thunder Jets could do. Along with the striker version. After a number of visits and clear interest Sukonta’s mother finally told her that she was a witch and had a fair number of moments in her career but nothing compared to Joint Fighter Wings in Europe. Showing even more interest her father also told her what makes a good witch. She started doing a fair bit of physical training at home to get herself prepared. All this training eventually paid off when she made contact with her familiar. This was after a heavy storm blew through and she came across a heavily injured stray cat. She brought it home wanting to help it but she couldn’t accept it not being able to save it and ended up bounding with it as a last ditch attempt.

After finally becoming a witch she went through Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School basic training and military education. Then Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School and Royal Siamese Air Force Academy. After graduating from both schools she was sent to Nellis AFB in the US to learn how to use jets and eventually the F-86. Before coming back to Siamro defend the country.

Personality: Very hospitable and welcoming along always seems happy. She wants to prove herself to others. When not working she can sometimes be found cooking cuisine or keeping herself fit along with practicing Muay Thai.

Appearance: Light tan stands about 152cm with upper shoulder length black hair and brown eyes. She wears an OD windbreaker with Siamro flag on her left shoulder. Light blue t-shirt. Black capri pants styled cut at the hem. Khaki socks and low cuts black boots


Archetype: Sukampol Suwannathat

Nation: Siamro

Affiliation: Royal Siamese Air Force Squadron Nos. 13

Rank: Pilot Officer (2nd Lieutenant)

Familiar: Korat Cat

Weaponry: Madsen machine gun Model 1951 .30.06. / Type 86 Pistol (1911)

Striker: F-86F

Magic Ability: Pyromancy

Wulfriede “Buddy” Beeck


Wulfriede Beeck was born in Beege, Karlsland on May 1st, 1949 to Sotte and Kurt Beeck. She was quick to learn all the ins and outs of the island of Rugen while working for her father’s merchant marine company he had made after the Second Neuroi War. Wulfriede grew up being used to the local and comfortable lifestyle of the island with all of its local resorts and beaches. She held a particular interest in gliders and navigation. As fate would have it, one day in Sassnitz Wildlife Park, Wulfriede met her wolf familiar. Due to her realizing that she was effectively a witch with a land based familiar, she thought about joining the Panzertruppe. However due to her discovery of her water based magic and her father’s sailor tradition, she decided that her abilities could best be used as a pilot within the Bundesmarine.

After Wulfriede qualified to become an officer, she was sent to the 2nd Marine Training Battalion for basic training before being sent to the Murwik Naval School. Wulfriede was then chosen to be sent to Luke AFB for flight training which was a drastic change of environment for her. She jokingly was called a part of the “Lukewaffe” due to how many Karlslandic witches were training there. With her qualifications complete, she went back to Eggebek Naval Air Station in Karlsland while under Marineflieger Geschwader 2. However, as fate would have it, she would be called upon to join the 582nd Joint Fighter Wing down in Ubon, Ratchathani, Thailand to liberate Indochina in order to gain combat experience.

Personality: Wulfriede is still fresh out of training and has many ropes to learn. She sees great potential within herself and enjoys working with others due to her experiences of cooperating with Liberion witches. Wulfriede is relatively laid back and can be found consuming sweets. She is diligent when it comes to her work whether it's filling out long combat reports for the Karlslandic bureaucracy, combat itself, and even in her free time.

Appearance: Wulfreide stands at 182cm (6’0”) and sports a nice E cup. She has medium length blonde hair and blue eyes. Wulfriede tends to wear a green flight jacket over her white and blue Bundesmarine uniform, white thigh highs, and white Bundesmarine cap. Wulfriede has a slightly stocky but athletic build.

Age: 18 (1967)

Nation: Karlsland

Familiar: Wolf

Rank: Leutnant zur See (OF-1)

Weaponry: MG42, P1

Striker: F-104G Starfighter #3740

Magical Ability: Water Shear - By taking advantage of the water in the sky, Wulfriede is able to use it to cause shearing power against the Neuroi. This is done by manipulating water any time in the water cycle to make it into a highly pressurized field around her to blow out Neuroi. It is similar to Erica Hartmann’s Sturm.

Archetype: Wulf Beeck


Victoria “Vic” Vizcarra


Victoria was born on December 12th, 1947 in Los Angeles California Victoria was the youngest sibling out of the two of them, with her brother being a few years older. Victoria grew up with a relatively unassuming childhood, growing up in the big city and generally not enjoying the major city but she put up with it, becoming used to the bustle of it all. During one trip to the Sea World, she had an experience with one of the dolphins while feeding it and soon she had formed a contract with her familiar, being surprised as she discovered the new features. Like her brother, she enlisted in the Air Force as soon as she could and joined up.

She was at first placed into the F-100 Super Saber striker, finding a liking to that unit but she was eventually transferred to Japan where she would be introduced to the F-105 unit, quite liking it as well and spending some time training with it before she was put to work in Indochina. Her tasks varied from conventional bombing strikes to specialized strikes against neuroi SAM sites, made easy with her magical abilities made the task easy to her.

On November 6th, 1966 Victoria was doing a routine attack on SAM positions in Northern Indochina when her airframe had trouble with its compressors leading her to stall out. When she tried to nurse the striker back to base she only lost altitude fast, leading to her having to eject at below minimum altitude. It took them two hours to find him while she had to constantly doge the neuroi hunting for her, barely making it out with her life.


Victoria is not a serious individual, often enjoying herself on base with her antics and her liking of drink and good food. She can also, in short, be called a womanizer, dressing as such, often going for other witches which meet her eye, with that being all witches that she finds attractive, that being many of them. While she is a womanizer she is well intentioned and still serious in combat when she needs to be. She does suffer from some nightmares from her experience with being knocked out and running for her life but with sleeping pills she normally sleeps without issue.

Appearance: Victoria has blonde hair often tied up into a ponytail which she lets hand over one shoulder while not flying, with her ponytail braid flying past her. She is 5’11 with a DD cup size and a nice pair of thighs but a toned stomach. While in uniform she wears a long green flight jacket, keeping her legs bare. Under the jacket she wears a while shirt with the green jacket often unzipped until right around the end.. She wears the standard chest rig with pouches for her magazines. Off the flight line she likes to wear a baseball cover with the captain's rank insignia attached.

Age: 20 (1967)

Nation: Liberion

Affiliation: United States Air Force, 354th TFS

Rank: Captain

Familiar: Dolphin

Weaponry: Stoner 63. M1917 .45 ACP

Striker: Republic F-105D Thunderchief 62-4364

Magical Ability: Deflection bombing

Lauren Glynn, Jr.

Background: A native of Hadley, Pennsylvania, Lauren gained her familiar two years ago at the age of twenty-one, rather late for a witch. All the same she joined the Air Force after being tempted by paying for the final year of her college tuition -- after her magic fades, that is. The second of two sisters, she was given a necklace by her older sibling before basic training.

Combat training revealed her curious powers -- she could magically tether to something else in flight from a distance, pulling herself closer, slowing the target and preventing their escape. She calls it a grapple line. Deployed to the 555th Fighter Squadron in the F-4 Phantom II, Lauren would use it to good effect in her first combat sortie, albeit worryingly. Grappling a Neuroi fighter, Lauren used her shotgun to shatter its armour, enabling a dangerously close missile to obliterate the core. At supersonic speeds she flew through the shattered shards and missile shrapnel, only able to put up a shield big enough to protect her head. While her strikers were damaged by the debris, Lauren's life was saved by the old M1952 flak vest she'd been wearing. Perforated by debris, none penetrated to wound her. Consequently she never flies without one, trading for a new one from a marine almost immediately.

Soon after her victory over that Neuroi fighter, Lauren Glynn was transferred over from the 8th Tactical Wing to the 582nd JFW.

Personality: Lauren is a calm, collected, polite and friendly person, at least on the ground. She doesn’t speak much, though. When she does it tends to either be important or straight to the point. In the air however, she can be a bit deceptively hot-blooded, even if her radio transmissions remain the same tenor and terseness she has on the ground. If in an element lead position she is liable to break off and engage, buying a little too much into hot-shot fighter piloting. Consequently once this tendency was noticed, Lauren was instead relegated to being assigned as the wingman to witches better able to stay in formation. Perhaps surprisingly, Lauren accepted this without problem. Unlike when she's leading, Lauren sticks with her leader through thick and thin, proving herself to be one of the best wingmates to have.

Appearance: Long brown hair, usually unstyled but put up in a long ponytail in flight. Brown eyes. 5'9"/175cm; D cup size. She usually wears women's utility OG-107 shirts with sleeves rolled up, and a uniform skirt. During flight she wears a Marine Corps' M1955 flak vest, which she traded for after a certain incident that made her swear by flak jackets. When out of uniform she elects to go with more revealing clothing, showing the sunflower necklace she wears, a gift from her sister.

Age: 23 (1967)

Nation: Liberion

Affiliation: United States Air Force, 555th Fighter Squadron

Rank: First Lieutenant

Familiar: North Liberion Beaver

Weaponry: Ithaca M37 Shotgun

Striker: F-4D Phantom II

Magical Ability: Grapple Line

Archetype: 1st Lt. Lawrence J. Glynn, Jr. (one kill during Operation Bolo; so close his Phantom was damaged by debris)


Victoria “Vic” Vizcarra


Victoria was born on December 12th, 1947 in Los Angeles California Victoria was the youngest sibling out of the two of them, with her brother being a few years older. Victoria grew up with a relatively unassuming childhood, growing up in the big city and generally not enjoying the major city but she put up with it, becoming used to the bustle of it all. During one trip to the Sea World, she had an experience with one of the dolphins while feeding it and soon she had formed a contract with her familiar, being surprised as she discovered the new features. Like her brother, she enlisted in the Air Force as soon as she could and joined up.

She was at first placed into the F-100 Super Saber striker, finding a liking to that unit but she was eventually transferred to Japan where she would be introduced to the F-105 unit, quite liking it as well and spending some time training with it before she was put to work in Indochina. Her tasks varied from conventional bombing strikes to specialized strikes against neuroi SAM sites, made easy with her magical abilities made the task easy to her.

On November 6th, 1966 Victoria was doing a routine attack on SAM positions in Northern Indochina when her airframe had trouble with its compressors leading her to stall out. When she tried to nurse the striker back to base she only lost altitude fast, leading to her having to eject at below minimum altitude. It took them two hours to find him while she had to constantly doge the neuroi hunting for her, barely making it out with her life.


Victoria is not a serious individual, often enjoying herself on base with her antics and her liking of drink and good food. She can also, in short, be called a womanizer, dressing as such, often going for other witches which meet her eye, with that being all witches that she finds attractive, that being many of them. While she is a womanizer she is well intentioned and still serious in combat when she needs to be. She does suffer from some nightmares from her experience with being knocked out and running for her life but with sleeping pills she normally sleeps without issue.

Appearance: Victoria has blonde hair often tied up into a ponytail which she lets hand over one shoulder while not flying, with her ponytail braid flying past her. She is 5’11 with a DD cup size and a nice pair of thighs but a toned stomach. While in uniform she wears a long green flight jacket, keeping her legs bare. Under the jacket she wears a while shirt with the green jacket often unzipped until right around the end.. She wears the standard chest rig with pouches for her magazines. Off the flight line she likes to wear a baseball cover with the captain's rank insignia attached.

Age: 20 (1967)

Nation: Liberion

Affiliation: United States Air Force, 354th TFS

Rank: Captain

Familiar: Dolphin

Weaponry: Stoner 63. M1917 .45 ACP

Striker: Republic F-105D Thunderchief 62-4364

Magical Ability: Deflection bombing


Jane Christina "J.C." Smith

Background: J.C. Was born in Bellville Texas to a former US Army witch and a factory worker. Her whole life her mother told her about being a witch and all the adventures she had been on. From then on she knew that she wanted to be a witch. Dressing up like famous aces, having her mom help her put cardboard around her rollerblades to make them look like a striker, the works. The family dog Sallie, who was a former Military Working Dog her mom had adopted from a friend still in the service, would always be attached to J.C. at the hip never leaving her side and eventually forming a contract with her. J.C. was coerced into joining the Army as a Ground Witch by her mother. While her mother and the Army Recruiter were talking J.C. had snuck off finding the Navy recruiting office instead. Seeing the pictures of famous Navy Aces and the newest top of the line equipment the Navy had J.C. was enthralled. Deciding to start the paperwork without her mother present, her mother only found out once she came looking for JC. noticing she was missing. Realizing it was far too late to change her daughter's mind she decided to go back, apologize to the Army Recruiter, and help her daughter finish with the Navy Recruiter. Out of basic training J.C. would be assigned to VF-121 for her introduction to the brand new F4B Phantom and it was love at first sight. Upon finishing her RAG tour with 121 and being certified in the Phantom J.C. would be assigned to VF-21 where many of the participants from 121 would be assigned. Once with VF-21 she would train more with the Phantom, being paired up with Commander Louise Page, the Squadrons CO, as a wingman. The Squadron would deploy on the Midway for a six month tour around the Pacific training on the Phantom, learning how to best utilize it, and overall get the unit used to operations from a carrier as well as acting as a 2nd wave of defence.. Then in 1965 the Midway would set sail for Vietnam on March 6th. The reports coming in were not good and the Witches of VF-21 would constantly be thinking about how to combat this new era of Neuroi, a conversation J.C. would wind up being a primary part of. During the second half of Midway’s deployment and plenty of striker losses for VF-21, a 4 flight with Smith, Page, and 2 others would score what was assumed to be the first Air Neuroi kills with missiles of the war using the tactics the squadron had been developing. More strikes and more kills would rack up for Midway’s air wing before sailing back to the states for the ship’s brief deactivation for modernization. J.C. would serve one more tour with the squadron onboard the Coral Sea with nothing of major interest happening. Upon returning home this time J.C. would be nominated by Louise for an exchange program with an Air Force Unit to work on developing her tactical theories alongside Colonel Olds.

Personality: JC is a rather aloof individual, preferring to read and observe things rather than comment. When she does speak however it's usually quite blunt and to the point not terribly worried about anyone's feelings. If however, she considers you a friend you’d see a completely different side of her, a quite bubbly teenager who would gladly talk your ear off.

Appearance: JC is a relatively average individual standing at 5’5” with a moderate build and C cups. Her hair tends to be messy simply due to the fact of her not caring enough to worry about it. When off duty she tends to be in a simple pair of jeans, a T-Shirt and her flight jacket adorned with various Navy Patches. Up in the air she loses the jeans and is wearing a simple pair of Navy Issue panties. At all times however she has a pair of aviators on her person.

Age: 17

DoB: November 22, 1950

Nation: Liberion

Affiliation: Liberion Navy VF-21

Rank: Lieutenant (OF-2)

Familiar: Black Labrador

Weapons: XM21 / F4J’s entire arsenal (see Warthunder if you really GaS)

Striker: F-4J (BUNO:150646)

Magical Ability: Magic Radar (missile?)